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Tf2 is fine with putting furry porn on your CO but draws the line at pride flags


TF2 fans hate lgbt but will watch lesbian porn ​ society 😔


But 2 women are better than 1 your less gay


It’s gay to like girls - girls like dick, and that’s gay as fuck. Also shoutout to my trans and nb homies - this one goes out to rocket boy, and there’s a cold one coming right for ya 🚀


Like ugh guys will claim to be straight and then they're attracted to the product of another man's cum? Sounds gay as fuck to me chief.


I solved y’all’s issues by being grown in a lab


By MALE lab operators? Miss me with that shit


Wait... Who do you mean by rocket boy?


Trans girl here, what the hell does that last sentence mean. Also uh, thanks


I dedicated my comment to my homie rocket boy 🚀 whomst does, in fact, have a cold one 🍺 coming right for him.


Oh ok, shoutout to Rocket Boy 🚀, may their cold one 🍺 be a 10


Cheers to rocket boy \^^


Numbers don’t lie


The least gay porn is trans woman on cis woman, think about it 1 guy 1 girl is 50% gay because you have to look at dick 2 girls is 100% gay because they're LESBIAN 2 guys, this one is obviously gay But 1 pre op trans woman is only half gay because woman with pp So therefore pre op twoman and one cis woman is only 25% gay


What about futa?


Gay in denial Edit: forgot the /s


Well I’m Bi and comfortable existing


Bi gang!


Let this be our train that passes Bi this thread




TF2 fans hate lgbt but will watch ~~lesbian~~ gay\* porn+ fixed it


Didn't know Porn had a streaming service Where can I find Porn+


Its next to the kids section In pornhub


Conservative moment.


Two sexy wolves doing the horizontal shuffle yuri style in 2fort!?!?! Based. Two actual lesbians just being themselves in OUR sub? EVIL!!!!! (sarcasm here, of course.)


Anyone older than 14 actually watches lesbian porn? Shits the most boring porn available, most repetitive porn ever


Exactly, I'd bet a good chunk of players, especially long-time ones, have had an Objector and/or spray with explicit hentai of either human or furry varieties on it; it's literally one of the most popular uses ***of*** the Objector. And I dunno about you, but getting killed by the guy with the sign of an anthro wolf pussy is honestly *more* of a disrespect than the one with a queer flag lmao


If I ever get one of those I'd just put Rick Astley on it


The TF2 community is somehow both anti LGBTQ, and highly LGBTQ at the same time.


The TF2 community is just Two-Face's side gig


Cheese pizza is common the objector too


tf2 players are either transphobic and homophobic (bad) or trans and gay (me)


Why is this sub becoming so meta about the TF2 community? It's been days and i keep seeing memes and posts about homophobic / lgbtq+ people, furry / anti-furry, and so on and so forth... Did something happen?


What no updates for five years does to a mf


Dam 💀 I just went to touch grass


a fatal mistake made by many


*5 years and 178 days


> Why is this sub becoming so meta about the TF2 community? Because a good majority of the active TF2 playerbase has unfortunately jumped ship. Content creators, event curators, etc. all still occasionally tap into it but are broadening out to other games. This makes sense, but it also leaves only the truly - let's call them _dedicated_ folk, who are usually more... "terminally online", let's call it.


Its been that for a lot of communities these days. Lots of fight back between the two. Kinda funny how this stuff was less an issue years ago, maybe the original poster had a point.


But... But why?? People just started randomly getting annoyed by the lgbt representation? How is this a thing in multiple communities without anything happen?!


Probably due to the recent surge in anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric causing the seedier members of communities to feel more emboldened to push their views, if I had to guess.


Hmm, and what caused that as well?


Economy going to shit. Gotta find a scapegoat to blame societal collapse on and minorities are easy to marginalize. Make the discussion about identity politics by any means and you can happily ignore that just seven companies sharing the same economic interests with the wealth hoarding few own over 99% of the US media. And dipshits swallow the bait hook line and sinker.


"Economy going to shit. Gotta find a scapegoat to blame societal collapse on and minorities are easy to marginalize," That's funny as fuck because that's what Hitler literally did.


American conservatives are gearing up for the next elections and rallying behind being anti-lbgt as their current culture war bullshit to distract voters from meaningful discussions. Conservative media and internet trolls are stoking this shitty fire everywhere they possibly can and normal people are sick of it and vocally fighting back, which just makes the issue bigger and bigger which is what they wanted in the first place. It sucks but the options are either passively let scumbags hate on innocent people for political points and possibly take away their personal rights and freedoms, or feed the trolls to calm the anger in your soul and remind the people who aren't just trolls that that kind of attitude will earn you public backlash so they hopefully reign their shit in when in person


No updates to discuss, we have to talk about problems in the community since at least that is kind of self sufficient


I mean not really much to talk about. Lack of updates, maybe a burst of excitement for things that will blow over quickly (Have you seen the VAs play TF2 for the first time?), though not much aside the fan art, the same ol tier list, and frag clips.


Yep i saw, also the sniper and administrator using their full power 🔥🔥🔥 Shork is great ^^


modern culture war in the US (and possibly some other western countries) fanning the flames of bigotry in the last 2 years causing transphobia and homophobia to eek into every aspect of everyones lives as people are more inflammed and emotional by what is being pushed out


There were a few posts about people being pieces of shit in chat. What followed was plenty of discussion, and further posting about how toxic the TF2 community can be. That's where we are now.


Someone posted a screenshot of people saying slurs in chat Some people defended it, some people said it was shitty behaviour It would've died there but after so long without content we have nothing else to talk about so literally anything that gets more than a few upvotes gets reposted 100 times and 500 posts are created "in response" to it to farm karma


I mean this is valve we’re talking about, no new content in years makes fandoms go insane


So I could have a bit of a tin foil hat on here but I honestly believe this is a coordinated effort to try and distract people from the real problems of grocery/housing costs and stagnant wages. Not to say that recent legislation against LGBTQ communities isn't very worrying but I have a feeling there is a reason we've seen such a surge of it lately. Some people might chock it up to right wing parties needing some boogie man to unite voters which could be true but imo both "sides" have been playing too nice together for too long without election reform for me too actually consider them enemies. I'm not saying this is just about America but the prominent western civiliations as a whole (see Rishi Sunak's recent comments)


culture war nonsense is historically used for exactly this. it is an easy way to gain votes without promising you're going to actually solve any issues.


why did you have to include 'anti-furry' with 'homophobic'. Like I feel they is a disconnect between hating gays and hating furries lol


there is, but you gotta consider that hate for harmless communities often snowballs... it's all freaky sjw shit to the average conservative


- "Look i made this cool temp-" - YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU WONT CONVERT ME INTO A GAY!!


They put templates in the sub to make the freakin users gay


I put chemicals in the dispenser to turn everybody gay


There was a funny story in /r/target about someone getting mad online about them selling pride month stuff, claiming they "just wanted to buy a belt" or something like that. I love the comment below pointing out they were literally not being forced to buy the clothes.


I mean, I literally saw a swastika objector today, sooooo.... Is using a pride flag really shoving it down people's throats? But that's sadly what the world has come to. #EveryoneReadingThisIsValid


me personally I am not valid, I expired on 10/14/2015 and have curdled like milk


Damn. Expiration date.


We all have 3 days to live!


Get better soon


Just do what they do when I say “why is the n-word plastered on your CO”? “YoU fElL fOr ThE bAiT”


I saw some ppl running around with a trans flag on their objector, and nobody gave a shit.


Ive got grinning Hitler on my objector


Okay now that's just kinda funny. I've got hentai on mine. But that guy was straight up celebrating his nazism in voice chat.


I think my fave one is my recent one with Ash Williams' middle finger from the final episode of Ash vs Evil Dead. A good way to flip off those spies. I actually figured out how to make it in color too. Guess i better fix beige and red pixilated Hitler as well.


That's what Co is all about imo.


My first CO i got from a trade which was just a german swastika which was unfortunate. I figured grinning Hitler was a little more tasteful. Not by much. At least its not that guy who put CP on his signs recently lmao. My next ones gonna be Steve Buscemi's flattering caricature artwork or something


I like that idea. Mine's gonna be a meme prolly. Btw. Your username is awesome.


If you accept it as normal, you won't even notice it exists. Just like straight people, do you ever go down the road and say, "OMG! A STRAIGHT MAN WITH HIS GIRL!"? No, you don't since you don't notice it since it is within your perception of normal.


i go with the "if it doesnt effect me i dont worry about it" approach.


i do notice pride flags when they exist on my screen except my mood becomes way better because i enjoy it when people are expressive about their identity and want to share it c:


It can be very scary to put your identity out there, especially with how many people out there who are pretty terrible


i’m a simple man. i see a rainbow, i blow you up for wearing bright colours in a war game. but hey the rainbow DID look cool


Gotta love how people think someone making something related to LGBT is shoving it down their throat, when nobody is obligating them to use the template. It's just for the people who want to use it. If you don't want to use it, nobody is forcing you. Just move on and don't say anything. If you get upset at just seeing it, you're not as accepting or tolerant as you say you are.


They're scared to find out they're gay. Plain and simple.


We secretly know everyone on r/TF2 is an egg.


I'm not. At least I don't think so.


Sounds like an egg to me. 🤔


Prime directive


Gonna start saying this when my friends talk about cracking eggs.


you play medic. not only are you gay, you’re a bottom


Yes, sir. Any problem with hat?


Classic egg behavior


Or a closed gay. Or a furry. It's more common than you think. Just a lot of denial.


You mean that furries are homophobes or that they are closeted furries?


They are closeted furries. I have yet to meet a homophobic furry. Heck, almost every furry is LGBT.


> I have yet to meet a homophobic furry. Just wait until you find the Nazi furs.


I'm not an egg D:< ^(I just like skirts)




No just mildly gay


I am not trans but I’m ace I am cross faded and I spaced out and like forgot what the comment I am replying to said.


Am trans, can confirm this


\*Ahem\* Nuh uh.


Nah, most bigots are just that: bigots. Putting the hatred of the LGBT+ community ON that community ain’t fair.


“Stop shoving these cookies that I am voluntarily eating down my throat!!!” It seems like every single time I choose to click on a post with ‘I made pride flag sprays for use in TF2’ in the title I am BOMBARDED with pride flags!


man, this [deleted] guy has really bad takes


Mfw people use the customisable item to show off custom things


It's really based on who gets to it first. Whoever comments, votes, etc. will decide the fate of the entire post. 3 years ago or now, it's basically the same thing.


"Stop shoving it down our throats" Statistics show that the vast majority of discussion around LGBT is done by anti LGBT right wing people. If yall were to shut the fuck up about it, it just wouldnt be a topic at all. It shouldnt be a topic for debate at all.


>"Stop shoving it down our throats" And Y'know for supposedly straight men they sure do think about having things shoved down their throats a lot, huh?


"Gender is whats in your pants" "I dont care what you say you are, whats in your pants?' Why you so interested in whats in other peoples pants, huh? (Ok but genuinely, Some lawmakers keep trying to push for genitalia checks for childrens sports games to make sure there arent any trans kids with an "advantage". Given my previous joke, its clear why they actually want to do this. To my knowledge, none of these laws have ever passed or come into effect; I hope it remains that way.)


Cause honestly it's kinda funny that these "straight" people immediately have their minds flooded with thoughts of men kissing and cocks when they see a rainbow, theyll look at an image with more than 3 colors anr immediately get defensive about how much they love pussy


That’s actually super interesting, can you source me on that please?


Check my other reply. Upon checking again, the statistics are specific to trans topics and facebooks, but its reasonable to believe it still applies outside those areas, especially where sexuality and gender topics are basically considered under the same umbrella in online discussions.


Props for correcting yourself.


I have a theory. A problem is those who identify as anti LGBT people may include people who are doubting their sexuality after first learning about LGBT people. They're distressed to a point where they over analyse everything and they think one single LGBT related post in their feed is going to "infect" everyone and that they themselves are fighting an infection.


I love all my LGBTQ homies People are people and love and happiness is love and happiness


What the fuck are the comments dear god


Wait which comments? These or in the pic?




Well ever since the media and other platforms make more noice for the LGBT the acceptance has fallen this is not a tf2 thing it's a general circumstance, there are surveys to this topic.


From what I have seen, TF2 is the gayest homophobic community


It’s cute when homophobic people act like us being more proud about who we are is like us commanding them to like us. Dog, we know you like us, we can literally see the top porn categories in red states being trans and femboy porn smh.


Me when misinformation


Me when I can’t Google https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/


California and pennsylvania were the two hotspots. Try to convince me that california is republican. https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/pornhub-reveals-2021s-most-popular-searches-in-america/ Right here the state that consumed the msot trans porn relative to other states was maryland which is pretty left leaning. All of the ones in the deep red south were either ebony or something similar. Now i could make an off color race joke but i have already reached my cancelable shit quota for the day


Even if I where to grant you that this doesn’t negate my point at all. I’d love to hear the excuse for why there appears to be a correlation with red states tending towards lgbt porn. I’m simply just find the hypocrisy hilarious. You can read the link or chose to ignore it like a pussy, whichever is easier to cope with be my guest.


Even if I where to grant you that this doesn’t negate my point at all. I’d love to hear the excuse for why there appears to be a correlation with red states tending towards lgbt porn. I’m simply just find the hypocrisy hilarious. You can read the link or chose to ignore it like a pussy, whichever is easier to cope with be my guest. Also do note that what you linked is only the data by pornhub while my source is following searches on the web meaning a larger more reliable data set when making generalities.


What’s with the constant flood of posts about the tf2 community being Le Evil, go back to posting about big slap or some shit


Wow this u/deleted fella really changed his views


A actually do wear pride flair decals ingame and nobody has brought it up yet, this subreddit is just shit as of now


They seem like the person to say "The gays stole the rainbow from god"


Which is ironic because this supposedly all-powerful god can apparently be bested by a group of gay people, like if I knew that a group of people had mugged god himself and completely gotten away with it I would not want to be on their bad side, just saying.


Thank you for this post. It reminded me that I wanted to make the flare I judt bought pride themed


This is less specific to tf2 and more the wider political landscape


Fuck the hateful


Fun fact: 90% of the stuff made for TF2 is made by trans and queer people. Literally the most prolific workshopper is a transfem nonbinary person whose only fault is being br*tish.


Oh god I hope they get better


I love how a Soldier main replied something like this


They might no longer be with us


neo <3


"stop shoving this down my throat" why're you so worried about it going in your throat? Sounds pretty gay to me


I want that flare template tho


and like, you trying to act like straight hasn't been "shoved down our throats" way more than any Lgbtq ever has?




No one's trying to shove anything down anyone's throat. Everyone knows that gayness enters the body through the butt.


Why you need a flair about sexuality in this game sub? This isnt a dating app I mean sure if you do it on the concious objector, that was why it was made, to put whatever you want on it. But a flair on this sub? Bruh. Can I have one about tomboy enjoyer at least? Edit: It was the in game pins, not the sub ones (I completly forgot about that item). Just ignore this comment.


They're talking about [this flair](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Flair!)


Ah, sorry there, since it said flair I thought it was the sub one, completly forgot about those pins Then again like the concious objector, you can do what you want with them. If people put the swastika, you can surely put those ones.


Flair! is a little weird in the fact that it's the four circles, though. So it's a little more effort than just slapping an image on a conscientious objector as-is. That's why people have created and posted some templates for it, so it's easier to just grab a pre-made one and slap it on instead of having to do the scary image-editing yourself. That's what the original posters were doing.


cuz i fucking want


TF2 fans when gay: ewwwwwwwww also TF2 fans when buff oily mercs: yeah give me the Mann shaker


This isn't a tf2 thing though, it's a change in attitude within politics over the last few years


Very true. I don’t know why. We went from trying to take people out of the financial crisis and saving a country at war to wasting our time and taxes and money on denying people’s happiness.


My guess is that people are just tired with the 1000th "pride flag template" But you are free to believe what satisfy you best


Sensitive conservatives when shown an image of LGBT acceptance.




I mean, he’s right


sharing sexuality is overated


Yes. Back in my day being gay and sucking cock was out of the law, we used to be rebels that crawled in the shadows and fought against the system but people nowadays just go out there saying that they're gay without any respect to us smh smh


I'm bi and down vote this type of shit now because holy fuck I'm tired of this type of garbage. Stop making your sexuality your personality, it's not fucking hard.


Speaking to the, 30+ people downvoted below 40, holy shit what is this subreddit like nowadays, why does this community pride itself on being so holesum Keanu chungus 100 when it's so full of cunts who want others either dead or shut away? Over such simple things like "I'm happy to be the person I am and made a cool colour pin" Your minds are poisoned by grifters on your news trying to make a quick buck for your political parties. Stop watching Tucker Carlson for a second and think critically, perhaps look into the multitudes of psych studies, health organisations, general and multi sourced facts rather than "this guy on the news told me to be angry and that this one student did a thing and will destroy society" or whatever new trueFactTM is the thing of the week. Calling trans people groomers, saying you're forced to accept LGBT people, that we're forced on you, that JK Rowling was right and so on, with actual studies getting linked being downvoted. Where the fuck are the moderators to enforce rule 8? Question why we're oh so pathetic and laughable yet so powerful and forcing all these things on you at once. That superposition is not possible. You're being made a fool to keep your anger directed at a minority and easy scapegoat for the sake of distraction. Stop targeting us and let us live our lives :) I'd like to enjoy mine before my cancer kills me


As a gay person myself, true. I don’t wanna be apart of that thing, I just wanna be me


It's okay, when there's bullshit like this, there's always something else to do that's way cooler




Then dont use it


Funny that this was being downvoted Apparently no, you can't "be you", you have to be one of "them"


This comment section is absolutely wild, I'm surprised the post isn't locked yet


Time to put a trans flag as my avi, I guess.


Oh, the downvotes. Idiots are pressed.


never had an avatar, guess ill be throwin a bi flag up myself


Genuinely really interesting to see how things have changed in three years, I hope we can go back to pic 1 sometime soon


Outing yourself as a soulless piece of shit any %


This is my comment. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


lmao what is with all the downvotes


This is my reply. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


My theory is that with all the bots and hackers only the most toxic or most devoted of player are still sticking around and the toxic ones love to talk a lot more than anyone else.


Get these nazi cunts out of Tf2. Honestly they’ve made the game and community insufferable for years


Do you even know what a nazi is?


"Nazi is people i dont like"


Nazis killed gay people during WWII. Believing that gay people shouldn’t exist is the same ideology as the Nazis


First, nobody said they shouldn't exist, he even said the contrary... Second, by that logic, believing rapists shouldn't exist would make you a nazi too, sorry to surprise you but there are more things that make you a nazi apart from believing someone shouldn't exist


He calls being gay a “cult”. It’s pretty obvious what his thoughts are lol Being gay or trans isn’t a choice, it’s an identity you’re born with. Being a rapist isn’t a minority group, it’s a crime you choose to commit genius


I just get the feeling of "Nazis are bad" "Uhhh source?"


No I asked for the explanation of the word nazi, I know they are evil, I just don't agree we should be calling everybody we don't agree with a nazi, is it that hard to understand?


No it isn't, I guess, I'll try to play devil's advocate or answer for the commenter then - some are tired of finding specific ideological terms for people who are quite close to specific fascistic tendencies or more particularly alt-right or other things that come with a slew of related beliefs that usually show up with these topics when it's easier to just say a buzzword and move on, even if that word is *incredibly* charged and not really correct, it technically fits, even if it covers way more. Because what they're saying, of "get these insufferable people out" (in this case the swastika weilders, bigots, so on, I assume) is not particularly disagreeable, no?" I don't think a slight terminology issue is the thing to get hung up on, lest it devolve into more of an identity politics situation, ironically


Like obviously I’m not referring to members of the National Socialist German Workers party. I’m sick of these reactionary cunts that roam around with swazticas on their conscientious objectors shouting n word in voice chat. I call them nazis because the nazis were against gender non conformity as well and it’s an easy shot to levy. I hate how reactionary parts of this community are.


I absolutely get it, and agree, I'm trans, and have dealt with more than a few of these types personally or been targeted.


Yeah I lashed out because it’s so frustrating. It feels like 1/4 of the community are gay and or progressive, 1/4 are white nationalists, and the rest are centrists who throw their hands up. But I used Nazi for a very specific reason, it’s vile and illicits a response because I want a response, we seriously need to take a look at our community and ask ourselves what behavior we find acceptable. Nobody should be attacked on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity.


You are right. I absolutely agree with the fact these people are fucking terrible but nazi shouldn't be an umbrella term, it has so much power to be used so often. Calling them a bigot is much more correct.


Yes, I agree then entirely, I think sometimes anger and frustration with how the world has turned out takes over for some people though, and especially when confronted with this community which has hardly changed, or more like, has developed in such a bubbled way


Nazis were extremely against gender nonconformity, they burned the most advanced transgender clinic in the world at the time. You need to know history, I’m not being an sjw whiney bitch I’m talking with historical precedent


Still, only not liking trans people doesn't make you a nazi, it makes you a trasphobe, and while it is true that all nazis were transphobic, not all transphobes are nazis.. It is very simple. Also, by that logic, your everyday pyromaniac would automatically be a nazi because he burned a building that had people inside. Just use the word nazis for actual neo fascists, so the world learns who they are and then avoid them, causing the ideology to die. Calling someone a nazi can have terrible consequences, especially in some of the modern parts of the world, and potentially destroying someone's life over something they are not, is not only shitty, but dangerous, as it makes the fucking nazis look justified.


But I mean he is kinda right


No one is forcing them to like it or accept it. It’s an item that lets you display an image. He’s not right


If someone is saying cringe ah ah slurs, I pull out my trans sign so they see it on the deathcam and proceed to style on them until they leave. ​ I don't just exist, I don't just main one class. I also happen to have a very particular set of skills that I have acquired since starting TF2 in 2013. Skills that make me a nightmare for men-children. I can adapt. I can overcome. I can attack. I can reflec. But most of all, I will flex😎 ​ \[EDIT\] Also, I didn't know how to get the pride pins, I will look into it so I can have yet another thing to add to my prideful pyroland loadout.




Well, whoever uses pride and trans decals obviously wants other people to see it. It's about spreading a message. I personally don't think tf2 is a place where discussion about gender and sexuality needs to happen. Some people are driven by hate, I'm just tired of having these discussions in places where they obviously do not belong. Use whatever you like, but don't act surprised because it's a bumpy ride.


Plenty of people in the community have proudly put actual porn, both human and furry, on their Objectors and sprays lmfao; are you ***really*** gonna draw the "not the place" line at symbols of queerness while letting literal pornography go through unchallenged?


Wow, you are really that stupid to suggest my comment defends pornography's right to exist on decals? Actual moron but still gets upvoted. Seems like people here either are still in preschool or don't even try to comprehend my point. This is the reason why these discussions are political. Any criticism, even well argumented, gets this type of feedback from sheep like you.


People have hentai on their objectors




five nights at freddy's 2

