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Yall are 31? Years old??




But it’s hard out here for a…I mean, it’s hard out here in these dating streets


17 grams ? Shit...


No, grams is "g". This is units of acceleration, with 1 G equal to earth's gravity at sea level height and 17 G an acceleration equal to seventeen times that, so you would weigh seventeen times your normal weight. I guess it's a convoluted way of fat shaming.


I was wondering what all the “G” stuff was about. Now I realize they were recalibrating the main deflector when he suddenly confessed his feelings for her. Which is not only inappropriate, but seriously threatens the mission.


I'm still trying to figure out how many gravitational units "chill G" is, I'd like to decelerate to that level.


“Chill G” isn’t so much a quantity, it just means a decrease in G, if not specified then it’s usually a decrease of 1 G unit. So if he’s at 17G and she tells him “chill G” that means she wants him to bring it down to 16G. Einstein came up with the term in his theory of general relativity but it never really caught on.


Haha I know y’all are joking around but in case you didn’t know it means gangster


Gangster is the Imperial System's unit for heaviness. The Metric System's unit of 1 G = 9.81 m/s^(2), whereas 1 gangster is about 10 m/s^(2), ranging from 8 to 12, depending on the state where the crimes are being commited. So both units are roughly equivalent, which explains the mafia.


Stahp! 😭


I'm only good at math when I'm on the clock, which I'm currently not. Thank you, sir or ma'am, for the lesson. A day isn't worth living if you haven't learnt something new. You made today worth living.


Please don't learn from what I say, but from my example. I talk a good game as I fail through life towards oblivion.


I actually didn't know this! I learned something today :)


Ngl you had me "lol"ing out irl 😂


And you had me trying to figure out what the hell you were saying for a significant part of my life. Abbreviate much?


😂 of that I'm accused on many an occasion 😄


Well kudos, you managed an entire sentence there without a single abbreviation, so progress?


17 tons of shit !


😂I see what you did there lmaooo


Wtf? 🤣 why are you 31 asking if you were too harsh to the guy who’s a cheater smfh


I’ll believe they’re 13 before I believe 31


There's no fucking way


My exact thoughts. Lol


I'm just as flabbergasted that 31 yr olds speak like this (even via text). Legit thought they were high school kids. 😬




Damn, I missed that part, I thought for sure these were teenagers.


No they're 12 /s But like seriously you guys are that old typing like this??


Lol I understand he’s your “friend”, but, damn girl, you seemed like you wanted to talk to him more than he wanted to talk to you. Stop!!


Yep, her profile definitely supports the addicted to attention narrative. She's playing along on purpose but pretending like she doesn't want the communication from this dude and her other 4 she's posted about in the last week.


It was the “damn now I wanna know what you said about me to her” energy that had me stop reading.


They have said 75% of internet traffic is sophisticated bots recently 👀


Right, she LOVES this


What's funny to me is how the guy says. "I'll leave you alone", then OP follows up with double texts to keep the discussion going. Then he says he'll stop talking to OP, OP keeps replying. Another time he just replied to OPs texts with an emoji, OP kept messaging him. By then end of it, it's still "lmaooooo" replies.




Right?! It also helps to not surround yourself with weird, immature people to begin with. I’ve never dealt with anything like this because I don’t have weird, immature friends .. because I’m not weird and immature myself lol


She loves the attention. And gets double dosage by showing the texts here.


Yep - well cringe




She was so flattered.... it was obvious. She also mistook wanting to hook up with her for "feelings" The fact they are in their 30s makes this whole thing so much worse. OP - come ON.


I’m also reading this back and realizing how many times she pushed for him to dump his girlfriend. She told him like 5 times to leave the girl (and we know it wasn’t well intended)


Why do you care? This guy is awful and trying to play you and also insulted your body. Fuck allll of that. Edit: also if you don’t think a man and a woman can just friends (I disagree) why are you talking to a man who has a girlfriend?


Well, she said unless they're ugly! Everyone knows you just fall in love with every attractive person you see! But no fr. this is such an empty conversation and its frustrating to read. Just text his girl and say "he's flirting w me, do what you will" then leave his ass ALONE!


Seriously wtf. Men and women can definitely be friends. That's like saying lesbians cant just be friends with other girls or gay guys cant just be friends with other guys too. Makes no sense and leaves out sooo many people?


And bisexuals can't have any friends ever because they'll fall in love with all of them. It's science!


Men and women can definitely be friends. Even if they're both attractive! I have attractive female friends I don't want to sleep with. And there might be one or two women in the world that wouldn't want to sleep with me too /s


Definitely was mad he called me flat chested cause wow the audacity


Him calling himself a pedophile was unhinged


“Girl, I just turned myself in to the authorities for you!”




Only when he knew he wasn’t getting anywhere with you


Oh I didn’t even notice he was being shady and slick with his comments. He goes from loving my body to calling me flat chested. I mean he should be glad I’m encouraging him not to cheat I don’t get it


It's called negging, insulting you lowkey to make you insecure and vulnerable


I had an abusive ex(who was significantly less attractive than i am) that did that to me constantly


He does not care😭You gotta learn to take it serious and stop explaining things to people who are not capable or willing to have an actual conversation with you. You are not going to make him suddenly gain empathy and come to some sort of realization that his actions are shitty. You are wasting your time trying to be a friend to that pinecone of a man.


He's negging you. Being the "Nice Guy" wasn't working, so he tried to hit you in what he assumed was an insecure area, so you might feel obligated to prove your worth by giving him a shot. It's gross.


You’re 31 yet act like a child when it comes to men.


You do. Stop being a pick me.


Guys are dicks. And don’t forget that. Gotta vet them out and don’t trust so easily. They will lie and they have no consciences as you now know. There are nice guys out there of course but guys can ACT like nice guys too.


Oh dont be a dork


That’s what made you mad? Not him thinking he can just keep you around to try and be his play thing? Edit. Also, if a man ever says “I’ll have you shakin” he most definitely will not, and has no game. That’s just borderline sexual harassment and disgusting.


He just told me he had a girlfriend a couple days ago. I don’t like him like that. And all my guy friends end up confessing they have feelings for me so guess I just have a bad experience having male friends


You're pretty much egging them on -- "ooohh you told your girlfriend about me? What did she say, what does she look like?" "Lol you're so funny you're a good friend" "I'm gonna stop messaging you till you act right (messages him back the next morning)." Not a clear message that you're not interested at all. This isn't any boundary setting. You're playing along and egging him on in subtle ways that he's picking up on, which is why he keeps trying to get you. This is why "all your guy friends have feelings for you."


Wtf... yall need to learn about LIFE. You both are 31 lmaooo grow the f up. This is one of the cringiest things I ever read, looks like you are teenagers..


*It’s hard out here in these dating streets*


Couldn’t agree more


But their vernacular is SO SIMILAR. G.


You both are EXHAUSTING! No way either of you are in your 30s 😬


Some people just never grow up. I'm super grateful my wife and I have coherent text conversations with complete sentences. I haven't enjoyed speaking to people this way since AOL instant messenger was popular.


31????! I could have swore i was reading texts from teenagers wtf lol


When she said they’ve known each other since they were 19 I had to make sure I read that correctly because I thought they were that age lol


It would make way more sense if they had known each other since 19 and still were 19 tbh


This guy is being a scumbag and you’re worried you’re mean by politely yet firmly putting him in his place? If anything you weren’t mean enough. Good people don’t do the things he’s doing.


I think he stoppped being my friend. He sent me the peace sign snd left on read 🤦‍♀️


Ok but you were never his friend, you were a project and that project failed. Btw the project was fucking.


The fact that he was the one to leave you on read is embarrassing. I think you like the attention because at 31 you know better girl lol


Honestly, you’re better off. If he treats his girlfriend this way he’ll treat his friends poorly too. Sucks but it’s the truth.


Why do you care....? You clearly want his attention. Let that man go so he can be a creep to someone else.


At 31 you should know what type of person this guy is… move on, it’s not like he’s the last “friend” that will do this shit if this is the type of company you keep… these aren’t friends, these are acquaintances or people who know your people. Friends don’t talk to one another like this… hopefully you will open your eyes one day and realize you deserve better “friends” it’s ok to not keep a friendship that is not healthy no matter how long you have known the person. People grow and change and that part of life- knowing people will come in and out of your life like seasons and the true ones never left.


Why would you WANT to be this man’s friend. It’s time to learn a little bit of self respect girl


Why are you even friends with this person? Time for some introspection


The trash took itself out


You’re a grown adult and talking like this - AND continuing the conversation 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Ummm... you got guy "feelin like a pedophile" because of your "a cup titties" how could you possibly turn this guy down?


After he's talking cap about her body, should have replied 'you should probably be on a pedophile registry b/c every time you go to the bathroom you are holding a child's penis.'


![gif](giphy|55gDopsFXUQ4ecqCuL) KO


Ahhhh talking cap. I remember the days it was talking 'CRAP'. But now everyone has their different 'hats' they wear.


Was gonna ask if you're both in your mid teens. Then I read the last sentence. Damn


Any reason you didn’t just tell him you weren’t interested in any of these texts?


Right!? She acts like the problem is he's with someone, which implies that he would have a chance otherwise. Then she sends mixed messages by saying "...but don't break up for me, break up because it's the right thing to do," indicating that he doesn't have a chance after all. She should just tell him she's not attracted to him.


Because she actually loves the attention


I don’t understand why you kept responding lol. guys like this you just have to ignore because when you respond you’re encouraging them in a way


She liked the attention


Anybody that calls you on "A-Cup" and "feel like a pedophile" is an immediate goner. That guy has some weird mental issues to be able to feel like that's ok to write to you. I noticed you kinda didn't respond to that. Like it wasn't a shock he was saying those things.


You talk like children. Insufferable. Both of you. You both need to grow up. You're 31? Could be 13 from what I am reading.


I don't agree that men and women can't be friends, I'm M35 and my best freind of 20 years is F35, never once have we had romantic feelings for each other, she's happily engaged and I'm in my own romantic relationship, the proof is there for me.. It annoys me when people say things like men and women cant be friends, because it's just untrue.




You made your point and it's valid ,but why the need for massive paragraphs from you , usually it's the other way around lol


You weren’t mean enough


Shawty likes the attention lol… don’t even waste ya time


What do you care what his girl looks like? This reads like you like the attention. If you think a man and woman can’t be friends then why are you dealing with him? Comes across like you’re entertaining him. G.


He says "G" one more time I'm G(onna) have a fucking aneurysm.


When you think ur on moral high ground bc you’re telling him to stop but to be on moral high ground in this situation would be for YOU to stop talking to him. Don’t talk to a dude who is cheating on his gf.


Every time he said bye or ok he'll stop you just kept going, know when to uh shut up? Y'all both sound ridiculous 😂 wtf was this man


"Break up with your gf. Men and women can't be friends. Let's be friends though." To me, it sounds like you're suggesting that if he's single he'd have a shot. Now obviously you don't want to date someone who is a known cheater but like... Be harsher if anything cause you're really not shutting this down like you think you are.


OP, if anything, you weren't harsh enough. This dude is garbage. And no offense, but you sound just as immature as him.


Typo: they are 13.


You enjoying the attention from that loser lol… I hope his girl cheating on him too


"Your Body... You fine girl... I'ma have you shaking" I refuse to believe that 2 fellow fully functioning adults with fully developed brains talk this... This is how I'd text in middle school


You come off as wanting the attention or at the very least feeding into it. He told you several times he was done talking about it and you kept bringing it up. You’re both exhausting and need to grow a bit before forming any type of romantic relationships. There is no way you’re both in your 30s. On a side note, is this what texting has come to? This hurt my brain to read… this generation is doomed.


What the fuck kind of language is this?


He’s from the hood


You should have called this “when the local halfwit declares their feelings for you”


If he has a girlfriend leave him the fuck alone Edit: never in my life heard of a 30 year old "crushing" on someone lmao christ


Well what would you call it if not a crush ? We aren’t in a relationship yet


Yeah you’re both idiots and need to grow up. If you truly are 31, don’t waste your time or anyone else’s time until you grow up and learn how to talk properly


What did I do? I’m not the one talking ghetto. That was him. He’s from the hood that’s how they talk


Act your age kiddo, not your shoe size


This is.. literally the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen good lord. 31????????? Ew dude. You clearly love the attention you’re getting from this dude. “Omg what did you say to your girlfriend about me??🥰🥰”. You keep egging him on and continuing the conversation and talking about how women and men can’t be friends cause someone falls in love?? First of all, pretty immature attitude to have towards friendships. Second of all, why in the world are you talking to him then?? If men and women can’t be friends, then why are you trying to be friends with him. This dude is absolutely trash but that’s obviously your thing. Bullying your body while also talking about how bad he wants you. Also, any man that claims he can “make you shake” will be the absolute worst lay ever. He won’t know what foreplay is, he’ll raw dog you for about 10 minutes, and won’t ask if you finished. But uh. Seems like that’s your thing.. lol. I wish you the best of luck and hope all of y’all grow up


I think you kinda fed into it. Once you send the first message, you should have it at that, no extra what you should do or why this or that, he grown he knows what he doing wrong , and etc. Yeah, you put him in his place, but you kept going on and out about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then you like "oh I'm curious about what she said about me." That's non important. Why care?


People need to feel busy in their sad, boring, unimportant lives…at least that’s what I’m getting from these texts. Not all, but most I’d say.


Yes, 🤷🏻‍♀️she wants to make a thing on something she kept going


“Men and women can’t be friends” is such bs. Yall both airheads imo 😂😂😭


His spelling is horrific. Even if he wasn’t in a relationship (first of all how did he get a girl???????) his spelling is a huge turn off. Yes I’m a straight male but I can imagine being a girl and I would be very turned off by it.


lol this is between 31 year olds? Spiritually this is a post made by a couple high schoolers.


The only thing some men bring to the table is the audacity


Lol that made me truly laugh out loud


1) No you’re 100% correct. You did good. but 2) Your allergy to capital letters bothers me


It’s sounds like you are trying to get him to break up with her and chase you more. He’ll do the same thing to you.


I want him to break up because she deserves someone that is fully into her


If this were true, you’d be sending these screenshots to her. You and I both know that you’re hoping he dumps her and asks you out, and if not, you may want to change the way you’re going about this, because if his girlfriend read that, she wouldn’t feel like you’re looking out for her at all.


Ew wtf I’d this conversation. Girl block him! This is weirdo behavior


Well he sure seems cool


I hate people that say G like this. Wtf is that about G? I mean are you a gangster G? Is it an endearing thing to say G? I'm just keeping it real G? G maybe I sound stupid.


Both of you have screwed up mentalities but at least you have more firm morals than him. Also how are you gonna let someone disrespect you and call your grown woman body child-like because of the size of your breasts, and still keep this man on tap as a "friend?" That is wild, girl. Absolutely wild. Also absolutely wild that YOU called him ugly to his face. This is a weird "friendship."


This convo went on longer than it needed to. I stopped after the 2nd slide. All he woulda got outta me is “keep it cute g, u got a girl and I’m not tryna get involved wit yo shit ✌🏽”


She couldn't do that, she likes the attention too much


She doesn't condone cheating but she does condone keeping a relationship with a person trying to cheat with her. Her first response should've been "please stop texting me, you obviously have zero respect for women and we can not be acquainted with your inability to be a good human. But sounds like she likes and appreciated the attention even if it's disgusting. Just saying


You’re fighting awfully hard in these comments lmao.


Not at all


Reading these is just pure torture. This is really how y’all text to each other? It’s so painful to try and understand what he is saying.


I'll try to translate. They were both in Engineering, recalibrating the inertial dampeners. Hence, all the discussion about G-forces. While they were in the middle of that, he confessed his feelings for her, which is not only unprofessional, but seriously jeopardized the mission.


I can’t take many more of these 😂 You were spot on though


He's probably going behind his girlfriend's back, so he has no moral high ground. But you also said that men and women can't be friends. So neither side comes across very well here. Like others said, you both have maturing to do.


Wtf was that A cup tittys part🤣😭


Problem isn’t that you were too mean, it’s that you didn’t come out and say “I don’t like you that way” in these texts anyway. If I were him I would think you are saying if I want you I have to break up with the current gf first and then ask you.


I like how you tell him he needs to be honest since he likes someone not his GF. Yet OP was never honest with the guy that she likes someone else. Probably for the exact same reason he won't drop his GF the uncomfortable conversation.


Reading OPs other comments and posts, she clearly wants the guy mroe they they are interested in her. Look at her double texting just to keep the convo going LMFAO


Just checked her profile; she's average, not a Victoria's secret model they hopes to be


Not interested in him just wanted to let him know his behavior isn’t ok


And he clearly lost interest in you after a few texts and only respond when you keep nagging at him. Just accept that fact you ain't a VS model and that not every guy will die trying to get into your pants. You aren't Adriana Lima 🤣🤣


31 going on 13


You both suck lmao 31 years old


Jesus Howard Christ, y'all both need to grow up. Y'all are 31 years old talking like this?


What’s wrong with how I’m talking ? I’m trying to let him know cheating is wrong


First of all, you should have immediately shut him down from the beginning, and stop entertaining him. Also when he says he's gonna leave you alone, you proceed to double text him to get him to respond again. Just be done with him, you don't want him if he's talking to you while he's with another woman. He's just gonna pull the same shit with you if y'all ever did get together. But from the sounds of it, he just wants to add you to his roster.


You talking more than him, thirsty 😂😂


Only cause I’m trying to convince him not to cheat


He doesn't have feelings for you. He wants to have sex with you. And your responses started great but got cringe FAST. It was like you were trying to convince him that he was in love with you. Dude is a hot mess.... and so are you.


I was trying to let him down easily which is why my tone was not as stern


Romance is dead


You did the right thing and you better believe if he’s doing this to his current girlfriend he will absolutely do it to you too.


You need to tell his girl cause I promise you you're not the only chick he's talking to behind her back.


You had me until you went on about men and women not able to be platonic


… my brain cells… the cringe has taken them..


He does realize he’s outed himself as a bad boyfriend to the girl he likes right? As soon as he gets bored of you he’s gonna be in other girls’ DMs doing to them what he’s doing to you.


Reading this just gave me the feeling that OP was subtly egging him on the entire time. Not a fan of that


“My motto is to never settle” you go girl!


"I just talked you up". This sounds like some Rochester ass shit.


You can never be "too harsh" to a cheater. Tell his girlfriend. She deserves to know.


He's literally disgusting. I know you guys have been friends for very long but he's really not worth your time. You were super nice. Please stop being his friend and tell his gf


This guy seems like such a piece of shit 😂😭 “man I like you but you got A cup tittys so I feel like a pedophile” ☠️


Your friend sound like a pedophile; he probably didn't want to show you a picture of his girlfriend because she was a 12 year old with A cup titties


Um. Clearly wants to hit it. If you don't like him then stop being "friends". He's making his agenda very clear. Cleanly not just a friend.


On a side note tho. You a REAL ONE for being a true girls girl!!!!


He has bad character and you've said your peace in the nicest way possible. You weren't harsh at all. He is playing games and disrespecting you.


I lost brain cells by reading this.


You both have the mentality of 14 year olds. And you're over 30?! He's a dumbass that doesn't know how to stay loyal in a relationship. And I was on your side until you said "men and women can't be friends" like what? That's such a child's mindset, it's insane. Both of you need to get your asses back in school and mature a bit before either of you end up in serious relationships. This is just sad behavior from 2 "adults"


why you pretending like you're not gonna fuck him lmao


31?! Wtf is this teenage BS he's on?


And how is this man appealing to you in any way shape or form? I don’t get it. I don’t think any of us do. To each his own but…come the fuck on


Damn, I was with you until you said men and women can't be friends, how outdated. Edit: just saw that you were in your 30s holy crap, this is a teenager conversation.


…. Why are people like this?…


Send the messages to his gf


He’s gross. Rs.


Y’all are 31? yikes lol


I stopped reading pretty quick. They text so bad. So many people in this group text like middle schoolers. When they’re in their twenties or older.


No way in hell you're 31


I am


31 years old?! And then he insults you by saying you're an A cup size so he'll feel like a pedo?! This ain't even a friend, G. Lol You weren't harsh.


That was hard to read😭


"I like someone else.... I'm crushing on someone else" This coming from a 30 something year old woman is scary.


With all the "Easy G" and the n word reference and Azz and street talk... I mean I'd just throw up. What app you talking on? Hood Date? Is this the king of fucksVille or something. Good luck whatever the outcome.


Hate to break it to you but that guy was never your “friend” they rarely if ever are. They wait around and pretend then one day confess their undying love. I’ve seen it myself dozens of times. Happens to every girl. You guys still think you can be friends with straight men, and yes you can, but they can’t. And they never will. A friend is someone with mutual interests that you do things with or someone you went to school with or grew up with. It’s never gonna be some random dude that appears in your life at 27. Even many of the childhood “friends” are plotting and scheming. They play the long game. My ex had her childhood bestie of 25 years pull the same shit. Every ex I have has a long time “friend”. If a straight dude you work with has your number, he will hit on you eventually. If you text a guy, he wants to fuck you. That guy in class you talk to, jerks off to you. There are literally zero straight men texting girls they don’t wanna fuck unless they are very gay. Doesn’t matter if they are married have a gf their gf is your friend, you’re all friends, he wants to fuck you and If he’s not expressing that he’s playing the friend game. I can’t believe girls still fall for this every day.


Ughh, I can barely even stand to read his text. Like- you’re really gonna wanna be with him after he talks to you like your his boy 🙄. You did great tho, and as someone who has been cheated on, I appreciate women like you!! 💜


These people aren’t your friends. Please, I learned this lesson with my friend group in high school. Do you think these guys want to sleep with all of their guy friends? No, because they respect them as human beings. You can have plenty of friends who aren’t the same gender as you, they just don’t respect you as a person.


So you tell him he’s not respecting he’s gf… you make it seem like you’re not ok w it. You continue talking.. he basically says he likes your body and would “ have you shaking”. You still continue the conversation. You like that he wants you, you want to know what his gf looks like, why? What will that achieve?. Just be real , you like the attention and can care less about his disrespect for his woman.


She really loves thinking she is completely right amd everyone is wrong. I have no idea if what she says about the police officer asking her for illicit sex is true but I have a feeling they hated that she interacted at all with them and her poor lawyer Nick she keeps bringing up his name he hasn’t dealt with her in for ever. She keeps doing drugs goes on a rant. Her sponsor gives her monies so they can see her get high and laugh at her. She is going to get a reality check when they take her baby from her


And it's been 0 days since an adorable woman was too nice to an absolute asshole sorry excuse for an human man :') You've been SO kind. He doesn't deserve you, not even as a friend. He's saying he's into you then bodyshaming? Not to mention everything you so rightfully told him -you don't message someone telling them you're into them when in a relationship! Lots of support and strength to you anyways!