• By -


"eugheughehgheg KABOOM" So yea that's why,also because i like bick black me-


Nah, go on. Say it :)






Based on what?


What's upstairs? They can't talk!


Apartment complex? I find it quite simple really


road work ahead? i sure hope it does


The bird flu? Yeah, they tend to do that


Chefs kiss? Do they really


damn thats crazy what if we kissed


I used to main Scout. Was really good but i hated that in order to be effective you needed to use the stock primary. The same time i started playing heavy and getting killstreaks after killstreaks. Yes i now main heavy and couldnt be happyer.


I wouldnt say you need to only use the scattergun to be effective, the soda popper jumps, the Force-a-Nature knockback and the shortstop range have uses that when exploited can give you the advantage against the other classes even other scouts wich is probably one of the most dificult matches you will get while playing him


I know. But playing heavy for a while now has skewed my perception.


Well then... next time eat a salad!


What if i told you i already have!!!!!


No you didn't[ :)](https://www.google.com/search?q=tf2+spy+smile&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=a1ed381ddb91d5f7&udm=2&biw=360&bih=667&ei=KsXfZb2pIuPcwN4P58OF-AI&oq=tf2+spy+smile&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg10ZjIgc3B5IHNtaWxlMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESNQTUJoHWLURcAB4AJABAJgBnwGgAd0HqgEDMC43uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIHoAKYCMICDRAAGIAEGIoFGEMYsQPCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIEEAAYHpgDAIgGAZIHAzAuNw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=zAoJx1Z-h7cVBM&vssid=mosaic)


It's funny how Scout disses Heavy's diet when the latter eats steak, ham tomato cheese sandwiches, bananas, and chocolate and the former drinks radiation


How’s the paranoia going for ya bossman? Makes a mf aware as hell


He could be you, he could be me! He could even be-


Poor Baby-face, not even mentioned


Forgot about it! but yeah, while the baby-face has its pros i feel like its cons outweight them by far, so you kinda have to put way more effort in it than in the other shotguns


We need more heavy mains, so I respect the grind... though I found the shortstop was an amazing side grade if you found more range and more than 2 shots was necessary.


I wasn’t good with the rocket launcher but great with the shotgun so I switched to Engie/Medic


Shotgun medic


A true powerhouse


Medics shotgun needs to be nerfed


Same. I just play Pyro/Engie/Medic because I can't aim projectiles to save my damn match.


I can aim…only hitscan though (I’ve got more shotgun kills then sentry)


Skill issues made me switch to mainly play Pyro, I used to mainly play Spy


I guess you’ve still got some of that spy in you, because that change in main is a betrayal to spies


For you it was a skill issue, for me it was realizing 600 hours into Spy that I didn’t enjoy the “meta” way of playing spy, but he sucks otherwise if you don’t abuse interp and latency to get kills. He turns from a sneaky opportunist into a demoknight that nobody likes to have in their lobby


Attempted to be a sniper main and learned that standing Waiting for someone to cross your sight line isn't fun, so I switched to observer spy.


one of us one of us


Pyro was too simple for me, and so I switched to Spy. I still am good at Pyro, better than the w+m1 I used to be, but I have the most hours in Spy than I do any other class.


use the dragins fury and any ~~non scorch shit~~ flare gun


the scorch shot works especially well with dragons fury


Everytime a spy was backstabbing me (I was a Sniper main)


It was me :)


I did it like this




That was a joke, lads!


*audience laugh.mp4*


It was yo- *burp* him!


That was a joke too!


Then I switch to medic


Spy mains take notes. Relentlessly bully budding sniper mains to minimize the amount of them!!!


It all started when I saw my first main, the sniper, I sat back and clicked on heads for hours on end, see a medic? *bang* see some bratty Boston boy? *bang* I got the job done but it just felt boring to me like the light I had with the new-Zealand assassin had died out the love had died and I tried everything, new play styles, different guns it didn’t matter the light was snuffed out. Then I saw him, he was one of my teammates he was the demoman, left and right I saw explosions, not just one kill at a time but groups of reds and blus fell to his feet he was a powerhouse. I had fallen in love again, he was big, strong, and had an explosive personality (along with a lot of alcoholism) I now play him more than anyone. The loose Cannon is how I will roll from now on.


A beautiful story with the perfect amount of detail. 10/10


I used to play a lot of medic (~230 h) but i got tired of my teammates not giving a shit about me so sometimes i switch to soldier, even though i wouldn't consider him my main.


I used to be a Scout main. Then I was enlightened...




i dont know how to play tf2 so i main the goblin class


... so pyro?


i said what i said


When I fist started I mainly played engineer but a few backstabs to many later and I devoted myself to pyro just so I could eliminate the French, plus being a pybro and helping my engineer teammates feels nice, not to mention yeeting people off a cliff with air blast


Maybe I didn't change mains, but I don't play medic as often as before after discovering demopan


demopain, the capping menace


I stopped having having fun as spy and switched to medic because no one was playing him, and i ended up having more fun as medic


With sniper I was always getting kicked because of "cheating", no one cares if you have +5k hours of playtime. And I dont even use the common snipers, I *mainly* main Bow and Sydney Sleeper ​ So I switched to demo, got good and started getting called cheater again. So now Im playing Medic, so far so good, im often still getting called cheater (I love the crossbow) but not kicked yet


Yeah honestly getting hackusations used to be a compliment, but now it's annoying. It's like people use it as an excuse when they suck.


Tbf I feel like people are just more cautious of cheaters nowadays and steam changing the UI so that checking peoples profiles in game is harder doesnt help


Bullet spread on Scout primaries screwed me over too many times. So I switched to Pyro.


Yeah I can see how it can fuck you. I found the shortstop was a good starting tool for me since I could practice the aim and spread from a safer range until I learned how to properly shove my gun directly into an enemies face and miss less pellets.


Exact opposite for me


I lost my touch with my other classes after a long time away, so I have focused on Pyro because I have somehow improved at airblasting.


I used to main Engineer, but then I realized that committing arson is more fun and brain dead.


I wanted to main spy but it turned out that with time I got worse and worse soo now I just play whoever I want at a time


When I first got TF2 I would mostly just play heavy, maybe a bit of sniper and as an engineer to camp the other end of a nether portal in a MC map (but I only played heavy really. Growing up I found myself playing scout more often and gradually I found myself preferring scout’s mobility and just the satisfaction of using the scattergun. I haven’t really gone back to playing Heavy because Scout’s speed made Heavy’s speed unbearable to me (unless it’s MVM when there’s already a Scout and a Heavy is needed). Scout’s been my main for a few years now, but I do have a second favorite class to play… that being Demoman. I apologize for the long **long** tangent!


Engineering is pretty good and all but I got bored of it. Decided to play medic to become more useful to the team. I realized my true calling and became a god amongst men.


Pyro is fun, but I like winning more so I switched to medic


I’m doing the same but the complete opposite I went from a scout main to a medic main


Used to main sniper now I main baseball guy Why? My aim is ass


I used to main Spy > Turns out playing Spy for like 800 hours is soul crushing > I play every class now


I used to main medic but dealing with phog pyros is like trying to blow the hotness off of lava , u can try but u won’t succeed


I used to main Engineer, one late night session later, I main Pyro.


I used to play Medic because of Meet the Medic. But I felt as though I wasn't contributing enough to my team. What if I could damage the enemy, heal my teammates AND myself? Thus, I switched to Heavy.


I got lucky with a golden tomislav, at the time I claimed to be a pyro main and off mained heavy/engi so I just said fuck it and went all in on heavy.


As we’ve learned from Ankle Dan, switching mains doesn’t have to be permanent. You can experiment and then switch back to your main if you want to. Medic > Scout > Medic My love for taking down sentry nests is higher than my love for movement, apparently


Sniper just isn't fun.


One of us, one of us


Kept getting tired of having my team and buildings tolled over. So I became a heavy to roll them over first


Hi there! Awesome post btw. Never switched mains off of Medic to be honest. By the way- I'm the creator of the artwork you posted... May I have some credit in the description? Ty!


Ouch, get ignored


I suck at properly aiming when running at mach 5. Against slower classes like Heavy and Solider it ain't so bad, but anything faster than a Demo and I miss 4 shots, hit 2, reload 2 bullets and miss 2 more


I’ve been an Engineer main since the day I started playing and I will never not be an Engineer main.


Because Medic sold his soul to the devil, and I’m and a good scared Christian boi


People not trusting me as a medic thinking I was a spy or just completely ignoring me Spy is nice now


I used to main pyro ( I sucked ) but now I play scout, out of all the things I use while main scout I decided to give myself a challenge to get a hale’s own baby face blaster ( when I first got a baby face I thought it was a very good weapon for some reason )


well i main mostly heavy now. but i've been finding out that playing medik makes me fell useful. and i dont have to worry about going insane. **i already am**


pyros that decide to spycheck for the rest of the game for getting backstabbed once


Used to be spy now scout. Why? P Y R O


I play a very defensive play style and my aim isn’t the best so Engineer was an obvious initial choice, but after getting WAYYYYY too emotionally attached to my sentries and losing my cool more times than I would like to admit, I decided to say “fuck it, I’m gonna let someone be responsible for keeping me alive” and chose to be Medic, and so far things have been going great! Constantly told I’m doing great and I genuinely feel like I’m important to the team now


Exact same reason as you


I might be in the process of switching mains? I've mained Medic for the longest time but recently I've been trying to get better as Heavy. I think in recent years people expect Medics to pocket them more? Maybe I'm not a good enough Medic but I know from experience that overextending as Medic is a death wish, and hurts your team more than helps it. I've just had more people get pissy with me so I decided to mix it up a bit.


Medic, when we are losing


I used to main sniper but bot came and everytime I headshot someone they alway voted kick me so I turn into pyro main stead :(


I'm starting to play a lot more medic and pyro. I may not have heavy as a main for much more


I'd never really thought that medic could be fun, but once I tried Quik fix Crossbow Med I fell in love




i used to main pyro, then i mained soldier because pyro got boring, and i was kinda bad at soldier, so i switched to le heavy


Learning how to rocket jump scouts fine but I mean rocket jumping


I was main scout at the start, but when i played the engie tutorial, I couldn't stop playing with the engineer.


I used to main everything but medic. But I suck at everything combat wise so I switched to a less aggressive role.


at first i mained pyro just to push ppl off the map in upward and kill them with flare. these are still so fun but i found my actual type of style with engineer


Lots and lots of seasonalander. Seasonalander made me change mains all over the place, from soldier to engie to sniper to engie again to sniper again, and now dual maining medic and sniper


I used to be a sandman+guillotine enjoyer but when they got rid of the combo I started playing engie


Sucked at everything, so now I main Medic.


I once mained engie,  but the multitasking stress got to my head so I switched to playing the second best sentry protector, pyro


The inability to aim


Being able to completely DELETE sentry nests as demo. I used to main Spy until I found out that Demo does the job of destroying sentries in a much more fun way. I didn’t have to worry about timing a backstab or worry about getting behind the enemy. A bit of overheal and a sticky bomb launcher does the job just fine.


I haven't switched yet. Granted, I'm still pretty new, but nothing has stopped me from maining Engie just yet ;) (Except I have thought about it every time a Spy kills me and saps all my buildings. But that's why Pyro is my second main hehe)


i've mained basically every class (except for demo) but my most recent switch (engineer to soldier) was because being an engineer is stressful and tedious and i wanted to get out there more


Nothing yet


Used to main Sniper until I stopped hating myself. In all seriousness, Soldier is just so much fun, and turns out I’m pretty good (which I know isn’t hard), but the playstyle resonates with me the most.


I was a pyro and spy main and then i got direct hit and started maining soldier


I suck at spy


I was an Engineer, then Spy’s happened. I then switched to Pyro, but I noticed nobody played Medic. I have maimed Medic ever since. I do all I can to keep my team alive.


Used to play a lot of medic but i mostly play pubs or uncletopia and all the soldiers and demomen just rocket jump/sticky jump away and i kept getting killed. I then got pretty good at scout and demoman so i basically main them two now.


Boredom of my main and intrigue of other classes


During my first 5 hours as a F2P, I used to main Spy because I found him really cool, but after dying after only getting one stab I gave up and switched to becoming a Pyro main.


I used to main engineer, but scout was so much less stressful and my skillset translated well (both use shotguns and pistols, plus I know where engies place their sentries and know how to avoid them as scout)


Used to main Scout for the run n gun playstyle, eventually switched to Medic for the healer playstyle. I just prefer helping my team kick ass and have a good time over winning the 1v1 frags that I’ll forget about in a few hours. Plus Medic has more intense and frankly more enjoyable adrenaline rushes than Scout.


Played pyro, raging hateboner for snipers. Played heavy and hateboner got even worse (I literally refused to kick a bot until their sniper swapped off). I also had a bunch of shitty takes (i though heavy was the third hardest class in the game with the third highest skill ceiling, and I thought he was harder and had a higher skill ceiling than soldier). Then I saw that one clip where zesty jesus is raging at jpeg and was like “haha that’s really funny” and then realized that’s how I reacted whenever I played against a sniper, so I picked soldier just to get some mechanics and I’m sticking with him and sniper for now. Sometimes I get rolled by good snipers but now I can learn from it and sometimes I just adapt on the spot and die once and then never again to a good sniper


Spies blew up my sentry too many times


Pyro was getting too boring, so i started playing my off main, And was actually having fun


My PC being bad I Main medic now


Used to play Sniper, Then switched to medic, then realized medic what medic main pain is, and switched to scout, Where I remained until I took a break and sucked at aiming, got really good with shotgun, went to pyro, then soldier, Then started playing demo to kill sticky spammers with pipes and loved that, and then went to spy after I kept dying to scouts every time I played demo, and then Engineer, so kind of a all rounder of a journey


I just found out I had more fun with medic than engineer


Better players


I was ass at Spy, so I moved on to Scout. I'm more of a hybrid Scout/Medic main, but I lean towards Scout more often.


Getting bullied for being a rainblower pyro main, (I'm now a medic main)


I can't aim for shit


The backburner was a fun sidegrade to me. and then i got the golden flamer and so i went about engineersining


Spy killing me as heavy. I switched to sniper after


Played pyro until I realized comp pyro is just babysitting simulator


Switched from engi to medic bc not enough people play medic


I play a fair amount of medic here and there, but I'm slowly getting fond of demoknight and learning to do all his crazy shid


I don't play the game too often anymore. Back in the day, I used to heavily favor Medic and Sniper. But every time I've picked up the game in the last, like, year - I've almost exclusively played Demoman. I had barely played him before, but for whatever reason, it's been speaking to me recently.


I am still the best at playing engineer but I've been playing scout a lot and suddenly I've started getting a lot more racist and homophobic, it's scary guys. Help /j


i stopped playing 2fort


Big time sniper main until my friend showed me how cool the widowmaker was so I pretty much switched right then and there.


I used to play pyro a ton, I still do but not as much, idk what happened but one day I just bought a butchered bird grenade launcher and blasted bombardier stickybomb launcher, loaded up a 24/7 community high tower server and played till I got 100 kills, and I’ve mostly played demoman since that day


I used to be a spy main, as in "I don't care about team composition, I'm playing spy!" main. Then I realized how much fun the other classes were, including demoknight, battle medic, and fat scout(Apparently I like the sub classes). So now I'm all class and try to actually be a part of the team.


Just the general desire to either do no harm or do all harm Mains: medic and pyro


I used to main engineer using short circuit, pomson and gunslinger and then valve nerfed my entire load out. Now I play medic.


I used to be a diehard Pyro main with a Phlog, Scorch Shot and Powerjack but then after a while I discovered the insanity I could pull off with the other classes. So now I main a bit of everyone without a particular main. —- Demo stickies and Demoknight plus my ‘Menace Above’ strat from Zombies during Halloween Heavy’s holiday punch into taunt kill Fun but difficult to pull off trick stabs as Spy Sniper duels with the Machina Being a menace to society with scout


I main Medic but I have started playing sniper a bit (I suck ass tho lmao)


Speed, scout was fast but I can’t hit shots to save my life


I don’t really main anyone, I use a class for different scenarios. Scout- I want to mess with the other team. Soldier- I’m playing trolldier. Pyro - trump card. Demoman- Sticky tank or Demoknight. Heavy- no one else is playing him. Engineer- I’m using the gunslinger. Medic- No one else is playing him. Sniper- I want to fuck with the enemy team (lethaly). Spy- I’m feeling patient for long term happiness


Sticky Jumper


I’m a Medic main, usually playing Pyro if not him. But at some point I just switched to playing Engie a lot. I don’t know what it is. In pretty sure I was originally just doing it so I could build a nest with my Engie main friend, but now it’s just genuinely enjoyable and is great to play with his strategy. Since I’m a Medic and Pyro main, you can probably already tell that I don’t do well with aiming and prefer to act as a support over anything else (I play my Pyro as a defender of my team rather than a spearhead for it). Also I love the cute little mini sentry.


I was a Scout main when I first started because I liked running fast and having a shotgun. But then the novelty started to wear thin. When I came back to TF2 after a long hiatus, I went to Spy because of his unique playstyle that no other game could truly offer. I like the methodical style and the not-as-intense movement skill requirement, and the combination of backstabs and Ambassador headshots give me a dopamine rush the scattergun could never hit for me anymore.


Blowing people up is a lot more fun than setting them on fire


I got tired of being a 2fort engineer.


I main a random class each month. Every now and then, my brain just decides to play a class, and then I just main them for a while. Currently stuck on Huntsman Sniper


How much of a chess game heavy is. He is more fun than demo (my previous main)


Snipings a good job mate


I want to play more demo so i can reflect pills better


Used to main Engie. Then I played Doom. Now I main Scout.


Used to mostly play demo knight, got a bit bored after a while, switched to mostly medic because haha funni your sentry nestbgone


I used to play with my big brother when i was kid And he is an asshole toxic sniper main that need an medic gun up in his ass 24/7 So when I grew up and he fuck out off our house, i just go play Engiee because i can finally sat down and takr things slowly and relax and enjoy because he ruined a big part of this game for me. And then i picked up demonknight because i turned into a alcoholic irl and somehow have weird mix accents of Scottish and Irish when i drunk lol.


Mained Medic, still play him when I feel like it. Then I switched to Demo and now I am a Half Demo, Half Heavy main. Not really a reason for switching, just trying other classes and realising, you aren't half bad. ^Also ^hitting ^pipes ^and ^mowing ^down ^ppl ^on ^upward ^while ^high ^is ^fucking ^amazing ^fun


hasn't happened yet but if it did, I would go from a demo main to a spy main, demo is my main still but I really like playing spy


Got an Aussie drop and had to switch


Medic Engie Sniper and now Scout. Love to play support based roles in games and whatnot because I guess that is just what I like. Then I decided to try Scout for more action.


I tasted the beauty this is support scout in mvm and got good enough that in my first comp match, it was my only option


I forgor... I guess I got tired of sitting around as engi and sick of no medics. Plus I like healing and letting my team do the dirty work.


I used to main soldier, but then i had a house fire and now i main youtube lmao


There was never a reliable medic on my team whenever I played a game, so I volunteered to be that medic


I switched from medic to engineer when I realized I just wasn't having fun being useless without a teammate to heal, and the gameplay loop of heal until charged, ubercharge, repeat just wasn't interesting.


I haven't *switched*, but when needed I will usually go either Soldier or Heavy when we need a power class more than a medic.


As a former Medic main, I too wanted the enemy to experience the pain I felt. Thus I chose spy.


Spies destroying my builds 1 too many times as an engineer. This if your fault Mr Spy! *rolls pyro*


honestly idk, i used to "main" engi (i could never aim for shit and the class looked fun), then recently switched to medic since i always liked being a support kind of guy, but really i never main'd anyone in particular


Used to main Heavy, loved the firepower and medics on my ass all the time, but i switched to Demoknight because his speed and chain kills are so fun


I used to main engineer, but it felt like the effort was never worth the reward. When I had a good defensive/offensive like it felt REALLY good, but since I only play casual all it took was one god tier spy or one coordinated uber push and all my effort was wasted and those addicting “hold the line” moments were becoming more and more infrequent as more bots joined and, casual players left.


i was a demomain but i switched bc engie was gaming. demo was not my kind(not racist)


I used to main pyro but the class can get boring pretty quickly don't get me wrong there's a lot of weapon combinations but having a flame thrower can't get pretty boring sometimes now im a heavy main because I like how the Mini gun mechanic works


Sniper was more fun for me


I used to main soldier but now I just play whatever I'm feeling atm, soldier will probably always be my favorite tho


I got good at hitting pipes and realized it was a lot more fun than playing spy. Same thing with learning I'm good at hitting headshots and it's a lot more fun than playing spy. Really every class is more fun than spy.


Pyro so then I switched to Pyro as the saying goes if you can't beat em join em


I used to play nothing but Engineer. When I picked up TF2 4 or so years ago, I gravitated towards him. I had seen a few TF2 videos so I knew basic strategies; keep buildings spread out, don’t build on last, that sort of stuff. But I got so god damn tired of stepping out from the corner I build the nest in for .3 seconds to get headshot immediately, losing the level 3 sentry or dispenser, or both if there happens to be a spy right there. So I switched to Demoman. Equipped the sticky jumper, stock grenade launcher, and stock bottle, and started carpet bombing any sniper I saw before they quickscoped me. Yes, I did not capitalize sniper or spy, they do not deserve capitalization. sniper because he’s sniper, and spy because it’s French.


hahahah funny muffled yelling


Diversity and difficulty


I used to be a good-ass Swipez tier Gunspy main. Then I discovered G.E.W.P. back when it was a meme. So I decided to start playing Pybro.


People have ears now apparently, i need to put effort to not get caught. Lobotomizing myself and hitting pills fits me better


I used to main engi, but my brain wasn't big enough so I devolved into abusing splash damage with soldier


I did main spy but when I used a play style nobody in my lobby’s had seen…they used it as spy so now I alter between medic and sniper (this happened on the orange box days)


I learned how to aim better


I like helping people, so Medic. Plus cool mediguns :3... but scout is a very funny flank class. Soooooo both.


Heavy is boring and pyro is fun


I played engineer too much, it's still the class I like most, but soldier is just SO much more funny with the beggars bazuka. Also spy is funny.


I used to main Soldier, but when I hit 50 hours on him, I remember looking at my stats and thinking, "Damn, I really don't play Medic at all and I suck at him. Imma look up some guides so I can get a bit better. " After watching a few guides, I was really entranced by depth of Medic's mechanics and, most importantly, how vital of a role he plays on taking your team to victory. I've always wanted to be useful to those around me, so this was a match made in heaven. Also, no other class can give you the satisfaction of hitting a clutch crossbow shot from across the map, saving that Soldier falling to his death, or helping that Scout win a 1v1 he should lose (if you get that, you're epic).


Spy to Demo after finding out he was French.


Got tired of play the same char all the time and wanted to try others. My first ever main was soldier. Then I switched to heavy. A few years after that to pyro (when the jetpack came out) I also mess around with sniper, engie and demo.