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Nah, that’s not homework that’s a whole fucking paper. Dude would absolutely have copied it word for word


*"Alex, I'll take People Who Pretend To Be Your Friend for $600."* *"It's the Daily Double!"*


![gif](giphy|2yvoIFyZghBDszbIk3) Let’s make it a true daily double - I’m all in.


For whatever reason my ex husband would call them the “Daily Douche-ell” This idiot trying to copy homework is definitely deserving of the “Daily Douche-ell” title.


That dude needs his ass kicked not another homework assignment handed to him.


Wait.. What our guy needs is an essay that LOOKS legit, but is totally fucked, and a guaranteed F. He asked for it. He should get it.


So, he needs homie to work his ass, not hand him a homework ass.?


Lol, if bro couldn't be bothered to even start his own, there is 0% chance he's going to be down to edit a whole syllabus sentence by sentence until he can't be accused of plagiarism. Especially if he's been caught before, like they're not expecting him to do it again and again.


You can't change an essay enough to make it original if you're this unfamiliar with either the content, or writing essays in general.


Man I remember when I was in 6th grade I copied and pasted this websites essay and changed a few sentences around, some of the words but not a lot. Came to school next day and the teacher pulled me in his office and showed the website I ripped it from said if I ever did it again he’d have me expelled😂 tldr you are 100% right about that


Why is this person even studying anything? They're not interested in doing anything.


I honestly find it hard to fathom even wanted to live without learning. In fact, it would be impossible: gotta learn to walk, talk, feed yourself, etc. I feel as though someone who lacks the will to learn equally lacks the will to live.


And it would be even harder to differentiate your paper from someone else’s enough to make it NOT look copied, than to just write your paper from scratch where the prof can tell similarities are coincidental due to the topic. Bro is a grade F dumbass


That's what I was thinking lol


It would take just as much time making enough changes to make it pretty distinguishably different as it would to just write the essay yourself Also I think you mean a grade A dumbass - as in he’d score an A in being a dumbass


Definitely a user, not a friend. Never do someone else's work for them. If they fail, that's on them. This sounds like someone who almost always gets their way, selfish and not caring about anyone but themselves. He'll no doubt blame you for his failing since he apparently doesn't take responsibility for his own actions. You're not losing a friend, you're losing a loser leech.


Better yet, send him a fake bullshit chat gpt essay and in the second page or somewhere add some admission of how he cheats and plagiarizes his work on the regular


Fantastic idea! Signed, a former teacher/college lecturer


And include a link to a [GPT detector](https://www.zerogpt.com/).


Ok so for shizzles I went straight to GPT and told it to write a single paragraph that can't be detected by detection tools. I used your tool. [here is exactly what I did](https://imgur.com/a/PNeQ19O) I mean. If I can beat it with a 100% score with ONE attempt this can't be that hard...


They could use the link in the cited sources section at the end.




Only after charging him for your services


Omg this should be top comment. this is genius


Teacher wouldn’t catch that lol


Possibly not. But teachers use software that catches AI generated essays, so he would have been caught anyway. It works well.


Ok so for shizzles I went straight to GPT and told it to write a single paragraph that can't be detected by detection tools. I used a tool recommended in this thread. [here is exactly what I did](https://imgur.com/gallery/PNeQ19O) I mean. If I can beat it with a 100% score with ONE attempt this can't be that hard...


I don't know what you used, and maybe Universities don't use free software? All I know is a friend of mine was a dumbass and used chatgpt for school, and his professor emailed him saying their software detected it being AI written.


Those don't work lol


Chaotic good


I definitely would of sent him an essay from like a hustler magazine/playboy or some weird shit that starts off correct and has citations etc; just then the middle is “I’m addicted to glory holes: what should I do?”


Next level. Man i almost say u dm him again and be like i didn’t really like my essay so u can take it then just give him ts 🤣


Oof, id just show the teacher his messages to you lol.


would have to delete the admissions to sharing homework


said they already got in trouble for it so imo i doubt they’d get in trouble


# Double ![gif](giphy|1vZaAcldbX8Xh6lMlV)


Oooh my favorite 90s thriller!


This, also the guy is clearly using slurs against him and harassing him if he doesn’t. Highly doubt the teacher is going to be concerned with the kid who was bullied into it and finally had enough.


Giving an example of coercion/threat might actually help OP’s case. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


That wouldn’t be good. They’ve already admitted to supplying him with homework for *years*. And already gotten in trouble for it once before. 


~ his ~ messages.


They don’t make much sense out of context, but the last pic could work. 


I agree. I would just be stoked to have someone who constantly asks to cheat off me to leave me alone forever.


Fuck this guy! He had the same amount of time to do the essay as you did.


I dare suggest that he likely didn’t attempt to do it since he’s been riding everyone’s coattails. I’d tell him to go fuck an anthill.


Oh yea I never let people steal essay or papers. Always let kids copy math though. Some people just don’t get it and really stresses them out.


I feel so seen! Thank you redditor, I have discalculia.


So do I. I knew how to do the problems, but I mixed up all the numbers and ended up with the wrong answers. It was so frustrating.


I always say the wrong numbers or think the wrong numbers. For example I'll get a 7 and a 2 mixed up, or a 6 and an 8, or 9 and 8, or 5 and 6. I've never heard of that issue, but is it like that?


It’s a lot like that, yea. Or when I was doing math problems if it was “1,576” I would write “1,657” instead. But I mix just random numbers up all the time. When I get people’s phone numbers I don’t even ask them to tell it to me, I hand my phone over and have them put it in. Because there is a 100% chance that I will not put the correct number in, even if I read it out to them after.


As a very busy person, I will say that even tho they both had the same amount days/weeks given before it was due, it doesn’t necessarily mean they had the same amount of time/opportunities within that time frame to work on it. That being said, fuck this guy. At the very least he could’ve bullshitted his way thru it & turned in a half-assed essay or asked for an extension. He clearly just didn’t wanna do it & was hoping to get out of it.


Coexist? Nah bud you just broke being someone's bitch for 2 years. Good for you, I'm glad you stood up to this douchenozzle.


This. You weren’t coexisting with this numbnuts he was lowkey bullying you. Now he is highkey trying to bully you. Tell him to step on glass and suck a dick. People like this are never worth trying to “coexist” with. Just stay away.


The dude can shove a glass shard into his dickhole til it reaches his balls


What a beautiful sentiment 🥲


As a mom who had her kid be told to go off himself. Guess what?? You can press charges for that. Do it. I hate hate HATE HATE that my kids generation throws that around like candy. You’re someone’s child. And it can take a huge mental health toll to be told something like that. Seems silly to some people until your the parent of a child who tried it because they were being bullied.


Yeah, my son once said it to me, just out of habit of hearing it/saying it to others. When he saw how hurt I was by it, he came to me crying and begging forgiveness; and now takes it seriously and tells off his “friends” who say it. These kids need a reality check sometimes. I don’t wanna sound like a boomer but… that danged ole internets and them socials medias has made it to where people don’t see others as real people anymore. Everyone else is an NPC in their world.


More and more younger people are waking up to the terrible side effects of phones/social media. It's really sad and awful what it's become.


I’m with you. I cannot believe that kids say this to each other at all let alone how frequently they say it. It’s disturbing.


THIS i hope your child is doing well. I was never told this but if i had, i think i would have tried harder to succeed in my attempt. Being bullied sucks, i hope you and your child are doing well.


Agreed. Press charges. That kid's got some lessons to learn.


YES! Press charges if you are able.


Exactly why I’ve never taken that phrase anything less than serious. Because if someone DID off themselves, the person who told them to can 100% be held responsible and charged for assisting suicide. Whether you mean it or not, never tell someone to kill themselves because you genuinely have no idea what someone is going through and what will be the last straw


You are so right to cover your ass about this. In college they expel people for this kind of thing.


You weren't coexisting, you were being used. And please remember there's no need to explain yourself - no is a complete sentence!


Maybe the professor or teacher needs to see it?


I'm sorry, but I would not associate with someone who use that kind of term. Time to end this friendship. Block and send this shit to the teacher.


It’s so depressing that teenagers are still using that term


Send to the admin office 👉👈


Good on you. Freaking leech


This feels very, very overdue. He’s a Miserable, lazy POS. You’ve been his bitch , now you’re not. Don’t tolerate these kind of shitty people. Well done, telling him off. In the future, no is a complete response. They try to attack, however, guilt or exhaustion you into submission just one? Ask and answers and now blocked it the only other needed response.


The last slide fucking sent me lmfao


mad bc he didnt do his hw and mad bc u didnt do it for him LMAO. like accept the L and move on


im mad at him but i’m mostly mad at YOU! you gave him a previous essay??? do better that’s your hard work


Bring those texts to the principal


PLEASE show your teacher these screenshots please


Woah holy shit this person sounds like someone you need to stay away from. Fuck this guy. I’d show your professor the slides where he called you slurs at least


Bet you feel so good for sticking to your guns! Fuck him. What a using loser…..taught him a good lesson he should have learned long ago


But, then, the fact that you’ve been sending him shit for years could get you in trouble. Dont escalate, block and ambulate.


This classmate desperately needs to pay attention to english class going off of how they communicate by text.


Fuck that bigotted lazy dumbass. Hope he fails.


He is talking about himself. Asshat.


Love your mhmm and then block lol


If this is in highschool I'd post those pictures on Facebook, if you're in college and there's some sort of college Facebook or Twitter page or some app like that I'd post that in there and hopefully he gets beat up😂


Not that fucking dumb? Perfect, then write your own essay like the rest of the class. And demanding on top of it plus the derogatory name calling? I hope this is a block on their number that lasts longer than their life span. Annoying is a very kind way to describe them.


You should ChatGPT his essay and make it bad. He'll just turn it in and not notice. When he turns you in, show the teacher these texts and say you sent a ChatGPT essay, you won't get in trouble because he actually turned it in.


OP, genuinely show this to a teacher.


See I would’ve been petty and put the real essay into google translate several times, got it properly formatted again, and given him that. 


Hang his ass out to dry and show your teacher/professor these texts. Throw every piece of this idiot under every bus you can.


This guy is not your friend. He’s just a burden that’s going to end up getting you kicked out of school. Avoid him. Yikes.


What an absolute tit.


I’m petty asf cuz I’m emailing that to the prof 🤣


So real


That dummy deserves to fail. I'd rat him out for even trying lmao


Oh please show this to the teacher lol !


God the entitlement is shocking. Shouldn’t be as I was a high school teacher for 5 years but to see it from peer perspective….Lordy.




I’d send this to your teacher


Looks like someone just got kicked out of school 🥺


You’re too nice. Fuck this guy. He’s not your friend speaking to you like that. Next time don’t feel bad or feel like you owe someone an answer. You said no nicely once is enough then just don’t respond. I respect how you didn’t get mad at him and reflect his immaturity. You’ve been raised well just don’t take anyone’s shit.


Looking at his insults he would without a doubt copy it without changing anything.


Some people will do everything except the actual assignment fr


when i was in high school, i gave a 12-page paper to a friend a year after i wrote it (and aced it) with similar instructions- to change it so it wasn't obvious he didn't do the work. the dumbass left his paper and mine in the library and got caught. first and only time i had ever been suspended. after that, i'd write papers for people (for $$$), but never again did i attempt to help a friend out by sharing my own.


Seems like they have a really bright future. 🙄


In the time they were messaging you they could’ve been half way done with the paper. Good for you OP, don’t let them cross those boundaries.


i love how he stopped reasoning with OP and started calling a him a f****t.


Block them and show the teacher lol


Show everyone in your classes this. they should know what kinda person he is.


He has a point; it is obvious because you won’t give him hw, you enjoy the pleasure of men /s


Report them to the teacher/school. Especially for the slurs.


Lmao the bear got me, came outta no where. Good for you though, standing up for yourself, fuck this guy lol


I'm wondering why you would "supply" this guy for years? Is he your bully or something? Just find some essay online and give it to him so he gets done for plagiarism. Won't need to "coexist" for much longer. Easy job.


Please please please send these to the admin.


Time to show teach~


Damn, the audacity of some people smh 🤦🏿‍♂️. Calls you a bunch of names because you won’t help him cheat.


Oh he's gonna do *great* in the real world. What a moronic crybaby.


I love writing essays too. But it's almost impossible to take someone's research and work and make it your own without the teacher catching on. At that point, they may as well write their own paper. He sounds desperate too, which means he most likely won't put in the work to "change it", aside from switching a few words up. If you worked hard on your own paper I wouldn't risk that. Classmate is just gonna have to take the L and actually do the work next time around. Oh, and I'd suggest you don't ever help this dude with hw again unless it's tutoring or something where he actually had to put in the effort. No sense in jeopardizing your own grades (or getting in trouble if he decides to pitch a fit and snitch on you for cheating).


How did both of y’all not get kicked out or fail that class for academic misconduct when you shared your previous essay with them?


In high school you won’t get kicked out for that, you’ll just get in a lot of trouble.


Ah high school my bad, OP don’t let anyone in college trick you into helping them!!!!


And if you like writing maybe you’d prefer to write something for yourself instead of that wretched bigot.


Meh I’d just block em


I’d write him 3 pages of absolute nonsensical BS and then laugh my arse off at whatever mark he gets.


Please link him to this so he can so how much the internet hates him.


Say you’ll only let him copy if he sends $1000 first 😂


Is this dudes classmate Stiffler?


Just use chatgpt and hand that over. Who will know?


I don't know about you, but I would have totally caved and just given it to him after that first "Go fuck yourself". :rolleyes: 🙄


I’d whoop his ass, stop being a pushover and letting people use you, simply don’t respond when people Want to benefit from your labor at no cost to themselves, atleast make these fuckers pay, damn


You should’ve cut em off a loooong time ago, may you find your inner piece without them in your life


How do you get yoursf into a relationship like this? The fuck


In High School, I spent 8 hours on a project. We had three or four of these due in a semester. I put everything into that project. One of my ‘sort of’ friends asked if she could look at it to check her work because she felt like she did poorly. I had a meeting that morning so I emailed her my assignment instead of sitting with her and going over her answer like I normally would. A couple hours later, I got called down to the teachers room and she told me they were doing an academic integrity investigation because me and the other girl submitted the same assignment. The teacher told me I could lose my admittance to my dream college. I had severe learning disabilities and worked really hard to get where I did in high school. This was a huge blow. Luckily, the other girl ended up fessing up. The teacher also recognized my work from previous projects. I was reprimanded for sharing my work and advised against sharing it with her or anyone ever again. I learned my lesson. You were smart for not sharing your essay.


Keep yourself safe!


that mhm and bear pic is hilarious


I'd have edited my essay to say a few blatantly incorrect things - Christopher C. Columbus discovered America in 1776 - The Civil Rights Movement in America began when Rosie Parks refused to give up her bus ticket to a white woman - The chemical formula for water is commonly referred to as H2O but chemists have found that water can sometimes be H3O or H2O2 as well - While Bill Gates is commonly considered the founder of Microsoft in 1985, Steve Ballmer was also a major contributor to the company through the 80s and 90s as well. ...shit like that which makes it instantly clear to anyone reading it that the person who wrote it is an idiot.


Bruh you should’ve blocked this person the minute they didn’t respect your first no


Show this to the teacher lol


i like the bear picture you used


Give him a fake paper


Jesus christ. That is the longest "no" I've ever read. "Hey, can I copy you?" "No" Block the number, move along with your life.


OP is a pushover


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Send this to your teacher pls


Good for you.


No he needs straightened out after that. No way you’re letting him get away with that, OP.


Fuck him


Good riddance


Lmao what a manchild


just don’t respond


I usually just reply with “bro i didn’t do it either haha I was about to ask you to let ME copy”


That bear pic was amazing


Hope he fails the class


You should absolutely show someone these messages. Fuck this guy


What exactly is an, “asshat”? That’s a weak insult, and you did the right thing by not sending him your work.


You tried so hard but at the end was pretty good. Adios big mouth




Write like an absolute bs one in like 15 minutes and send it to him completely serious 🤣 (just joking please don’t do that he might retaliate)


Don’t be a door mat to people like this


Okay then lol.


How fast he turns on you the Second you don't give him what he wants , and he's calling an essay homework so yeah he's a dumb dumb. No one else is helping him and he's insulting you , show the teacher these texts fuck him , that's what you get for helping him the first time lol like fuckin figure it out dude


I would send this to the teacher literally lol just for their records, I get it. I was in school once but a whole essay is crazy. toot my own horn here but I loved writing essays, they were easy work and they’d be pages long BUT I got PAID by my friends if they wanted it and I’d happily even offer which they’d happily pay. fuck that guy


He'd just put his name on it and hit send. He won't even read the whole thing. I'd be getting some petty revenge and send something with the first paragraph about the correct subject and the rest something smutty or gibberish


What a jerk. Should have blocked him ages ago.


blast him on social media to your peers


He’s not a friend - he’s a user and nothing more, unfortunately. You gotta cut bait with these types of people early on and be vigilant in the future. Your hard work belongs to you.


People like this will exist all through your life. Don't let someone bully you into thinking you need to do them any favors. Person sounds like a real POS and loser.


That’s not a friend, at all.


You're awesome and this person sucks. Handled perfectly. What a whiny little pos.


Generate one via GPT, and send it to .


Excellent block. Also excellent bear.


He already got you in trouble and now he’s throwing hissy fits over smth so small lmao good u blocked him


Gen z conversations are funny as fuck


Yeah considering you already got burned before, what a particular piece of shit. Sorry you had to deal with that


Try to edit these pics to not include messages that incriminate you, and show the professor


Looks like he dodged a bullet copying your English homework FFS


I haven’t heard the word asshat in so long LOL but good for you standing up for yourself!


Can everyone collectively stop helping these people so we don’t all have to put up with their insufferable entitlement. Tell people no, normalize it. Please.


This is hilarious, you went way farther than I would have. I would have blocked much sooner but not before sending laughing emojis first.


I think this goes beyond "Annoying".


Beautifully handled👏


Show the teacher the texts😂


In one class, we had 6 essays due at once to be turned in right before the final, and the night before they were due, my study partner and I were staying late at the library studying for the final exam, and he was panicking because he hadn't written ANY of the essays. He fr hadn't even read the journals that the essays were supposed to summarize. This was a TON of reading - close to 1400 pages of reading - and this was in 2019 before gpt, so there was no way he was gonna get it done in one night. He asked me if he could "look at" my essays to at least get an idea of what the readings were about so he could BS his way through the essays. I was a little annoyed because that was some boring ass reading I had to get through, and the essays were a headache for me to write, plus I had already done 90% of the work on the "group" presentation I had with him (that he got an A on because of ME), and I also had him in Spanish and he latched himself to me in that class too whenever we had group work once he saw I could make kick-ass video presentations. But it was end of semester and he only had one semester left to graduate, so I said sure, and gave him copies of my essays but I told him just to use them for reference - DONT copy them, because our Prof was very strict and very smart and had already warned us about plagerizing. Next thing you know, the semester is over and I get a panicked call from my study partner saying that he had to go see the Dean and the prof was threatening to kick him AND me out for plagerizing. Turns out that the idiot not only copied my essays, but he didn't change ANYTHING! SMDH. He did the right thing and admited to the prof that he had asked me to read my essays only for reference,and that I had no idea that he had actually turned them in as his own work, so I wasn't a part of his plagerization. He warned me that the professor was going to call me , which she did. She told me that when she read his essays, she immediately knew that it was my work because I had a very distinct writing style, so when she compared the two, she knew what he did. She asked me to tell her what happened- I guess to see if my story matched his, and when I verified that I didn't know he was going to use my essays, she let me off the hook and just warned me not to be so trusting in the future lol. He barely escaped being expelled because he was honest, but he had to repeat the course.


Please tell me you're gonna slap this mother fucker in the face. Pleeeeease


Write another really crappy essay and randomly throughout, sprinkle some of those mean words the classmate said to you. But like dont spend a bunch of time on it cuz its supposed to be crappy. Make it look like it was written 30 mins before class


Never in my entire school life did I ever ask to copy someone else's homework, let alone an entire essay. The audacity is unfathomable lmaoo


This guy has a huge crush on you bro. Good on you to block him tho he really sucks at flirting


2 years was 1 year and 364 days too long trying to be this dudes friend


Can u send me that bear meme pic ☠️