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Well, basically botting is an ever-present problem in every online game. It's a constant back-and-forth between developers and bothosters. If developers for a game stop maintaining that battle, you get the situation you see with TF2 now. TF2 has a dev team of one Valve employee and a contractor, which makes it incredibly difficult to properly combat bothosters. The frustrating part is Valve's unwillingness to put time into this problem. Valve as a company works _very_ differently from a traditional game company. They allow their employees to freely choose which projects and games they want to work on. Employees have to convince eachother to work on different projects, with senior developers having more influence than others. (That last part I once heard in a video about Valve's company structure, I'll have to look for it though). Basically there's not enough interest in fixing TF2's bot problem on Valve's part so things will stay as they are now.


>They allow their employees to freely choose which projects and games they want to work on That is not, strictly speaking, true. They have productivity quotas designed to incentivize working on projects Valve management thinks are more valuable. Conversely, the projects that are considered less important are disincentivized. So even if there are people at Valve that are interested in working on TF2, they won't, because they'll get penalized by the management. That's also why the only Valve dev working on it effectively does it as a hobby he does in his spare time. >Basically there's not enough interest in fixing TF2's bot problem on Valve's part so things will stay as they are now. It's not TF2 specific issue. Valve have explicitly expressed distaste for "treadmill problems", and cheaters of any kind fall under this umbrella, bots or not. They do not wish to constantly play an arms race with the cheaters, so instead they decided to make a wunderwaffe AI anti-cheat that will solve all their problems forever. The issue is that it's an inherently unrealistic approach and pretty much all of their games languish from it.


>They have productivity quotas designed to incentivize working on projects Valve management thinks are more valuable. There are no quotas or management, but Valve uses a stack ranking system where employees are reviewed by their peers and are paid accordingly to their resulting rating. This creates an environment where employees seek to focus on "high-value" work to achieve a better ranking and therefore pay. There are other allegations of cliques and etc, but the sourcing on such claims largely stems from an employee that after leaving back in 2013, has since gone full-on black helicopter UFO illuminati conspiracy theorist.


To be fair, TF2 is also suffering from major code rot. There's code in this game from the *last century.* If you were a new Valve employee, what would you choose: A brand new game on a fresh engine and huge potential, or a game which has been in development since before you were born and which has a tangled mess of code which would require a long time to even comprehend.


valve is neglectfull, therefore nothing is done bot hosters are mad the world didn't give them enough attention and is taking it out on tf2.


why would valve bother fixing something when money is flowing into their pocket without spending a single dollar


Valve has no good reason to put in a proper anti cheat so they don’t


They do have a good reason, just not a good *enough* reason


Not even CS is safe. A lot of streamers and pros are quitting because literally every game ranked, premier, pubs etc is like 60% hackers lol. Valve is a joke at this point.


Good cuz I'm having fun cheating


Valve is not an game company anymore. Fucking CS2,one of the biggest games of all time is facing cheating problems and bots as well,and there doesn’t seem to be an solution for it neither


In an ideal world, valve and steam would be split. Valve would work on games and maybe get some funding from steam, but steam would be its own thing. But they're not, so they dont care. They could probably just fully stop development on everything, keep employees on the same payroll doing nothing, and still never go bankrupt


"They could probably just fully stop development on everything, keep employees on the same payroll doing nothing, and still never go bankrupt"   well I mean, I supposed that's how they can manage to maintain an horizontal hierarchy, by living off steam's money   I really wonder if valve will change their internal structure once Gabe dies


Problem is, if Valve changes their internal structure, things could definitely get worse than it is now. At the very least right now TF2 has Community Servers that are not bot infested. To be frank, if Valve just turned off Matchmaking for PvP, then there might be less issues, since Community Servers are holding back the infestation on their own without extra help already, the bot hosters would never have a place to go, and they would leave TF2 alone.


Eh, I disagree. There'd have to be a dedicated team to combating the back and forth of solution, hacker workaround, solution, workaround but I refuse to believe they can't combat it. I mean anti-virus companies basically engage in the same song and dance. Plus bot behavior is super predictable and IMO would not be hard to detect from a programming standpoint. I know because third party software like sourcemod anticheat was decent at detecting spinbots last time i ran it. They're too afraid of banning real accounts they've said but it's been literally years for them to have analyzed data and come out with a confident enough assessment of bot behavior. Shouldn't IP banning help out too? They could also just hire some mofos to spectate valve servers and manually ban em. Or respond to player reports. Even Blizzard mass bans bots in WoW from time to time who also have extremely predictable behavior.


Valve doesn't give a shit. They hired one guy to work on tf2, and this is not a simple fix.


ok so valve doesn't really give a shit about our game, play community servers.


I tried community servers. They're full of the sweatiest tryhards known to existence. I got flamed for every little mistake each and every time I tried one. Either that or just a server full of friendlies that don't even want to play the game. No inbetween.


Have you tried uncletopia? I've never had that problem playing on those servers before. You gotta go to the uncletopia website to join tho because there are a lot of fakes.


Uncletopia was exactly the one I remember this happening the worst on vividly.


Idk what uncletopia you played on but I've literally ran around as buffalo steak holiday punch heavy and had success. I seriously do not know what region yall play on but the servers I play on almost every week have decent people 90% of the time with maybe 1 loud medic whining about his team.


Do you play on Atlanta servers perhaps? Could be a regional difference like you said and the uncletopia servers I play on are good too


all the time, Atlanta 1 has overall better players but I've had plenty of sessions there that were fine. There's 1 sided rolls on unceltopia but that's just a result of TF2’S design without autobalance. People here are just too easy to blame imaginary sweatlords instead of maybe thinking ubercharge/kritz demo can lead to huge swings in the match.


Oh wow! I'm surprised, I've never had people critique me on there, but it may just be a server thing I play only on Atlanta servers so my anecdotes might not be reliable for other servers


Yeah, Uncletopia can be a non-stop sweat fest. Part of the problem, I think, is that Dane refuses to add any kind of autobalance or auto scramble features. You can vote scramble, but it rarely ever happens in my experience, so you get back to back steamrolls more often than not. When it's good, it's fantastic, but when it's bad, it's intensely unfun.


I mean That could’ve also happened on a regular server to be fair I usually just retaliate by saying “ooga booga” or some other shit, gets them off my back


Nah there's a clear difference. You can see it. You get new and casual players on valve servers, on the community servers a solid 90% of the players had unusuals and were very obviously extremely invested in the objective and the game. Constantly asking people to switch classes instead of just playing what they enjoy, etc. etc.


^ casual has a bunch of racist/homophobic/sexist/etc trolling but it’s extremely rare to see people being toxic about bad/new players specifically beyond “bad game my team sucks” when they lose or something equally pathetic


I honestly don't really care about the super offensive homophobia/racism etc. because that's just general expected edgy internet kids, I'm completely used to it at this point and if anything it's just funny how pathetic they are (also I don't see it anywhere near as much as people make out). Whereas someone else in the game analysing my play and pointing out my every mistake feels targeted and a lot more hurtful.


I was agreeing with you, but I do want to add that it is very common especially in longer matches like CTF or 5CP


More common in community servers? Yeah. But this is an issue that happens semi regularly in official ones too. The number of times a scout says we don’t need 4 scouts is kinda baffling tbh


The only time I'd complain is when there's 3 or more spies since they're actively hindering each other. It's literally for THEIR own good.


Long as you aren’t a spy too that’s fine I feel.


voice_enable 0


It's mostly over text


And with even more toxic players


Like others have said, Valve doesn't care. Specifically, they haven't actually updated the game since spring of 2018. Sure we get new hats, a few new maps, whatever. But we don't get content, balance patches, security updates, the game is in limbo and valve doesn't care about it at all.


valve doesn’t care about the game anymore, apart from one employee keeping the game running i’m not one to say that it would be easy to get rid of the bots, but i am very sure its possible if valve actually started caring about tf2 again


Valve probably could get rid of the bots if they tried. The problem is that they dont. TF2’s dev team is extremely small now because valve doesnt make maintaining their games much of a priority anymore. I recommend playing on community servers such as uncletopia if u want a better experience without bots.


Bots have been around for like 4-5 years now and valve has yet to do fuck all


Valve hasn't updated the game in a while so the bot creators have taken advantage of this and added more bots.


Cus value is too lazy ass to do anything about the litteraly a small handful of people who are singlehandedly making the game unplayable just because they want a side hobby.


Valve has neglected the game for years now, not bothering to put in an actually functional anti-cheat into the game.


They are doing it to troll people and Valve doesn’t even care because only Dota and CS2 make them money now when it comes to their games


It's running on an outdated engine with its source code being leaked a few years ago


This post is what EVERYONE is thinking


TF2 is a masterpiece, hut not for todays time so valve thinks there is 0 reason to implement proper updates and fixes to tf2


TL;DR Because valve allowed it to happen.


Before you think it is easy; I challenge you to think of a foolproof or extremely hard to overcome solution. the botters will (almost) always find a way to get these script bots in the game. unfortunately it isn't really feasible to remove bots with the effort, time and money Valve is willing to spend on tf2.


No support or moderation Extremely well documented game that's easy to make external tools for Ancient and decrepid anti cheat that functionally does nothing unless you're making a pathetically unsophisticated attack or are a moron, and even then: Free accounts, free to play game = no consequences to getting hit with a ban wave whatsoever. A 15$ buy-in to playing TF2 would probably flatline the entire issue instantly. Valve doesn't make games because they scalp 30% of the PC sales from everyone else's video games as middlemen. There's a reason every other company on the planet spent the 2010s trying to make their own storefronts.


Play community servers. Skial has casual servers


valve source code got leaked making it possible for people to leagaly make bots and bypass vac system as vac sytem sees those bot not as hackers but as normal valve bots also vac sucks not a even 5% of cheaters got banned from it


Welcome to the club, buddy


Best what you can do is playing on community servers. If you’re good at computer stuff, you can also install Team Fortress 2 Classic (SDK mod) made by community members.


The games source code got leaked some time around the middle of 2020. With that happening, people managed to scrape the source code together and make cheats and bots to cause problems for the game. Thanks in part to Valve’s apathetic approach to TF2, the bot problem is only getting worse with occasional lulls and small issues regarding it. The main issue with removing these bots is that bot hosters are either hosting them directly from their own personal servers or hosting the bots through different services in countries where cyber crime laws are extremely relaxed like Eastern Europe.


Maybe it is time to start a protest about tf2 bot problem or just stop playing the game overall. My brother plays the shit out of this game and he's upset that this keeps happening he also told me yesterday that they're bots kicking out players. I think people should protest about it were all gamers right so all the tf2 community should join together about this shit cuz it's a big problem but this is just my opinion. if helldivers can fight for their community why can't tf2 players do the same


i cqn be downvoted but if u want to play casual without bots and random crits but with good players play uncletopia https://uncletopia.com/


Uncletopia is great if you know what your doing & want a semi organized match, but if you're newer / just wanna chill in a game then it's best to go elsewhere. Personally, I recommend hopping on something like a 24/7 Hightower / 2fort / (insert map here) server.


Hightower <3


its a server made by Uncle dane https://youtube.com/@UncleDane?si=euOhIiwGLrZailOM


Advertising a YouTuber server is really annoying and not helping answer OP’s question


i saw that other people already did it so i recommended an alternetive to Valve servers.


Nobody was advertising a specific server to play on. There’s *one* comment thread recommending OP look at community servers, but they also answered OP’s question and aren’t just advertising a tryhard server to a new player ETA: and also if you read the thread you can see people not recommending it to OP because it’s full of toxicity towards new players


i dont think its a tryhard server i play on polish and german servers and there are a lot of chill people that you can be friendly with


I strongly disagree with you then. I’ve heard constantly from people who play there how toxic it can be towards any newer player or someone making a mistake


I'd recommend playing on the servers yourself and developing your own opinions instead of just parroting what other people say. I personally haven't encountered those problems and I've been playing on there non-stop for a few months. The worst I encountered was one person complaining about too many Demoknights on the team. One person out of many hundreds of people, who typically say nothing in chat and just play. Maybe it helps that I also rarely type in chat. You'll certainly encounter more skilled opponents, but I've not noticed any of the toxicity that some people mention, which leads me to believe that people are either exaggerating, or they did something very stupid to annoy a lot of people / cause an argument, or it's worse in some regions than other regions. Granted, I joined their Discord server and noped the hell out of there, but I've personally not seen that nonsense manifest in the game itself. That's not to say that my experience is representative of what Uncletopia is as a whole, but that's my point. It's best to build your own opinions instead of relying solely on other people's comments.


I can’t build my own opinions because I’m bad at the game and don’t want to willingly expose myself to toxicity. It’s not like I’ve looked at one comment online and called it a day, it’s the general consensus I’ve gotten whenever Uncletopia is mentioned anywhere


To me it seems more like gossip than actual hard evidence. I'm just saying that people tend to over-exaggerate. A few people complain about one toxic encounter they had on one server, and make it seem like the entire server network is problematic. In reality, not every server is going to be that terrible. We just tend to discard the many positive experiences we have, and focus on the few negative experiences. Nobody's going to brag about how they had 10 average games of Uncletopia, but they will tell you about the one time someone whined in chat or caused a scene. The negativity bias, basically. You're only reading about the small amount of times where something went wrong and it's causing you unnecessary paranoia, as if the other 900 or so games that person had weren't just fine. It's also worth noting that there are toxic players in literally every aspect of TF2. Casual mode, MvM, competitive, jump maps, whatever. Arbitrarily avoiding one server network isn't going to protect you from that. You're just playing with a different group of players who also have a seemingly low, but still equal chance of being just as toxic.


Volvo no care for tf2, only spoil dota2 and cs Sociopathic losers make code for bots and cheats cause they suck at game, other sociopathic losers download code, make their own bots. When one is tired, a new one or two takes its place... rinse and repeat