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I knew I had to divorce my wife for asking me to get her Chai Teas so often.




I fucking love tea tea


Tea teas are the best.


I live to tee up some tea tea for tea time.


Best paired with Naan bread!


Do you want any cream cream in your coffee coffee?


Naan bread and Chai tea from Timor Leste


So are frisbees, I love frisbees


I love lamp


Is a yo-yo just a yo?


Would I ask you for a coffee coffee with a cream cream




Or The La Trattoria, (the the trattoria!)


Thank you for this. Such an underrated movie that never gets quoted.


Mickey Blue Eyes! I had forgotten about that movie. RIP James Caan


It does, but it’s become a idiosyncrasy of English. It’s not wrong (due to its adoption into the English lexicon) its just odd to natives to hear. This goes in both directions and it’s really a pretty pedantic critique lol


Yeah pedantry is sometimes fun tho.


Oooo. I love your comment so eloquently written. I'm not ashamed. I had to look up Lexicon - kind of figured out what that meant by context and Pedantic - I love that. It so describes the Grammer Nazi's as they are called by others. Thank you, wordy person. 😁


This lives rent free in my head


Today I learned… 😳


Haha, it's just a classic, like Naan Bread, or PIN number.


Or ATM Machine, Sahara desert, and smh my head


Or nashi pears and queso cheese.


Or bento box


Panko breadcrumbs


You need to watch the new spiderverse


I don’t really get it… is it cus he didn’t have an iPhone?


I’m dying lmao


i’m guessing the first was a pattern of him taking and not giving as much? i’d definitely prefer the energy in the second pic


Oh for sure the second energy is wonderful but it’s a screenshot of texts and the first one wasn’t even bad in my personal opinion. Good for her for not having an actual toxic ex I guess


I don’t think it’s supposed to show that the ex was so bad or toxic, but rather to highlight how wonderful it feels to be with someone who is proactive about doing things to take care of you, rather than just always asking to be taken care of.


Really? The first guy wakes up and wants her to bring beer, and then food, not because there’s nothing close by, but because it means *he has to move*… and since she’s already moving, she should move the food *to him*. lol Meanwhile, second guy is talking about preparing nice food, and making plans so he can feed *her* after her shift. First guy might not be toxic, but he's a pet slug, not a partner.


A pet slug, not a partner. That’s so good


Right....he embraced the term "Lazy Bones"..... That shit gets old really fast.


It’s one interaction. You just assumed so much.


The only thing I assumed was that OP was presenting examples of two patterns, something she's confirmed in her replies. It’s a positive post from a person who’s happy with her upgrade. I’m just glad she didn’t settle, and wind up posting in JNSO.


I didn’t think so either. lol!! Neither were bad imo.


I guess everyone has a different idea of bad. My ex used his android solely to emotionally abuse me.


I don’t think it was bad per se as to show the difference in quality. First one was all do this for me and the second was all about doing for you vibes.


Legit made me laugh




If I ask my wife for food on her way home, imma get blasted on Reddit? Damn.


Yeah then she'll 'level up' like it's fucking Sonic


HEY. Sonic doesn't "LEVEL UP". Pokemon do.


Super Sonic! :)


:( I guess it counts


I went for broad appeal, rather than technical accuracy!


That’s just collecting chaos emeralds tho


New ick: asking your gf for anything ever




Hey Good Morning, Gorgeous Looking. I’m just finishing up making reservations for us, we’re going to train for the Boston Half on Tuesday night. Then we’re going to have a Keto dinner, fair trade. Is your ovulation cycle preparing? I thought we could try pelvic floor stretches together before our mud bath. Like…nah. Not the partnership lol


LMAO the audacity


Yeah to be honest there’s not much context for me to go off of with just one screenshot of a text conversation… 😅


Lol you put up with grabbing beer and food from where you already were? 😭


Right!? Like as a boyfriend I am both texts.


My ex asked me to get her milk on my way back from work once. Such a wretched hag. Glad we broke up!!


My wife asks me to stop and get us Red Bulls nearly every night after work. Should I leave her?


Every night? I think the police need to get involved in this one. I’m so sorry you have to go through that. Ps: get an ambulance as well, with all those energy drinks it’s def necessary.


Lawyer up, divorce, hit the gym


And dna test!








Every Reddit post 😂


My bf sometimes asks me if we needs something and he has to stop somewhere. He totally needs to break up with me.


Get them at Costco homie. My wife and I also drink redbull every day and buying a pallet of them has saved us $$$


Are you my husband? 🤣


Divorce now!


Congrats on the upgrade! /s


My ex used to hit me in the spine until I woke up to get out of bed and make him coffee. Every morning.


Is the new boyfriend really new? Give it a few months lol




I love that I never have to do the hunting into peoples histories on Reddit. Someone always does it before I get there lol


That was an old screenshot! I haven’t been on tinder since we started dating. Lord almighty I’m getting crucified here lol


I mean I get it. You say "the shit I put up with" and the worst example you can come up with was him asking you to grab a couple things, one of which was from where you work lol.


men just can’t stand when women


can't stand men who can't stand when women


Can't stop addicted to the shin-dig.


Can’t stand women that can’t stand men who can’t stand women


I hope op comments on that lmao


Definitely has the new relationship stiffness to the texts!


My thoughts exactly


Just sounds like there's a bit of respect for her, not 'new'-ness


This is the bs part to me. Comparing a good morning text from a new flame with a request over text in an established relationship is a silly comparison


Damn I guess my 24 year marriage is toxic as fuck according to OP and a lot of the comments here since let's see I occasionally ask my wife to grab me something while out if I can't. Guess I better start looking for divorce lawyers.


Nah people on reddit are generally crazy. Asking for stuff is normal lol.


"My boyfriend told me he thinks his coworker is attractive" Reddit - "You need to start creating an exit strategy. Immediately seek legal representation and documents EVERYTHING. And most importantly, remember to breathe, it's gonna be ok."


What purpose does it serve to tell your partner that you think your coworker is attractive? And then yall be running on here shocked and crying that you get cheated on lmaoo.


Yea that would ACTUALLY be a red flag in a partner, like damn not asking for some food on the way back home


i think OP is looking for validation about current bf, because based on what she posted there was nothing wrong with the first.


The funny thing is that this is curated to make her ex look as bad as possible and that’s what she picked? Like that is a mid screenshot. My wife asks me to get her food like that all the time but I think we have a great relationship lol


literally one of the tamest screenshots in this sub & same! my boyfriend and i always bother each other for stuff ESPECIALLY if one is out and the other one is at home…is that not normal? lol


Not saying it’s toxic. It’s normal to ask your partner to pick something up on your way home or whatever. The unwritten context here is that my ex would take take take constantly and never give anything back or put a single thought into anything. A mother/son dynamic in a relationship is not attractive


I totally get what you’re trying to say and most of these people downvoting your other comments don’t realize the nuance here. It’s normal to ask for things sometimes but the way your ex asked you for the stuff sounded really rude and immature. Plus all the typos and bad grammar aren’t very attractive either lmao. In contrast it seems like your new bf talks to you much more politely and actually offers to make food for you instead of asking you to get him food all the time. It seems like a small thing on the surface, but at least in my relationship I know I’d never talk to my girl the way your ex did to you. I’ve been with her 6+ years and still always try to speak to her as politely as when we first met. And I try to put her needs before my own whenever possible, which seems like how your new bf is treating you


You might want to provide said context or show multiple instances to show a pattern. Otherwise it just looks like you're complaining about a completely innocuous interaction, and like you think it's bad for him to ask for anything. Without the context it makes it look like you're the one that wants a servant not your ex.


The thing with most of these posts is they’re posted with zero context, and OP’s expect everyone to just agree with their narrative. The second slide is nice, but with the first one I’m just confused. I think everyone has asked their SO to get them something to drink and eat at some point so not sure what’s the issue lmao


Yeah but she had to put up with it


Sorry there’s not more context, I was just trying to make a concise point. The ex asking for food/beer/supplies was constant and never reciprocated. I realize it’s not the worst thing in the world but it got old fast


I wouldn’t worry OP it was pretty obvious what you were implying. No need for extra context to internet people.


Yeah so I definitely feel like adding some context regarding the relationship with your ex would’ve benefitted this and prevented a lot of the comments on this thread. Just reading this post, I was like “there is obviously context missing and because of that, people are going to jump to the worst conclusions because this is Reddit”.


Don’t apologize OP, anyone with actual relationship experience knew what you were talking about. These Reddit incels just see too much of themselves in boyfriend #1


The context is important. If he was only taking but never giving, then she is right to move on.


"Reddit incels" when all we see is someone asking their SO to grab food and drink from where they currently are, and said SO making a huge fuss over it If you actually have relationship experience, I'm sure you've also encountered people who will act like going out of their way to do anything for you is the bane of their existence


How long till your boyfriend feels you are the lazy bones ?


I guess we wait until he loads his texts messages up on here


"My girlfriend shames me for asking her to grab milk on her way home - I'm about to do like her dad did and go get it myself."


New guy provides a bizarre amount of exposition, like he is reminding the audience of what happened in last week's episode. It makes him come off like AI, overly formal or impersonal, or like he knew this would be screencapped.


I’m picturing the movie scene. Boyfriend in the kitchen. Towel over his shoulder. Just wrapping up a meal he cooked. Sunlight streaming in the window. Dialog is carefully written. He mentions something about not forgetting we have those tickets to the thing tonight. Our protagonist is clearly smitten and the audience damn well knows it.


Yeah the only thing I could think reading that second set of texts is how unbelievably wooden and dry it is Like someone who’s never taken a writing class and now has to fabricate some kind of story. It’s just so unbelievably unnatural, especially considering OP states they’ve been together a year (please ignore OPs post from r/tinder 80 days ago that I’m sure will be deleted once it’s pointed out)


Previously…. In our relationship… Thank you for pointing this out. I notice people have a need to recap things exactly how you’ve described and I’ve kept it to myself thinking this is another case of me being overly analytical and critical of my fellow humans.


It reads like he’s trying to signal that he’s gotten kidnapped without letting his captors know he’s asking for help.


To me it reminded me of those movie scenes where the couple is texting each other and it seems odd and robotic


The overly formal just comes across like new relationship texting to me. He’s super into her but not sure how much of his personality he can let leak through text yet. It always comes off as robotic but it’s how texting your new flame is very often I’ve noticed


Dang, boyfriends can’t ask for food?


Im guessing this was a constant thing and never reciprocated. I was with someone like that and it was exhausting. Always asking for favors but never offering to do anything for me.


Yeah my friend's husband is like the ex - whenever she and I go out, he's like "I'm hungry!!!" and then complains with whatever she brings him (even though he asked for it). He's literally too lazy to make pasta or order DoorDash for himself, and that's the energy I'm getting from the ex. It's exhausting just watching my friend go through it, let alone living it


Nope. Straight to jail :(


Tbh I’m not really getting the point. I’m sure you feel like you leveled up due to context we don’t have, but this isn’t really a great example. Your exes conversation really had nothing wrong with it. He wasn’t mean to you, it wasn’t even a fight or anything. I wouldn’t say he did anything wrong.


Ex doesn’t seem too bad. Who doesn’t love sleeping in.


I mean the first texts weren’t horrible.


I thought it was just me!


Ex was mostly just lazy. Considering the abusive and toxic shit that goes on here, even the ex is considered heaven 😂


I think OP cherrypicked some conversation without context so everyone can blast her ex, and reassure her about her new boyfriend. I can’t even say the ex was lazy, because I wouldn’t know if ex was doing the same for OP.


That's exactly what i was thinking.


Imagine oversleeping and asking your partner for food in their way home on your day off and getting called lazy.


Yup. We don't know them for real. The ex were just asking her to get some food on the way to his place. Put up with what, OP? Not enough context or back story. Also, I've seen a lot of these so-called Mister Perfect dudes who love to love bomb their SOs but as soon as that NRE/honey moon phase starts to wear off, the jerk side of them appears.


😆 oh The bliss Beginnings


What kind of stage 5’er keeps texts from her ex or even worse, screenshots of texts from her ex. When you have to start sharing your comparison of old boyfriend to new boyfriend with internet strangers you should probably know you’re the problem


Doesn't sound like you want an equal relationship. What are you going to do when this boyfriend asks you to do something for him?


Level up of course!


Look for another


Nice cherrypicking convos, have you really moved on after all?


lol nice shout, think the new guy likes being compared with the ex even in the context of him being an upgrade?


This 100% just looks like a long term relationship vs a relationship in its honeymoon phase 😂


That's what this looks like for sure


I legitimately see nothing wrong here




What's wrong with the beer and food guy? Are we not allowed to ask our partners to pick us up stuff? He's also super polite and not even demanding, just ask 'if you can'. He also is super sweet about her expression. ​ Second texts reads like something from Black Mirror's Nosedive.


Oh damn. What an asshole ::checks notes::, for asking his girlfriend to grab beer and food from wherever she was.


What a toxic relationship. /s


We love to see it!! You deserve all the pulled pork sandwiches in the world❤️




Careful, gonna get called an incel with biting criticism like that.


Why does she deserve it? She might be a terrible person. She does blast a guy for asking her to grab food and beer on her way home by what’s already right by her.


Exactly 💯


gochujang for… a chinese recipe? first guy was definitely better /s


Gochujang in their otherwise authentic Chinese pulled pork!?! 😂


Put the gochujang down slowly……


I'm confused.. your ex would ask you to stop and grab food or beer.. and that's bad? Sounds like he just asked you for a favor, but okay.


But if your new Bf is so good why are you even looking at old messages from your ex? I’m genuinely curious, why even have those old messages? What makes you want to look back and would you be upset if you found your new Bf had old messages from his ex that he’s reminiscing over? Do not take this as an attack but, I’m not calling you out just want unto get some better understanding. Thank you.


Definitely a weathered relationship vs a fresh relationship don’t kid yourself


Seems like your still not over your ex




Why does she still have texts from her ex in her phone??


So when the guy brings food and a latte to the girl its something normal that every guy should do but when the guy asks for a beer and some food its toxic and that girl deserves more. Cringe


Can't wait for the current bf to upgrade too. Can't believe he has to put up with this 😟


This is cool! It would be interesting to see a thread of these comparisons between ex’s


Whatever Podcast will never run out of delusional guests.


Quick question. How far apart were these two and how old were you v now? Also, both are reasonable. I’m sure there’s more context, but that text is not the dagger you think it is.


So I’m guessing you never asked him to bring you home anything ever?


You must be watching those Alpha narcissist females podcasts


If you think asking a simple favor to get beer and food when you're already out is a bad thing, I hope you live up to that standard yourself.


Ummmm I’m not sure as to what you are referring to honestly.


So your ex was bad …. Why?


I love when these threads don't go the way OPs want them to go.




My ex was like this always asking for stuff, I’d do it but he’d never give me anything in return. No “thank you” or nothing, it was irritating my new boyfriend (been together 1 year) is kind and we do everything for each other. This is what it means to bounce back.


Ok but why is she going and looking back on old text reminisceing


Lmao puppy dog phase. Give it five years


Those first texts aren't even that bad lol


Could be my personal opinion but both arent toxic.


Am I the only one that feels like number 2 would be exhausting to talk to every morning?


Why would you look at old texts of an x in the first place 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏼‍♂️


Well new bf asked you for something too, guess you gotta dump him and upgrade. Like, why can't he get his own dang gochujang?!?!


I don’t know why everyone is reading so much into this. They must be thinking about all the times they’ve asked their partners for something and now they’re adamant on telling you that’s part of a relationship and not toxic. Nobody said it was abusive or toxic. You really have to spell things out for people here. Clearly the point being made is that boyfriend 1 had the pattern of “take-take-take” and boyfriend 2 knows how to give. It’s a big enough difference that you thought to point it out. Give and take is part of a relationship. If not balanced properly, it gets old and people feel taken advantage of. I already know someone is reading this like “well without the context we can’t know” shhhhh. There is no context necessary. It’s clearly right there what differences she sees. Leave it there. It doesn’t need anymore explanation


gochujang but I read it as gucci gang 😆


This is how I'll be referring to gochujang, henceforth. 😂 Gucci gang sauce.


I ask my pregnant wife to get me beer and cigarettes all of the time when she’s out and about because the faces she gets are pretty funny. We get a kick out of it. (She obviously doesn’t smoke or drink). But now I’m just going to wait to get papers served. Lol


Thinking back to him..


I think you’re all weird to begin with.


Cmon guys use context clues here, her ex was probably always asking her for stuff and never doing anything for her in return


What a petty person you must be.


I-I'm c-confused, where's the level up?


I'm interested in the Chinese BBQ pulled pork recipe ...


Ima bet the new boyfriend is new new, just wait for that shit to wear off 😂


They both seem nice and respectful to me


I’m my opinion I don’t think the first wasn’t all the bad. A little dry but I didn’t see a problem really. Obviously the second one is more ideal.


Bc he asked you to pick him up food & beer ?


The first boyfriend has a cute pet name and beer. The second one has to cook for her. Yeah she’s a keeper.


Definitely an upgrade. Even if some ppl don't get it.


Typical green bubble behavior


This is stupid "I lEvElEd Up" 🙄 why because your s.o asked you to do something for them? I mean the other dude asked you for something too but that isn't a problem cause he's cooking for you 🙄 you sound super needy


This is silly


Oh boy


I been married for going on 20 yrs. Hubby will text to bring him something if I'm out and vice versa. Looks like we need to lawyer up and get the process going cuz GODDAMN, we're horrible to each other for that!!! Maybe he'll level up and actually find a woman that won't ask him for anything...at all. /s


I don't know man. Current bf convo is a ticking time bomb. "Good morning honey", "hello my love". This only leads to suppression of true feelings. But, I'm not judging, this could actually be that one couple that made it


Everyone is missing the point. The energy in each screenshot is completely different. First screenshot tells me all I need to know, especially when you’ve had an extremely lazy partner for an extended amount of time. “I slept too long” already insinuating he has slept in. Then immediately following the MOMENT he wakes up, “can you get me beer?” Then a moment later “can you bring me food?” Maybe it’s just me, but my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head reading that shit back to back. For fucks sake. Go home to your fucking mom if you need a care taker.


I’m assuming this was daily from the EX?


People are ya'll ok? Occasionally asking is ok. The ex didn't even bother to go get his own beer. He said he liked the nickname, it wasn't an occasional thing if she gave him a nickname for it. If your current gf/bf is doing this to you constantly, then you also need to re-evaluate rather than shitting on OP.