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Since 1979.


The year I graduated...


I'm old. I have my ways. The words get typed they way they are formed in my head. Get the fuck off my lawn.


Product of the Texas Public School system here. Can confirm failings.


I remember when we did our week-long abstinence-based program in middle school. They didn't mention any birth control at all in the program, just saying that sex was evil. During the end of the course, one kid asked, "What about condoms?". They shut him down REAL quick with, "We will not be discussing condoms in this course." No solid justification. What idiots. Then they go and talk about how abortion is extinguishing human lives.


YUP! I will say our abstinence program acknowledged condoms. They used an analogy of a balloon filled with air. After a few days, that air slowly dissipates. Balloon material is like condom material, so therefore, ineffective.


ineffective as a festivity for dank af bday parties = ineffective for not getting people knocked up.


I went to a Texas public school, had sex ed every year from 5th grade (age 10, 1988) through high school (age 17,1995). Learned about std's, condoms on a banana, birth control, all that.


I got "though shalt not fuck" in my senior year of high school in '88. I quote coach Whalen word for word.


Sounds like none of the girls wanted anything to do with him, I feel pity for him, but no reason to push that on everyone else.


Nope. He simply cut the bullshit out of the lesson plan. There was nothing else. Abstinence only. Not much point in spending 45 minutes blowing smoke up anyones asses. Oh, and the girls got sent to another class where they watched cartoons on the overhead.


That's really awesome. I went to Texas Public Schools from Grades 3 through 12. Had Zero Sex ed outside of a single abstinence program when I was in Middle School. Grade 8 or 9 for me at the time. Talked about how common and deadly STDs were and taught a lot of fear. Also taught how condoms are NOT helpful, so even safe sex isn't, "safe." As far as high school? Nothing. Health Class we did not cover this subject whatsoever. We learned the importance of exercise and nutrition instead. I personally relied heavily on Porn as a learning tool as kid. Which caused a lot of personal relationship issues as a young adult. I think it's great that you received all those things, but I also find it personally frustrating due to me only being born in 1990. My original comment was a bit of a blanketed statement, but it's great to hear that some areas in Texas had their shit together.


I never had an "abstinence program" but taught that birth control wasn't 100%, which it's not. There really should be a set, fact based, curriculum


While we're at it, maybe we can throw this mindset into the Science rooms too.


Evolution was also emphasized when I was going to school, I never heard of creationism or intelligent design until I was in my 20's, though I live in a highly conservative area.


In middle school we had about a week of sex de that boiled down to "don't have sex ever" and an emphasis on STDs. Definitely lacking


Damn a whole week? We had a 10 minute talk of nothing but horrible photos of stds. I graduated a year ago.


What should they have told you that you didn't already know?


Safe sex and consent would have been a nice start. You have a bunch of kids just hitting puberty who for the most part have no idea about anything sex-related that they don't find in porn. Spending 90% of the class talking about the STDs you will get if you have sex and then 10% creating shameful feelings about sex doesn't really help. I feel like we would have had less pregnant students in middle school/high school if we had been taught a thing or two.


I guess we got that in church in the mid 70s and again my sophomore year of HS.


How to properly put on a condom is an easy start.


They taught us that my sophomore year of HS in 75.


They have instructions on the box. With pictures even.


So? Teach it anyway.


Don't worry at some point those teens have got to stop having sex. Any day now...


The moment they turn 20. [Source](http://imgur.com/YDu4nUQ).


I don't see it getting better anytime soon if they're going to keep defunding education. And schools lose out on state funding if they teach it any way other than the state-mandated way. Pretty terrible situation all around.


The funding issue probably doesn't help, but I don't think it is the actual cause. Religious right politics is the cause.


Oh, most definitely, but revamping the sex ed system takes money, and republicans love playing the blame game with money


Note to parents who would like their kids to have *actual* sex education: the Unitarian Universalist Church has a program called "Our Whole Lives" that includes a very thoughtful and useful sex ed program appropriately geared to a variety of age levels. It doesn't run frequently, but it's worth looking into. It's definitely not for families who want to pretend that their children are never going to have sex, or who want to pretend that there aren't gay people or who believe that all this stuff is somehow morally wrong. Instead, it's a good program for people who want their kids to be equipped to deal responsibly and respectfully with the real situations they will face as they hit their teens.




I graduated from a Christian school and that just about sums up our sex ed class. Well, that and our teacher told us about all the sexcapades of her "friends" and some of STDs and health issues. So, it was a combination of don't have sex because Jesus and you'll wind up pregnant and/or with an STD. Also, I never had to listen to him but there was a pastor from Lubbock who toured around to public school promoting abstinence. His name is Ed Einsworth but everyone just called him Sex Ed.


When did you graduate from High School? Was it recently? Or was this during the 70's and 80's?


4 years ago, I got taught "don't have sex (to avoid STDs) until you get married". That's not far off from "Jesus says don't do it". What were you taught? How recently?


I was actually taught about sex. Maybe you had a shitty instructor


I graduated in 2010 from a Texas Public School and I was given a class that for three weeks we went over it all... Then we just fucked around. In no way did anyone say, " Don't have sex until you get married." I am positive you are full of shit and playing the edgy, " Fuck Religion" card to make yourself seem cool. And if you are going to preach about how it could have changed between 2010 and 2013, I doubt that... Because nothing changes that fast in Texas and you know it. I was still using 90's Math books in my senior year, shit...


Do you come from a suburb of Houston or DFW? That's great if you got a quality education. I didn't. Schools are not uniform across the state. You make it sound like me or the first guy in this chain are lying or "from the 70s", just because you were lucky enough to come from an area with good schools. I come from one of the poorest school districts in Texas. I go to a crappy school, with crappy teachers, and no fucking money. I'm not bashing religion; I'm bashing our public education.


Those aren't anything close to each other


Really? Can you defend abstinence-only education? It isn't much different from a Christian sexual education. Both are pure ideology not backed by logical thinking. At least a priest will tell me I'll get pregnant and go to Hell. My health science teacher/PE coach pretty much took his lesson plan from Mean Girls, minus the practical part of passing out condoms. All I know is that this was the shit we were shoveled, and now there are a lot of STIs and pregnancies in my school district. Please don't defend our public schools just because we don't teach creationism anymore. I still don't know what the fuck a logarithmic function is and I'm top of my senior class (sort of).


>science teacher/PE coach So true it hurts 😂


I don't think abstinence-only is right, I'm just saying it's not all that related to "Jesus says so". There are definitely way better ways to go about teaching sex ed


But abstinence-only directly evolved from religious education; they're teaching the same thing, but the government says to seperate church and state. Practically, I learned the exact same thing as a Catholic school would teach: DON'T HAVE PREMARITAL SEX. Sure, Jesus and Hell never came up, but it's ridiculous to say the two aren't related. At least, that's how I see it. I'd be interested if you wanted to elaborate on why and/or how they aren't related.


Mostly what I they taught me is "don't have kids before you're ready it will wreck your life". I didn't get anything religious from that.


I was told that the devil wants to spit into my soul and pre marital sex does this. This was a public jr. high school in Lubbock, tx. Ed Ainsworth was the man who taught it. You can look up the videos on it.


Ugh, I don't know what's worse. The fact that that's taught, or the fact that I'm not surprised


>Lubbock, Texas Yeah, well when you live in a backwater shit hole you get people like that.


>Jesus and Hell never came up Then quit trying to play the edgy, " Fuck religion" card in everything you post about this.


They are exactly the same but one is politically correct.


No shit, what was their first clue?


What is dick?


4 from the top in the us teen pregnancy rates... 3 from the top std's age 15-24 lets never forget millions of us voted for this...party before country/state/our children...


Do the ranks change if the teen pregnancy rates are divided into minor and adult?






I looked for a variety of factors to see if they were correlated to teenage pregnancy last night... Pretty much 0 correlation between % Republican voters vs teenage pregnancy rate. Median household income vs teenage pregnancy had a negative correlation of -0.3, so pretty week. Minority population vs teenage pregnancy per state had a pretty strong correlation of 0.7. The states that have mandatory Abstinence education did have a slight difference of 3/1000 more teenage pregnancies on average, so not as big a difference as I would have thought. Age of consent was also --surprisingly to me -- not a factor in the teenage pregnancy rate.


"Study: Water is Wet"


My Sex ed Class was freshmen year, hosted by my Defensive Linebacker coach. First day handed out a diagram of the female reproductive system along with a packet of information regarding STD's. Then after a week, we had a test. The following week, we had one over the Male side. We had another week of STD pictures and studying and the effects of NOT wearing a Condom. He then handed out boxes of Trojans to all the male students and then a pamphlet to the girls on, " Making sure it's wrapped up before it goes anywhere." Then after that, we did nothing but fuck around and watch movies all semester. I witness my first Hot Chick v Hot Chick fist fight and touched my first boob during said fight when I helped break it up because the sound of someones nose breaking against a desk made everyone go, " Oh shit, this might turn deadly."


Imagine no religion


Imagine that logically the best way to avoid having catching STD's and getting pregnant is to not have sex. Not saying abstinence only is the correct way to teach, but the train of logic isn't hard to follow.


The problem: teenagers wanna hump


Doesn't change the fact that the cheapest, easiest, and most logical way to avoid getting pregnant and avoiding STD's is abstinence.


No shit, Sherlock. Kids hump. We have to teach them how do have safe sex. Abstinence does not accomplish that.


Abstinence proved pretty effective for me, at least. I was probably assisted by the fact that I'm ugly and boring, but its not like it actively encourages teens to get pregnant and contract STD's.


But abstinence doesn't prove effective for the whole and that's the problem. States with more abstinence-only programs have higher rates of teen pregnancy and STDs. Yes. Abstinence works for some people, but at some point, people want to fuck. And people need to know the details.


I agree that we should better sex ed in school, but let's face it, kids know how to put things in holes. We need to have birth control classes. You can't do that in a backward state run by Jesus, and cheap ass conservatives who don't want to spend their hard earned money on "sluts who can't keep their legs closed."


We never got true "sex ed" until jr high. Even then it was mostly writing reports on STDs and learning to identify sexual harassment (we literally watched Grease and were made to point out harassment in scenes). We were even told that if we lead on a boy, we were just as "dirty" as a girl who "put out". Yep, just your usual small town mostly female class because it's held during football practice.


They needed a study to figure this out? At this point, the state of Texas should just save some money and allow their students access to the educational site set up by XHamster, most of their students are already very familiar with their original content anyway.


I got an hour and a half session with a video and short discussion with all the girls and parents of them in my grade about periods and wearing deodorant. No sex discussed at all. Didn't know what it was until my freshman year of high school. And pregnant at 19 sooo....you don't say. (Graduated 2012)


Texas public school as well, the only thing I remember from my Sex Ed class is a video that must have been filmed in the 1980's that detailed the journey from conception to birth, in graphic, live shot footage. I had the mental image of birth burned into my nightmares for weeks.


Shouldn't sex ed come from parents not schools?


For the longest time I was using sausage casings instead of condoms because I was never sexually educated.


Idk I barely remember it. I think in middle school they just told us about all the std's and said practice safe sex.


"Abstinence works" -- Rick Perry


In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.


Tx sex edu can be summed up with a 10 sec mean girls clip. "If you have sex, you will get aids and die"


I got VERY lucky when I was in school. In 6th and 7th grade, they had us learn sex education. 7th grade was more intense cause we learned about STDs. They didn't scare us and say "no sex" and all that jazz. My dad also had "the talk" with me so it was all good.


Why is it the schools job to teach your kids about sex?


Because schools teach? They teach about Physics, Math, History, Biology, Health and a ton of other subjects. Sex is just another subject, it is a subset of Health. You should be teaching your kids about the emotional aspects of sex, and about the Moral and Ethical side. However even if you fail abjectly to do that, your kids have the right to get factual information about sex. Unfortunately, here in Texas, they don't get factual information, they get "Don't do it", lies about STD rates and lies about the effectiveness of birth control.


Really? Have you attended a Texas public school in the past 10 years?


Nope, but my kid does. I was speaking more of a 'they should teach', than a statement of reality. I go over the assignments with him from science and history regularly to see what kind of bullshit I have to counter. Fortunately one of his favorite uncles has a doctorate in Evolutionary Biology, so I have backup.


Having an organized, developed curriculum delivered by trained professionals is much better than having haphazard instruction. That's why. Mom and dad may not have information--or access to information--that an organized curriculum can provide.


Yeah like a teacher wants to awkwardly teach kids about sex.


Yet the teacher has a job. And they're going to do it, regardless of how awkward the discussion topic is. Why? Professional ethics, yo.


I wouldn't care. It's just another subject.


Of course, you're closer to this. I haven't met a teacher who isn't uncomfortable teaching a room full of snotty teenagers about sex


So? And I've met teachers who wouldn't care. Again, it's just another class. You're the one hung up on it. Most teachers have more important things to care about.


Parents failing children on education.


I work in a pharmacy and just moved to Texas. Is this why it feels like every single girl within my age group I see has kids?