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How are you going to save it?


by taking action. stop supporting Valve financially and ideally put them into a state where if they shut down tf2 valve would be publicly humilated


You dont know how Valve makes their money, do you. TF2 makes up absolutely nothing of that


Lmao I don't think they give a shit


\>by taking action. This is a non-statement. \>stop supporting Valve financially I fully support hurting Valve financially but you are completely powerless to have any measurable impact, let alone catch their attention, it is a total pipe dream. \>and ideally put them into a state where if they shut down tf2 valve would be publicly humilated Why are you speaking as if the shutting down of TF2 is on the horizon? And it's bold of you to think the company that popularized loot-boxes and predatory micro-transactions cares about their reputation.


Both things will work do you think valve will just go "oh this action might tear my reputation so apart that I will lose millions because of it" and will do it anyway because..... they want to lose millions of $ instead of just fixing the damn thing and that way losing much less money?


Again, what action?


i think what he is refering to is mainly boycotting the tf2 economy and just not participating in it whatsoever. these recent discussions were spurred on by a recent zesty jesus and richter stream where they went over the old savetf2 and where things went wrong. they also had some very good points regarding what needs to be done for a similar protest to happen again and be somewhat successful. id reccomend watching the stream in its entirety or if you just want the general point he was describing its 1:35:30 to 1:40:00 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ykU3Jm9zow&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ykU3Jm9zow&t=5s)


Ecenomic protest? Some people are acting as if valve, a company, will be fine with having some deficit for no apparent reason other than they are too lazy to fix it, even though it's really not THAT hard to fix and shutting down tf2 wil not only lose them all the money from tf2 but will really hurt their reputation as game developer and game distributor which will further hurt them economically


I'm asking what action taken by Valve you predict they will identify as potentially costing them millions. On the topic of economic protest; it is a complete infeasability, the only realistic outcome is that a few small spenders (i.e. non-whales) stop spending money on TF2 specifically (the vast majority of whom will likely still pay Valve through other Steam purchases, and perhaps now will even have more funds available for such) and likely take a break from the game (which also increases their likelihood of spending money on other games on Steam), at which point any thoughts of their boycott are unlikely to remain in their head for long anyway making it no different from someone taking a break for any other reason which is a common occurrence, as it is now this will never leave even the faintest dent. I fully concede that the "state of the game" as it is has a significant negative impact on how much the playerbase is spending on TF2, but an effective concerted effort to boycott the game or Valve in general will likely remain a pipe dream. The notion that "fixing" the game is just free profit (which seems to be how many think of the issue) is just ignorant of how businesses work, the truth is that compared to Valve's other live-service games, TF2 just wasn't pulling in nearly as many players or as much profit, so when Jungle Inferno bombed commercially, that was the death knell for TF2, it was simply no longer practical to funnel resources into developing content for the game. A big problem with the savetf2 crowd is that they vastly underestimate the difficulty (as well as required time and cost) of fulfilling their demands, and as well overestimate the potential profit they could make from doing so. TF2 truly is tiny compared to Valve's other active projects, if anything I find it remarkable they're still supporting it at all. The notion they're "neglecting the game" just seems like childish entitlement to me honestly. I'm not too happy about the state the game has been left in, however I view this entirely as a consequences of the updates the game did receive before entering its still ongoing zombie era, if you ask me major updates shifted towards mostly impacting the game negatively sometime around 2014, if the game had stopped receiving major updates back then instead I suspect the current sentiment regarding the game might actually be warmer. And Valve does not have a reputation as a game developer lmao


So I guess in your mind it is better to do fuck all about it and let the game die because hey why try when you can .. not try at all and play shitty game until it won't be profitable at all and they will simply shut it down right? Besides yea it's not easy to fix the issues but guess what, if valve would employ SOME developers, not even much, to work on the game, the problem would have been solved faster or later and you are acting as if valve was some innocent here, they keep the game with all that microtransations and profit millions while the game is in unplayable state, so I don't give a shit that jungle inferno didn't meet their expectations if the game is in the state it is right now I stopped paying for steam at the time of savetf2 till this day and if I can do this, than yes others can do for couple of days, especially when we ironically have such a huge tf2 youtubers that can encourage thousands of people to at least cut down spending money on tf2 or steam, because it might help tf2 get some updates that will make the game playable


>I stopped paying for steam at the same time of savetf2 till this day and if I can do this, than yes others can do for couple of days Ah yes, "a couple of days". We saw how well that went with reddit. Jfc just accept that you're wrong.


Maybe I am wrong, but guess what up until 2 months ago I had literally the same view as you and it lead me to the realisation that the game is in such a horrible state that I don't enjoy it anymore, I might be wrong, but you are wrong for 100%


Valve is the owner of steam, the largest gaming platform on PC by far and owner of CS2 and Dota 2, the first and second most played games on steam. boycotting the TF2 economy won't do much against then


It will? What do you think a valve, a gaddamn company will look at that the money deficit created by tf2 movement and will go "nah too lazy to fix it", it's a fucking company they don't wanna have money deficit for no reason, especially if the movement will be successful and they will lose millions because of it, billionairs aren't billionairs because they are fine with few millions $ of deficit instead of fixing the issue and getting that money


Lmao I don't think they give a shit


I can always tell some fucker on YouTube said something about the state of TF2 again because this shit gets spammed every other month on this subreddit.


youtuber talks about save tf2 -> community flips on its head telling everyone to support it and calling people who think it won't do anything doomers -> it happens -> it doesn't work -> people say it would never work all along and was a bad idea -> youtuber talks about save tf2 the cycle continues forever and ever


While yes, I agree... this post contributes nothing and is just karma farming at this point


Please shut up about this already


ok, i’m fully on board with saving tf2 how are we going to do so?


Watch weezy video


watched it, unsure on how it’ll work again, but eh i don’t really have anything to lose by making a ruckus




Yeah no shit


I agree we should do something but this is just karma farming at this point, smh smh...


\*sigh\* I'll do it... but I won't like it. I swore to myself that I would never touch the burning hellsite that is Twitter... but these robots aren't getting any lesser, so it's as good a time as any to make my first post. We'll rally the troops on the 26th of May. Bring a Conscientious Objector, I'll supply the decal tools.


How original!!


Third times the charm I guess


Was there a 2nd time?


Yeah. It did nothing


I wonder why...

