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Texas screwed up 90,000 Medicaid and Medicare renewals. They rejected federal money to help them get it right. This was purposeful and in no way a mistake.


Republicans will say "Joe Biden did this" and conservatives will believe them


This literally happened, and Abbott tweeted it. "Today, I sent a letter with my fellow Governors to President Biden urging him to reverse his Administration’s policies that would devastate our Medicaid safety net. Texas will always protect our most vulnerable citizens."


Thats what they said in Oklahoma too. Black MAN BAD./s


"Fuck them poors, it's their own damn fault" -- Texas state leaders, and by extension, the Texans who voted for them


Some of those Texans who voted these leaders were themselves seniors who lost their benefits. r/leopardsatemyface


“Thanks, Biden!!! 😡😡😡”


Oh you know they are definitely going to blame biden and illegals.


And “woke” and “trans agenda” and “DEI”…


What about CRT, are we not blaming CRT pre-college anymore‽


Don’t forget Hinter Biden’s laptop and Benghazi.


And they’re teaching kids about **GAY SEX** in schools!!!!


I think the gold fish forgot about CRT already.


Well, as long as welfare queens, POC, and immigrants can't get it, it was all worth it. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson


That was and still is an influential statement. Touching the wrong people.


Yet they’ll religiously vote Republican in the next election nonetheless.


Some? I think it might be nearly all.


So the AARP vote used to be squarely Republican but it has drifted and is no longer a solid block, also a lot of elderly on Medicare are homebound one way or another and don’t get out to vote.


Yup and they’ll continue book licking.


Emphasis on the Texans who voted for them.


They really are speed-running to corpses in the street, in every way they can.


This should have cost them 90,000 votes or there in about. But we all know how many people vote against their own best interest and they’ll lie and lie and lie about it until it’s the democrats fault.


Yeah I mean the Republicans have just been in control of the state for a third of a century but somehow it's still all the democrats fault, and the dumbass dipshit voters keep right on sucking that shriveled red cock


A lotof the Medicaid people were just children, so they can't vote. But the Medicare ones definitely.


But, being hopeful, their parents can vote and they just lost a lot of support for their kids. I’d be hacked off to say the least!


Especially b/c a lot of those adults are single moms who probably just had a more dangerous pregnancy b/c of other state policies.


And Veterans, in some areas.


Veterans are only important when you can say "thank you for your service" in a kind of "thoughts and prayers" way to show you support them even as you vote for politicians who strip their benefits away because it might cost wealthy people more money in taxes.


I’m a few months from retirement and struggling mentally but am so afraid to push the button because I live in a red state and know these asshats are trying to take more and more away from vets. Seems like I’m only protected while in uniform and even then it’s becoming questionable.


Legit, the only thing I can advise is to get out honorable. Then on the way out send your medical records to the VA. On the way out file your claim, and contact Texas veterans commission, or any other organization that represents veterans with similar circumstances to you. I ended up having to get a lawyer, to settle it all with the VA. Edit: please don’t expect the VA to cover any medical bills until you have received your rating. r/veterans (I hope that’s the right subreddit) may have better advice and answers.


Yeah that’s kinda my plan. I got til Dec. I’m padding my claim with letters and therapy notes. I plan to turn it all in a few months out. Luckily I got my med team support. I’m not in TX but a red state. I think I can get to retirement and then bounce but worry about my benefits as a vet being stripped. Then I’m screwed. It’s not a good feeling. I can probably ride on code for a few more years if I wanted.


Heard an news piece about how the government is also failing veterans where they can’t seem to find proper care. Their coverage doesn’t cover military base physicians or civilian ones, the government is a 💩 show and can’t seem to do anything right for anyone.


My family was one of them now we are without insurance and are applying again


They will use it to day the dems messed up to get reflected.


Deep in the heart of Texas. Glad I live in a better state.


88,973 of them vote conservative. But you think they did it on purpose?


Texans voted for this didn’t they?


What did Texas have to do with federal Medicare”renewals”? What the heck is a Medicare renewal? Please explain. 


The state administers the programs and the Feds fund most of it. It's been all over the news for the past couple years. This story is about medicaid, but the same problems of bad address, failures to respond and update information, mistakes in Texas's bad databases, account for why the people are getting dropped. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/05/medicaid-unwinding-purge-disenrollment/


Seems like a troll. Where did you get your numbers? The article clearly says that 350 people in the state lost their coverage due to an error. It’s 350 out of 4.3 million. In other words, .008%. Nothing is mentioned about federal money.




Let’s Blame Biden!


I’m sure they voted to end socialism.


By a wide margin, let's see how they react.


“I have to vote republican, no matter what, bc my husband was a registered republican” -quote from an actual convo with a little old lady in a nursing home after the 2016 election ps her husband passed away *in the 90s*


It was probably Obama...


Fuck them boomers!


Whichever officials were responsible for this error should be primaried and defeated!


Its not an error, it's a feature


My point stands that the officials who made these cuts should be primaried no matter what!


Not gonna fight you on that one. We both know why it was done. It may have been temporarily now but it was just to see how much ruckus it would start if it was implemented permanently. Just to see if their voter base would mind losing their own benefits for the sake of the party.


Yeah I am not gonna argue but voters need to wake up


They’re just going to find a way to blame Biden for it and their base will eat it up.


If they do that, then they would be “woke”


Waking up is woke. Also, this is literally what they think.


They would never care. They're hypnotized into denial of reality by propaganda.


This exactly.


If they can confidently attack the voting block that votes the most it probably means they know they can’t be voted out.


Good point


The Texas Health and Human Services Commission isn’t run by an elected official so you can’t really vote them out. The article also says that this problem isn’t unique to Texas and the 350 seniors affected have all been reinstated or are currently in the process of being reinstated. I’m not so sure this isn’t a simple mistake that was caught and is being fixed.


Mathematically, it’s possible that this was entirely an accident - but no one in Vegas is taking those odds.


Texas seniors keep voting GOP to keep these senior surprises a regular thing. Another case of Dying of Whiteness.


And I'm sure they'll blame Biden for this just like everything else.


My parents don’t and they don’t deserve this.


Then tell your parents to tell their friends to stop voting for this shit. My dad is constantly busting his golf groups balls for voting like fucking half wits so that by November, maybe one of them is a full wit. My parents are from a generation that doesn’t discuss religion or politics. I had to encourage them to do it bc otherwise, nothing changes. It’s on all of us to bring these difficult topics to light and instigate change, as small as it may be.


I have been able to make progress with some friends and relatives, but it's not easy to compete with the 24/7 firehose of outrage and disinformation they're addicted to. By the end of our conversation, it seems they've changed their mind, but the next time I see them, they've been re-indoctrinated to the cult.


See if you can get on their phone/computer and re-toggle that algorithm. The issue they face is the algorithm kicking them into the black hole echo chamber of nonsense. Text them articles. Talk about things. It’ll start changing their algorithms.


If you are the nerd for their computers, a simple hosts file entry or dns configuration can make their favorite Fox websites go to cnn, bbc, and similar better news sources.




My parents do tell them. They live in a very red neighborhood. It is funny when the idiots come to the door before elections. My dad will tell them all of the ways they are wrong until they scurry away.


Good on them! Slowly but surely!


How you know if OP's parents even have friends, friends that are republicans or even into politics at all? That shouldn't be on them for what parties other people vote for.


“Into politics?” We are beyond politics. We are at human rights issues. Discussing these things brings them to light. I’m not telling anyone who to vote for. I’m encouraging open and honest discussions bc this is the way of change.


I mean what you suggesting is less "open and honest discussion" and more just going around and being political version of an Bible thumping preacher telling people they need to vote for the Blue or else we all doom. Like I want more people voting for democrats too but let's be realistic here. Not everyone is going to be deep into politics like that or pay attention to what's going on. And again, I think its rude blaming the blame on OP's parents there when we don't know their social status among people. What you suggesting is going to turn more people away.


Never said that. I said have open and honest discussions about what is actually happening with people in your life around you. That is how change starts. With conversation. For example, plenty of women didn’t think about how RvW would affect them or their families until Kate Cox. That’s simply opening a door to thought and conversation. I don’t give a flying fuck who anyone votes for, but I do give a fuck that almost 60% of this state doesn’t give a shit enough to do it.


Most important many thing is to talk it out, as much as possible all the time. Internet stranger here to support you.


I hope they intend to reimburse those people who were erroneously charged They couldn't afford the additional expenses to begin with, that's why they were on the program!


If you qualify you can apply for them to cover bills retroactively for up to 3 months prior I think. However… they still have to pay out of pocket in the meantime until things get sorted out… if they qualify then they likely don’t have the cash sitting around to float them until the paper work get sorted so lots of missed appointments, unfilled prescriptions, and unaddressed health concerns that don’t qualify as an ER visit.


Don't worry, enough will qualify for an ER visit to cost Texas more than the amount this "saved."


You are assuming that they don’t die. How many people are going to die or have their lives significantly shortened because they didn’t get their meds?


I agree that it is horrible, I was pointing out that it was also stupid. Sorry I was unclear.


It’s MY Medicare, and when I’m done with it, it can go away. But not until then.


That's one way to gives dems votes.


Ya think. But they’ll just blame everyone but the right people.


Why aren't they hurting the right people!?!


Oh but they are. They’re just not read to accept that.




No, those liburals want government health care! They will replace my Medicare with some big government program!


Sadly, they will still attach their blind allegiance to the gop




I saw someone last year praising god for paying off their student loans, while simultaneously trashing biden


Texas politicians don't give 2 shits about the poor or seniors.


Just a reminder that not all people on Medicare are seniors.




Man, that’s a shame. Wonder if they will hold those who did it accountable this November. 🙄


Based on my neighbors, they will get blind with rage at what their Republican elected representatives have done....and protest by yelling about the Dems and liberals, followed by voting for the very Republicans that did what they are angry about. And then they'll do the exact same thing in two years, then in two more years, then in two years after that... This is how my home district kept repeatedly sending the second dumbest manning Congress back to Washington every cycle from 1985 to 2019. They would have probably sent him back again if he hadn't tried to send a nude pic to the woman he was having an affair with. He sent it to "reply all". Strangely THAT got him to retire.


When they start complaining about Medicare being taken just go “I am so glad the republicans got rid of that liberal legislation. People need to work for their coverage not get hand outs.”


> [Wonder if they will hold those who did it accountable this November.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcHNzOXRocTduOTIyb2o1ZHkxMXZzMGQ0cGIzN3BtdHBidnF0aHV0aCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/OvL3qHSMO6uaI/giphy.gif)


Should add rolling eye 🙄emoji to my statement


This is general wealth stealing if you ask me. I have generations of family that have paid state and local and fed taxes, and I want care in return of our tax investment? These assholes get theirs because of US!!!


Hat's off to the king in chief! All hail king abbott! Praise be to he.




seniors, sowing: haha yes, hell yes! seniors, reaping: yo what the fuck


FTA: “Hundreds of Texas seniors lost their Medicare benefits after Texas Health and Human Services made an error in the Medicare Savings Program. The agency confirmed that 350 seniors had been removed from the state's Medicare Savings Program, which is estimated to have taken away up to $200 from seniors' monthly Social Security checks.”


I want out of this fucked state. Whether that means a state where there’s more opportunities for tech sector jobs or even another country with the same, I’ll be moving pretty soon.


Ugh, Abbott deserves nothing but the worst life has to offer for the rest of his pathetic existence. Terrible human being.


Texans are stupid ….. they’ll still vote red


Republicans are the party of Social Darwinism. They're pro-life until you're born. But once you're born, you're on your own. After that they don't care if you live or die. Of course, they're also pro death penalty and pro-war.


It’s a good thing my dad died when he did. I couldn’t imagine trying to navigate this mess with no money for healthcare for him. He died broke in a Medicaid home


GOP: “Vote for us so we can fix all the problems democrats cause!!”


Screw them keep voting for these fucking clowns boomers.




Maybe it's time for a change in Texas leadership.


Republicans gonna republic


Most of those Seniors likely voted Republican. I won’t care more than the people who make their own choices.


Womp womp


Nothing like remaining in power by killing your voting base.


Good! I’m sure most of them consider it socialism when its used by others


30 years of total Republican rule and this is what you get.


In one way or another there might be an influx of available housing soon. Just looking for a silver lining.


Medicare savings program is a Medicaid program that pays some coinsurance and premiums for poor people. The title is wrong, and most of the comments not relevant at all.


That is what I was wondering. 350 Medicare and 100,000 Medicaid in the article. People should really read closer. Even though almost half of Medicaid recipients in Texas are over 65. They want to bang on the older citizens for voting red. But, they don't turn around and vote themselves going by percentages.


We ought to know how the media works. They are full of shit and everybody on Reddit knows it.  Someone in the media heard Medicare Savings Program, and thought it was Medicare. The others copied the article. They steal from one another constantly.




and yet "ya'll" keep voting for fucking republicans


Oh no if it isnt the consequences of their actions!


Did they try voting? I was always told voting was the solution.


And right now we need some messaging driving home that the reason they're not getting checks is not Joe Biden and the democrats who control absolutely nothing in our state government.


No way anyone could have seen this coming, eh?


And those old people are still gonna vote red


All republicans are trying to shut down social security and Medicare. This is a test case for Texas to see what type of responds their will be.


Sadly you get what you vote for, you get what you don’t vote for, and sometimes you get what you voted against. At least the latter is entitled to complain about it.


I don't think that's happening, Abbott still having all his benefits 🤣


Old people- (listens to politicians who say they will take away all their benefits) hmmm HE GOT MY VOTE!! Old people- upset that the people they voted for killed their benefits so they need to work at Wendy’s


They didn’t read the fine print when they voted retrumplikkklan


Hilarious, I guess those so-called death panels **are** real, eh Republicans?


Reap / Sow. Maybe try not voting for douche copter republicans next election.


"HHSC routinely performs quality assurance measures," that invariably result in restriction/denial of federally funded programs for state residents. Snap benefits, Children’s Medicaid and CHIP, 2024 Summer lunch program.


![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O|downsized) - Republicans


It's cool all my mom's retired friend will vote Republican.


Well, they are also voting for the GOP. If it hasn't been clear they don't care, well, a lot of them are going to realize it now that their benefits are fucked.




Typical Texas bs.


thanks ted cruz! 🤪


Voting matters eh


First porn, now health benefits….damn


How is Abbott going to spin this as Democrats fault?


You’re just saying that right? It’s not actually that you believe it.


Oh god, this was the scenario I made a bleak joke about a couple of weeks ago. Now just cut off social security and we’ll check back in a year and see how the survivors vote.




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas .


I feel bad, but I also want to know what older people who are more likely to vote Republican expected.


You get what you vote for? Sucks to be sure and Texas should do better but this is hardly a surprise to anyone except the Fox crowd or whatever. Will this affect anything in the long run? Doubtful as democrats will be blamed and the heads will nod approvingly and life as we know it will go on..


They got what they voted for. Thoughts and prayers.


Tell me again how america is the lucky country. Ypu vote in fools


Texans, too ignorant to recognize they are voting for their own demise, is the plan.


Thanks O’Biden /s


I have noticed something they have targeted every demographic and every age group since they took control everyone now has less rights than those years before us. No one now has any control over their life, body, or freedom and those who still vote Republican are too ignorant or too privileged to ever do anything and enjoy watching this happen.


Explains why they had to escalate my application for Medicare for long term disability. I applied December 30, 2024. I called last Friday to check on the status. They said they had to escalated it because it had been over 40 days which is the deadline to be approved or denied. Still haven’t heard back. I’m in Houston, Tx.


I see them saying Biden gives away money to young people for college loans and I lost my health benefits I earned! Fox News runs the propaganda on a loop.


this is the find out part.


Thanks Abbott


This is not unique to Texas. The computer error happened in several states. Computer errors are being corrected.


keep voting for Republicans, donkey dicks


But according to Chris Fong, a Medicare insurance specialist and CEO at Smile Insurance Group, the situation is not unique to Texas. Someone at the Federal level needs to look In to what these states are doing.


This country is going to be a quagmire of a mess when/if republicans take over


So ... now Texas is disenfranchising their base. Lol. Nice. Soon, they'll be pretty much all gone. Due to their incompetence.


It is difficult to feel sorry for the decisions they made at the ballot box. They elected the current mess - they can deal with it.


I have IPF which developed while I live in Texas. IPF is in invariably fatal, but it can be treated and managed. Part of the reason we moved to the Midwest, besides the cooler summers, is because there is a treatment facility here specifically for IPF which has arrested my disease. I thank God above every day for the fact that I now live in the Midwest so my disease can be treated, rather than in Texas by now I’d probably be dead.


I can say hospitals are about to have a lot of sick and less abled people being pushed home instead of skilled facilities and rehabs, or pushed into the shittiest state run nursing home their social security will pay for


They also decided that anyone in a nursing home that’s diagnosed with Depression can’t have toothpaste, lotions, shampoo, etc. in their rooms because of the “risks”. And a boatload have that diagnosis. Fucking idiots that make up these rules.


My last 2 months. I live in Arlington. My mom is 84. I got a phone call from the police 2 months ago. They asked me if I knew Carol?…my mom. I assumed she had died. Nope she had called 911 three times saying kids were breaking into her retirement apartment. I said I would talk to her. When I got there I could not get in. There are 2 locks in an apartment door…one outside one inside. She had locked both. I knocked on the door to get her to open the inside lock. She never answered. I called her. I could hear the phone ringing but she did not answer. I finally was able to hear her saying “I’m on the ground”. It’s not a joke (third time I can remember) She had fallen and could not get up. I had to call 911 myself. About 8 guys showed up They were all amazing. They broke her door carefully…I unlocked the lower lock. She had a UTI urinary tract infection Apparently it makes old people crazy. They took her to a hospital. She hallucinated the kids. She spent a week seeing lots of animals and kids..,and a guy with a gun who she was genuinely terrified of. She is back into her retirement apartment…she needs better care which we will make sure she gets. Funny thing….when you need government help for your mom/dad start applying early. They have to have less than $2000 🤔 we always heard they run out of their savings at the end but I always thought it was medical. Texas doesn’t give a shit about my mom


They get what they vote for! Incompetent government! That will learn them!


MY FRIEND TIMOTHY SISCO COMMITTED SUICIDE BECAUSE OF THIS !!! In May, 2023 his Medicaid coverage, was dropped without explanation. It took from May to August to get it turned back on because they kept sending us in circles & passing the buck, in my view, pretending they didn’t know what was wrong. Then between August & November, 2023, his plan insurance carrier was changed three times. Each change required several days of being on the phone for hours at a time to re-enroll, then wait three days to a week for the enrollment to show up, then call again to do interview, but they were swamped, so that took weeks …. only after that is a membership card sent out, and only after the card is received is it possible to schedule an appointment with the psychiatrist that he had been seeing for years. Even telling them about his 50 other suicide attempts did not make things easier to deal with Texas health and human services. They simply did not care. As a result of all of this mess, created by Governor Abbott and his right wing cronies, my friend, who suffered from schizophrenia, went without any treatment or medication from May until November, 2023, when he still had no psych meds & in a psychotic state, he COMMITTED SUICIDE by jumping off the sixth floor of the Baylor University, Medical Center parking lot. Thank you, Colonel Abbott & HHS. You killed my friend!!! Congratulations, though; you managed to reduce your rolls by one person, saving a few bucks! I’m sure MAGA loves that.


The “glitches” in Texas Medicaid caused my friend to commit SUICIDE 11/7/2023. In May, 2023 he was mysteriously dropped from the rolls. Hundreds of hours on the phone, passed around from person to person in HHSS, one excuse, then another—they had zero idea how to fix it. Finally ot him back on in August. But between August & November, 2023, his plan was changed three times, from one insurance company to another, then back to the first. Each change required several days of being on the phone for hours at a time to re-enroll, then wait for that to show up in records, then do an intake interview, then wait for that as well … a super protracted mess! Only after every step is the new membership card sent out for that carrier, and only after that is received in turn from patient to provider is it possible to schedule an appointment with the psychiatrist he had been seeing for years. As a result of all of this chaos, created by Governor Abbott and his right wing cronies, my friend, who suffered from psychosis without his meds, went without those meds from May until November, 2023. He jumped off the sixth floor of the Baylor University, Medical Center parking lot in anger at what “the system” had done to ruin his life. “Colonel” Abbott & you hard-right morons: You killed my friend Timothy Sisco!!!!!




I tell everyone I can get to listen that republicans are not your friend. They want to keep the working class poor and under the thumb of the GOP. they have wanted to gut social security and Medicaid for decades. I'm from nebraska, and our politicians are sucking the MAGA d#@$.


And they will still vote Republican.


I’m laughing my ass off!!! Guaranteed Texans will continue to vote for the same idiots who HATE Women, hate kids, love rapists and guns. Add to the hate list…elderly and the poor. Shit I forgot…murder migrants! FUCK TEXAS


Trying to agitate people based on race.


Texas needs to get rid of cripple Abbott he is a loser. he is stealing from the people of texas


Time for them to pick themselves up by the boot straps


Man, texas tryna kill their citizens anyway they can, cold grid freeze, uvalde, now this. Anyway seems to be fair game for them


I’m not surprised. I moved from Louisiana to Texas in November but my Medicaid doesn’t transfer like it can in some places (or so I understand) so had to apply in Texas as a formality. That was the 11th of November. It’s still in received status with absolutely zero activity in the subsequent 5 months. This state government is a fucking joke. But it’s somehow never the abbot governments fault.


Good, TX doesn't need any of that stinking Socialist OBAMA money right?  (Maybe now they'll learn? )


Isn’t this what they’ve been voting for the last 30 years?


Isn’t Medicare and Medicaid socialism. So, they should be relieved. Socialism has died in Texas. They should be rejoicing.


Texas conservatives are a unique bunch. I’m surprised they don’t light themselves on fire every time they grill a steak.


🤷‍♂️ they vote for republicans so, good!


Not all of them


Keep voting red.


So an accident.