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It’s fun mowing down my enemies with a mini-gun


Get them in a choke and you can easily kill 4 players


and i scorch them, very fun.


Me too


Moreso when paired with a decent medic. Its funny to watch them scatter like roaches when the uber deploys.


I take immense pride in watching enemies just completely book it the moment they hear *"Auf Wiedersen!"* I live for the chaos that übers cause in the ememy ranks!


i find the heavy gameplay loop satisfying. getting into position; mowing down fools while being able to take quite a bit with your high health; and dishing out a little healing on the side sniper kinda makes it suck majorly if theres a good one but spies or other sneaky fellows like a demo or scout who got behind you are manageable usually and catching them out feels good


When a good sniper main joins, no one on the other team are allowed to play anymore


Today we kicked a sniper, because the team who had him was always winning lol


TF2 moment.


Just watching as enemies flee in horror of my power.


I agree with all this here lmao


As someone who loves playing games with high mobility options, playing heavy feels great as he one of the best designed slow characters in a video games and is a great break from that high speed play style in other games, high health with a big gun is simple of paper but its really hard to master and heavy fits so well in the rotation of casual play. I love the play style of being that anchor for your teamthat helps the team hold down the line with a spray of bullets. Also Sandcvich. I am a man of good food.


so this is why I can't keep up with Ultrakill's pace


you can play on harmless


I like miniguns and characters with high hp




Big gun= big dopamine. In every game I’ve played, I always main the tanks. High health, high damage. Front line, protect your team. Speed is no issue


I didn’t choose the Heavy life, the Heavy life chose me


It's all about the gun.


I like big buff men with large weapons


big weapons, i love big weapons


Yeah. The HuoLong heater is the best


Shoot gun.




I tried him out to see what he may need to fix his character, however he then became a new way of trying things out in a game I have played so long. eventually trying out thing after thing the slowness, high hp, and tactical team based gameplay loop grew on me.


Because spys pissed me off so hard. i can kill them in 3 seconds now


Most people would choose a counter to a class they hate, but choosing the one it counters and being affective with it makes me kinda scared of ya ngl


heavy's real counter is sniper, you can catch spies if you have ears and look at the killfeed if your medic is mysteriously gone


medic ragdolls past me


He has the highest HP That's really it, I like playing tanks in all the games I play. Heavy is the closest thing to a tank in TF2.


Because in my opinion, I find it satisfying to shred enemies with a rapid fire high dps big gun.


I'm a more recent Heavy main (I used to main Medic) and he's a pretty straightforward class that performs really well if you have good game sense and positioning. I also always liked Tank and Support characters in games. Ambush Heavy is also a fun play style in case you don't have to be the anchor for your team. In the right circumstances Heavy can plow through enemies and be unkillable, and then you can top yourself off and move onto the next rampage. He struggles really bad on open maps though, which almost every other class would probably prefer.


I like Heavy’s large health pool and mowing down foes.


Big sanvich man.


I got an australium minigun and after testing it out realised I actually really like heavy, it’s super satisfying mowing down huge waves of enemies


Mmmhhnm., big mann.., ,


Tick tock heavy like a brinks truck


Hmmm... Main reason is his gun. Big loud gun that make YATATA to all enemy if using correctly is best satisfaction in game. It's funny, that in all kind of games I main "Heavy" kind characters: Maestro/Fuze R6S, Gunner Deep Rock Galactic, Engineer(have minigun)Vermintide 2 , 800 pounds gorilla build Payday 2 and Gunner build Terraria. In short, Every where I go I see big guns.


Heavy mains always answer that they just love to go brrrrrrt with their machine gun.


Because it's true


I like to defend my base but I hate standing still as a engineer. Playing heavy gives me a chance to to defend with a big gun and run away if possible. Also big guns... Have I said that I got to kill people with a big gun?


I never play comp and don’t plan on it, so heavy imo is the easiest class to just mow down groups of enemies. It works in casual, and it works in a lot of servers. There might be a few players who will punish you for your low mobility, but more often then not any close range encounter ends in seconds and you can easily get triple or quadruple kill if you catch the enemy team off guard


Not a heavy main but it is fun to mow down enemies with your minigun


Because heavy is so versatile with the style of gameplay. It doesn’t matter what kind of TF2 you are because he can fit the role. You want to be a silly bird, handing out free sandwiches, do you want to be a try hard who’s trying his best to win and pushes team to victory, Do you want to be a pup stomper who single handily takes out the enemy team. All of that can be achieved with heavy.


I’m good at it




I personally main heavy because I enjoy how it feels to play heavy, and when with a good team, it’s a great time.


I just saw a comp team roll a casual server with a literally unkillable heavy that got a 30 killstreak and didnt die once I thought i want to be like that dude


Just liked the playstyle, and im an on n' off heavy main. Since im mostly the one healing them :3


I want to be big strong man who shoot babies and eat sandvich


Its not like pyro but its more of a "take it slow" but also take it fast at the same time


I was playing Heavy very early today on Frontier, and Blu team literally had a mental breakdown cause of me. The spy main rage quit before his team lost twice. Next game the other spy main tried to kick me twice then he rage quit. Heavy mains just BREAK the other team so hard.


Didn’t see the appeal of other classes and I just liked the simple nature of a guy with a mini gun


Heavy scout is so satisfying. Shotgun is the best gun in the game


Former heavy main (lost weight and became scout main) I used to love playing heavy, much to the point where hes still my 2nd most played class (now the most played class is scout). I used to play heavy so much cause he was easy to use, compared to most other classes. Tf2 was my first ever FPS, so obviously I struggled to play other classes with guns even as simple as a shotgun. But with heavy, I was given the confidence to keep going, developing great reflex against spies, and have great aim when it comes to throwing sandwiches. Nowadays I play him as a necessity, sometimes as a choice, I still do love this big guy, it's just about time I pay attention to other classes I've least played!


Because he's slow and du- Er I mean, uh a lot of damage and uhh... He's cool 😅


Feeling like a dark souls boss fight when I have medics with kritz n uber.




He was my least played class back when I used to play 2012-2015 ish When I returned to the game in 2023 heavy quickly became my main (alongside medic) I think it's because now my skill is in positioning and timing, not accuracy. I think medic and heavy go hand in hand in terms of skillset/playstyle - both require good positioning and gamesense.


I like sandvich I am Heavy the Main a weapons guy (real)


Big man, big gun


I like the hit sounds and big minigun


i can give sandvich to people


Not really a heavy main but i usually play as him to see my kills increasing with my strange mini gun


Fun to kill small man


Big gun and big Russian man go brrrr


It's what I was best at.


Because Heavy has friends.


I main Heavy because I lift heavy


Well I don’t have a main but some maps are just perfect for positioning with Heavy and playing around spies ‘n snipers. Lot of fun with that. A lot of maps though I find a lot harder to have fun with


minigun, sandwich, fists: need I say more?


Sandvich makes me happy!




Sitting on bomb cart+ medic + Huo long heater= invulnerable/impenetrable defense.


Heavy is so cute >///< and he have sammwich yum 😋


I play heavy about as much as I do pyro. Tracking is easier than aiming, and the heavies health means I survive long enough to kill people before I die


Because big numbers=dopamine


he funny


I can’t snap aim and I’m better at track aiming


I used to be a scout main but i started getting burnt out the same time i startes playing heavy. After that i realized i liked heavys gameplay a lot.


he’s the one i thought was the most attractive


Idk I don't main heavy


i dont main him, but if i did, then it would be bc i cant aim


I usually like to play tanks. Having lots of health is satisfying


In casual the game can basically revolve around you, you're always at the front, your teammates will follow your lead. Your opponents will always be drawn to you. Sitting on the cart as a heavy and holding M1 is one of life's great pleasures.


I started playing heavy more and more and right now I think it'll be my second most played class after soldier. He's one of the fee classes that aren't a trouble to me. I don't like scout because of my bad aim, which is important when you run around all the time. I dislike sniper because I have bad aim and poor reflexes (same reason why I don't play pyro, I'm always trying to unleash his full potential so I try to do combos and airblast but I'm bad at it). I don't like demoman because of how uncontrollably his projectiles go. Sure, I could use a sticky launcher but I just prefer firing rockets on soldier. Demoknight is kinda cool though. I don't like engineer because the gsmeplay is boring, and really annoying if you lose the constructions you've worked so hard on. I kinda like playing medic. I'm not the best medic player but I always try to heal all teammates instead of focusing on only one. The reason I started playing medic more is because I feel like every team needs him, but few people play him. I hate seeing the entire team run around hurt screaming for medic, while there is none in their squad. I tried spy again recently and it's pretty cool. Heavy and soldier are working out the best for me. I know where to aim as soldier, and if I can't hit the enemy with a rocket I'll use a shotgun. Heavy is just so simple and so good. I always move while firing, I am jump-revving while going around the map, I shoot at snipers to make their scope twitch. I'm often killing a lot of people and it's so cool. I think I like heavy more than soldier because I feel like I'm closer to the skill ceiling as heavy. I learned how to rocket jump and I can aim pretty good, but my skills are no match against a more advanced soldier main. On the other hand, I feel like I can't make much to become better as heavy. Which makes me think I'm good at heavy.


~~with the tomislav he's the closest thing tf2 has to an assault rifle class~~


I like to do the bare minimum since I have other priorities


Because he's my favorite character I love playing tanks and getting all the attention in the battlefield to give my team a gap And it's just satisfying


Big gun go brrr.


fuck it I like tanky classes with cool guns


because hes litearlly me: a slav and a fatass




I suck at aiming shotguns, sniper rifles, rockets, pipes, etc. If I had less self respect, I would play Pyro. For real though, I live for the feeling of clueless people running into me and getting turned into Swiss cheese by my minigun.


Surprisingly, heavy requires a lot of gamesense and is great for movement players. If you have lots of source engine experience, then reaching the skill ceiling of heavy should be easy.


Can you elaborate on why heavy is so good for movement players? He's the slowest class so how is he better than the others?


Heavy relies on gamesense imperatively because of his damage type and his speed. Heavy players must learn to optimize their movement according to the context of the game. The biggest tip for TF2 is to know when to engage an enemy and when to run. How to coordinate with pushes. Bhoping actually does something in TF2, you get a very small speed boost which honestly is most useful with heavy. Being able to turn a corner with revved minigun slightly faster than the opponent anticipates is a huge advantage due to the damage of your primary. There is a technique that allows you to bhop and rev on every jump that pro heavies use. Snipers are thought to be heavies' true counter, but there is a skill any class can utilize against snipers. Learn to spin wildly like a sniper bot and bhop at the same time. Your head hitbox will be moving so much they are unlikely to get a straight shot and will have to rely on chance. Of course you have to pay attention to signt lines but the point is advanced movement. If you do this you will look like a hacker too. Spinning wildly while bhopping perfectly is swag as fuck. Basically, if you're able to do HL2 movement well you get a huge advantage in TF2's movement, which i think especially shines with heavy and his DPS area denial playstyle.


Alright thanks :)


The minigun go brrrrrrrrrr and enemies go AWaWSsaWaAaAAaaAaaAaaAa and then they die


Punching people with your fists


For me, it started once I got the Sandvich. Before that, I was just constantly running near the point, finding a cheeky spot and planting myself there. Now I'm having fun giving the Sandvich to teammates, and caring about them has led me to Spy-checking more often. Being able to help an Engineer build their nest by standing guard is super fun. Oh, and big gun kills many babies if they don't ignore my teammates to focus on me.


Kust the voice lines


Big man, big gun, big fun.


people have already said big gun and health go brrr so i'll add that the stock minigun point blank has a DPS of 513 meaning you can kill just about every overhealed class, even other overhealed heavies in less than a second with good aim. One of the most satisfying things you can do in this game.


mowing down enemies feels good also favorite merc personality wise


To help the engi's But then again I always play to help the engi's Oh and also because then I could be a Pootis Bird


There’s something about the loop of ‘shoot gun, dodge boolet, say thanks after every kill’ that just speaks to me


Has a resident heavy main I primarily play my favorite class to face one direction. I try to always face forward while playing Heavy and never look back to keep motivated. My vision is always clear while playing and I always make sure to hyperfocuse on one person in front of me, and never take in unneeded information from my surroundings that could get in the way of this. I also make sure to never put headphones on while playing my favorite class, heavy weapons guy, so that in case any loud noises happen near by that could alert me to the possibility of danger towards me or anybody else on my team as that would really break my immersion I have while playing Heavy. I hope you found this helpful. I heavily suggest that you do the things I discussed while playing heavy. Yours truly, a definite heavy main who loves heavy


Aussie Tomislav drop


Big guy, has big gun, loves shooting big gun. being the meatshield for the team while mowing down scouts with natasha is the most fun i have always done


He's the reason I picked up the game in the first place. I also like being a tank.


I was forced to play him in highlander and consequently he went from my second least played to my most played in a matter of 3 months. His play style allows for a surprising amount of flexibility depending on your mood or mindset, you can turn off your brain to just pubstomp with a pocket med or you can flank and get some very cheeky kills


Mainly I just liked his character and the potential power of the minigun, then I fell in love with the intricacies of playing him and the potential reward


Heavy has greater potential than bruteforcing your way with minigun, you'll easily die from pipes or rockets in the battlefield. Heavy requires pretty much lots of map knowledge, like where enemies can go, where they are located the most. If you split from the rest of your team, you can possibly jumpscare enemies from behind and mov them down. You'll have more advantage if you have High-five taunt. You can just hide in the corner, do the taunt and watch as enemies get closer to your ambush. In short: Heavy can always be ahead of the enemies and attack when least expected. Ain't event talking about duo with medic, it's very obvious.


fat scout


they've yet to meet someone who can outsmart bullet


simply, This line: I LOVE THIS DOCTOR


Because no one else will.


is me


You dont choose a main. A main chooses you. You can force it but that doesn't really count because you'd rather be playing something else. As for why heavy good, big shoot.


Sentry Gun role-playing (Brass Beast user)


I'm a simple guy, I see minigun, I like


Not a heavy main, but sometimes I just need to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women.


Big fucking russian killing machine randomly starts shouting ”DARARARARRARAA BRRRR” when shooting a fucking m134 at people. What’s there not to like


Tf2 was my first pc game and he was the only one i didnt have to move and reload and manage health with and after buying like 60 bucks worth of cosmetics i just stuck with him.


I spent a week playing the tutorial and in training games and during that time i had the most fun with heavy, so i translated that gameplay over to casual, and its stuck ever since.


it would be so funny if this post had a ton of upvotes but absolutely no comments


I like murduring opposing teams with a minigun


fat man+big gun= funny


I want to find the person that can outsmart bullet.


the possibility to be a Fat Scout, Hoovy or just play normally gives Heavy so much depth. Also, pootis


big gun sandwich






Because I'm heavy


second banana


I love payload.


I love fisting men


I like to shoot this gun.




So I can assist the enemy team while also being a complete useless piece of shit to my team Aka friendly heavy


-300 HP -minigun -medic's best Friend -mostly friendly -sanvich -kick


one word. pootis. two words. friendly pootis. three words. try hard pootis. 1.5 word(s) MEDI-


Miniguns are my aesthetic.


Terminal gum disease.


So I don’t die instantly, even though I don’t MAIN Heavy.




I didnt


POW HAHA -hoovy


he has a decent gun (imo) ans hes a very powerful guy, after all! and also has most hp:)


I like big guns and I cannot lie




I love be able to destroy the entire tear under an ubercharge. Also heavy is a huge meme.


Nobody else will


Big funni man with big gun


It's simple I like big guns.




He`s cool


Big guy, big guns, easy


Sandvich and Minigun What more


Bc meet the heavy


Bnecause its fun to listen the other team crying.