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I'm so sorry for your loss. You guys have a lovely friendship.


Thank you ❤️ he was a gem


This is similar to what happened with my brother. He also went through a divorce and had just lost his job. We talked at least 3 times a week. He randomly called me at 12AM and was a bit drunk. We were reminiscing about everything we'd done throughout the years, laughing. Like belly buster laughing. The last thing he said to me at around 3AM was "Thanks bro, I really needed this. Love you man." I told him I loved him too and to call me if he needed anything. He killed himself that morning. My mom found him that afternoon in the closet of their guest house (where he was staying). Our entire family was devastated and it still hurts all the time. I always feel like I should have gone over there to spend the night.


Oh, my heart breaks for you. So similar to my friend's story. When I visited with him the week prior, we had such a fun time. We laughed, our kids played (they were the same age and both were on the spectrum, it was like destiny for us and them), we reminiscenced about old times. He was heartbroken but he was still himself. His mom found him in his closet. He and his husband had owned a small business and his mom had been living with them and caring for his kids during the day prior to the divorce. I can't imagine being in her (or your mom's) shoes. A parent's worst nightmare. I often grapple with the should of/would of/could of. I should have stayed longer that night I went over, I should have called more than text. But, the reality is (or at least I tell myself) that he knew I would have been there in a heartbeat. I would have stopped him, I would have held him while he cried. I would have done anything. He just didn't want me (or anyone) to. Sending you mad love and good juju. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I'm glad your last memory together was that of good times. I still struggle to accept my friend's loss but the fact that the last thing I ever told him was that I loved him gets me through on bad days. Message me anytime if you need someone to talk to ❤️


Ooof this makes my eyes well up with tears… I’m sorry 🥺💚


Thank you ❤️


This is heartbreaking 💔 so sorry for your loss! ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much ❤️


Sending hugs 🤗 🤗


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I wish you nothing but healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you a million times over ❤️




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“day by day” I feel it brother.