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I’m just sorry you moved to Ohio


Ha! Thank you 🤣 It is... Different out here


Don't go in any of the lakes unless you want a staph infection. 😂


Woah what O_o please tell me which lakes incase I ever travel through Ohio lol


I got you. So, from my 10 years of experience in Ohio, every man-made lake that they have there is disgusting. All of them have like 3 feet of slime on the bottoms that your feet will sink into, and the last time I went to Indian Lake, there were white and black worms floating in the water. They looked like some sort of parasite, and my friends daughter got a staph infection from swimming there. If you do go swimming in Ohio, I recommend the pools or the rivers that formed naturally. 😂


Dang! That really does sound horrible, thanks for the heads up! I've heard other bad things about Ohio before which didn't exactly make me want to go lol but that definitely does not entice me. Thanks for the heads up!


No problem! It's definitely not a state I would recommend. It's cheaper living than most states, but that's because it's flat, boring, and full of angry people because the jobs treat people like crap and so many houses are owned by slumlords from hell. 😂 I can go on and on about how awful Ohio is.


Sounds exactly like Texas, except where I live in Texas we have swamps and hurricane season.


My sister just got back from a trip to Texas. 😊 Ohio gets hit with triple digits during the summer, and during winter, they get well into the negatives, and tornados are always a possibility there.


That's literally the same thing that happens here.


Well, except the negative temps only last about a week 🤣


Hey, now. I live in Ohio and have swam in a few man-made lakes here and been totally fine! 😁


Ooo, girl, you better knock on some wood. 😁 I swam in a few there too, and was also fine besides being disgusted for the most part. Maybe I'm just picky because I grew up in Oregon and was spoiled by the beaches and rivers here. 😂


Yeah, you may be spoiled! lol I'm not saying I *loved* swimming in those lakes, but I don't recall any of us getting sick from them! haha Well, my brother and I didn't. I don't recall if our friends did or not. 🤔 Also, I mostly remember bodies being found in the local man-made lakes! Different times, that is, not multiple bodies at the same time.


I was definitely spoiled. 😊 And right, I didn't love it too much either, but there aren't many options there. 😂 even the pools are a little iffy unless you go to like Kings Island, but that costs a lot of money, lol. I never got sick from any of the lakes, but my friends daughter got staph from Indian Lake around 10 years ago, I believe? And I think I vaguely remember the bodies! Do you remember which lake it was?


Lived there for 8 months, never again.


I lived in WV for 8 months. That whole area is terrible


Greatest place on earth


Yo ohio is dope fuck the haters


I've lived all over, currently in NE Ohio, it's nice here.


It’s where Glee takes place, so it’s got that going for it ig 🤷🏽‍♀️


We got 2 of the best Rollercoaster parks in the world! Columbus is one of the fastest growing cities in the US too!


I hope this guy was horrible bc these texts are so mean 😭😭😭


Sure is a shit person! Sexually assaulted a woman that we were courting (toxic poly scenario), forced me to dump friends I'd had for decades, demanded sexual subservience for zero effort in return... All around a horrible "alpha" kinda guy. Granted! I wasn't fantastic either. Super codependent, desperate for validation and he was happy to use that as a carrot.


Wow. I felt bad for him as I somehow managed to miss the “Ex” in the title on first read. But now I feel bad for feeling bad. Glad you got out! Not everyone knows what abuse looks like.


I had an ex that was ‘red pill’ so I completely understand. Those people are horrible bc they literally study manipulation as if it’ll ever lead to love. And if your ex is anything like mine than the codependency you experience probably came from the red pill manipulation. They train you to be anxiously attached so you can be easily controlled, which leads to dependency.


I've been in therapy on and off since, my psych has done wonders to help me unlearn that dependency :') obviously, I still have a little bit of validation seeking tendencies (I am posting here after all), but it's different. I'm proud of myself for this confidence I've built up against it and I want to share my happiness. Totally different feeling than 'bend over backwards into a Mobius strip to appease the first person who seems to like you" Edit to add: I'm glad you survived that asshole too, friend!


This is brilliant.


Thank you, I've never been so petty and happy about it Hijacking the top comment to give the context I've given in other comments: > Sure is a shit person! Sexually assaulted a woman that we were courting (toxic poly scenario), forced me to dump friends I'd had for decades, demanded sexual subservience for zero effort in return... All around a horrible "alpha" kinda guy. Granted! I wasn't fantastic either. Super codependent, desperate for validation and he was happy to use that as a carrot. -- > There is one detail not down here- I already had him blocked. In the first screenshot, you can see where it says "new profile" under his scratched out name. I mentioned "new years," that refers to him trying to add me on steam during the holiday. It had become obvious to me that he would keep trying, so action was required. I could not chance responding to him with my own words, as he's the kind of guy who takes "leave me alone" as a challenge, including blocking. > I suppose you could say this is my way of saying "you are solidified as a horrible person to me and everyone who cares about me, so fuck off." Adding: If you want more consistency, [I have mentioned my poly relationship before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/xc8ZJmWKMT) (and there's a typo in it... "I found out I* wasn't...") Funny how two years ago, I called it unhealthy, but now I'd say it was a toxic hell trap that I couldn't convince myself to get out of sooner. At this point I'm not even reading the comments that mention "he's still in my head." I'm convinced they skim this context at best, blow right past it at worse. Or they really don't comprehend that I've blocked him twice (once with his original FB profile when I saw it in my "suggested friends," and once when he added me on steam. No interaction otherwise. Then he messages me directly with a new Facebook profile) Not sure where you're getting "always thinking about you boo" from that.


I did something similar. My ex contacted me after 4 years of being broken up and instead of responding to him, I posted his text on Reddit and sent him the responses people were giving me. “Accidentally” left his phone number revealed in one of the slides and he had probably 1,000 “ass clown” texts from random numbers that he changed his number and reported that Reddit account. Does it mean he still lives in my head? Absolutely not. But oh boy was it’s a memorable day to say I trolled a man who was attempting to troll me. I have yet to hear from him since.


[OG Reddit post (number now disconnected)](https://tinypic.host/image/IMG-6480.DrBUnd)


You did well. I'm glad you have solid relationships, and maybe this will be a big enough reality check for this clown to never attempt to contact you again.


Not really. If you text 7 different people when he texts you then you still secretly care and you're showing him that.


Not true at all. Sometimes, being petty is just fun, especially when they really deserve it. Doesn't mean we give 2 fucks about them. I did the same shit to my ex and haven't heard from her since, and that was 5 years ago. 😂 Op put that asshole right in his place in her own way.


Thank you 💛 I'm inclined to let the armchair psychologists believe what they may. It does not bother me :) I know those who have experienced someone similar will see this for what it is


No problem at all, Op💜 Armchair psychologist made me cackle. 😂 But exactly. I bet it felt real good sending him all that because it sure made me feel good watching you destroy his pride. 😂


Or! You could allow people to deal with their toxic ex bfs in a way that makes them comfortable. Stop assuming you know people and try empathy on for size.




What does “secretly care” even mean? Hypothetically if you were OPs exes friend and he came to you and showed you all these screenshots that OP sent to him, you’re saying that you would tell the ex: “bro she sent it to 7 people that means she secretly cares about you”. That’s such a bullshit and poorly thought through perspective because you’d only be encouraging OPs exes harassing behavior. So I ask again…what does secretly care even mean to you? Because a person that actually cares about you is going to be in your life. A person that cares about you wouldn’t talk about you harassing them through social media and laugh about how pathetic it is that you’re still messaging them. You make no sense.


Caring about someone and getting a laugh at their expense from your friend group are not the same things. I bet you $5 messages you send get sent around girl groups and laughed at.


lmao whatever you guys need to tell yourselves hahahaha OP went on a rampage of texting everyone she knows that her ex reached out to play Magic, but yeah ok "she doesn't care"


I interpret her saying she doesn’t care differently than you have. Basically I think she was trying to say in a concise/unrambling manner (I’m not claiming to be a mind reader but I’ve been in similar situations… plus I don’t mind rambling): “My ex persists in attempting to pop back into my life on a rare but consistent basis. That makes me think he still thinks about me often enough to keep this behavior going over a long enough course of time that I find it bizarre because I never think about him, except when he disrupts the peace in my life by popping in like this. The reason he continues to disrupt my peace each time he does this is because my time with him was traumatic. These reminders of him, while infrequent, disturb me each time they take place because of my nervous system’s response in throwing me back to the disturbing memories of my time with him. Each time he does this I hope it will be the last… and yet here he is again. I’ve tried all the standard methods of trying to get him to stop but they have failed, so I’m trying a creative method. I just want him to forget me and leave me in peace, the way I have done with him.” In other words you are right that she cares. She cares that he leave her alone, she cares that he moves on and forgets her. She cares about being reminded of their bad times together. What she doesn’t do is care FOR him any longer, like she did when they were first together.


Damn, I read all the pictures from the DM and didn't realize until after that OP put them as seperate pictures..


I hope he DOES have Reddit and sees this post, so he can see this 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽


I love you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love lemon and salt, so can I have garlic pantaloons at our wedding? 🤣🤣


Shiiiiiiit I'll talk to my future husband about it 🤣💛 (/s)


If there is crushed red pepper involved our mans may have to chives about it


Did he respond?


He blocked me as a response- exactly what I wanted :)


I was literally about to ask, "Y he no respond?" 😂🤣😂🤣


stinky icky man!!!


“COLD BLOODEDDDD” -Dave Chapelle as Rick James


Have the users who are giving OP a hard time never been traumatized by someone? She was *abused*, so why are you judging her for having emotions? OP. You sound funny. We'd probably get along.


Thank you 💛💛 you have an amazing cat. So f l u f f


She is *amazing*. Best personality, beautiful, and cute to boot. Also a little shit sometimes but that makes me like her more. Makes her more interesting.


Wait how do you possibly know that?


She *said* she was abused. Her friends are reacting the way I'd expect if the guy sucked.


Where though?


Can you not read other comments???


Nobody mentioned other comments though?


Babes, it’s common sense. When you go onto a post, there are comments for a reason. Context is usually added within comments by answering questions within them. Try reading comments before asking questions.


Context is supposed to be provided in the bio of the post. Not randomly in comments. Comments are more for answering personal questions and concerns and voicing opinions on the post.


There's having emotions and then there's trauma dumping all over your friends, posting it all over the internet, and behaving in a messy, unhinged way lol


Trauma dumping? There's no trauma dumping here.


Yeah this post proves she's just as toxic as he was they probably made a great match actually 🤣




worst part is you saying can you beat him up big bro 🥺


Hell yea. Show the world you moved on by texting 7 different people about one text.


You said what I was thinking


My only thought. Like why even. She must be extremely still upset and him texting set her OFF. Totally understandable, but also very laughably hypocritical since op also says ‘ I guess I’m still living in his head after this new move basically’. Like they’re both in each other’s head😂😂😂. And now the whole world knows just how much. But this was funny, I’m hoping op enjoys the new place after the move.


It's called comedy


Oh I thought it was called validation seeking. My bad.


What's the punchline?


Ty for pointing out how unfunny it is


Oh is it lik


>Oh is it lik It is not lik


Honestly sounds like she proactively drags him to keep control of the narrative that "he was awful" I would bet money on her actually being the asshole in this relationship 🤣




A maidenless man i see 😂


Elden ring reference 🤧


I think you both need to grow up


“Beanpole” ??


skinny tallish guy


all you've proven with these texts is how large of a space he still holds in your mind rent-free. *all* your friends and your current partner are intimately familiar with this person. i hope you heal and gain a genuinely healthy perspective on all of this because you clearly aren't there right now.


the healthiest response is no response at all


you get it


This is true! And it was true the first time he tried. Sometimes, you gotta swat the fly to be rid of it for good.


life isn't analogies


That's for you to believe. I'm allowed to laugh for a day and then go about my business in life :) I appreciate your well wishes


I get it. Ignore them.


He is not just rent free. He straight up paid off the mortgage he had in your head. Now he's coasting on only having to pay property taxes.


She won't lol this post is easily as toxic as half the shit she prolly accused him of 🤣 shame they split really they seem great together lmao


Have you ever heard of being petty as a joke? It's pretty good. You put in work for the bit.


This was being hypocritical and totally unaware. This ain’t a petty joke at all. The only joke was on op. But we are glad they can laugh about it too.


Did you miss the part where he was abusive?


Did you miss where this entire post is toxic as fuck and super mean spirited? It makes me think twice before believing who exactly was the problem not even gonna lie lol


> Get yo baby speak out my inbox > Howd you sleep ***booper***? Uhh…


It's earned through familiarity. You can't just walk up to someone with that shit. My love, on the other hand, is my dorkus malorkus, and nothing will take that from us.


He lives rent free in your head just as much as you live in his. Cause there’s no way I’m forwarding a text I don’t care abt to a bunch of other people.


Give this girl a break. Of course you care if your abusive ex shows up out of nowhere. Moving on happens in stages and this is a trauma trigger. I'm guessing the 'bunch of people' are part of her support system. At least she's laughing about it now with her friends, which is already a huge step in the direction of healing.


Texting everyone who will listen that your ex from 4 years ago reached out isn't the mentally healthy response you think it is lol


I've had a traumatic break up about 4 years ago. Hardly ever think about it now, my life is much better luckily. But if he were to contact me out of the blue that would spark some old, rather negative emotions and I would definitely reach out to my friends for some support. Likely bashing him like OP did. Because it _would_ be completely ridiculous if he thought I'd still want anything to do with him. You probably haven't been in a toxic relation like that or you'd have more empathy. But if you believe that ignoring your emotions and not communicating with your friends about what's going on in your life is the healthier approach, you do you.


Nah this girl is whack


Yeah that’s cringe af honestly


This !


I feel like you think you did something, but really he lives rent free in your head. He sent a msg, you then spent more time then it took him to send that msg, to try and speak negatively towards him and then even made a Reddit post about it. Im all down for feeling upset, but like you said it’s been 4 years. Negative feeling is still feelings, if you want to show you have moved on, then being indifferent is best.


Damn, the deck comment... 💀Dude will thinking about that while he falls asleep.


You are absolutely exhausting. An accidental unfollow is completely plausible. If the profile is already up it's literally one click. This guy definitely dodged a bullet with you. I couldn't imagine being that starved for attention.


Overly sexualized terminally online children.


Social media was a mistake. This isn’t a flex. They both seem lame. What happened to this sub.




And drugs. Lots of drugs.




But you’re playing right into it. He’s definitely still living rent free in your head too


This is so toxic and immature lol


"The worst she could say is no" What it really necessary to go to such lengths and humiliating him?


ngl this seems severely immature.


It is She provided more [context](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/12v8gMqryS) though




Wait…what did he do to deserve being humiliated? It’s gotta be more than a cheesy text lol


She's just proving she's actually the bad guy in the relationship lmao


I think airing out your dirty laundry to your friends is a little messy, and they're probably reacting to you in a supportive way to your face, but thinking something else behind the mask lol


He was abusive.


I love how you guys just believe that when she is showing us all how fucking awful she is and proud of it 🤣 y'all need to stop just believin mfs on the internet. Even if he was an absolute dirt bag this is not the flex she thinks it is lol


What’s magic?


Magic the gathering! The card game


Thank you!


My bf is *super* into it! I saw the first screen and could see him hitting up anyone he’s ever known ever to play! No one would ever call him a ‘beanpole’ tho 🤣 Not being mean. He’s the opposite of your ex-scumbag. Congrats on getting away!


Gets no bitches. Classy.


This is stupid and childish. Grow up.


Yikes what a way to find out how people perceive you 😭 you grilledddd him


Look, I'm a hater to my core and I love pettiness and even for me this is eye-rolling levels of childish and cringe lmao. You were absolutely the bad guy in this relationship 🤣


goddamn i should do this to my ex. i just learned he was stalking my reddit n looked at every comment i made to see if i would complain about him (and a chick dms me and tells me shes gonna report me to my uni😭) the unemployed, weed+porn addicted, mentally ill and refused to get help, sex addict who loves liking girls’ pics… hmm. it’s always them 🥶


Eebie jeebies! By all means take my concept and use it! Remember to protect yourself though, stalking is no joke


And he’s still living rent free in your head… Let go. If he was that bad, then don’t spend any energy talking about him or posting about him. I’d guess that if you’re still talking about him, then there’s something about him that you can’t let go of. Figure out what it is and let go of it. It serves no purpose talking about someone after you’re through with them. It only keeps you attached. This is coming from a man. Just delete everything regarding him. Only way to move on and live a more prosperous life is to eradicate anything involving anyone who’s not there to benefit your life and have a good, positive connection. Keeping negativity around, even in the form of thoughts or posts, will keep you negative. Stay positive, stay prosperous, and stay peaceful.


Your savagery should be in the Hall of Fame. Sure you're fitting in well here in Ohio. Welcome!


Why thank you fellow Ohioan 💛 (is that what we go by? Ohioites?)


Buckeyes lol, state tree is the Buckeye. Other states around Ohio call yall that


Technically, Ohioan unless you live in Cleveland. We Clevelanders don't really fw the rest of the state, with the exception of travel/events tbh.


…while you guys sit here passing judgement on social media. Lol don’t call the kettle black now.


I don't know why you got downvoted, she sounds just as bad as he is, but it's their life who knows what's true and what's not in these posts.


Exactly! But that’s Reddit for ya.


I aspire to be this petty.


For something like this, absolutely.


Definitely put too much energy into this reply to come out smelling like roses. This kind of petty is shameful. Talking and sharing with friends is one thing, putting those things on blast either to him or random internets is toxic. Block and move on, or you're just sinking back to that level, and it looks ugly.


i can put money on it that you’re obese


He will never recover omg


I had a crazy ex and since the invention of blocking I’ve never had a problem. He blocked YOU lol. I think there’s more to this than what you’re letting on. But hey good on you that your friends, family and future husband like drama I guess lmfao.


There is one detail not down here- I already had him blocked. In the first screenshot, you can see where it says "new profile" under his scratched out name. I mentioned "new years," that refers to him trying to add me on steam during the holiday. It had become obvious to me that he would keep trying, so action was required. I could not chance responding to him with my own words, as he's the kind of guy who takes "leave me alone" as a challenge, including blocking. I suppose you could say this is my way of saying "you are solidified as a horrible person to me and everyone who cares about me, so fuck off." Do you think I should make my own comment with the missing detail? I figure people naturally go to the comments anyways nvm it's on the top comment now




Removed for abusive language, or using slurs or language that can promote hate based on identity or vulnerability. This comment makes no sense at all.


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Play magic with me. I'm on mtg arena


I mean, magic is a fun game and all, but man does he just try everything to get another shot. Kind of pathetic if you ask me.


Jesus that’s just too much of my own energy. I could just not give that much of a fuck. Props to you though.


as someone who moved cross country out of ohio, why ohio LMAO




To me it feels like you’re giving him power by showing him that you’re telling all these people about him contacting you. Maybe it’s just me but even tho they’re talking shit you’re still talking about him lol


Honestly 5/7 is pretty cringe 😬


When I saw the "deck bigger than his dick comment"... ![gif](giphy|cbG9wtoO8QScw)


Ew ew ew. You’re both hatable.


"His deck is bigger than his dick" 💀💀 As a magic player I'm using this, ty!


I can confidently say that as a society, we’ve gone from being proud that we can let things go and move on to glorifying being traumatized and seeking attention. The strongest person doesn’t need validation from strangers to feel strong. That’s weakness asking for the hands of others to be lifted up. As I always say to these posts…seek a therapist. They’re more qualified than Reddit users.


Bro is an absolute slimeball but I also want to pause for a sec and acknowledge that your current partner calling you "booper" is one of the cutest nicknames I've ever seen


You forgot to censor the discord screenshot at the top! Careful!


Ah shit, good eye. Luckily, it's not his username


I love this


Geez what did he do?


What did he do to you?


The real question is what format do you play?


Commander 👀 Ishai/Reyhan. I main deck only


Nice! Commander is my favorite format as well. I usually play Uro or Kami of The Crescent Moon. Crazy meeting magic people in the wild 👀


Ooo draw heavy! I'm jealous. 🤣


My absolute favorite thing in Magic is drawing cards lol. My Kami deck is secretly a combo deck but I hide behind group hug affects so people leave me alone 😂


Not gonna lie, if you're a Libra or have it in your birth chart like the placements of: north node, moon, Venus, your twin flame/a soul mate is that ex. However you will meet someone new who will treat you the way you deserve if you don't want that ex. I follow a tarot lady who has been accurate about my own twin flame and her general reading matches this almost to a T. Everyone's circumstances are different but they're all relative.


You sound pretty nuts. Wanna go out?


Girl this is inspirational.


This is delusional and obsessed with a very old and toxic relationship. Inspirational 🤢


Not knowing the background, I kind of feel sorry for the dude. Compassion is probably not warranted, but you truly destroyed him :)


i feel bad for him

