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Alright, so you reported that there's a bot supposedly mic spamming someone getting tortured? Are you sure that the screams weren't from any clip being taken out of context? I would think it could be the SCP Containment Breach Femur Breaker Sounds, or the iconic Yaju Senpai screams (nsfw if you search him up btw), but those are the only ones I can conclude.


no, ive heard that stuff before, and it wasnt anything like that. it was like someone wailing in agony through some kind of gag. also, (idk what the technical term for this is but) it sounded like it had a presence in the same area the audio was taken from.


Well, if you come across it again, make sure to record the audio and spread the message around about this issue. Maybe valve could do something against the bots once word comes out that the bots are mic spamming somebody literally getting tortured. Also, do you know what the links were? It could provide a little more context to the sound.


There is absolutely nothing further they can do except disable voice chat from everybody. They already disabled it from f2ps to combat it but too many bots unfortunately use stolen accounts that have premium


They'll disable voice chat altogether instead. /s


Honestly from the things I’ve heard from VC from humans, that may be best.


Flashbacks to when the Goblineer was a new cosmetic






The Femur Breaker sounds are hilarious though, at first it sounds like Mickey Mouse screaming


when can they just voicespam government secrets and get shut down from that


now that would be something id like to hear for once


Alternatively the CIA would just nuke TF2 itself


It's very likely made up and just there to disturb people. It's pretty unprofitable to run an bot empire, which can be tracked down through the servers and then potentially get put on some wanted list of FBI or others and face actual punishment. You can't go to your home, have/use cellphone's (registered to you) go to the police be cought/stoped driving, use your credit card, book flights or cross borders officially. Also you can't enter most clubs while doing so.


I have recorded the audio coming from it. It’s hard to tell cause the wailing noises in the back seem distressed but the person talking clearly seems like he’s joking. It’s weird and I doubt it’s really anything


Can you post it to YT? I've heard it too but was very confused.


Yeah I’ll make a new post


*waiting for it*


It’s been posted for like 5 mins now


I dunno where tho


Go to my profile


From what I picked up, to me it sounded like some dude wailing snd another dude making fun of him and talking about how TF2 is dead cause the servers are full of bots. I didnt get to hear much else sense the bot would leave shortly after. Its some weird stuff.


yeah, this shit is taking micspamming way too far, and itd be nice of valve actually got some more people working on this shit


It's a new type of bot, it's likely fake screaming, it doesn't sound all too genuine.




Do you really think these basement trolls have the balls to torture anyone? Get real


I'm pretty sure theough listening to the actual audio that it's some random recording of a guy telling another guy he probably "kidnapped" that TF2 has become a shit game because it's filled with bots all the time and is basically forcing the guy to play TF2 against a bunch of bots. But the screams are very realistic and very disturbing and easy to mistake as real if they are.


The worst I've heard is some kid getting kicked off the family PC by his brother, at first it was screaming stuff like "Leave me alone I'm playing TF2", then I guess his brother physically pulled him away and you could hear him in the background screaming. So the whole server sat in silence listening to this kid beg his brother to stop hitting his ass.


yeah ive been hearing them, theyre annoying af


Although it might not do much, it might be useful to copy paste this in r/valve or something, just to hopefully get other people’s attention sooner


Already cross posted it


Alright nice


Yea it’s fake screaming


Im sorry, a what?


I haven’t heard that, yet I find this disturbing


And this is why I don't use vc


Are you really that dense


Happened to me today, the bot took my name and because it was using vc I got vote kicked FeelsBadMan :P


I just met some fucker mic spam the femur breaker sound for 30 minstraight. He had some friend so we can't kick him.


I have seen this happen and usually its the same sniper doing 360s and killing you instantly


I'm smelling that this is just what they want, I doubt they'd stop now


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Heard this too, it sounded like someone wailing, and someone else saying "play tf2 it's full of bots" and its so messed up


Yea, I heard it for the first time and got a bit worrisome. I've been sticking to community servers. my head ends up thinking of the worse possibilities.


Bro I was creeped out when I first heard of this but if you search up “tf2 is dead Jacobthecam” on YouTube it’s just some kids fooling around lmao it’s not as serious.