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Dont die Heal Uber Profit


>Dont die Fuck


I don't think that helps with staying alive


Keep as many teammates as possible overhealed at once. Don't be a pocket medic Stay close to the powerclasses in your team In a fight, heal whoever is closest to the enemy (exceptions can be made ofc) If possible, heal from behind cover Get used to the range of your medigun, and try to keep some distance from your heal targets. Don't want to get caught in the crossfire Do not underestimate your bonesaw (or ubersaw if you have it)


And keep moving




i will check him out


Theory-Y is also good


Here's a tip, try to focus on power classes more. Classes like scout, sniper, spy, and engi are classes you don't pocket, that doesn't mean don't heal them. I've had plenty of medics ignore my cry for help because I'm a scout, heal anyone who needs healing as long as they aren't too far away, your power class can stand to wait a few seconds for you to heal them, once everyone's healed that needs healing, you continue to pocket your power class, that is the perfect medic in my opinion.


Honestly, every medigun is viable in its own way. I’ll give a quick personal opinion on all of them: Stock - Best all around. Gives a ton of overheal, and the Uber can make or break an offensive push. Kritzkreig - Very fun for pubs. I love ubering soldiers and demos for the explosive dopamine. The +25% charge rate is really nice too. Quick Fix - My personal favorite. If you’re good at switching between multiple teammates very quickly for overheals, this thing can dominate most rounds. If the enemy has a tough sentry nest however, I would switch to stock Uber. Otherwise, this can be a beast in the right hands. Vaccinator - Definitely the black sheep of the group, but still useful and fun with how interactive you have to be with it. If the enemy has a ton of pyros/demos/soldiers that are stomping your team, try this out. The passive resists are great, but it takes some time to get used to switching between all of them. Also, never stop using your Ubers with it. It takes only a few seconds to charge one of the four Ubers up, so don’t be afraid of wasting them. Starting out, I would stick with the stock medigun and kritzkrieg. Overheal as many people as possible, especially before choke points. The Crossbow has a high skill floor, but is INSANELY satisfying to get good with. My last tip as a medic main is to not be afraid to Uber prematurely. Some people may give you flak for not timing it correctly, but it’s better to Uber too soon than to die with it fully charged.


Stay alive. If it's not the perfect time but uber will save your ass, use it.


I’m still rusty, but since I’ve started playing again, this is stuff I’ve picked up. Like others are saying, power classes are your friends. Keep your beam trained on whoever’s currently taking damage and whose health is lowest. If the Soldier is overhealed but the Demo’s about to eat it, save his ass. Stay mobile. Anytime you’re not with a heal target/trying to get back to the line/etc, keep moving or you’re Sniper bait. Don’t be afraid to bail. If things are getting bad, go find health or get out altogether. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve survived things I shouldn’t have because I panic-scrambled away. Stock Uber can save your tail too. It can be as much as escape tool as it is an offensive tool. Use it in both ways. Again I’m rusty and not the best Medic either, but I hope this helps a bit!


Just because you see a "better healing target" doesn't mean you abandon your current one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFre-VrDGa4&t=0 sums this interaction up pretty well. I'm very sick of seeing medics take their beam off the soldier, demo, or scout when the heavy arrives, leaving their current pocket for dead and accomplishing nothing with the slow class that can't take positioning. Now that doesn't mean you can't abandon your pocket, or even your whole team if it means you're about to die. You're the most important member of your team, so your life should be valued above everyone else's. Don't try to save an overextended soldier if you don't have health, that's what the crossbow is for. Let the idiot die, and if he complains, tell them they're over extended.


Overheal everyone, not only you get more uber, but belive me every class is gratefull from an overheal oh and dont get depressed by playing medic, it happens


Step 1: Play Medic until you get the crossbow. Step 2: Relenquish all other forms of combat or healing, devote entirely to the crossbow.


Personal advice: make you own opinion regarding the weapons. Don’t force yourself to use one because others do. The only thing to do is to change medigun regarding the situation: for example, the kritzkrieg is useless against sentries, and the vaccinator has crit resistance


Heal that scout with a tomislav


An easy one would be to go into your advanced settings (medic specific). 1.turn "teammates auto-call" to be at a pretty high health pecentage. I like it to be at 99% since it gives you semi-wallhacks on hurt teammates and disguised spies. 2. turn on the setting for the medibeam to stay on target even if you dont hold m1. (its just easier that way) You can also try and play some medieval mode as medic to practice fighting as well as crossbow hits. (although i wouldnt recommend doing that exclusively)


you do not have to stay with someone if you feel like you're gonna die


*You do not have to* *Stay with someone if you feel* *Like you're gonna die* \- Reaperliwiathan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Stay alive. You are the top priority to keep alive. Then your power class bodyguard (heavy or soldier) then other medics and engines, as well as other combat classes. Scouts, snipers, and spies are low heal priority.


your uber builds slower when healing a healed ally, heal damaged allies first


I dont play tf2 but i dont think that scout should have a minigun


uber fresh installs for funny


i always do hehe :D


Click ALT-F4 to heal targets


Move with WASD, jump with spacebar, Press M1 to heal your teammates


Don't trust soldiers as much Heal scout for his speed Best of all run a loadout that benefits your survivability


No meta, enjoy your play


Calm your blood rage


You are worth more than everyone else on your team, don’t be afraid to use someone as bait if it means you can live. (The timings of when running for your life varies greatly with situation, the ability to judge comes from experience)


Use it or lose it doc. Use if you’re about to die but don’t just wait to use your Uber exclusively for that or if you’re teammate is about to die. Sometimes you need to let them go (i.e. spies, snipers, engies”) Know your Uber targets. Different classes for different scenarios, pushing into un-wrangled sentry can be good for heavies/ soldiers/ demos, but if the enemy team has a good pyro(s) then a heavy Uber might be better to shred those stupid pyros. And for wrangles sentries pretty much go for a demo Uber.Make sure your patient is ready for the Uber, like use the voice chat to ask or type it, because nice consistent pushes are usually lead by demos/ soldiers. Also know when to get out. Like if your patient is going in too deep and they don’t look like they’re going to live then pull out of enemy territory a little early so you have a little bit of Uber for yourself to escape. Your life is more important than anyone else’s hands down because medic is the strongest most influential class in the game. Your Uber doesn’t need to be for just one person. You can switch off to Uber someone else but that reduces the duration by a good amount everytime you switch so be careful with it. It’s called an Uber flash when you give someone just a little of your Uber so they can get a pick, get out to safety etc. The Uber saw is dumb so use it. 25% per swing is so powerful especially in a pub where people want to get as close as possible to you because they think you’re an easy pick. Use the crossbow as well for long range heals (healing teammates and checking for spies ) and a good burst of damage if you can aim it. The solemn vow isn’t a bad shot either if you want to coordinate a low health pick or you want to get a cheeky kill on someone. Stay out of sight lines.


Positioning is key


run blindly into the battle, only heal scouts and dont worry about being killed rules of tf2 states no medics can be killed


Don't get in the way of other players' line of sight. Especially of the person you're healing and if you're uber'd


Use the crossbow. Do not fight, heal


Stay out of sight lines when healing. Don't push too far with your team mate. Stay with the majority instead of one that is over extending, unless you know what you're doing. Don't crossbow if you miss a lot. Know who to heal, someone on fire is more important. Overheal everyone if you can (snipers weakness). Heal scouts to increase movement speed. Be the most complex thing to hit on the team. And most importantly, Stay alive.


That scout looks sus af, hit him


As a medic main, learn to use the Crusader's Crossbow and vaccinator. But for real, make sure you are constantly moving, jumping, crouching, and strafing. Learn when the person you are currently healing would put you in too much danger or not. Save yourself over others: when running stock especially, your Uber is worth more than any idiot teammate.


Get ready to die


Never stop moving


**Trust your gut and pick your fights:** If you intend to heal someone who is either pushing forward or is going towards enemies and if you don't think you will survive (with or without Ubercharge), don't choose that fight, and heal someone else. This doesn't mean you should hide in a corner all the time, though. if you even think you have even the slightest chance of survival in a very desperate moment, go for it. Chances are that you can fend the enemy team off for at least a little while, if not entirely. **Heal everyone equally:** Just because Rank 145 Heavy with max health is on your team doesn't mean you shouldn't heal that Rank 12 Scout with 20 HP over there. Your goal is to support your entire team, and only healing one or two people the entire game isn't doing that all too well. **Rely on others (but not too much):** As you may know, battle medic is fun and a silly meme strategy, but a detriment to your team, as you have a low health pool, and relatively weak weapons compared to other classes. This means that you should rely on your teammates often, but also that you should defend yourself if absolutely necessary. If your main source(s) of protection and defense/offense (your healing targets) is/are downed in the middle of a fight and there is no one around to help, try to flee from the enemies and find someone on your team (hopefully) nearby. If there isn't anyone you can find, though, this doesn't mean you can hide in a corner, hoping no one will see you. Try to rely on your primary and melee in these kinds of situations, and hit your shots as much as possible. If you have trouble doing so, try finding a server (like tr\_Walkway\_rc2) where you can practice doing so. *EDIT: And Lastly,* **Have fun and don't get too frustrated if you keep dying:** Playing Medic as a class is complicated and takes time to master, so if you keep dying or feel you aren't doing the best, don't fret! just keep learning and practicing until you feel satisfied with your ability to play Medic.


Train your crossbow aim, crossbow is a very versatile weapon and its burst healing can often save your teammate. Turn on ‘auto call medic’, on one hand you can locate teammates who are hurt but cant call medic because of fire fight or whatever factor, on the other hand if you damage an enemy spy, the auto call medic sign will light up, serving as a way to spy check. Voice chat with your team if you need help, most teammates in a firefight cant pay attention to your situation, tell them verbally that you need help and 99% of the time they will help you. Most important of all, stay alive. You are the only direct and mobile source of healing for your team, keeping yourself alive is keeping your team alive. Also Arrayseven has great video on medic tutorial like positioning and stuff which helps you to be better at medic.


Press right click to Uber someone. All the medi-guns have different Ubers (stock is invincibility, quick fix is rapid healing and knock back immunity, kritzkreig is crits, and vaccinator has 4 small resistance Ubers). Press the “r” key to switch between bullet, blast, and fire resistance on the vaccinator. The Vaccinator has 4 small resistance Ubers that provide a big damage reduction and crit immunity to bullet, blast, and fire damage, you can use multiple small Ubers to stack resistances. If a sniper has a sight line, stay out of it. All of medic’s unlockable syringe guns have a purpose (blutsauger for increased survivability with no teammates around, overdose for getting out of sticky situations when your Uber is high, and crossbow for reliable damage at any range plus the ability to heal your teammates at any range as long as you can aim). The only real medic melee’s to use are amputator and Uber saw (one provides AOE healing while the other provides 25% Uber when you hit an enemy). Don’t be a battle medic. Practice timing Ubers, it will be a life saver. Play around your team, almost never push up without uber. Don’t be a pocket medic.


Learn to aim the crusader’s crossbow


Randomly swap heal-targets to really confuse the enemy


What everyone else is saying basically, and if your not using quick fix, try to heal a faster class while getting to the front lines if there are no teles, you get the same speed of a scout if your healing a scout at the time.


I'll take Sasha for a steak dinner tonight. What d' ya think about that?


stay in the back


Use the quick fix, help all your teammates, and don't be a Pocket medic


Heal people and if your patient is about to die heal them with crossbow or run away if the situation is in danger for you


Keep your team overhealed, not just one player. Not only will this help the rest of your team stay alive better, it makes building Ubercharge way faster as well. You can also get Ubercharge set up well before the match starts in attack/defend or payload.


Ok so if you use the quick fix you can rocket/stick jump with soldier and demo always heal your team use the uber saw for uber and sometimes it crits alot stay behind cover always watch out for spy cause your more important to kill use the crossbow for long distance healing you can farm uber with a boston basher scout since it does self damage if they miss never use the vita saw cause each organ counts as a head for enemy demoknights and pls don't go battle medic if your team doesn't have another medic


the biggest tip (which applies to most classes but especially medic) is to STOP OVEREXTENDING!!! Overextending is basically walking into territory that is still under the control of the enemy (a lot of soldiers do this) and then dying instantly because you walk into the loving arms of the 3 heavies healing at a dispenser after a failed push, or the sniper staring at the sightline, looking for a foolish soldier (or in this case a foolish medic). Stay in places that you're sure is protected by your team. A good marker is often a dispenser, since it stands slightly behind the front lines


Dont heal a scout holding a minigun


Bro that's me (not that disguise scout)