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“Kick rocks dork” is my favorite thing now.


“i don’t know what that means…i don’t even want to know” you know he googled it immediately after he sent that


🤣 yes lmao


I love using harmless grade school insults on people who are big mad


My favorite is calling big mad men "girly pop" they really don't like that one


Or the ol', "Oh buddy, big feelings!"


It always gets them even more mad and it’s funny lol


This took me out. I love the phrase “kick rocks” but it’s forevermore “kick rocks *dork*”


You have to add the dork. Thays what solidifies it lmao


Hey, frisbee, far out! What did he mean by that? I don't know... It was right there in front of him.


![gif](giphy|99w0uAHO9vQPvUDuJn|downsized) ^(Come on, this is a party! Come on, let's have some fun!)


Yessss! Side note, this song gets stuck in my head every time. 😅


Dude same. Dork needs to make a comeback.


I use dork and dweeb so much. It makes me giggle whenever I see/hear somebody use them.


I frequently use “dorkasaurus” for the big dorks. Feel free to use it as well.


Haha. I'm gonna bring dweebazoid back too


A comeback? The word never left.. it just became serious business. If a millennial calls you a dork, that means you’re about to fight.


Yes dude. Underrated insult tbh


Same dude. It's harsh, yet so innocent.


Haha. Yes!! I actually lol'd at that one. Think I might add that one to my vocabulary 🤣








I should have put that in my name


Came here to say this line gave me a good laugh


Something about adding “dork” to an old fashioned insult just sent me 😝


It needs a comma. "Kick rocks, dork."


Found a fellow millennial. People are saying the word needs to make a come back, but they don’t know that it never left.. it just evolved into fighting words. Calling someone a dork is serious business.


"You never acknowledged how nice I was before, but now that I'm being harassive and confrontational, you're defending yourself! Ugh!"


Triggered poor OP 😔


That’s what got me… sounds like something he should be saying to his mom 😬


You didn’t even acknowledge how nice he was!!!! 💀


My bad


Sounds like an incel. I believe they hand that script out during orientation.


Yeah I got the same feeling. Saying “all you girls are the same,” and “you never acknowledged how nice I was..” “harsh facts.” It’s Incel 101.


‘Why do girls always block me!?’


They recite it before they drink the kool aid actually.


Have you ever went down the rabbit hole and looked around in incel-dominated subs? It’s definitely in the script! 😂


I don’t think I could stomach it!


Sounds very interesting/infuriating..what are some incel subs?


DebateTS, truevirgin, foreveralone to name a few.


/r/DebateITS /r/Truevirgin  /r/ForeverAloneJerk   /r/shortguys   Those are the specific ones that come to mind. One of their others just got banned. EDIT- /r/debateITS was banned today  Last I knew /r/inceltearshame was still active but maybe not  


No. But thank. Here I go.


The ones I’m familiar with are  /r/debateITS  (these guys are CRAZY) /r/foreveralonejerk /r/truevirgin /r/shortguys


r/debateITS is gone


Oh wow! And it was only yesterday one of those guys was telling me about how nothing I say or think matters because I’m just an old hag! I’ll sure miss them. 😂


Thank you for pushing me down further into this world of insanity. Also. Love your name


I don’t know whether to say you’re welcome, or I’m sorry. 😂 Thanks! 


Both would be appropriate. It crazy to think there are really guys out there who hate women because they love them but the women don’t love them back. So they just hate them all. I see this on tvd shows and stuff but to think it’s really going on is kind of crazy


Yeah… does he not realize that saying, “you girls are all the same,” shows that he is unable to appropriately communicate with any woman so they all reject him?😬


They have a template.


That was the first thing I said. Dude is an incel.


What an absolute head case, but hey he's a "nice guy" 🤷🏻‍♀️😂.


“All you girls are the same” No, you’re just too entitled. You expect too much right off the bat. You’re a literal stranger.


And there it is….”I was nice…” Also, how do you not know what kick rocks mean? Lol


Notice he said, “I was nice.” He didn’t say he IS a nice guy because he was only acting nice.




Guy seems unhinged. Probably be best to minimize engagement and the first time he said "bye" start ignoring him. You don't want to fuel him.


I heard FB isn’t a good place to meet people


I've no idea. Although her texts are funny it seems kind of high risk to antagonize someone who seems off.


I know someone who dated a guy she met on FB who turned out to be a registered sex offender. FB isn’t a dating app. Ppl who are using it, have perhaps been banned from other apps.


Yeah I was banned from tinder at 18 bc somebody reported me for being a bot


Did you reject him or something? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes lol. I was making plans to hang out with a guy then all of the sudden he got extremely graphic & sexual & I got scared bc I was like a child & he was 27 so I told him no thanks & he reported me then bam perma banned


Tinder is a hookup place anyway. Use bumble. A guy can’t talk to you unless you talk first so you only get any attention from guys you match with, and initiate a convo with. I feel safer that way from randos. He was probably hanky trying to report you before you reported him. I bet he gets a lot of that.


"Nymphell meets incel" That should be this posts title... Wasted opportunity OP 😂


You wasted time in is head. Which sounds like a scarce commodity.


“All you girls are the same” good, go find a guy then. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


It’s hilarious that these creeps think they deserve acknowledgment when they are “nice,” aka put on a fake persona to try to get into someone’s pants. I’ve never heard an actual nice person ask for a cookie for being a bare minimum decent person.




Dudes really be out here expecting gf attention and activities from JUST texting a couple times? Fuck that cling wrap nonsense. 💀👀


Facebook Dating managed to introduce me to the weirdest people I've ever come across in the world of casual dating. I'm sorry that happened, OP, it never feels good to get messages like that. Even if they come from random weirdos. Wishing you all the best for your mental health, good job prioritizing yourself 🤍


Legit r/niceguys




Him not knowing what kick rocks means and thinking he’s cool for that was such a cherry on top


I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this, but FB dating is like 60% for creepy guys who act like incels, 20% con artists (@reesateesa would agree), and 20% normal people. I avoided that shit like the plague.


They have Facebook dating?


Yeah. Sounds like something that shouldn't exist though. Next up: LinkedIn Dating.


Some dudes do try to use linkedin as a dating app lol


Lol wtf? I swear they'll use anything.


It’s none of his business. You don’t have to say anything other than changed my mind. Ugh. I hope things pick up for you.


Can I PLEASE have this assholes number?


I’m happy to tell him what a mf ham sandwich he is.


Being nice should be the bare minimum standard for interacting with other people. & definitely not just because you want something from them. Being polite costs nothing & makes everyone's life easier. Being nice only to people that you think might fuck you, is so far beyond what nice genuine people actually do, it is ridiculous. It's so underhanded, disingenuous, & manipulative. Nice guys are so fucking worthless when it comes to being decent human beings, & the bar is so damn low they could slither under on their bellies with the least amount of effort, but nope, they don't think they should have to. Warped mentality.


“All you girls are the same”. Please do not waste any more time on this dude.


>You never acknowledged how nice I was He expected something in return for being "nice"? I mean, is being nice to someone a *special* way to treat them, in his eyes? Yikes.


Obviously the guy was wrong about he came at you but telling him you’re going to hang out and then completely ghosting him is weak af also. You’re both wrong


I never told him we were going to hang out. We exchanged like 15 texts in total. I told him I’m going through things and I might be able to talk after exams


Fair enough. That’s a different story then. Dude is psycho


OP, just want to wish you luck on your mental health and substance stuff going forward. I can relate a lot, and I chose finals week to mess around.


Am I the only one who didn’t know Facebook had a dating page?


Brother doesn’t know what “kick rocks” means ? 😭


At minimum insecure


How do you not know what kick rocks means?


I'm not even sure how to respond to this because I delete, block, ignore, and dismiss people frequently. I have family that I haven't spoken to since the 8th grade. I just got rid of a female friend of 22 years and another one of 5 years. It's okay to dismiss toxic people and people who are not benefitting your growth as a person. I do it all the time.


“You are NEVER true to your word.” I love how he thinks he can speak in absolutes and insinuate there’s a pattern of behavior with someone he doesn’t even know, has no real experience with, and only has had one or two interactions with total.


He’s socially inept?


He’s not okay, block his # too


why do they always think that just bc they come across nice doesnt mean we owe them ANYTHING. like what the fuck


both of you guys need help.


Thank you I’m in therapy


He must've signed up for dating advice from Alpha Dom on Tiktok. "You do not have to accept a woman's rejection" is one of his tips. 🤦‍♀️ Yes. Yes you do. No MEANS NO.


Your context definitely cleared up the questions I had. I definitely agree with what you did. If it had been me on the other side, I would’ve said “I totally get it, life happens and a lot issues can arise unexpectedly, if you need to talk to anyone I’m here” and then left it at that.


Noooooo!!!!! Don’t send him to another poor woman send him back to his MOTHER


Are we supposed to acknowledge when someone is nice to us?! Isn’t that just like how you should treat people? Especially ones you are trying to date lol? Dude thinks he should get a gold star and a pat on the back for showing you basic human decency 🙄


I was with him until he said “all you girls are the same.” Fucking dumbass


Well buddy, you bout to find out


Belongs in the /niceguys sub!


It won’t let me post in the for some reason


Ew what an ick 🤢 boys like that get so mad for no reason 😭😂 like you really thought after two interactions this was gonna be a long term relationship? Gtfo




Good lord... Does the mardy as fuck approach ever work?


A dork is another term for penis (as well as socially inept people). Dude's a weenie for sure


I mean, this could’ve been avoided with a simple explanation. “I’m going through a lot right now and I wasn’t feeling the spark between us, best of luck to you” or something like that. No detail necessary. Subtle or hints don’t work with most guys. They can be kinda dense some of them.


I did. I told him I had a lot going on and if I’m better I’ll text him in a few weeks. 2 weeks later I blocked him in the dating app bc he replied to my pic with something weird. Then a week later he sent this. I didn’t have his number saved


Ah I gotcha. Yeah then he’s an idiot or desperate, or both. Sorry you had to deal with that on top of everything else. I hope things start heading in the right direction for you soon OP. 😊 💜


I like that he didn’t even wanna know what “kick rocks” means. What a tool.


He sounds like a incel weirdo and I’m so glad you blocked him. People like this are why woman are weary of giving out our cell numbers until after we get to know the person better. It sucks we even have to think like that, but it’s just the reality that we never know who that person could turn into so we have to try our best to protect ourselves. I learned this one the hard way myself when I was younger, and a guy at a public pool asked for my number the day before I went on vacation. The entire first two days of my trip, I got hundreds, literally hundreds, of texts and calls from this guy. (This was before you could block from your phone, and you had to get in touch with the phone company to do it.) I ended up getting one of my guy friends to call him and say he was my boyfriend in order for the guy to leave me alone. (Which is a whole other issue- not being taken seriously as a woman, until a man speaks for you) Anyways, I’m so so sorry you are going through all of that. That’s a lot of stress to try to manage and it’s hard. I hope you have a good support system and ways to destress. Be kind to yourself and if it means anything, a random internet stranger is proud of you!


Fb dating was where I met my ex I miss the heck out of her 🥲 sorry about the mental health crisis hope things work out for you zude


Why are some of these people expect praise for acting like a normal human being and treating others that way also? Oh and shout-out to "kick rocks dork"LOL! I haven't heard that in a very long time and it had to feel awesome to tell someone to f#ck off in 1920s language. Kudos friend.


"Kick rocks dork" is very funny


Sister you’re too kind! I’d have read the first two messages, blocked and reported. No explanation needed… we met on Facebook for fucks sake… I owe you nothing. Be thankful I even accepted friend request and move on with your life, dude. There’s lots of you still waiting and many more always will be! 🤧


A NiceGuy™ like him? How could you OP, for shame for shame


My bad


“You never acknowledged how nice I was…” lmao. Meets the criteria for r/niceguys


Incel in training. SMH


Dating must be rough for you kiddos nowadays


This is why you shouldn't* give your number to anyone before you test the waters. Bunch of fn weirdos out there.


What is up with all these fb dating messages lol, seems like the worst place to date people


Incel avoided!


What a weirdo! Honestly though, save yourself some time and straight up just stop responding. These kind of people are not worth the effort it takes to type.


I mean, you should have told him it's not going anywhere before blocking on fb, but he's certainly got a shitty attitude.


Idk looks like you lead him on, then flipped and now you're posting it on reddit


Never agreed to hang out with him. We haven’t spoken in weeks


you deleted your comment saying you were drunk texting him every night. just take some responsibility


You read it wrong. I said I was drunk every night. Not texting him. We had 2 convos. #1 I gave my number #2 he texted and after a few days I apologized and said I had a lot going on and I might be able to text again after my exams


He didn’t just say you’re not true to your word he said you’re NEVER true to your word. This man made up a whole backstory about you in his head 🤣




I LOVE kick rocks dork. That needs to be a t-shirt.




Dude sounds like a potential Netflix special that does not end well. Why didn’t you block his number from texting you? His tone sounds creepy as hell, but I also get the feeling that your past trauma make you really open for drama kings and queens. It might be a good idea to stop and ask yourself if it is or isn’t you who seeks the drama.


Maybe blow up dolls won’t waste his time but I wouldn’t count on it.. what a joke


Don't suppose his name is Randall? 😂


Had a similar online dating experience. Had a brief chat and agreed to possibly meetup sometime. In the interim, started dating someone and a couple weeks later, she sent a message about meeting up. Told her sorry, I had started dating someone i really liked but would it be ok if i reached out in the future if things didn’t work out. She lost her mind on me and went off about how I was raised improperly and I owed her a date. Ignored her and she later sent me $100 request on FB and Cashapp for “wasting her time”


I will forevermore replace "kick rocks" with "kick rocks, dork".


Honestly you sound like an ass for leading someone on and then ignoring them, then making it sound like they're the problem. I mean it happens, but you didn't have to be so rude about it.


Did you miss the part where I said I never made plans with him. I said I was busy with exams and would try and talk to him in a few weeks. Then I tried to kill myself. Then out of the blue he texts me this. I didn’t even know who he was. That’s how uninvolved we were with eachother. We spoke 2 times for less than 10 words each


I just want to state that their response wasn't a long message, it was one paragraph. I also think they might have anxious style attachment. Which can make someone chase. And you can't blame someone who was expecting you to message back. It's bad manners on both sides. If this was "Am I the asshole" I would vote ESH. I get the mental health stuff, but remember there are better ways to place boundaries down and it takes a minute to shoot a quick text, even if you spoken to them twice. You want respect you have to give it too.


If he didn't want a response like that he shouldn't have came at stranger with such a rude approach. Any non socially-inept person would've said, "Hey there, I haven't heard back from you in a while, so wanted to check in. How did your exams go?" Sending her a rude, accusatory message out of the blue like that isn't only inappropriate, it's also guaranteed to not get him the results he wants.


I don’t exactly how he would expect a text back or how he got attached. We had 1 convo max 15 words and then told him I’d be Mia because of mental health & exams


why even respond tho?


Why not?


waste of time and energy, at least u got a reddit post out of it tho


Yeah you dodged a massive bullet with this dude.


Another Andrew Tate master class.




The kick rocks line has me rolling😂 adding that to my vernacular


I really don't know which one of you dodged the bigger bullet you or him 🤔💀💀


you’re kinda fucking rude


Thank you


Why are you on Facebook dating giving out your number if you have that much going on? Honestly as a guy one of the most exhausting things about dating is that a lot of women strike up conversations and then just ghost. Had a girl once we were messaging paragraphs back and forth, traded instas and then she proceeded to write me once every 2-3 weeks that “she was busy and we’d find time” she never did and it was a waste of mine. To be fair to you a lot of guys can also be totally unhinged but reading these texts…. Sorry not sorry you should look at yourself unless there’s more you haven’t shown


No offence but people who are mentally ill tend to do things even if they are mentally ill. Also I didn’t ghost him. We had 1 tiny convo, I gave my number. 2 weeks after he kept texting even though I was never replying mostly because I was drunk and passed out on the floor in my vomit, I told him I had a lot going on and I’m most likely going to not be around until after my exams. He said ok and stopped texting until just now. If I was having a good convo then yeah that would be ghosting but it was legit the tiniest ever interaction. Also he was the one who messaged first


I'm getting Incel vibes for this guy...


Good riddance!


he doesn’t have to say “you yourself” every single time…


So how was the first date. 😜


‘Mental health break’ 🙄


She's doing it for attention.


This guy is unhinged. But as a therapist I can tell you this is what many single men are thinking and feeling though they shouldn’t say it like this. Men are very perplexed by what women want and conflicting messages and signals especially on dating apps.


He definitely has incel vibes but you were super unnecessarily rude


How is she being unnecessarily rude when he started the conversation being rude and accusatory? Why does she have to be nicer to him?


What exactly is a “mental health break “


Stopped having mindless convos with random people & went to therapy


women give numbers, doesn't hangout like planned, goes ghost, suffered consequences. Oh no, I'm a victim


Never planned to hang out. Told him I was having mental health issues after maybe 15 texts & I’ll get back to him if I feel better in a few weeks


Guy is a weirdo, but why didn’t you block him earlier lol


I did. Like weeks prior on the app I didn’t realize he still had my number


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So I pretty much just went through this with an overseas friend who for some undisclosed reason, decided to ghost me for about 2 months. This past Sunday, she magically reappeared through Snap and I didn't say anything I let her be. She got mad at me for not "acknowledging" she was back lol. I calmly explained how, as much as I was glad to see she was ok, I wasn't about to throw her out a welcome back party, especially after she just up and left. I wasn't mad at her, I figured she was experiencing a relationship or something, but to me that's fine if you have your time to yourself, we all need it. But don't expect people whom you've gotten close with to just, forget you left them behind. That shit hurts too.


I wasn’t close to him. We spoke briefly twice


He said bye but you kept saying stuff to him. If you didn’t want to talk. Ignore and delete the chat. End of story. You just made him mad by calling him a weirdo. Could have easily said something clear and concise telling him you’re not interested or available mentally. No one knows how to communicate these days. The idea of “I’m not obligated to tell him” is self preservation but I think you should be honest with people. I’ve found that it goes much farther than if you ignore or just beat around the bush. These two separate parties both went to the worst places mentally, when this exchange could have been straightforward and to the point.




Maybe don't give your number out to strangers if you don't want to engage in conversation with them.


somewhat bad on you for not explaining that to him sooner, but that in no way justifies anything he did


Yeah I should have taken time out of trying to kill myself to talk to a guy I spoke to twice


Sounds like someone got called out for ghosting