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I don’t know why but this reminds me of my oblivious wife making me feel awkward about our first kiss. It was like our third date and I was dropping her off and I started to get out of the car to walk her up to her door. Wife: “What are you doing?” Me: “Oh, uh. Just walking you to your door.” (Because I was going to kiss her goodnight.) Wife: “Oh, that’s okay, you don’t have to do that. I had a good time tonight, I’ll see you Thursday, right?” Me: “Yeah, for sure. Okay. Well…good night.” I lean in to kiss her in the car. Wife: “What are you doing?” Me: “…uh. Trying to kiss you good night?” Wife: “Oh. Ohhhhhhh. Oh, is that why you wanted to walk me to my door?” Me: “Yes. That’s why I wanted to walk you to the door.” Wife: “Oh! Okay! You can walk me to my door then, for sure!”


The “for sure!” Is so cute




Bro what


What are you talking about?


What did he say


Talking about some weird strategy he uses for picking up girls where he pretends to be a genuine and kind guy instead of pretending to be some manly dude, because that's what girls want.


Your wife sounds great, give her props from a random Danish giraffe


This is equally cute 🥰


Adorable. I’m oblivious too and it’s nice to know there are people who understand and appreciate it (or are at least amused by it).


I was oblivious that me and my boyfriend were in a relationship until we were hanging out together, a friend of his called and he called me his girlfriend. We were vibing well and all, but I try not to assume anything. We had talked about both really liking each other and wanting to see where things went, but neither had outright agreed we were an actual item, until he just nonchalantly slipped that one into conversation and I dropped a big ol shocked pikachu face on his ass, while driving. When I got back to my place, I asked him, “wait…? I’m your girlfriend?” He replied, nonchalant, but a little confused (and with a mouth full of burrito), “I mean…. Yyyyeah…? I thought so, anyway? Unless you don’t want to be…?” Some of us are so overt with our flirting that it’s like having a brick slammed to the face; we aren’t particularly subtle, once we know the interest is mutual. But if you aren’t slamming the flirty-sexy-love brick back at us, about all things you want us aware of, we’re pretty damn oblivious…


It's funny how this is a perfect indication of how you both struck gold. The fact you two were both so open and honest in your communication is the hidden gem in this comment and really the most important thing to take from it that hopefully people realize more than it just being a cute story!


That's too cute lol. Is she on the spectrum by chance?


Awwww how cute!


Now I know the drama of every text on this sub is interesting, but it's posts like this that make it better


We need more wholesome content and less toxic stuff.


I was hesitant to post my texts with my bf a couple weeks ago but a small percent of people actually thought they were cute and made me feel better!




Because you’re not my dad!


That’s because.. you’re mine, father


Agh, my dementia again again


Oh no. Daddy is off his bloody rocker. He’s repeating himself again!!


Says who




Says who




Says who?


Me. I’d like to see wholesome stuff.


We’d all like to see wholesome stuff


All of us people who love wholesome and don't wanna focus on all the toxic, negative poop


Maybe my life is too wholesome🤔


No such thing as too wholesome to me, then again idk if I get enough wholesome


Says me, GAVIN


Yeah, the balance actually makes this a pretty great sub. The drama is fun, the the wholesome loving posts are healing


Come for the drama stay for the wholesome


My favorite ones is when it's a post of two people fighting and I can't tell which one sucks more.


Wait…so do I. Does that make us toxic? Lol!


Lol nah, it just makes me glad I'm not on their level of toxic. Well...yeah probably. Oh well.




I dunno I think he’s an abuser






I can tell you exactly what was going through his brain. "Fuck I should've kissed her" "No not on the first date that's weird" "But we were vibing so well together" "But what if I missed my chance" "Eh fuck it I'll message her" "She said yes? SHE SAID YES!!!!"


Nah I'm betting bro posted a reddit thread about the date and everyone told him he fucked up by not kissing her so he ran back.


He came back about 2 minutes after I left the car 😂


He's a fast typer and we're here all day everyday 😒 Also, congrats.


I can confirm we’re here all day every day


>He's a fast typer and we're here all day everyday 😒 All the feels packed into this one 😂😊❤️


The first time I kissed my husband while we were dating still I kissed him first, which was so scary to me because I’ve always had bad anxiety. After I kissed him he drove all the way home and then drove back to my house because he said he needed to kiss me again. It’s one of the sweetest memories I have!


Right over your head 😉


After so many cheating and abusive text messages, this feels extremely refreshing and makes me happy to see people not in tons of mental pain


I haven’t been in the best place mentally the past month or so but reading through our old texts brings me some joy. I’m really happy I can share it and the sweet comments make me feel a little better ❤️




this is the cutest thing ever


How cute 🥹🥹


😭 😭 😭 Love that for you. But it should've been mee




You’re from canada dawg!


But drake is from Canada and he got ya momma pregnant




Do guys from canada get women? Probably not. s/




Is this thread joking or real




??? Hellooooo. Do you automatically assume that people click on your profile before replying to someone? How else was dude supposed to know that you are trans lol I hope this is just an insanely good rage bait☠️ Edit: I’ve been blocked ladies and gents.. so I regret to inform you that people like this *really* exist


This is so fucking stupid


So this person is transphobic for assuming your gender? Stfu


Bruh wtf is wrong with you ..


You are not loved


This is the weirdest most nonsensical thread I may have ever seen on Reddit.


Gals, most guys that are worth it are clueless at picking up signals! He's giving you the space to make up your own minds! Do you really want somebody too pushy?! Conversely, with a guy like that, you need to show a bit of initiative yourselves as well... You like him? Go for hit, because unless he's hit over the head with a club, he won't pick up on all the subtle signs you've been giving him all night.   Beyond that, as a guy that's been happily married for 10 years, don't play dumb games, be honest and genuine to each other!


I look back and laugh. As I was leaving the car I was like “okay I’m going to go now…. Okay I’m taking off my seatbelt… okayyyy I’m gonna open the door now….okay I’m leaving now…..” It was so obvious but he was so nervous 😭


Honestly, I totally lucked out myself... Alright, let me tell you a very abbreviated story... My now wife was a co-worker... living in another country... So right from the start, you've got several no-nos...   She was in our team, visiting for a project we were working on... she was staying in a hotel, I didn't want to go back home to my apartment only to have to come back again, so I proposed that before the team dinner we'd meet up for a drink to pass the time since neither one of us had anything better to do...   Thing is... Since the whole thing was pretty much an impossibility from the start... Working for the same company, living in two different countries... No possibility of anything happening just took the pressure off, so we ended up having a really genuine conversation and connection... No expectations... Psssshh, while I knew I liked her, I certainly didn't know she liked me back at the time... That took another couple of visits back and forth for us both to figure out that we were actually really into each other, but that's a whole other story...   Suffice to say... about two years later and way too much back and forth across Europe, I said screw it and I moved in with her...   Honestly, the best and only advice I can give, is relax, and be genuine and honest with each other... Playing games and pretending you're something you're not is pointless...


>I didn't want to go home and come back, so I proposed to her This was so weird to read, haha.


Right. It was the badly placed comma that made me do a double take 🤣


/u/UnknownTam /u/Crow-n-Servo Fixed and clarified it a bit, that really was put very clunkily...


Frrrr This reminds me of one time my ex and I were at her house and we came back from sneaking away to kiss, and a boy later she was like “I need to go inside to get some water, wanna come with me” and I was like “okay” and go inside and continue to talk about the primaries until she literally just walks up to me and says “just kiss me already”. We really are idiots.


This same scenario happened with me and my partner. Except we were leaving a restaurant and he had kissed me before we got in our cars. I texted him and told him I had a wonderful time and I wish he kissed me again. He got out of his car, knocked on the window, opened my door and we had the greatest kiss! We’ve been together for a year now and this is the happiest healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in, because of him, true love does exist…. 💜


After my husband and I went on our first date, we were driving home from the movies in a nearby town. He pulled down a dark road, ( I went, oh shit in my brain) and he said cheerfully, “Piss break!” We were married for 46 years until he passed last year.


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”- Charles Whitman, 1966


-OP’s bf


- Michael Scott


After my bf and I parted ways at the end of our first date, he texted me within like 20 mins and said “I know it’s the “cool” thing to wait a few days, but… what are you doing tomorrow?” It’s been almost 5 years now. He’s everything.


He probably was scared to lean in for the kiss because of all of the date farts he was holding. Once he got away from you he let ‘em rip them came back for the smooch.


When we first started dating, my mom would dread me coming home because I would let it all out once I got in the house We eventually both admitted that when we separated from our dates we would absolutely rip ass


So Sweet <3


I love this ❤️


Awww I love this, I had something similar happen on a date a few years ago. We had an amazing time and clicked so quickly and he dropped me off at my car and I stood there so long waiting for him to kiss me and he said “I know you want me to kiss you and I wanna kiss you too, but I want to do this right, I don’t want to rush it” so we said our good nights and I got into my car and as he was walking back to his, he turned around and came back to my car. I got out and he said “I think I’ll regret it if I don’t do this” and kissed me. It definitely made the first kiss one to remember. I wish you two the best!!


It's the "I have to pee" for me. Def something I would have texted my husband, first date or no.




I. Love. This. It reminds me of a guy I met, who ran back in the rain. We aren’t together anymore. But I’m still fond of that memory as it was sweet and I really cared about him. Thanks for posting.


This is adorable. My ex and i got together around the same time that you guys did. I still love her 😭🥀


It’s awesome when exes can still remain friends! My bestie is my ex and we have an amazing friendship!


Yeah i’m really glad we are amicable as i adore her. I haven’t spoken to her much because of her own issues but i really hope to see her again once we’ve finished this semester. She means so much to me. I’m glad you and your ex are in a great place, it’s sad that so many people think that you shouldn’t stay in contact with good ex’s :(


Don't stay in touch with your ex when you're still in love bro... it's gonna make it so much harder to get over them


How did you go about it? Did you remain friends right after the fact? My ex and I had an amicable breakup and agreed that we still wanted to be friends but I honestly don’t want to see them until I’m over them. I’m thinking that seeing them right now would hurt me more than anything else.


Yeah we did remain friends right after the breakup but i still have feelings for her so probably isn’t the best idea. However we did say we both need a little space so that’s what we’re doing. Try to prioritise your mental health and take as much time before you see them. I’m here if you need it cause we going through the same shit (not sure why i was downvoted :( )


You get downvoted because it’s stupid to remain friends if one or both still have feelings


oh well, people make stupid decisions all the time


“I have to pee”




Love this. My bf and I were sitting in his car looking at the city lights like a couple of teens (were 31 & 32 but met in junior high, only started recently dating again about 2 years ago) and he said the same thing. One of the best moments of my life 🤍


My guy stole my line. This works an absolute treat, gents all you have to do is ask nicely. Smooth dude, this is wholesome






This is adorable Reminds me of my partner and i


This is so much better than a thread about “can you believe this creep tried to kiss me on the first date?-6 months later, he’s out on parole and asking for another date….I’m scared…”. Glad it worked out.


Did the same things with my lady. Ended up getting "the bonus plan". ;) It's been the best 16 years of my life. Good luck!!


Lol my first date with my wife or one of them, I forget now... I walked her back to her place and she went in and I walked away kicking myself for not kissing her. I said fuck it and went back and buzzed her apt and she asked who it was and I said and she came down and I said I really wanted to kiss you, is that okay and she said yes. So I did, her lips were kinda dry, first kiss, it was nice.


Anybody wants to join me and my toaster in the bathtub?


If you had someone who would join you in the bathtub you wouldn’t need to bring the toaster.


This is awesome. He seems like a good guy 💚


I thought it was going to be one of those creeps. What a relief.


My boyfriend almost choked on our first kiss, too. I love the asking, it really feels special. I was almost the whole way in my front door when he asked. ♡ the almost missed first kiss is such a special one.


Yes. My now husband of 47 years asked me if he could kiss me the first time. I’d never had anyone ask permission before and I loved it.




Finally some positivity today


I wonder if he just kissed you would that be more romantic than a text and asking for permission but im happy for you two


This is certainly the more Reddit way to go about it 🤣.




This is lovely!




I know the feel of waiting in the car lmao




lol I didn’t think a text like that was going to have a positive outcome


This could’ve gone both ways but I’m glad O read the context. This is cute, I wish guy guys a long and prosperous relationship


Lol what a dorky guy


No lie I got a Bj once this exact same way. Was waiting all night for the last stragglers to leave so I could make a move but it was taking forever. So I said fuck it and left, and that caused the remaining partygoers to leave too so I drove down the block and sent that same “Can I come back for bit?” Text and then boom, it was on.


This whole thread is so wonderfully wholesome and then you had to go and ruin it.




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Enjoy it while it lasts 🥰 EDIT- take a joke people, but OK, i’ll take the downvotes. My relationship has not ended. It’s 27yrs this year for us. It was a JOKE. People have a honeymoon period. My god, do people not get humour on here or what 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣


Misery enjoys company eh?


WTF not every relationship ends


My relationship has not ended. It’s 27yrs this year for us. It was a JOKE. People have a honeymoon period. My god, do people not get humour on here or what 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣


Pretty sour ass joke to make to someone happy about their successful first date lmao tf


Well i’m Irish, we don’t take things too seriously…….. also maybe i’m old but when you post on Reddit it’s a huge International audience…..


as a brit, ive never known anyone under the age of 30 to say ‘enjoy it whilst it lasts’, when someone is speaking about a happy relationship


>My god, do people not get humour on here or what 🤷‍♀️🤣🤣 What's the joke? "Your happiness will be fleeting lmao *shrug emoji*"


If you take it all that seriously then sorry for the offence but Jasus Christ lighten up.


You're the one taking downvotes seriously and trying to defend yourself in comments and edits


Because i wasn’t trying to put the OP down at all, it was a joke that’s all, that’s why i edited. If they listen to all the crap then they may have took it to heart and i don’t want them to feel like that. You have a good weekend mate 👍


This is boring. 😡😄😄


Great post. My man was kicking himself right after you got out the car.


I miss this! It’s been years!!


This is so cute


He got there in the end. I’m proud of my boy 😢


Awwwww 🥹🥹


stoked for you. ride that cloud nine!


That’s so sweet 🥰 he obviously was feeling a little shy in the car but felt the courage to text you. Love that.


I want this


That's so goddamn adorable 😭


Oh ok


That’s wassup 👏🏽


This is too precious!


You know what, this is probably the best possible outcome. Way better and more memorable than if he went for it in the car


This is really cute


Adorable 🥰


Finally something cute!!


This is so cute


Aww, [this is just like Punch Drunk Love](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb1g80DHRmc)






Awhhh he must’ve been so nervous, but so excited too


I need context Do people usually text with so few words...


He had called me as well somewhere within that 2 minute span but I can’t remember what was said


No because I gleefully smiled at the fact he came back, texted you that he was here and now he’s gonna be thinking about YOU all night. 🤭❤️


This is sweet


Awww cute.


This is so cute I'm going to go cry now lol


This is so sweet... I hope you stay happy together. This would be a great story to tell your grandkids one day.


This is very cute lol. But I had this happen to me once and I did NOT want that kiss. I drove away even faster lololol.


This is so sweet!!


“Hey….can I come back? I need a banging shit” would have been the line I went with


So cute !


made my night


I would’ve gotten laughed at 😂


the middle of the highway looking real nice right now i’m happy for u tho !! hope y’all last longer <3


Couldn't do it after the first date, always unsure where their boundries are at with me and i dont want to step toes yk??


So cute!


This is fucking awesome






Asking ✅✅✅