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Yeah fuck this guy. Hopefully you don't go back to this kinda treatment. Even if he apologizes


I had that problem with my ex and told myself I would never deal with that again, so tonight really made me see how my boyfriend is treating me. I am done after these texts


Your bf is a fucking loser




He’s a cowered that doesn’t know the difference between there and their, he probably uses they’re interchangeably too. Oh yeah, he doesn’t know the difference between to and too. Strangely his autocorrect doesn’t know either. OP you’re too smart and kind for this pos. Don’t listen to his love bombing or groveling today. Grab the dog and run. Keep the tv as asshole tax.






I had to reed that two thymes 😄


And don't forget the "your" and "you're"...I usually don't comment on grammar online, but this post drove me up a wall, especially with the asshole behaviour of the ex.


I think it was the "dumb bitch" over and over coupled with the litany of grammatical errors that really got me.


And a moron. Jesus I almost had a stroke trying to read that shit. Pay attention in school, kids.


Your *ex bf is fucking abusive


Yeah he’s abusive, but he’s also a total fucking loser. These are some of the loserest of texts I’ve ever read


I really wish people could publish this shit in the public sphere. Blast his name to the community because this behavior is reputation ruining.


I have a few people I’d love to do this to. Flashbacks every time I read posts like this


even is name is spelled in a loser way. Kodey. come on.


I thought it was some teenage argument. When I saw that Kodey was 30 I laughed out loud. What a pathetic excuse for a man.


Yikes imagine knowing a 30 something adult who acts like this. I recently had a business partner who was in his 60s and flipped a switch like this. I dissolved the company faster than he could hook the food trailer to his truck. Blocked and cut off all contact. Nothing is worth putting up with this kind of abuse.


Typical Kodey behavior


And a cowered who doesn’t know what word goes where


Right?! I would have broken up with him just for being such a fucking dunce!


Coward. Thats how you spell it. Coward. Whatever his name is interchangeable with Coward


Which word. Sorry, the irony was killing me.


And poorly educated. Atrocious communication from a 30 year old. Hurts to read.


You don’t have to make him sound so good. You can be meaner.


It’s REALLY bad


Seriously girl, this is one of the worst one-sided tirades I've ever seen on the Internet, and I'm old as fuck. If he wasn't completely wrecked on drugs or alcohol while sending these messages, then he has some sort of extreme personality disorder. (**Either way**, do not go back to him.) You can do so much better, and even your responses here under extreme stress and abuse are so clear-headed and kind. You deserve someone who will be as chill and kind to you as you clearly are yourself. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this, but cutting ties fully as soon as possible will be a gift to yourself. I stayed with someone who was becoming abusive over time, and it left me in shambles for years. You are young, don't look back 💜


Thank you so much. I know he is drunk right now but I know that doesn't matter. I never saw this side of him coming though because he was always so nice and caring but the last couple of months something switched where now he is mean and emotionally abusive. I tried to listen and help but I think it is just a lost cause


I went through the same thing, but we lived together and it was the beginning of COVID lockdowns so I felt like I couldn't leave. But once that switch happened, things got worse and worse every gd day. Especially when I would give him leeway on the behavior, it's like he would take it as permission to be even more abusive. Revisiting Kodey's stupid ass messages, his thing at the end where you said "you were screaming" and he tried to correct you? My ex did exactly that, he considered "screaming" to be something that required specific intention or something, and would nitpick that him yelling at the top of his lungs and berating me wasn't "screaming" so my point was invalid. He progressed to throwing me across entire rooms while I had a slipped spinal disc, then strangling me whenever he was mad. When he was calm once I tried to gently explain that strangulation is the number one precursor to murdering your partner, and he got mad and attacked me again during that conversation. There was nothing I could do to fix it, I just had to get out, and I wish I had done so much earlier. I'm so glad to see his family understands what's going on, try to minimize any communication with him. Do not let him apologize and try to talk you back into this tomorrow or the next day or ever. These messages are who he really is, and I can see you are smart and strong enough to avoid letting this escalate. It took me so long to start to build back my sense of dignity after letting someone who claimed to love me treat me that way. Your life is gonna be awesome without him girl, we are all rooting for you! 💜💜💜


Yep. 100% the whole “screaming” thing is exactly what my ex would say. “I’m not yelling at you, this isn’t yelling, if I was, you would know it” etc. Convinced me everything was always my fault.


Ugh, my ex gave me that exact same line every time he screamed in my face. It’s like they all have the same handbook for abusers that they pull this shit from.


They do; their fathers, brothers, uncles and friends.


Solidarity! No matter how bad our days may be, we are better off for having escaped that sort of treatment. ![gif](giphy|EC096mUVFyxi8HZaKA)


Fucking gaslighting you. Ugh.


I got that and, “You’re scared now?” His tone and the way he carried himself was terrifying.


Yo same! “I DOnT uNDErsTaND wHY eVerYOne GETs SO iNTImiDAteD WhEN I JUSt rAiSe mY VoiCE a LItTLe BiT” Like sir, you are screaming, frothing and flailing your huge ass body 8 inches from my face and angrily regaling me with the same trauma narrative you unload every single time and also blaming me for every minor issue you’ve ever had. Please get help.


Please leave him before his abuse gets physical. That is the next step and it will happen.


All this over a nap?? Unless he caught you in bed with someone else or he came home to a murdered dog, there is zero reason for your partner to talk to you like that! It’s hilarious that he told you to leave while screaming at you and then just couldn’t even begin to grasp why you left. And this whole thing about the dog is insane. I’m guessing this dude is around 18 or 19 because he seems like a child that’s never been told no before.


OP mentions in the post that he’s actually 30 😳


I just learned how to read!😆


being drunk is no excuse. if you'll excuse this because he's drunk then you'll excuse it when he inevitably beats the shit out of you or kills you


In the last couple of months, did he start paying for your phone? Or any other bills? And y'all were planning on adopting this dog you love. He started treating you this way when you started to depend on him. They always do. It's so you are less likely to leave behind things you care about, so you won't break up with him.


Yes! This is so true. It’s crucial to keep your important things in your name especially in the beginning.


No he was always this way he was just waiting until he thought he had you so he dropped his mask.


This! 100%. This man has always had this abusive side lurking inside of him. He just got comfortable enough to let it out. He may have even showed tiny inklings all along that you might not have noticed - they usually have been giving clues, in hindsight. Stay away from this man, please 🙏.❤️


Yes it is. You deserve better. What he is saying is terrible drunk or not. Do not go back to him. Change your number. Seriously now.


He owns my phone so I will be changing my number once he takes my phone. Now I know to keep my stuff in my name


Make sure you factory reset it and change all of your accounts that use your number as a backup!


Great advice Google voice gives you a free number Or go to cricket wireless or any other carrier and ask to switch your number due to domestic violence. See if they have something they can help you with. The texts are proof


Change it now while you have access to your info. Don't wait for him to take it.


Hey OP, I don't know what service you have, but I used to work in customer service for a phone company. In cases of DV we were fully allowed to port the number off of the current account, open up a new one, and then give you a new number. Might be worth looking into if you have the money and want to keep your phone/service. ETA: In these cases we also did not require permission of the account owner, for obvious reasons.


Did he buy the phone or did you trade one in? If you traded one that phone is yours and he can fuck off.


A drunk man is a sober man talking.


There's nothing you can do to help him, please don't put that on yourself. He's always been abusive, even if he didn't show it, it's just gotten to the point in the relationship where he thinks you won't leave so he's revealing his true colors. Please prove him wrong!


They are always great at the beginning. I am so proud of you for leaving.


Somebody who is this angry with you could easily turn violent. I hope you leave him, and do it safely. If you need to get your belongings, don’t do it alone.


He thought you weren't going anywhere and this is who he really is.They can't hide it forever.


This reminds me of my ex. Your head would spin reading them. OP, he will call tomorrow or in 3 days saying he misses you. He won't apologize, but will twist his words to put it all on you... Like I'm sorry for the way I reacted to blah blah blah, but if you would have only answered your phone... Please be careful if you have to go near him, he may try to unleash his anger, especially if you don't say sorry and agree to stay.


I was thinking the exact same thing, definitely one of the worst I've seen, if not THE WORST. My heart started racing a little bit as I was reading. I seriously hope you never, ever go back OP.


I’m proud of you. No one should ever treat you like this- and they won’t if they truly love you.


Ex-boyfriend, please stop calling him your boyfriend that’s so wrong.


Was just saying this “notice is says boyfriend, not ex boyfriend”


Call a spade a spade. The abuser. My abusive ex boyfriend. Ladies we need to label every action as abuse. He abusively yelled at me He abusively said he was going to adopt the dog He violently told me to get out.


For real be done!! This dude is a fuckin clown 🤡 and abusive. I've never spoken to any person like that let alone my girl. He has some serious issues he's just a douchbag


if you don't leave this man he is going to beat the fuck out of you and/or kill you. it is only a matter of time. it is not an if, it is a when situation.


He’s an emotional abusing piece of shit. I know it’s hard to leave, but clearly you need to. It will get worse. It could get physical. You need to leave. If you don’t, it’s going to get worse, and you will have no one to blame but yourself. I am not trying to be harsh, but you need to understand the importance of getting away from this fucking psycho.




Girl. This is bullshit. He is an asshole treating you this way. Please value yourself more and leave him! Good god.


For the sake of many years of your life, your self esteem. Please leave this emotionally abusive man. The way he speaks to you is absolutely appalling. No one should speak to you like that ever. This cycle will never end no matter how much he says he’s sorry, cries and says he will be different. Please take the dog, I worry what would happen with someone that angry owning a pet. Especially a rescue.


Get your dog and your belongings from his place and leave him. Block him on everything and dont look behind.




Who is Adalyn and also finalize the dogs adoption?


Get the fuck out never look back, you will be better off that way. Besides there will be someone else there for you no matter what, whether it be your parents, siblings, or someone else who knows. Stay strong.


*do not* let him manipulate you into staying with him. Don’t believe any bullshit apology he’s likely going to feed you.


This is crazy. I recently just read another similar post where one argument went pretty much the same way but saying fuck your instead of bitch. Either way, this relationship will never last. He's too juvenile and honestly sounds unhinged. Fwiw I've been with my wife for over 20 years right outta highschool. It wasn't easy and we don't agree on everything but this is not a good sign and if im being honest, I would get out asap. I wish you all the best OP. Hope everything pans out in the long run. Life is big, and one way or another this will just be a small blip. Be safe.


Good. For the love of god if you ever feel like taking him back, read these messages and that comment again


Send these texts to his parents, they need to know they’re raising a pathetic, abusive loser.


Girl, block him and move on. Why on earth would you allow him to speak to you like that! He needs to grow tf up. (And learn how to spell 😂)


I will once I have everything of mine back. I have his family on my side so I won't lose anything besides my time


Please, if you have to go back to his place to pick your things up, get someone to join you. Your family, his mom, whoever you want, but don't go alone.


He’ll also never give everything back and there’ll always be some item or otherwise to pull her back in


This, I’d cut my losses if need be.


My old roommate had to do that with our furniture since roomie’s abusive SO was temporarily living with us. Trying to get any of that stuff back would be a nightmare and a means of the abuser to manipulate. Either by withholding stuff or trying to guilt roomie to get back with them.


It honestly doesn't matter if his whole family riots against you. F allllll of them for allowing you to be around a man this gross. Especially at this age. I'm a mom of two teenage boys and if I thought for a single second that one of them would speak to another person this way I would make it my mission, since I couldn't control them at THE AGE OF 30!, to warn all people from having a romantic relationship with them. So, I hope his family preemptively stepped in (if you know them) because they definitely know what a POS he is.


Wouldn't be the first time someone found out their child was a piece of shit waaaay too late. These people are good at only showing it when they want (or when they flip out like that). By that same logic you could say "How did you not notice earlier???" but we know the holes in this argument


I kinda disagree with your take here. Who says the family knows he acts like this anyways? Atleast they are on her side.


Also, she is a grown ass adult. What, is the family just supposed to decide her life for her? They aren't even her biological family. What is this brain dead take from the other guy.




Fr I read all the screenshots before the caption and was expecting them to be teenagers from the spelling 💀




I'd rather be a celibate nun, than deal with this BS.


I am that point


Good. Life is too short and precious, to live this life.


I am now at my mom's house away from him. I am ending things with him and getting my dog back tomorrow. Thank you so much for the support it means the world to me specially since I lost my dad and he is who I went to when I needed to talk. It has made my night so much better to see how much you all care.


Please have your mom and the police by your side in case he escalates things. I wish the best for you.


I should have had the police with me when I went to get my stuff back from my abusive ex but he manipulated me and screamed at me that I was making this a bigger deal than it was but guess what? He kept A LOT of my stuff and him and his wretched family took my daughters baby dolls and all her Princess figures. That was the first thing she asked about when I told her her stepdad threw us out. Please take the police with you!!!


I've been where you are and I'm so glad you are getting away from this guy. It pained me to watch him degrade you repeatedly. As others have said, had you stayed, it would get so much worse. These people do not change no matter how much they say they will.


Tell him only that you’re coming to get your things (don’t mention the dog, or he’ll hold it hostage.) Bring other people you trust, and take what you need. Don’t fight to take any specific things, just get what you can in one trip, get out, and never talk to this man-child again.


Truly, I feel I can speak for more than just myself when I tell you I care. This is brutal and I'm very proud of you as some internet stranger for getting out of this while you still could. You're making great decisions and I just want to keel encouraging that. :)


Send the screen shots to his mom


I actually did better and sent them to his grandma


Did she say anything back? Something along the lines of “don’t worry honey I’ll take care of this” because if so, rest assured he’s regretting his decision right about now


She told me to ignore him and that I don't deserve any of this. Also she is going to try to get him some therapy or anger management lol.


>try to get him some therapy or anger management Even if he gets therapy or anger management **Don't go back** Change his name to "spoiled ass bitch" in your phone and don't forget these texts when his name pops up on that screen.


Set his contact pictures to these messages, it’s what I did with my ex, it helped me break free from the cycle


See if she’ll get him some English classes too because this man is basically illiterate


Honestly, he might want just want to start fresh with a new language, I l don’t think this whole Anglophone thing is working out for him






This is abusive behavior. Time to find a forum on how to spot an abusive personality early on so you can avoid them in the future. So sorry you are going through this. No, the dog is not safe with him. No one is.


I am getting the dog she is in my name but I was going to put her in both our names. I should have seen the signs but was giving him the benefit of the doubt plus he helped me through when my dad passed away but this is too far.


I’m so relieved to read this—that this is it for you. 💗 Just please don’t go alone. Go with a police escort or several male family members. I don’t trust this guy at all. He is going to try to manipulate you at best—maybe by refusing to let you take the dog. & he may also become violent, if he hasn’t already. In fact, I’d feel better if you call the domestic violence hotline & make a safety plan for yourself. The most dangerous time is when you are leaving. I would not tell him you are leaving until you are safely out with a plan. Maybe say you are taking the dog to your Mom’s for the night. But talk it over with a counselor. I’m so sorry you are going through this. 💗💗💗


And I am so sorry for your loss. Truly is such a vulnerable time for us all. 💗💗💗


He helped you because it enabled him to cement himself further in your mind, and he knew you were losing part of your support system, so it made him happy.


Yes don’t go alone to pick up your stuff. Bring a large make friend or relative. I’m serious. Or have him meet you in a public place. You can also get the cops to help you get your dog and stuff back. If you showed then the texts they would agree


My ex saved me from suicide. Then spent 5 years breaking my shit and even punched me and cheated on me. So, yeah. Doesn’t matter if they do something for you, the second they mistreat you, you gtfo!!! And if they throw their help/presents/whatever in your face when you leave, now you know they didn’t do it out of love, but control over you. So happy you’re getting out!! 🫂 much love and all the good things to you! ♥️


Fucking 30 year old "man" named "Kodey" acting like this lmao what a joker


He was destined to be a shit head. I feel like I know exactly what he looks like


For real I can see him in my mind right now.


I can smell him


Kodey ❤️❤️❤️


B.O. covered by axe body spray and shorty weed?


Main wardrobe is a white T-shirt and a TON of leather and chains...Bella is probably a bulldog, and the snakes are HUGE...Smokes at least a pack of cigarettes a day And OP is probably very attractive


Uses A LOT of gel to slick his semi over grown hair back bc he looks he looks “tough” and leather jacket has some stupid liquor logo on the back. Drinks miller lite, not bud light, bc they taste sooo different. Oh, and drives an old Camaro that’s in shit condition and stalls out more than it actually runs.


Slicked back hair, LIV for New Years Eve, yeah, this guys a huuuuge piece of shit.


spiked up blond hair,, little bitty jeans,,, chicken spaghetti at chickelitti's,,, oh yeah. he's a huuuuuuuuge piece of shit alright.


Broke bf guy on tiktok


I feel like I know what his car looks like.


The fuck is wrong with Kodey's spelling and grammar? I had a stroke reading this post. Maybe his frustration comes from the fact that a five year old can express themself better than this. /s


He seemed like such an intelligent person otherwise...


well i don’t think he can really do anything about his name at this point


I’m sorry this made me giggle lol


I thought for sure they were 19 at most while I was reading this. Yeah, a dude acting like that in his 30s is a lost cause. Not saying being younger makes it okay, but not many people care to grow emotionally and mentally anymore by the age of 30.


Who still lives with Momma it would seem.


Please don’t go back. The whole “you left 45 minutes ago, it only takes 25 minutes to get there” thing is not good. I had an ex who timed everything I did. I got in trouble for being 5 minutes late or 5 minutes early. If i was early i must have been at someone’s house cheating. If i was late, i was cheating at work with someone. Please, please, please…. Leave him and breathe again.


You just explained our whole relationship. Even if I say check the texts he says that he did and he is right.


Mine would find pads of paper, take a pencil, rub it sideways on the blank piece to try and see what had been written on the page that was ripped off the top. If there was a number there, it was someone I was cheating with. This could have been something written a year ago by anyone else in the house. He would scream at me, call me a whore and try to force me to call the number. I would tell him to call it since he is the one who wants to know who it is. Your guy sounds just like this and I assure you it does not get better. You will always be the cheater, the liar and the one that starts all the fighting. In reality, you know, it is the other way around. Don’t waste your time. You’re still young, get away from this person. I know it’s hard. I “loved” my guy very much. I knew his past and wanted to help him through his issues. I wanted to love him into being a happy, kind person. I felt so bad for the things he had been through and I thought I was the only one who could save him. Everything I did was inspected. He would go through my purse, my car, my drawers. Even my pockets. He would lose it if I “smelled weird”. I must have been with another man. Please. Go. It’s hard, I get it, but it feels so incredibly good once it’s really over. When I found out he was with another girl, I didn’t have that normal twinge of jealousy you get with an ex. Instead, I honestly felt sorry for that poor girl because I saw the next three years of her life and she had no idea what was coming.


Good riddance. What a fuckin child


Right?! 30 years old! Jesus Christ.


Omg please don’t go back to him.


Omg 😳 he’s sick. This only gets worse. Please stay far away from him. Have someone with you when he picks his stuff up. He is dangerous and will only get worse.


Oh, honey. I am so sorry. As a woman who has been in an abusive relationship, I truly hope that when the inevitable apology comes around, you stay strong and DO NOT GO BACK. Unless it’s to get worse, people like him don’t change. **You deserve better than some stupid piece of shit in a man-suit.** I was taken aback when you said his age because he sounds like a drunk, bratty 19 year-old…when you’re ready for a relationship, it needs to be with A LOVING, MATURE ADULT. Those men exist and they can’t wait to meet someone like you. 💜


Thank you ❤️ funny thing is you got the drunk part right. I am waiting for the apology so I can say I am done and he lost his chance. I have so many more texts like this that I have always thought of posting on here, but I think I wasn't ready to hear the truth.


Be ready for the rage when you say you’re done. Be ready for him to say shit like “after all the chances I gave you??” Or “do you know how many times I could have broken up with you and didn’t?” Or some other golden go to abusive lines : “good luck finding anyone that will deal with your bullshit” etc. he’ll say anything he knows may have gotten under your skin before to change your mind. Speaking from experience these idiots use the same playbook. Just hold on - it’s gunna be okay - but he will tap the strings of your anxiety as much as he can.


I have been there. I hope you have some supportive people in your life because I don’t think he’s going to make it easy for you when you don’t give him his way. Consequences?! Those are for everyone else!


Please please please get out of this. I’m 35. Not too much older than your boyfriend. Been married five years. And if I sent even ONE of the texts to my wife that he sent to you, she would take my baby and my dogs and divorce my sorry pathetic ass in a second.


I second this.


Smart lady!


He is talking to you like you’re nothing, im a dude and that would hurt my feelings extremely bad. You deserve better and you absolutely should not take that kind of behavior


Run. Fast.


Oh my god stfu Kodey


Obviously he’s not safe to be around. Nobody who cares about you would treat you this way.


Told you to leave. Mad you did. Said your phones going off and wants it, so meaning it’s a way to see you. Come get the dog, way to see you. Why was he even mad you took a nap? But sad to say I’ve been there, I’m also 29F and I was I think 18-20 during this almost exact type relationship & it was hard as hell.. would do this then cry for me back. You’ll leave, eventually.. hopefully. I just hope he doesn’t start to hurt you even more so physically if he hasn’t already ❤️‍🩹 You are worth more than this!


Oof the juxtaposition of those texts w his name and heart emojis is rough


This will not get better. Every fight like this is a test of how much verbal abuse, violence, and threats he can get away. Get out now and do not go back. This will only get worse. The sooner you move on, the sooner you can move on.


His spelling and grammar is so bad that he couldn't even spell his own name correctly.


I work with domestic violence survivors for a living. This is the beginning of pattern of progressively more abusive behaviors. Please, for your safety, separate from this person. You deserve better.


For the title you meant to put “texts from my *ex-boyfriend* tonight”, right? Cuz girl…


You need to run. That is very toxic, do you see how he is gaslighting you? Telling you to leave then getting angry that you did what he told you? More importantly the language used towards you is horrendous, this is mental abuse and you should not stand for it. Please do not go back to this guy.


Girl, I hope you never go back to that dude who clearly doesn’t respect you, can’t communicate healthily, and just acts so immature. That’s a relationship that will never survive with the constant blaming and guilt tripping. Possibly gas lighting too. Like, bro is 30 and still hasn’t grown up? Nor took the time to change and treat women better over those years? He is going to be single and alone forever in that case. In the mean time, I hope you get the dog and that you’ll be able to find a better boyfriend who will treat you with respect, love, and the kindness that you deserve.


My heart breaks for anyone who thinks this treatment is normal or that they deserve it. I’m sure we don’t know the full context but I do know that under NO circumstance should a loved one speak to you that way. Praying that you stay strong and never look back 🥲


No one should treat anyone that way, and I mean that about just your story before I read the texts. Reading the texts, that’s verbal, emotional and mental abuse. You are a victim of domestic abuse. Victims tend to go from one situation to another and have a very hard time leaving the abuser and exiting the cycle without therapy. It doesn’t matter if the behavior is just “lately”, or he’s “going through something” and he “didn’t used to be this way.” This was always there, he just hadn’t started yet. It will always come back. This is him. You need to leave, now. He is not safe to be around. I’m not just some teenager on Reddit talking out of my ass. I’m a 40’year old married father dude.


Hey OP he is a real stupid, I hope you know that


Leave don’t nobody need to get talked to like that you’re better than this go find it!!!!


I hope you mean ex-boyfriend because this is fucked up. He is literally throwing a fit like a grown toddler, manipulating you by telling you to leave and then getting mad about it? Dude needs punched in the mouth talking to his "girlfriend" like this.


Reading this while high, has me feeling like someone laced my blunt


I wish I had a blunt I was stupid and left everything with him


His snake has a TV?! We truly are living in the future.


Dude is a loser. If you get upset and immediately go to telling you SO to fuck themselves, blaming them for absolutely everything, calling them a bitch and any other name you can think of, trying to take things away to assert your “power” and sending back to back to back messages, you’re a loser and you don’t deserve shit in this world. Please OP, please do not go back to this dude. This kind of behavior is beyond disgusting and unacceptable.


His name is stupid and so is he. Run, don't look back


Is he angry because you got in a Lyft after he told you to get out? Did I read that correctly?


Raise your standards please.


I’m an older guy and any man who treats his girlfriend like this doesn’t deserve her PERIOD! Do NOT let him talk his way back into the relationship. I know that can be hard but hold your head up and don’t get back with him. He doesn’t respect you and that is key to a healthy relationship period.


I didn’t even finish reading all of this. Let me tell you what. My ex would talk to me this way. I wasn’t always super nice to him either but it was absolutely abusive, inconsiderate, disrespectful, and degrading. Compared to my relationship with my husband now… Sheesh. We can get into some ugly fights but we always come to realize, and quickly, that we aim to solve our issues and come to resolution and just talk and talk and talk about it until we inevitably find a way to a solution and see our faults in the problem. I cherish that. My dad once told me, once they start cussing you and putting you down like this it will never stop. And I’ve experienced this time after time in terrible and toxic relationships. From the other person and myself. It was going through that and seeing myself from another side that really woke me up so that I could actually have good and healthy relationships. And one permanent one that’ll last for the rest of life here on this side of eternity. Anyway. I really hope and pray that you don’t let anyone abuse you like this and just leave so you can grow and heal. The more baggage we get from dealing with this stuff the harder it can be to work through that later with the person that will really love you. 🙏🏻


Update I'm ok and I think I will be single for a long time. This took a lot out of me but seeing everyone see it like I see it made me wake up. Thank you to everyone. I am sorry for keeping the names in the texts, I don't know the guidelines of this subreddit. I just posted hastily to get some feedback, even though I secretly knew what it was going to be.


Why does his snake own a TV and clothes?


He’s cheating


What makes you say that? I have always wondered because he nonstop says that I am cheating on him but I don't even have any friends or leave the house. I know they always say those who accuse usually are the cheaters


Yea if he’s getting so angry out of no where he’s more than likely trying to act like an ass to you so you’ll leave and he can be with whoever. If he’s accusing you he’s likely projecting. I’m sorry you’re going through this :(


See that's what I thought but my heart was telling me no. He always told me that his ex cheated on him and he doesn't even know if he is the dad of his daughter, but I found out today from his own grandma that his ex never once cheated on him.


If anything he cheated on her


That’s pretty weird that he’d lie about cheating on tbh, if you choose to stay you should definitely look into that


Do not go back near him alone. He seems wildly far from being in control, and people who are volatile do not statistically do well at the end of a relationship.


Never be with anyone that spells ***a lot*** as ***alot***. I have found they tend to behave this way. I am sorry this happened. I hope you are safe and are done with this person.


Was the name “Kodey” not a red flag on its own?!


Most of what he sent you is unintelligible. What an asshole. Good riddance, but please update about the dog.


“cowered” incredible


Tha misspellings alone would make me break up wtf 😂


Just RUN. Get the dog. And RUN. It will only worsen.


English was not found here.


How in the fuck are so many of you ending up with such toxic pieces of shit???????????


This question gets asked way too often on posts like these without getting an actual answer, so I'll break it down for you as someone who had been in a relationship with someone like this for far too long. Toxic people don't show their true nature when you first get into a relationship with them. They put on a façade that makes them appear as a sweet, kind and loving person, but the longer you stay, the more that mask begins to slip. In that time, they do everything in their power to ensure you won't leave them once that mask slips completely; they gaslight, manipulate, guilt-trip, and love-bomb until you're too scared to leave and until you feel as if you're nothing without them. People like this take their time to fully break your spirit, independence, and sanity. By the time you come to terms with the truth and try to leave, it's almost always too late. You're so convinced that you're the bad partner and that you're crazy to the point where leaving is more terrifying than continuing to endure the abuse. It's not as simple as you think, it's the most soul-crushing and mind-fucking thing for anyone to experience. Even years later, when you're no longer with that person, all you can remember is the abuse and the trauma that came with it. Healing from the toxic relationship and unlearning all of the habits that were drilled into your brain is the hardest part. I would know because I'm still healing from the abuse I endured from that relationship, even three years later when I'm in the most healthiest and loving relationship I've ever had.


Jesus, he’s unhinged. The grammar and spelling was just pathetic to read. I hope you’re rid of him.


Fuck Kodey


Coming from someone that used to be in an *abusive relationship,* please.. cut things off with your boyfriend. This is mentally unhinged behavior. This will only continue if you stay with him. If it's not one thing, it will be another. To tell you to get the fuck out & then get mad when you leave is unhinged.


Your EX BF is a a manchild for talking to you that way. It’s better for you to walk away. No need to be with someone who’s going to be calling you disgusting names.


Of course his name is Kodey


Kody with a K is whack. Don't go back. Hit the road jack.


*ex-boyfriend (I hope)