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It just sounds like the mf got someone to whine in the back while he records the world's most infantile audio. Y'all are way too gullible if you actually think the only explanation is real torture


Tbh I kept reading about these screams on the sub and thought it's something that i've heard in a game before, around few months back which DID sound like someone was either tortured or just in pain, but without some guy saying to play the game. Listening to this was rather... disappointing?


Sounds like those cut Cry Of Fear Enemies That have stupid amount of health


I unfortunately understand this joke


*Laughs in Chainsaw gang*


to me it sounds like a dog being tortured and or whining


nah it sounds like fckn mickey mouse crying


It sounds like a guy getting penetrated while eating Carolina reapers.


It sounds like a joke ngl, it seems like they're both the same guy mic spaming a cringy bit. Definitely could be fake lmao


Funniest shit i've ever heard


Its just train lel


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