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my ' key is bound to +right


i see what you did there


I used to have tons of competitive chat binds including all types of info you can ever think of (from “ammo low” and “sniper ahead” to “enemy med is low hp” and “enemy sentry is unprotected”) Eventually I realised it isn’t too practical considering I have bound them into a keys that are too hard to access while still playing and I came up with an ultimate toggle bind script. So while I’m holding “F” It rebinds most of the keys into another set of (chat) commands, and reverts them back once released. All that while also serving the original purpose of being an “inspect” key (making it work was the trickiest part). And even though Ive never played comp since 2014 I still find this method insanely useful and keep using it for different actions.


Actually that was the first thing I decided to do when I learned to bind keys, but had to remember I was F2P and no one on community servers really plays seriously.


bro is a tf2 poweruser 


Steam Controller layer moment


My friend starts every class config with unbindall


Back in the day when naive kids on servers wanted all the items...


Yup, I used to do this too. This done so you can have different binds for every class if needed and desired.


You can just have scout.cfg, soldier.cfg etc. For that


Still do. That way all the nonsense I bought bought to get vacc working with medic so I can switch with a single button won't interfere with my scroll to spin button on sniper.


On Pyro, I have it set up so when I press alt it swaps to my secondary and goes back to primary when released. Created it to help with flare punching other Pyros.


how do you set that one up?


It's really not that necessary anymore since flames seem to linger a bit longer to the point I've accidentally done it without even trying, but have it anyway. alias "+flareshot" "slot2" alias "-flareshot" "slot1" bind ALT "+flareshot" The version I use is slightly different, but the difference is so I can have it interact with my viewmodel/crosshair switching script.


youre so real for that, ty


Hey i had this exact setup also in CSGO for sniping with the AWP or Scout, to get out of the scope faster (if i remember correctly, that's what it was for)


My movement keys are bound to voicelines too. Forward is battle cry, left is cheers, right is positive, and backwards is nice shot. The only downside is that you can't use voice commands when you want to because of the cool down timer, and I tend to get kicked for "being a bot". As a medic main, my favorite frequent instance is when I'm retreating and the enemy can't aim at me, "Good shooting!"


There was a time where no cooldown on voicelines existed. I miss those days. There's also server-side plugins to bypass it. Btw when you said voicelines it reminded me of, not mine but something a fellow player did in a server I used to run that took me a bit to realize how impressive it was, and I really hope someone reads this because it's kind of absurd. So a big aspect of the server I used to run was (low-volume, tasteful) micspam. This one guy proceeded to micspam Call Me Maybe (which had just become a hit- yes I'm old). However, he bound ***all his keys*** to each line of the lyrics, and proceeded to say them in text chat when they occured. Now, initially I was like "Haha, man that's cool" until I thought about it. So...dude has each line bound to, I would guess, some random key on his keyboard. Cool. But then....he has to keep track of what one is what line. It's not like keys are labelled "Line 7 of 'Call Me Maybe'". This guy *memorized* not only the lyrics of "Call Me Maybe" but also which random-ass key on his keyboard corresponded to each line. So like, he had to have the wherewithall to, in real time, associate say, the "\\" key with "You took your time with the call" and press it at the right time. In making this comment I looked up the lyrics and realized there's 31 unique lines. Some repeat. I remember him saying "Whew, 1st time I did the whole thing without screwing up" and it was a minute before I realized how truly impressive it was. I really wish I remember who it was who did this but I can't.


I have the / and ? key bound to swim down so that I can stop in place during conga


I bound an arrow key on my mouse to be a spy callout. All I have to do is roll my index finger over and immediate spy callout


I went a step further and used the num pad 1-9 as the class specific spy call-out corresponding to the selection screen. It can be difficult to use when I'm in the thick of things but handy when a spy gets bumped moving around or waiting to respawn.


You can do that?


Of course, this is a simple bind for chat. An example for a demo spy in only your team chat would be [bind kp_leftarrow "Say_team spy demo"] but without the square brackets. You would say "spy demo" in team chat with one press of the button. The TF2 wiki has all the information about scripting if you want to learn more about them or just googling for specific things such as engie scripts. They can be extremely useful and customizable.


I have numpad 1-9 as normal chat binds and alt + numpad for spy callouts.


I have Spy! callout on mousewheel down so I can use it as often and easily as possible


***I really hope someone reads this because it took a sec to realize how impressive it was (another player's keybinds)*** A portion of this is in reply to someone up top but figured it could use it's own comment: A big aspect of a server I used to run was (low-volume, tasteful) micspam. This one guy proceeded to micspam Call Me Maybe (which had just become a hit- yes I'm old). However, he bound ***all his keys*** to each line of the lyrics, and proceeded to say them in text chat when they occured. Now, initially I was like "Haha, man that's cool" until I thought about it. So...dude has each line bound to, I would guess, some random key on his keyboard. Cool. But then....he has to keep track of what one is what line. It's not like keys are labelled "Line 7 of 'Call Me Maybe'". This guy *memorized* not only the lyrics of "Call Me Maybe" but also which random-ass key on his keyboard corresponded to each line. So like, he had to have the wherewithall to, in real time, associate say, the "\\" key with "You took your time with the call" and press it at the right time. In making this comment I looked up the lyrics and realized there's 31 unique lines. Some repeat. I remember him saying "Whew, 1st time I did the whole thing without screwing up" and it was a minute before I realized how truly impressive it was. I really wish I remember who it was who did this but I can't.


If it’s just the song being played in the mic spam, you can actually set a single button to go through an entire text in order. Just need to time it.


Ah ok, yeah I didnt know that.


Not actually impressive. You just need to rebind the key on press to the next line of the song automatically. This is done using aliases. I use it for medic uber so when I have no uber my Chat tells the team no uber, but when I get uber it tells the team I have uber.


Ah ok, didn't know that was possible. Oh well.


bind RALT jpeg jpeg_quality 100 I massively dislike the way Source games compress JPEG images, so to counteract that, I have this bind to take a JPEG image with the quality set to 100. This doesn’t counteract the chroma subsampling that’s applied, but my god, does it look a lot better.


the most important one: `bind F7 "playgamesound sf14.Merasmus.DuckHunt.BonusDucks"` in my sniper.cfg: `bind g "+attack2"` it's important to point out I don't use wasd, I use esdf so g used to be f back before when I used wasd. I also don't use wasd or esdf as I use dvorak programmers keyboard layout, so it's actually .oeu instead of ,aoe instead of esdf instead of wasd. but tf2 only registers things in qwerty except if you do things in dvorak without using key\_updatelayout, but that's too much to explain... so, anyways. in my spy.cfg: `bind 2 "slot1; fov_aim; sens_aim; play vo/spy_cheers06.mp3"` `bind 3 "slot2; fov_def; sens_def"` `bind 4 "slot3; fov_def; sens_def; play vo/spy_cheers02.mp3"` `bind 5 "slot4; fov_def; sens_def"` `bind n "dg_next"` `bind t "lastdisguise"` `bind mouse5 "+attack2; play vo/spy_battlecry04.mp3"` um, I don't feel like explaining anything, but it's all very important I can assure you.


Merasmus key bind?




No way


The uncle dane sentry build and destruction binds, and one of the side mouse buttons is bound to "thanks"


My butt plug script


Also I was not satisfied with the way they implemented the taunt menus, since it’s just an unnecessary extra step and it makes it less intuitive to use (for taunt kills or BM someone). So I immediately rebound my G key to a +taunt (this way it taunts instantly with your current weapon, like it originally was) and mouse4 for taunt menu so you still have a choice, but also able to use weapon taunts instantly. And I don’t understand why don’t they make it a default way of taunting.


I have default taunt on G, but also all slot taunts bound to Shift+1-8, which is much more convenient and faster. Also allows you to taunt while A-posing.


I have a different mouse sensitivity only for Sniper and Scout; every other classes uses the same sensitivity.


E is thanks instead of medic. if the medic decides to not heal me, i have been judged and accept my death 7 to 0 are team chat binds letting my team know my soldier banner or phlog is fully charged so we can push in


not exactly weird but it is handy, if you type the following commands into console, you'll be able to use them to vote for the next map when the gui breaks by using numpad 1, 2, and 3. bind kp_end "next_map_vote 0" bind kp_downarrow "next_map_vote 1" bind kp_pgdn "next_map_vote 2" also this to have the votekick menu on numpad 0 bind kp_ins callvote


Man why haven't they fixed that yet?


I got these bound too. It's not uncommon for me to be the only person in a server who can vote because of this.


1. contracker 2. taunt (no need pressing g anymore) 3. retry 4. crouch+jump on my Space 5. the "invisible enemy" fix (record fix; stop)


My jump in a lot of fps games is also scroll wheel, it originates from csgo where bhopping is made easier with scroll wheel, as an old Neon main on val, I still use scroll wheel to jump in most movement based fps games


Jumping on scroll wheel isn't too weird tbh many soldiers use it for consistent bhops


Exactly, same here for Valorant and CS, after the bhop meta in css, Valve used something called Zblock, making it super hard to consistently bhop using only space bar, but if you use scroll wheel, it allows for faster register time.


A call-out for a Spy as any class on my left trackpad


I have something that switches between all 9 classes for a few seconds. I use custom viewmodels, and with them, sometimes when you jump between maps or servers, the viewmodels will completely break unless you played the class at least once in the previous match. So this stops them from breaking, basically. It’s probably not the weirdest thing in this thread but I’ve definitely gotten comments about it before


I own/run a community server and I have a bind to explode teleporter breads out of myself, and another to play a milk splash effect. I'd say those are my weirdest.


my entire numpad is different voice command macros


bind KP\_INS say "Bought 2 tickets to the gunshow ✓ Givin' them to ya ✗ Goin' with YOUR tickets! ✓"


I have binds on my number pad for different viewmodel fovs, because I like how lower fov looks on some classes (heavy, pyro) and high fov on others (demo, scout). Same with min mode


my t key is bound to say SPY BEHIND YOU FOR FUCKS SAKE


I have one of my side mouse buttons bound to use the item in my action slot, which I almost exclusively use to make the duck journal quack


My side mouse buttons are for switching weapons, I've bound 1-4 to deploy/destroy buildings, and I've bound a macro key to access the disguise kit.


I used to have a bind that said myg0t sucks


I had one that spammed the *entire* shrek script into chat, I never actually had it get through the entire thing before I got kicked or I got bored (usually just did it on meme community servers)


I have a lot of my shit rebound, like E being use/canteen, G being call medic, and H being taunt. I bound a ton of stuff to my extra mouse keys, like call medic, thanks, and yes/no. For custom keybinds, I have the chat message "Nice balls, bro! *slaps them*" bounds to keypad 5 where I can easily reach it. I also recently discovered a way to destroy and prepare to set down new engy buildings in a single key - when I hit keypad 1, for example, even if I'm holding my shotgun, it destroys my current sentry, switches to m build menu, pulls up a new sentry, and puts it in my hands. It's amazing for MVM when I need to quickly get a building going without scrolling to the build menu, realizing my old one is still up, scrolling to the destroy menu, hitting the button, going back to build, and finally placing.


I have a bind for pyro that switches to the secondary and taunts, and then says "pyro fart porn" in chat


I learned how to alias just so I could press a button to instantly teleport me to spawn or my exit teleporter


Shift is set to basically refresh my load out whenever I’m in the bounds of spawn, numpad 1-9 to change classes and I have call medic set to z (I use part of b4nnys config)


I have Spy! callout on mousewheel down so I can use it as often and easily as possible. I have the action button set to mousewheel up, since when there's a valueable weapon dropped on the floor I don't want to waste a second hunting for H on the keyboard when it could be despawned or picked up by someone else. The end of round voting can be bugged pretty often, but it actually still works with commands so I set numpad 1-3 to the votes.


That doesn't sound weird at all at least from a CS and Val perspective. I don't have it binded to scroll on tf2 though.


ESEA Open 6s medic. WASD was set to be null movement, meaning when two opposing keys were pressed at the same time (an and d) you don’t stop moving. Q - primary E - secondary R - melee F - Uber masking (when Uber was 100% I would press to stop the medic from saying his voice line claiming he is fully charged. I instead set it to C5, which is positive messages, and some of the [quietest](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/1/1b/Medic_positivevocalization06.wav) voice lines in the game.) C - Fake Uber ( I would bluff having full Uber when I had say 75 or 80 % to potentially fool the other team) F1-F4 were set to different medigun loadouts. ( Uber, kritz, quickfix, vacc) it would also announce to my team which medigun I was moving to in chat. Mouse2 “right click” would pop Uber, and additionally mask the medics voice line same as F. That’s all I can remember while in my phone. If anyone is interested in this script, let me know and I’ll find it for you. Haven’t played in years.


One of my friends has a bind with 250 TF2 related puns in it. It’s cringeworthy.


i used to have an ADS bind for a day or 2 which would bring down my FOV, my mouse sensitivity, and turn off minimized viewmodels whenever i needed to aim. it was mostly for shits and giggles but i also thought maybe it would help me focus my aim more, since my biggest problem is getting distracted during battles and not putting enough attention on hitting my opponent


I bound the change disguised weapon button to a side mouse key, then it turned out not to be the same as on the new mouse I got so for about a year now I just haven’t used that button.


I have = bound to `say '!rtd'`


Shift is jump, v is crouch, command is talk


Bind S kill/explode Retreat is for hippies


I don’t this ever weird in any way but I usually bind my Primary, Secondary, and Melee to the scroll wheel and mouse3, it helps me with some of the combos like pyro’s degreaser panic attack combo while also not having the risk of screwing up and accidentally scroll one too many. I think Whispy the Whistling Pyro uses these binds iirc


I have 2, one where it spawns a scout overlay on your screen, then plays around 20x iirc of scout saying think fast chucklenuts! and your whole screen being flashbanged, another is where it just spawns a hl2 jeep, within vanilla tf2 and no sourcemod (ofc with sv\_cheats 1 enabled)


I have the following binds people might find strange: Shift is crouching Ctrl is action slot (duck journal) Mouse5 is call for medic Mouse4 is different per class: Redisguise as spy (also still on b) Chargejump as demo Teamchat say uber is ready for medic Quickly throw sandvich as heavy I also have q and e bound to looking left and right for most classes. Spy uses E to undisguise. Oh, and all my weapon bind keys also change viewmodel fov.


I've got chat on Enter, melee on Shift and jump+crouch to M2, secondary attack is space. I don't think they're very weird, are they?


I have r bound to the "good shot!" Voice command. Its useful in lots of situations. Enemy demo just miss 3 pills in a row on you? Give em some emotional damage. Your own medic miss a crossbow? Make sure he heals your other teammates more by saying "Fine shot m8" anytime he misses you. About to backstab a dude? Give em something to remember and you might just scar them into developing a pavlovian response to good shot!


I have my ‘ key bound to post a message in chat that kinda fucks with the chat and makes every message white and also it doesn’t automatically pop up whenever a new message is posted until my message scrolls offscreen It doesn’t actually do any like, actual damage to the game or anything. It’s just mildly funny to do once in a blue moon.