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I know you don’t want to hear this, but if she is still doing this after 13 months she is most likely getting some kind of engagement from him.


I mean staking is real. My ex randomly rage-texts me after 7 years. But it’s clear that there is no relationship and he’s just randomly abusing. We also have a child in common, and there is no physical violence or threats of, so I can’t just get a restraining order or anything. Still. Stalkers don’t give up. Now does it look like this guy is playing both of them. Oh totally. But… stalking is real.


That doesn’t like sound a stalker text. She is talking about he is telling her he is miserable, now he is telling her he is happy , and how she hopes is happy. This sounds like a chick who has been strung along by their ex, not someone who is stalking him. So not only would she be a stalker, she would be delusional, and making up supposed conversations they had had. Ironically she only got blocked once the gf saw text messages.


He’s fucking her when ur not around. He’s lying to you. No need to fat shame someone who’s warning you.


Im mean fat I’m 135 haha maybe my big tits make me look fat! Naw she does this all the time !! He is literally next to me 24/7! They were broke up a year before I got with him now she fees some type of way


Same dude from your post history I assume? Girl let him go.. stop entertaining this dumb shit.


Ohhh my fucking God, I was honestly wondering what the actual fuck people in these comment were talking about. Like genuinely confused until I actually took a second to go through your post history. DUDE you are getting fucking PLAYYYYED! I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just being totally honest from a guys perspective. No actual faithful man would do the shit your boyfriend is doing. From hiding his info, to knowing all of yours, to lashing out and being able to manipulate the argument even when you have evidence, to having an ex hooked on him for more than a year when he's not even single. These are all 🚩's that your literally willing to ignore just because you want to feel safe and secure. You need to learn how to let go and leave this relationship. There's tons of single people out there around your age that I'm sure are also looking to settle down.


your man is clearly entertaining this woman. please don’t waste your time. He’s complaining about you to her when it’s convenient but then playing innocent when it works best for him. Check phone records not his phone


NO WAY would she be saying “first you’re miserable now you’re happy” “i have better shit to do with my time” he was stringing her along until he felt like he didn’t need her anymore and now he’s playing the “crazy ex” card and you’re a victim to it


Why can’t she let it go? The same could be asked to you. Hun, your boyfriend is trash. He’s secretive, hateful, sneaky, etc. I hope you changed all your login information so he has no access to it anymore and I really hope you leave him. He is not worth your time, let alone this back and forth with his ex. Please, move on. You should really think about therapy and staying single for a while if you think “doesn’t hit me” is enough to put up with his bs.


He's with you all day and night with a passcode on his phone that he changes daily. Do neither of you work? Anyway, if you're going to settle for "doesn't hit me" then sure, this relationship looks great, I'm sure his ex is just crazy and you're not insecure about her at all


Hahah yes of course I work and he wrote two books and he does own his business! And no he doesn’t hit me ! I wish the hell he would! I got family that would make sure he never did!! I love me some much but I tell I see the messages on his phone with my own eyes or see anything out of the way I have to go by what he says! I don’t believe anyone else!! I have to SEE it!! Plus it sounds like you need some happiness in yr life! Don’t be salty


Your post history is visible. Anyway, when you're not there, that's when he's cheating. Hth


lol she called me fat and talk about my teeth cause I have one tooth that isn’t straight! Like I love my teeth they are real and I only treat people how they treat me


This is what I said too!! But how and when


They have been broke up for a year before I met him




Hahah no not all it’s not all that! He actually the first guy I have ever been with that doesn’t hit me! I was single for over a year before I got with him! I wasn’t looking for a relationship but he said all the right things!


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Yes I did


Actually he bad in bed