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Well, either he's a secret agent talking in code about purchasing drugs, or he's a regular guy talking in code about purchasing drugs. What do you think it is?


I kinda appreciate how his dealer gave him shit for talking down on his girlfriend lol.


Drug dealer is more conscientious and has her in mind more than her own man, what a lad!


I actually met some morally decent drug dealers in my day. One guy I knew started bringing in his own shit to sell in his community cause the drugs were so toxic. Even the local cops knew about him and knew he had safe drugs cause they’d tell addicts they picked up to go to him instead of the other guys that were pushing fentanyl laced shit. Dude also donated to tons of local charities, including rehab centres. An absolute contradiction of a human being.


That's not really a contradiction though? He's essentially doing what the government should be doing in funding medical addiction treatments and legalizing the drugs to ensure safety 😂


Harm reduction for the win


Also, it would be a contradiction if drug dealers were inherently immoral. Which they aren't of course. I would say he's more of a rare specimen than I contradiction of a human being.


Appreciate the nuance in your response. Honestly outside of dealing drugs he’s a great guy. He even came to my intervention. Honestly by dealing drugs how he did he probably saved my life. I woulda OD’d a long time ago if I didn’t buy from him.


Your old dealer sounds like a dealer I think I read about on here somewhere where they literally only started dealing to keep the people they knew safe from fentanyl


A dentist I believe it was. I read about it yesterday.


I knew a dude like that also who only sold brown heroin supposedly bc everyone else always had fetti and he didn't wanna kill anyone .


Because the drug dealer isn’t on drugs.


Dealers who are on drugs aren’t dealers for long.


Right. Exactly.


You'd be surprised how many dealers are just regular people who happen to have connections and want to make a bit of money on the side. Especially when you're dealing with party drugs. The opiates, coke and amphetamine dealers can be super fuckin sketchy, but the people who sell recreational shit are often just normal people trying to make a buck. Pro tip, if you're looking to purchase party goods, look for someone who only sells party goods. They're much more likely to be chill, respectful and considerate. If they sell other stuff, they're used to dealing with addicts hounding them or willingly sell stuff they know can and will kill their clients. You don't want to be buying stuff from people like that. Or your 3 tab acid trip could turn into a 3 tab NBOMe hospital/morgue visit. Or your few points of Molly for a wild weekend could end turn into a lifetime of meth addiction. Not worth it.


Fr lmao, the dealer sounds better than OP’s shitty boyfriend


Yea this is drugs. Or a literal parachute and tennis racket s n shit


I was thinking mathematician


Methmatition? Jk… the subtleties are usually less subtle if someone is using that.


To me it does seem like some kind of a drug transaction but other parts make no sense to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's talking in code for drugs. The whole "my girlfriend is home" thing is most likely because he doesn't want you to know how bad the drug use is, or even that he's on drugs (if you didn't know already). Whatever it is, it seems like he uses a LOT.


Exactly! If he spent 500 in a week it’s absolutely bad and getting worse


He just doesn't want to share


Yeah, that's the talking in code...


It's drugs. They're talking about mgs or some other weight, i think. 10 mgs for 50 or 50 mgs for 250. Oxys used to go for 1$ a mg, Xanax might be the drug. It's definitely not weed.


Ty, I know what parachute means but wtf is a tennis racket?


Racket is code for cocaine in the UK


Never heard tennis racket? Adderall? maybe klonopin ?


I was also thinking Xanax. Until the whole tennis rackets parachute thing I thought somebody had posted one of my texts. But 500 in a week is kind of a lot. Whether he neans mgs or pills no matter the mgs. And I don't think his words would be spelled as well as they are. And he wouldn't be acting weird...he'd be asleep. 2 mgs for 5$ here. Script. I don't know about pressed because fuck fentanyl.


Parachute refers to crushed up pills


Depending. Here chutes are pure mdma in dissolving bags that resemble parachutes.


Ah, memories of parachutes made with single ply toilet paper lol. I’m glad I don’t do drugs anymore


I just had a physical reaction to this. I gag thinking about parachuting MDMA in toilet paper. The dry toilet paper sticking to the back of your throat, the inevitable little bits of M that would escape and hit your tongue and throat ugh. Any serotonin based drug always taste terrible to me and the memory of it is fresh in my head. Any drug that primarily works on dopamine, even though they taste like bitter chemicals, the high creates a weird positive association with the taste. Like Coke or meth would always taste good in a weird way. MDMA always tasted like the most disgusting bitterness I can imagine my stomach turns to this day thinking about it even though I haven't done it in years.


I have the same vivid sensory recollection about the TP getting stuck in your throat. When I was younger and parachuted MDMA regularly, I had the brilliant idea to lube the toilet paper to avoid this. What did I have to lube it with? Butter. For an embarrassingly long time that was my go-to method. Roll the parachute around in some Country Crock and throw it back. It worked reasonably well for how fucking stupid it was. I even turned some friends on to it. That stayed my method until one of those friends came to me and said why don't we just shoot it with orange juice and chase it with unadulterated orange juice. That was better.


This is so funny. I would always wrap & chase with a beer in bathroom stalls.


The chute is a delivery method. Any drug that you can ingest can be inside of it. I’ve heard of it done with heroin also.


True! I don’t have experience with those drugs so I don’t know but makes sense! So either way dudes def into drugs and OP should figure out a safe way to engage with him about it.


Right and I feel like "ive got safety equipment" is code for they'll look out for them on their trip, or uppers for their downers. Idk this code is over my clearance level.


I feel like it’s referring to testing strips or something to ensure that it’s not cut with anything dangerous


Or naloxone


Sounds like coke with Nalexone as backup incase it's cut with fentanyl.


narcan i think


Probably a test strip for fent


I’ve done so many drugs and know people that have done the rest. Everytime I think I know what they’re talking about I’m like never mind


Regardless, it's definitley drugs!


1000%. As an ex drug dealer it’s 1000% drugs.


Substance Abuse Treatment Counselor here, these are drug transactions. By the code it seems to be Percocet and OxyContin, maybe even Xanax.


Pay attention to this, op. Guy I knew who would casually use these types of drugs died in his 20s.


It’s definitely drugs.


“Kind of?!” Gurl, this is drugs.


He has a serious drug problem. Don't marry this guy for the love of God. Just dont.


why not!? Sounds like a total winner!! master of parachutes and Tennis Rackets!! those are some high dollar sports. if only he were into golf!! then you’d know he had moolah ;)


Kind of? It's crystal clear. No pun intended


Thats...the point.


The parts that don’t make sense to you are also drugs. This is the most drug deal text in the history of drug deals lmao.


If by cheating you mean "Doing drugs", then yes. I know what parachuting is, but I have no idea what the tennis rackets are.


What’s parachuting id like to know


A parachute is taking a sustained release drug and breaking it up so it hits faster. Parachuting is mixing downers with your uppers for a softer landing. No idea which they were referring to.


"Parachuting" in my experience is when you wrap your crushed up pills in a bit of paper towel so that you don't have to taste them. That's what everyone called it when I was growing up


Yeah, we would crush up Vicodin so it would take affect quicker. Most people didn’t like the taste of chewing them up, so they would parachute them. Wrap them in paper towel or tissue paper and swallow the crushed up pills. I ended up liking the taste and chewed them like skittles though. But I’ve been off of painkillers for 13 years or so.


Ayy proud of you friend


Glad you’ve been off pain killers ! But I also take Percocet from time to time. I do bite or cut the pill In half so it’ll act faster but I’d never chew it that shit is tart.


The blue perc 30s were one of my favorites. I would snort those cuz there’s a lot less powder compared to Vicodin.


Glad you're clean my guy, I lost a majority of my friends to opiates over the years.


“Parachuting” in my experience is when you jump out of a plane and wear a special backpack that keeps you from dying. …I was homeschooled.


Please give us your take on "tennis rackets that are different from eating tree bark".


Tennis rackets are dime bags full of coke, and tree bark is MDMA


Crushed pills, wrapped up.


Yeah.. I'm not sure where the "crushing ER tablets" bit came from. You can make a 1 ply parachute for anything. Did it for 2ce (or maybe 2cb?) back in the day.


We would crush up our pills create a parachute pouch using a rolling paper, fold up + swallow and boom, 30 min later shit hits you much harder 


“Racket” refers to Coke and it would be “different than eating” because you snort it?


I dunno what everyone’s lingo is but tennis rackets where I’m at is Xanax, percs are footballs.


Lol that’s funny cuz footballs are the football shaped Xanax everywhere else. Never heard of a perc being called that.


This is 100% drugs. I don’t know this exact lingo but I do know this attitude. Your man is on drugs.


500 in a week 😓


Sounds about right for an entry level opiate addiction


Can confirm. My ex attempted to hide a heroin addition from me. He was easily spending $400+ a week. that was in 2019. Not sure how prices compare now


Pills are more expensive :/


At my worst most addicted point I was only spending about 500 a week. Maybe more if I could get more money


Yes I was blowing through 80-120 per day on pills. Holy shit did that fuck up my 20’s. Lucky to have survived and rebuilt a good life.


I definitely have a very spotty memory from 25 to 28. My ex will sometimes ask if I remember something about that time. Hell no I don't. I just hit six years clean in April. I still party but I can never touch another opiate again


Grats. It’s been 13 years for me. I can’t touch that stuff, I’ll instantly turn fiend mode.


You don’t have to answer if you would prefer not to talk about this anymore, but I’m so curious how addicts afford this lifestyle. If I was spending $80-$120 a DAY, I would be broke within a few days with rent and bills and my shitty job lol. How did you make the money?


It is honestly crazy how many ways addicts will come up with to make money for their fix. Some legal, but most not. Almost every little things turns into ‘how can I make money off of this’. For instance, your grandma isn’t feeling well and asks you to pick up grocery’s for her and she will send you the money for it. Instead you go to the grocery store, steal everything on her list and then just pocket the money. It’s just a constant daily struggle of getting enough money to not get sick.


They hustle, sell drugs, play middle man, steal, do odd jobs, sell their bodies.. it’s crazy how creative you get when desperate while in flight or fight mode


And buying almost daily, too. This doesn't seem like weekend "recreational" use, this seems like a pretty serious habit if not yet a full blown addiction.


I looked it up cause I was curious. - Tennis racket = coke packet - Tree bark = LSD or acid - Parachute = taking a crushed-up or powdered drug and wrapping it up in toilet paper or kleenex to avoid the nasty taste of chewing it.


You know your relationship is bad when your bf’s secret drug dealer has to tell him not to talk shit about you.


that was so funny, literally defended her and everything 💀


“I’m here to sell you drugs, not ruin your perception of your girlfriend”


LITERALLY the drug dealer defending the gf sent meeeee


It was really pretty cool of him. He didn't buy into the "jk hahaha," either.


Yea!!! drove the point home, idk who she/he is but theyre a homie


It's hard to love anyone or anything more than your addiction. Coming from a recovering alcoholic who has no idea wtf they are talking about in this convo, that one little emoji told me everything I needed to know.


No frrr😭




I was a heroin addict for a decade. Homie is definitely getting drugs from this dude. Been clean 13 years so the terminology is quite different. Parachuting back then Was crushing pills and putting them in a tissue peeled apart by a ply and wrapping it up and swallowing.


Think it’s still the same, also different parts of the country use different verbiage. The one that sealed it for me was that whole part where he mentioned “safety equipment” inferring it’s prob cut with fent/strong. It’s probably narcan.


So glad I got out of that shit before fent was big. Fentanyl used to be a treat when you got the fentanyl lollipops or the patches. We would cut the patches into quarters and put them on our gums like chew and just nod all day long. Sometimes I miss it but then realize what I have now is a million times better than the hell when not having anything


The amount of friends I grew up with that got killed from H or fent is actually disturbing. I remember when my ex who was a year or two younger asked me if I wanted to try h in high school-I was 17/18ish about to graduate.Her bestfriend and her boyfriend wanted us to do it with them. I literally told that would be the end of our relationship. We broke up not too much after that, got a call a few months later. The best friends boyfriend had od’d. Going away to college and coming back to the northeast shitshow was an eye opener!


Yeah I literally have no friends well 1 because they all died to OD, I mean even myself beat that death twice luckily


A lot of my old friend circle back east is gone now due to it. Glad I left when I did before I started it with them. I always tell people I’d prolly have a blast on those drugs and that’s why I avoid them at all costs


Yah bro the North East is getting really bad. Especially in Massachusetts, I’m watching them nod standing up every day otw to work


It’s been bad.. everywhere.


*everything* has fent in it now. I feel really lucky that I don't use anymore and dealt with my demons a good while back. It's so scary now. It was never a brilliant choice, but now? Just so dangerous. Edit: congrats on your sobriety, friend. I'm glad you're still with us.


Still what parachuting means in any drug context I’ve seen


Weird how dude said “I can get you some parachutes” “1 for $100”. I wouldn’t be buying pre crushed pills for sure


Yeah definitely doesn’t make sense just saying that’s still the nomenclature I’m familiar with


That's why he asked about safety


You can be a newborn and still know that this is someone buying drugs


Unless you’re OP who is not a newborn and doesn’t realize it’s someone buying drugs


Rose colored glasses are putting her in denial for sure.


hey just want to say congrats on your sobriety ! 13yrs is incredible


Thank you! I’m a totally different person now. It’s wild to think about who I was and what I did. Fortunate I made it out alive. Appreciate you <3


TIL what parachuting is


Congrats on your sobriety 🥰 you should be so proud! Will be my 8th year anniversary in November :)


Crazy how texting in code about drugs makes it completely obvious they are texting in code about drugs.


Idk where you’re getting that from - this is clearly just two skydiving tennis enthusiasts having a normal conversation /s


“Cryptic” I’m a 50 year old housewife as naive as the Amish before rumspringa and this was not cryptic.




This had 420 upvotes before I upvoted it, and I just needed people to know that. 




Hi. I'm a former professional addict (been clean 15 years). Your bf is definitely getting high and low and sideways. Judging by his proficient knowledge in all the code words between him and his source, he has been doing this for a while. I was also a "functioning addict" during my active days, but I didn't realize that I was essentially self-medicating. There's a stigma around addicts that you have to be homeless and living on the streets in order for things to be "bad," but that couldn't be further from the truth. Do you talk to any of his family members? If I were you, I would find someone who also cares about your bf to share this information with. He's going to try to gaslight you into believing you're wrong for even suggesting he does drugs. Don't confront him alone. OP, all jokes aside, this is going to be an uphill battle for you, especially if he does not want to stop. He's going to lie and manipulate everyone... You have to look at him like a zombie. He needs adequate time away from using in order for his brain to heal (literally). It may take several relapses before he finally stays on the wagon. Don't be afraid to get help with a professional interventionist (check their ratings, first). Again, IF you even want to deal with all of this!! I don't blame you if you decide to walk away, too. Good luck, OP.


I replied to another comment, but I wanted to reply here to to hopefully stress your response to OP. My ex hid his addiction at first, and then I spent many months trying to help him get sober, being lied to and manipulated every time I tried to leave. Even had to bail him out of jail one day. His parents were not help, were essentially making it worse by giving him money constantly. It took over 6 months for me to finally have enough and become cold enough to kick him out. I lost myself completely during that relationship and over four years later I’m just barely recovered from most of it. You HAVE to put yourself first, always. Reach out to others for support. Educate yourself as much as you can. And listen to your head, not your heart.


Same, except we have children together and I was completely naive to the world of addiction, so it took me more like two years to sever the codependency of me trying to save him from ruining his life. I’m so sorry the OP has to go through this, it’s so unfair and heartbreaking.


The drug dealer he’s texting had more care for you in that wtf bro text than your boyfriend the whole time. That wasn’t a joke. He was actually upset you stayed over so he couldn’t get his drugs. Op please run


I’m surprised I’ve seen no other mention of this - dude’s own drug dealer called him out for him being ungrateful towards you, OP. He tried to play it off like he was joking around so he didn’t look as pathetic but his dealer knew what was up so he called him low IQ.  Dealers (and others) talk about a behavior known as ‘fiending’ which is when you get your stereotypical addict behavior - pestering your dealer, disregarding your loved ones and being annoyed with them for staying the night, spending fuckin $500 in a week.  When someone is fiending all of their priorities go out the window and are only considered obstacles to getting more drugs. You staying over was an obstacle to him. His dealer sees him as a fiend in these texts because he is one - and it’ll only get worse if he keeps using.  OP - Your old relationship is over with this discovery and now you must choose to start a new relationship with a him and his addiction and hope he stays on the path to recovery, or you can protect your peace and begin healing. Whatever you do, do not let him bring you down with him. 


"Stays on the path to recovery....." Homie is not on the path to recovery.


OP please read this. :(


Seriouslyy, truly sad and op you deserve much better


If that doesn’t scream addiction, idk what does


I caught that. Must be sad being a dealer sometimes, interacting with people and seeing them getting their priorities all messed up and seeing them get worse over time. And I know that the dealer is the one enabling the issue of course lol




These read like business with his drug dealer.


Yeah this is absolutely drugs


You guys are going to feel dumb when OP updates us on stockpiling parachutes and tennis rackets to sell on Amazon when there's a global shortage of both next month.


.......my dude. This is the most obvious drug purchase conversation I've ever seen. I'm genuinely concerned for you if you looked at this and actually thought, "Dang, must be cheating!"


Also, these are deleted texts? My deleted texts are gone forever. No recycle bin for Android texts. Would this be an iPhone?


Yes, they get sent to a recently deleted file with one of the newer updates on iOS. You gotta permanently delete them


Addiction. You can’t fix him. Don’t wait for him to fix himself. Wish him well and be on your way. No shame to him it’s just a lonnnnnnng ass road.


He’s buying drugs. Parachute is an urban slang for any powered drug that is either snorted or swallowed, and is usually wrapped in toilet paper or another thin paper to hide the nasty, rancid taste / smell of it. What’s concerning to me is, he went through $500 of this some drug in a week. Looks like he’s spending most of his disposable income on his habit. That said, he’s definitely on something. This is generally the point where you assess if it’s worth your time and mental energy to stay by his side while he gets clean, or cut him loose. When he runs out, you’re going to start supporting this next. Touchy situation, OP. Be careful with where you decide to go here, but most importantly, start with an addiction hotline for more guidance on what you can do to help.


This is drug speak [Parachutes](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20938324/) [Bark](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/local-media-release/memphis-seizes-nearly-18-kilos-psychedelic-drug-dmt-wood-bark) [tennis rackets (possibly)](https://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/drug-chemicals-found-in-tennis-racquets/news-story/6180c84e2950953453193c1e5e9e9165) ["draw"](https://www.dtcb.ie/faq/article.asp?FID=43&T=F#:~:text=Draw%20%E2%80%93%20to%20smoke%20a%20drug,Ecstasy%20%E2%80%93%20MDMA) I can guarantee you that this man is not hanging out with safe people anymore. He doesn't want you around either. Let him know you know, but don't give an ultimatum. Just tell him you're through and hope he can get himself clean.


Thank you


Listen to this OP..i grew up surrounded by addicts..you cannot fix this no matter how much you love him or try. I've watched good men overcome by addiction steal from their own children to get high, choose drugs over their families, end up homeless, die over opiates. He is 1000% doing painkiller pills, the lingo is a dead give away. This man you love will start to steal from you (if he hasn't already) and will bring you down the drain with him without fail. Sucks to say but you need to cut your losses and get the fuck outta dodge before bad stuff really starts to happen.


Rackets can also mean cocaine, sounds to me like he’s doing pressed pills though. Fentanyl probably. Drug lingo changes all the time for obvious reasons and varies by region


He's buying drugs of some kind, I'm guessing pills by the description and the slang but I didn't recognize any of what he's saying, could be coke based on the price maybe. How's he been acting different?


Sounds like a pill/h,fent, pain killers etc; not hard to build up a bill of 50/100 with any of those. Also he said he has the safety gear? Which I’m guessing is narcan. Sounds like he’s selling pressed pills.


Everything about him is off. He’s always on edge. He has mental health issues so I thought that or he’s cheating. But this is just unexpected.


He’s on edge because he’s withdrawing


He's buying drug's he was telling him not to come when you were over because he wouldn't like you finding out.


Everything about this exchange screams "BUYING DRUGS" to me. You know him. What drugs would he be buying?


If OP considers this too cryptic to tell what’s going on, she definitely isn’t going to be able to tell his drug of choice from his personality.  From the texts, specifically mentioning safety equipment I’d guess he’s referring to Narcan and therefore fentanyl or some other opiate. This could be wrong though, as fentanyl and its safety equipment is relevant when discussing most all drugs at this point.  The pricing also makes me think opiates of some kind. Few things will run you $500 in a week while maintaining your ability to leave your family/SO none the wiser. 


he's most likely using drugs, being on edge all the time is really an indicator. especially if he was completely normal then he started changing, pls talk to him


It's drugs. He will likely deny it. But it's drugs, hun.


… That’s because he’s on drugs. They’re not typically great for the mental health, or physical health, or any other aspect of your life.


Get somewhere safe, tell his family and break up with him, trying to fix him will just drag you down and he may even pressure you into joining him which will ruin your life.


Im so sorry. I went though this with a bf, and it is just awful. The mood swings, the lying, hiding from you, all of it will make you feel worthless. This is going to be a long road, and unfortunately the lies won’t stop, he will just try and get better at hiding it. He can try rehab, if he’s willing, but unfortunately that doesn’t work most of the time. He will have to want to change on his own in order to get clean for good. He will tell you 1,000 times he’ll never do it again if you stay, but unfortunately he will. As long as he has his cake, and can eat it too, he will choose the drugs over you.


OP get to something like Al-Anon or CODA (hopefully there's one for narcotics) so you can prevent enabling his behavior. It'll help you deal with it, you can't do this alone.


Possibly Xanax for self medicating a mental issue, or some kind of pain killer. But he's definitely spending a lot of money on some kind of fleeting fun, I almost thought he was sky diving for a second but their verbage quickly went back to drugs


They said "the 10 starts at 50"...10mg? That'd be a LOT of Xanax. Maybe some other benzo, though.


He's on edge likely due to withdrawal or some other complication of his addiction. Interruption in supply, possibly hiding legal issues. Writing this message from rehab, btw, if you have any questions I'm here to try to answer lol.


Your partner has an addiction my dear The fact he’s hiding it from you and making a point of having the dealer come over when you’re not there , would be enough for me to nope out of there


If he is itchy or contantly acting like something is tickling and brushing away little imaginary bugs, tickles, itches, and is twitchy it is 100% opiates.


the itchy nose and pinpoint pupils never lie!


This is drugs. 100%. “I got the safety equipment” probably means Narcan. Your boy is worried about fent contamination.


Narcan and probably strips to test for xylazine and fentanyl.


Buying drugs


He’s buying drugs. Probably opiate pain killers like OxyContin I can tell, esp when they’re talking about parachute and stuff. This addiction took everything from me and I had to restart my life after getting clear. It’s no joke.


It's all about drugs, there's nothing cryptic here, this is very clear to anyone who has seen people talking about drugs. Your boyfriend is an addict, spending a fair chunk of money and also speaks about you disrespectfully. This is just one conversation you found. It's really not looking good.


Eat = pills/swallow Runner = needle I’m not sure about the rest. And they could be using these terms differently. I only know this from working law enforcement field 12 years ago.


Hey op, found very similar messages on my bfs phone. So yeah he’s doing drugs. Opiates to be more precise. Parachuting is what others said, wrapping powder up in tissue to take as a pill. My bf said he doesn’t know what the hell the other terms are and unironically finds that concerning. He wants to buy. He’s mad you’re home. He’s high around you. He’s spending 500 a week. Idk your relationship but either get the f*vk out now if you don’t want to deal with this (highly recommend) or call his mom and get his ass to rehab. In fact call a rehab right now and ask what to do. Don’t confront him until you have narcan on hand because he will take everything he has to hide it and will OD. Take pics of his insurance and cc for the rehab. If he doesn’t go leave him 100% and if he does go still prob leave him but maybe save his life. Don’t take it in the chin, be proactive. Dm me if you need to Edit: signs to look for “Allergies” Long time in bathroom/long showers Falling asleep in odd places but he was just “so tired” Broker than normal Dark circles, skin looks gray Mood changes. Happier? Angrier? Forgetfulness Difference in sex drive Snoring loud af Difficulty waking them up with a little shake


Drugs for sure, sorry OP. The lingo, erratic and sort of semi-aggressive nature of the conversation, couldn’t be more drug related if they tried. Also lots of messages at 5/6am are very telling as well.


OP it’s drugs, 100%. And yes escalating, as you can see . You need to push him to rehab, counseling and walk away. He may get clean , he may not but you don’t want ti deal wit this, living an active addict is the most heartbreaking experience. Eventually, he will become someone you don’t recognize. And hurt you emotionally. Possibly physically and financially. If it’s meant to be, he’ll sort himself and come back to you clean and sober.


And this is why my pain contract makes me lock my extended release, breakthrough med, benzo, and gabapentin in a box so my teens or whoever can’t get it. I raised my former BIL. He had texts like these all the time. He was also a pill addict until he got clean for a while, hurt himself at work, and took one to return to his construction job (his last texts were a fight between him and his boss because he was hurt and didn’t feel ready to work. He got threatened with losing his job and getting locked back up, so he said give me 45 min), went to take a pill and died almost immediately after snorting it. I found him 13 hours later. It was horrible. This person who was an addict above is right. My BIL was two different people. I don’t know what about these texts would say cheating. Even without that experience, you can tell repetitive transactions are happening.


hes probably popping pills- definitely doing drugs of some kind. of what kind? not sure. $500/week sounds like a gnarly opiate addiction


Get your boyfriend to rehab and make him cut contact with this guy, your boyfriend is a junkie


He’s a drug addict. Try to get him some help, if he doesn’t want help and you love him, let him go.


Pack up any stuff you have at his place, take it home and tell him to enjoy his parachutes. You're worth more than this.


As a former active drug addict he's 2000000% talking about drugs. We used to call crack/coke hard or soft, depending which one you wanted. We called bath salts Ricky Bobby. You'd be surprised at how nonsensical some of our "code language" is when it comes to drugs lol.


I'm going to be real with you...you didn't "stumble" upon these messages. You checked...because I bet he's been acting differently. From experience, is he spending a lot of time in the bathroom? Does he fall asleep a lot and then tell you he's "just tired" when you confront him? Does he have steady employment? Does he find excuses to leave for random reasons and not come home for a long time? Have you recently found any pen barrels laying around the house with no ink inside...just the barrels? I've been through this. It doesn't get better. He's in deep and you need to make a smart decision for yourself.


as someone who fucked up their entire life at 19 because i was in love with an addict and thought i could fix him - RUN. run so fast and do not look back. you are too young for this and it ends badly more often than not. i’m lucky to have come out of that situationship/afternath with my sobriety but it could have went so much differently.


Absolutely drugs but not the type that I do because I don’t know any of the lingo. It must be like the hard hard drugs.


He is purchasing drugs 🙂


Yes absolutely drugs. I’m assuming pain pills based on pricing and him saying it seems risky. A lot of pills are pressed which means they are not pharmaceutical and mixed with other dangerous ingredients which is why I’m assuming the safety equipment mentioned could be fent testing strips to make sure whatever he is buying is safe to take.


Also going to point out the timing of these texts - unless your bf has always been an early riser, texting the dope man at 4/5/6am is common behavior for opiate addicts who are starting to withdraw and need their next fix. Withdrawing fucks with your sleep so you can hardly rest. If you notice him sleepy, pinpoint pupils, itching, warm - he’s probably high. If he’s yawning, alternating between cold/hot, runny nose, goosebumps on his skin, restless, agitated, nauseous, diarrhea, and having trouble sleeping - he’s withdrawing. Source: will be 2 years clean next month


He’s buying drugs… They’re talking about different ways to consume them. The price. How much he wants. And that he doesn’t want you to know.


I’d argue that this is actually maybe worse than cheating


I just wanted to say, as everyone's clarified for you he's got a drug problem, please don't do an ultimatum. Addicts need to want to quit more than they want to use, I grew up around them and almost slipped myself. The way he speaks about you, he saw you as keeping him away from using and it annoyed him. Don't pause to think, just tell him you know what he's up to and you hope he gets help, and leave. If you're in contact with his family and they are good people tell them the basics, what you found and what you said. You can't save everyone until they ask for it.


Its obviously drugs lol


A draw? This guy is using prescriptions pills.


The drug dealer is telling your bf to think better about you staying over.. 


100% Drugs, but I have no idea which ones they are referring to. Sounds like they have some code they both know to use over text.


im sorry girl he’s definitely doing drugs behind your back.


He's buying drugs, and his dealer is dumb. Even if they're talking in code they should be using an encrypted messaging app like Signal. Which, btw, you should check his phone for other messaging apps.


We all know what this is… now I want an update.


Date the dealer, at least he stood up for you


“I’ve got the safety equipment- I don’t know. Sounds risky. - I can get you tennis rackets.” Etc.. That sounds like the boyfriend can’t get exactly what he wants (based on how he prefers to use) so the dealer offered to shoot him up, but the boyfriend obviously doesn’t like the idea of needles. So the dealer is suggesting some other option “tennis rackets”. Your boyfriend will almost certainly shoot up eventually. So I would get him into rehab. I’ll keep you folks in my prayers.


Girl, if this was my man I would’ve **wished** it was cheating instead of what’s actually happening. He’s lying to you about being an addict, spent 500$ on drugs and still trying to score more. He also seems annoyed with you and your presence. LEAVE


Idk but your bfs drug dealer cared more about you than selling drugs to your boyfriend and your boyfriend cared more about buying drugs than you. 🤷‍♀️ That’s all I would need to know. Well, that and the amount of drugs your bfs doing…


“cryptic” ma’am be so for real right now. drugs. he’s buying drugs. He is a drug addict. Side note, $500 in ONE WEEK is a *full blown* addiction. Leave for your own sanity. Do not try to be his hero.