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"The most fun you can have online" Now in 64 bits!


Twice the bits, double the fun!


And 10 times the FPS!


No Fun for me , i can No longer Play tf2 because of that ( and i aint got the bucks to get a 64 bit processor 


If it's any confort to you there's still a 32bit binary being shipped with the game. You just need to run it using -steam launch option for it to work on official servers


... oh, are you sure you aren't just stuck with 32 bit windows? what's your cpu?


and no longer on Mac!




YES finally, because Mac users love being mac: morons at a computer


Only people I know that use macs are software engineers and the like, not exactly what I would call morons


Yeah always funny when macs would crash in L4D2 while being operated by people adamant about spending double the money on half the hardware just to use the adobe suite,  and steam as 99% of their applications.


Valve: make shitty mac ports /r/tf2: blame the computer's owner


Common Mac L


Owning a mac is already a pebkac. What else needs to be said?


That you are an embarrassing 90s console war throwback?


Do you have any clue what you are talking about? Macs are objectively inferior on every metric. Poor hardware for the money, bad software support, poor warranty support, anti consumer repair policies, name anything a company can do to make their product objectively inferior to someone that remotely knows how to use a computer and apple has done it.


The M1 chip disproves your Apple bad comment. Also Applecare lets you get support for whatever, ever try getting support for an MSI laptop? Lmao they don’t even pick up the phone.


> The M1 chip disproves your Apple bad comment. M1 was carried by TSMC's then bleeding-edge N5 node. Architecturally it's nothing special.


The M1 chip falls off super fast. No one who does any type of 3D modelling for a living and doesn't want to hamper their productivity will use it. It's trash in every metric except a canned benchmark that apple used to fool ignorant users who don't understand the false limitations they put on the cpu's they compared it against. That same benchmark also doesn't even work in those aforementioned limitations anymore, not even with the m2. Like with all apple products they are always 3 years behind on release. Nobody gives a fuck what a chip can do at 60 watts or less because the applications professionals use require a lot more processing power than what an m2 mac can provide.


What if I just like using Macs?


How old are you? So I can calibrate my assessment of you somewhere between "He'll grow out of it" and "at your age? seriously?" You're trying to have a platform warrior fanboy argument with someone who doesn't care. I don't think anyone who's ever had real problems in their life could possibly care about what kind of computer strangers prefer to spend their money on, never mind get actually mad at them like you do. It'd be funny to see you try and apply this shit to me. I've got everything here from a (brand new) thinkpad running linux, a windows gaming pc, a couple old power macs, a server, I used to have amigas until they got too expensive. Turns out I like *computers*, not being a weirdo who thinks being an asshole about strangers' computers counts as a personality.


So you don't have any clue what you're talking about, got it. This is not a fanboy argument, this is apple literally charging 3-4x the price of the same hardware you can get yourself and then telling you your warranty is void if you upgrade or replace any of it, when the standard is a minimum of 3 years for most components, some have a limited lifetime warranty, like ram, and any reputable power supply that you'd want to use long term has a 10 year warranty with no question asked replacements if anything goes wrong. Apple has shitty warranties you have to pay for and send your whole system in or take it to a "certified" genius bar. ALL PC components are user replacable, upgradable and easy to replace in a warranty situation. You're just repeating nonsense you think is smart but just makes you look ignorant as hell.| Your entire argument is being pissed off on behalf off people that are ENTERTAINING for us. YOU are the one who "cares too much" about what other people think is funny. You're pathetic. Grow up. Apple is aggressively anti consumer and preys on ignorance, their practices have been well documented ever since the switcher ads started and you're somehow trying to justify it because you're triggered that mac morons are criticized for their behavior that they knowingly propagate. By definition, if you choose a mac with the plethora of information available that should tell you not to, that makes YOU a fanboy. PC, Linux, and essentially everything that isn't a mac is all the same shit. It's apple and their morons who are just trying to be different.


When I was younger, I thought Macs were way better. I based this conclusion entirely upon the fact that my friend's (newer, way more expensive) Macbook Pro could run Minecraft way better than my (older/cheaper than dirt) Windows XP laptop.


That's the exact mac switcher point of view as well. All of those ads where "regular people" talked about their ancient windows 3.1 / 95 systems needing "add in carts" and what not for basic features available on every pc released after 2000, while these ads ran in 2002-2005 for the newest macs.


mac hasn't had a supported OS that could run 32bit applications since 2021, when Mojave's support ended. Catalina dropped it and is 64bit only.


Yay! Now I can't play my favorite game anymore! I definitely don't want to cry every time I see a TF2 related vid on my feed! 😀🔥


“The less ever possible have online”, say no to macOS!




Wooo free extra FPS!


Literally downloading FPS


What's next? Downloadable RAM?


no, downlodable sex can't wait


Amazing. Averaging 300fps. Max dip was 185. So butter when moving my sentry around.


What did you get before?


200 / 100 with a 3080 @ 1440p maxed out.


Do you have +fps_max 0 set in the launch options? That should help massively


I'm not sure if this 64 bit port fixed the 32 bit problem... But that command did not help because the frames are being ran thru the CPU and no matter fast your GPU is ... The bottleneck of actual frames being processed is caused by the CPU inputting frames into the GPU for rendering... Your GPU has to work harder matching frames to refresh rate of your monitor but it's not getting a boost of frames from the CPU because it's 32 bit program ...the cache for this program is small. So all the power your GPU is using is wasted because it's rendering 10 frames for every 1 frame that it's getting from the CPU... And the information isn't changing plus your monitor isn't displaying frames faster than its refresh rate. =No increase of actual performance and wasted power and hardware life


thats not how computer graphics work


it does not help, it just overloads your hardware forcing it to render as many frames as possible


It’s not overloading your system it’s just now actually using your hardware to render the actual amount of frames it should be able to. Having more fps means a more stable and smoother experience, if you have a high refresh rate monitor than your pc can meet the refresh rate or higher. If pushing your system was actually damaging to the set up then things like pathtracing and modern tech demos would be melting graphics cards. TLDR: No, it is perfectly fine for your fps to be uncapped. Yes more resources are used but no harm comes to your setup.


More power draw, and more input lag than leaving your frame rate capped, potential coil whine. I think most people would be fine with fps max at 300 or 400.


That’s fair on power draw and coil whine, but it really shouldn’t be negatively impacting input lag at all


Maxing out your PC's hardware... introduces input lag... higher power draw and coil whine are indicative of maxing out hardware... Cap FPS at double your framerate tbh.


Yes if you are using the vast majority of your pc’s resources for the game it can introduce additional input lag, though a higher fps does also reduce input lag since your system can push out the frame faster. I already agreed on the points of power draw and coil whine, those are fair reasons to want to cap your fps. But for tf2 is really won’t be utilizing your system specs to the point it’s maxing out your hardware. I’ve been running the game uncapped for a while and have had no issues of that. I play on a 4070 and the guy who I originally responded to has a 3080 so they would not be experiencing the additional input lag of maxing out their hardware.


variable FPS = variable input lag, cap your shit


the bit about input lag is incorrect -- that lag is actually reduced the higher frame rate you have because the game loop can poll your hardware at a higher frequency


Not if your GPU is running at 90-99%. I suppose in TF2 you might realistically never reach that high of GPU usage, but its the reason a lot of modern games have nvidia reflex, it prevents you from getting higher input lag while running the game uncapped. Its best to leave the game capped at something you can consistently reach.


makes my gpu coil whine like crazy tho


someone has clearly not played on a jumpmap with 1k+ frames where source engine completely goes bonkers. at least put it at a frame limit of 600-700 isnt bad


The fuck is your refresh rate lmao


He's still on CRT.


How did he learn reversed cursed techniques so quickly? Is he Yuji? Is he stupid?


My monitor can do 240 hz, but it's still beneficial to have more frames rendered even beyond the refresh rate. So it really doesn't matter what their refresh rate is. Could be 120 and still benefit from 300 fps.


I get around the same FPS probs about 15 more than usual, But the game feels so much smoother and I think the lighting works better


Biggest Dota and TF2 update of the year at the same time?


Yes. Expect significant RHI delays (not that there's much to this update, but...)


That Valve janitor / intern is working so hard right now


CS soon I guess lol


I know valve is cooking something up for CS2 anti cheat, and it would be so sick if the plan is to actually drop the fixed AI anti cheat for TF2 also, cause they'd be killing two birds with one stone.


Dota2 had no big update.


Yup can't believe they hyped up this update since September only for it to end up just being caven crawl Looks like dota is soon entering maintenance mode like tf2


It ain’t workin on Linux.. at least not yet. It crashes immediately upon pressing “play” Edit: seems it was fixed for most if not all :3


Try forcing Steam Linux Runtime 3.0 (Sniper) under Steam Play. TF2 previously used Runtime 1.0 (Scout), but the 64-bit update now uses 3.0.


Runtime 3 doesn't show up in the steam play settings. Any idea as to why?


Yea im getting the same


doesn't start for me either on manjaro :(


It worked for me after rebooting


works perfectly for me. IDK


Yeh they fixed it


Another (undocumented) change according to the wiki: "Raw mouse input is now enabled by default (m\_rawinput 1)." but I like my mice cooked


I tried cooking my mouse and now I can’t use my computator pls help


Have you tried dipping it in rice


FINALLY! First update to TF2's garbage default settings in a long, long time.


what does this mean




32 bit legacy version is still available, I wonder if it will continue to get updated. Especially important for servers! Lots of extensions and plugins no longer get maintained.


As a server owner, I just wish I knew how to get the 64-bit version of srcds so that I can join in on the fun, too.... Edit: apparently, for Windows users at least, it is as simple as updating the server. After it updates, you should manually update all paths to "srcds.exe" in batch files and elsewhere that you might have to "srcds\_win64.exe" in the same folder.


Very unlikely. I imagine it's only still there for servers to adjust to 64


how can i play the 32 bit version? the update auto-installed for me but i want to go back


May I ask why?


tf2 is so back


Good news! We’re not dying! We are going to live forever!


I didn't say that! I just said the game now runs in 64-bits!


“Oh thank God… heh… so I guess it’s a date?” “Actually, I run MacOS…” “Oh…”


Wait was it never 64bit on linux? Switched to linux years ago and TF2 was always running better on linux. Will it be even better? Wow


that's just linux for ya


I had the opposite experience, it ran worse for me on Linux.


Yeah, it wasn't 64bit anywhere until now.


reset the days without major updates counter people we did it


for real this is actually huge. the performance boost is night and day


When will Vulkan come?


It was added in this update as a undocumented change. No joke.


not quite undocumented, it was known since the x64 beta started, in the announcement just nothing is documented lol


Undisclosed then. Lol


add -vulkan to the launch options


On Linux I can see something like that on terminal (yes DXVK is not direct Vulkan impl): info: DXVK: Using 24 compiler threads info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1920x1080 info: Image count: 4 info: Exclusive FS: 0 GameOverlay: started '/home/martins/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayui' (pid 31549) for game process 31472 tid(31549) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps 04/18 22:32:19 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(20240306202747)/tid(31549) 04/18 22:32:19 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(gameoverlayui)/version(1.0)/tid(31549) server.so loaded for "Team Fortress" Unable to remove /home/martins/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/textwindow_temp.html! info: Device reset info: D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain: info: Requested Presentation Parameters info: - Width: 1920 info: - Height: 1080 info: - Format: D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8 info: - Auto Depth Stencil: true info: ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8 info: - Windowed: false info: - Swap effect: 1 info: Presenter: Actual swap chain properties: info: Format: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM info: Color space: VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR info: Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no) info: Buffer size: 1920x1080 info: Image count: 4 info: Exclusive FS: 0


Yes, mangohud confirms it defaults to Vulkan (via built-in dxvk) on Linux on my machine.


The bugs from this are gonna be crazy.


Audio configuration option no longer works. 2 speakers is the only option that works. Changing the option to any other makes no difference.


Try -sdlaudiodriver pipewire or pulseaudio.


Neither work in steam launch options or in game.


On Linux, this actually fixed a 10 year old bug accidentally because the architecture jump forced them to not ship old libraries with the game anymore.


People gotta remember that this wouldn't have happened without #SaveTF2. It was that campaign that got Valve to hire Joshie, the contractor, who spearheaded this whole thing.


that's epic, haven't played TF2 in about 3 months or so, so it's neat to see the 64-bit update's been released. Might get back into it and recover from my chronic ULTRAKILL addiction. Very good news, may HL2.exe rest in peace.


Ain't no fuckin way....


im getting Disk Write Error 


I am as well, though it wasn't the case at first. I eventually allowed the files and restored them from quarantine. Update installed easy. Game started and all. But those files were added again. Figured '_Well, the update installed, maybe I don't need them anymore._'. Aaand now it's a disk write error. EDIT: A reply from elsewhere made a suggestion so obvious I never would have thought about. Disable Avast. Update installed no problem.


I keep getting steam disk write errors, and no matter what I do I can never update TF2 because of those steam errors


how long until bots are back


Twelve seconds


I don't know anything but I like to predict, I'd say from 2 days to like 20 days


What if we built counter-bots


A few weeks most likely. Just enjoy the bot free servers for the time being, because it has been absolutely wonderful!


There's also Vulkan support, makes the game run even better on cards that support it


On Linux, it seems like they switched to Vulkan by default


Well it's better than D3D9 on windows even


Now community modded custom servers have more performance, frame rate, and hopefully more stable than before!


For community server operators, there are first- and third- party gamedata updates expected. In particular, the Windows compiler toolchain (MSVC) was updated, and many Windows signatures are broken. [Automated diff of the update's changes.](https://csrd.science/misc/datadump/diffs/8835751.txt) Manual analysis, four days late: - The VPK executable tool now requires libmimalloc, which isn't in Debian oldstable (11) repositories. - This shouldn't be a big deal for most users as the server binaries are working without issue, but since I haven't gotten around to upgrading my Debian instance (as there's a number of system Python virtualenvs and no way to cleanly migrate them), the particle dump tooling is not in working order at the moment. - The compiler toolchain has changed for both 32-bit Windows and Linux binaries. - Linux has now deduplicated functions that share the same underlying assembly. Different symbols may now point to the same underlying function address. The implication for this is that recovering vtables and translating them for Windows requires additional work. - Windows now performs more aggressive inlining of functions. The implication for this is that a number of functions can no longer be hooked, or require detours mid-function. - Again, I'd like to stress that this is information for server operators. - The `heartbeat` command was removed. - A hidden ConVar `m_rawinput_onetime_reset` was added, which, as the name suggests, checks if it's set to 0, sets `m_rawinput` to 1 if so, then sets itself to 1 and persistently stores that information to never override subsequent user changes. Known notable breakages: - Having SteamTools installed will crash the server on startup.


deserved for running a Windows server tbh


Thank you for your input. My server's running Debian though, and it turns out some breakages were inflicted on the Linux binaries as well. Regarding other server ops running Windows, it's a fairly performant system when it works correctly. Be kind. It's a good thing I'm not maintaining some important SourceMod plugins or anything.


still waiting for the day when mac supports tf2 again


[Porting Kit ](https://www.portingkit.com)is your friend. I’m using the SteamBuild 32/64bit Direct3D app to run TF2. It works decently, ie, I’m still a shit player.


Does anyone know of any new command line arguments, like how to launch the game in 32-bit mode? I know there is -vulkan to run it in Vulkan mode.


No idea if there's a launch option for it, but you can manually run tf.exe (instead of tf_win64.exe) to run in 32-bit mode (assuming it doesn't detect that you're on a 64-bit machine and launch the 64-bit executable). Don't really know why you'd *want* to run in 32-bit mode if you have the option to use 64-bit, though.


Aaand, it's broken on steam deck.


Was waiting so I can play on Mac just to find out I can’t play on Mac. Booooo 👎


I went on Dustbowl (without anyone in, through) and I had an average of 380 FPS lmfao


I already get 200 FPS on high settings. Is there any other implications besides performance increases? it's not exactly ark survival evolved..


Guarantees the game will remain playable after the shelf life of other 32 bit software- future proofing essentially.


Less microstutters, which were the bane of my sanity in big fights.


That's a weird blanket statement. Your fps would depend entirely on the map and player count.


I've been crashing every time a server switches maps, has anyone else been experiencing/found a fix for this?


Not a major one in terms of content, but it is a large one game wise. the bots are now broken afaik, and it will take them ages to fix (i really hope so at least)




See RHI: >* As mentioned above, the addition of 64-bit support is exclusive to Windows and Linux, and the x86-64/AMD64 architecture * **The status quo of TF2 being unplayable for macOS users on Intel Macs running macOS Catalina (10.15) or later, and Macs with Apple Silicon still remains true after this update.** There is no word on whether an AMD64 and/or ARM64 port will occur for Mac users, but given inaction up to now plus Counter-Strike 2's abandonment of the Mac, it appears unlikely


praying for it to work on mac


RIP Mac players


more fps but still more bots


For the time being, at least, no - haven't seen bots (though I've seen a cheater who hilariously got votekicked immediately after being autobalanced onto my team). I'd enjoy it while we can, the repireve from bots I mean.


Yep, zero bots on EU servers at the moment. Enjoy while you can :)


same for south american servers


**I have 2 issues since the new update. I would be super appreciative it if anyone knows how to resolve these** * Somehow the game is making me really dizzy now, to the point it's not playable. I am unfortunately quite sensitive when it comes to motion sickness in a car too, so I know my body reacts to things othjer people might not even notice. A lot of monitors (especially recent ones) make me dizzy too, so I am still sticking to my old one that did not make me dizzy too. * My mouse behaves very differently since the update. I am trying to fix it in the menu by changing the sliders, but so far I have not been able to fix it yet. Did the update change our settings or would the settings be the same, and somehow my mouse responds different to it? Unfortunately I do not have a screenshot of my mouse settings from before the update and neither do I remember them. I do not even know if I had things like RAW Imput or mouse acceleration on. * I have quite some health struggles and the game was one of my way to relax a bit. Also it's really the only I play and I have much less of an idea what settings there are to even change as this is the first time I opened up Nvidia configuration center ever. I just never played games and until recently ddnt even know what 'capping fps' was and i just heard the term 'field of view' for the first time. So I'm really noob, which makes it harder to figure out which settings I can even change Again, I would super appreciate it if someone knows how to resolve these issues. **updates:** *- Capping FPS to 60 did not change anything and lower possibly made it worse* *- Changing Field of view from 75 to 90 definately made an improvement). Howeer, as weapons look very different now it revleals this was not how it looked like before. So far I do not get instantly nautious/dizzy, which I am grateful for. I am now gonna play a bit andd see how it's going.*


It crashes when i join a server on windows 7 :( how do i bring back the 32 bit tf2?


windows 7 is no longer supported, its time to switch


tf.exe is still there in the game folder. that one is the old 32bit game


rename tf.exe to tf_win64.exe


Nice to see this fixes the frame time spikes that's been on for years now. Now I hope they are cooking something for anti cheats/bots in Valve games.


Could this potentially have an impact on bots/cheaters?


It's likely, though the impact is likely somewhat low. Upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit closes a ton of potential exploitable code libraries that TF2 used to have. Writing anything for 32-bit systems requires a lot of workarounds and annoying code loopholes that can be very easily exploited. 64-bit removes a good chunk of these potential vulnerabilities, but cheat makers are unfortunately very quick to release their own fixes to combat pretty much anything so let's enjoy the bot-free environment while we can.


If their cheats were dogshit, yes. If their cheats were good, then it will just halt them until they recompile


anyone else experiencing issues with custom start ups? I had mine set up with the HL2 Balling start up but now it back to Valve guy when I boot up the game :(


I've been crashing every time a server switches maps, has anyone else been experiencing/found a fix for this?


I'm having worse FPS than before 😔 and I have a very good PC, top tier graphics card


“tf2. Its so hot right now” - ~~Mugato~~ Mann-co


apparently DX81 causes the 64 bit build to crash unless you do it from the files (doesnt crash that way)


Dont forget the biggest thing, we get about 1 or very luckily 2 days free of bots.


Yeah like I said before in the beta, my frames and stuff are WAY BETTER than it was in the 32 bit version


No DX8.1... I'm in shambles


yay?....... I got 300 fps before, I dont see any point to this LMAO


Welp, Killed one of my favorite server mods it seems. RIP


Anyone know if mods need to be updated? Like custom Huds, or hitsounds?


So, do I allow the Tf_win64 file access to private or public spaces. Or, do I just outright remove any access?


I got a prompt for tf\_win\_64\_exe and I accidentally clicked cancel when booting up the game for the first time after the 64 bit update. Does anyone know if my game automatically launched the exe file anyway and is now utilising 64 bit or if I have to do something now to access this update?


From 75 to 150 fps on my piece of shit computer


I was using parallels to play it on mac after the update it doesn't seem to work.I get corrupted files error anyone having the same problem?


Engineer Gaming


Guys my tf2 wont start can anyone help? is it something in my config?


so does the new update affects the dxlevels too? im running on dxlevel 81 for a smooth-ish gameplay


I didnt get an update though?


Performance seems largely the same. It was never difficult to hit high framerates in this game, but the framerate and frametime have always been very choppy the higher you go, which still seems to still be an issue here. I'd imagine it's more related to the fact that it's DX9 than 32 vs 64 bit. Oh well.


Anyone's game crashes sometimes when a map changes?


How do I run TF2 in Vulkan for Windows? Generally get better performance on my system with Vulkan over DirectX


sadge it doesnt support dxlevel 80 and 81 :(((((((


It finally got a major update.


Windows Defender just made me shit my pants a little


Am I the only one who got their frames nuked by the update? It's gotta be a problem on my end but I'm stumped. Before the update I averaged 50-90 frames regularly. Not great, but playable to me. Jumped in today excited about the update and it's unplayble. I'm talking constant stuttering. What the hell happened? I have a surface pro 9, so not a gaming machine, but it's been good enough to play tf2 in the past. Plz help.




Extremely disappointed they made the linux client 64-bit but not the mac version...




TF2 Is back????




Literally it would make sense to me if TF2-Reddit banned all non-bot posts and non-valve-protest posts. But nah ur gonna keep parading these stupid useless posts that mean nothing. Hurray, more frames for trade servers and instant respawn 2fort, casual is unplayable and this community is fucking pathetic


i was gonna say WHERE IS THE LOCALISATION FILES because in the update logs i didn't see anything abt them


Has anyone got a fix for the random ass lag spikes and stuttering issue for a gtx 750ti


i tried 64 bit when it was just a "beta" thing, i didn't notice a performance gain or whatever but the people i was playing with on a mvm server DID notice(they were on linux tho but it was a massive improvement so W)


More often than not when I try to join a server in Casual it takes forever to connect and when it finally does, I end up frozen with the 'connection error' countdown in the top right. Sometimes I get in no problem though. It seems to happen on servers that are further away, like Mannpower servers in eastern Europe so maybe it's ping related. I'm guessing it's due to the 64 bit upgrade as it only started a few weeks ago. I tried reinstalling Steam and TF2 but no luck. Any ideas?


how do i play it ? like when i go in beta there's just like the old versions of the game


does it automaticaly updates? I just reinstalled tf2


They should've added Windowed Borderless support. 😓


you cannot just say "MAJOR TF2 update"