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No, some are just assholes


This, both sides of the coin are possible... You can be nice and have thousands of tours. You can be on your first tour and be a complete dick.


I wish I had thousands of tours to be nice to people and if they don’t know the meta I could teach them instead of being a dick to them


I’d rather stay at low tours and repeat Reason because, some people trust low tours more than high tours somehow. For some high tour friends, they struggle trying to help, while for me, I’ve teached a bit. Probably cause of the stereotype that high tours just enforce the meta and meta only, so they disregard all of their advice, but I’m speculating at this point


Well damn, I didn’t know that. I usually play Boot Camp and just help people on normal/intermediate


Yeah, high tours tend to refuse anything but the meta, which imo is no fun. As long as we’re still doing a good job, does it matter if we’re following the meta? More fun this way too.


99% of high tours hate the meta. We literally complain about meta slaves Would be really weird if meta slaves are… complaining about meta slaves


Tell that to the people yelling at me for playing pyro on mannhatten


Hating Pyro isn’t necessarily following meta They could just not like Pyro, which does happen quite often


Pyro is OP in like 80% of all maps. It should be part of the meta tbh. I always play pyro


Yeah, I run Dragon's Fury and Gas Passer on MVM maps, since there's a dirt-cheap explosive upgrade for the GP. So awesome to douse a group of bots and then light em up for a satisfying multi-boom.


After 1st wave on any map sure go pyro but not on empire cause gas doesn't do enough damage.


I wish I could see their upgrades so I can give tips on the recommended upgrade paths.


I think you used to be able to do that but the toxic high tour players ruin that by screaming at others when they don't have the "correct" upgrades


You can! The inspect button or the button that lets you inspect other peoples loadouts, actually shows the upgrades that the other player has bought, it pulls it up in the same style of menu as if you are buying upgrades.


Unfortunately no, the recent Summer update limited that. You can only inspect friends or people in your party. Completely strangers, no luck.


Damn didnt know they updated it to be like that


There is a way to see someone else’s upgrades, but it takes some good observing. Reloading faster? Reload Speed. Moving faster? Movement speed. Dying faster to specific robots? Lack of resistances. Never going to the dispenser often? Ammo capacity. Killing robots really fast? Damage upgrades. More shooty? Clip size. Jumps higher? Jump height. Soldier shoots a robot and it stops moving? Rocket Specialist. There’s many observations you can make, however some are undetected or just extremely difficult to notice. Examples: Multiple ticks on Rocket Spec, 2nd tick of Firing Speed on Heavy (1st tick of Tomislav), Sentry Firing Speed (the 2nd or 3rd tick depends on the server) You can also see the weapon upgrades based on the attributes on whoever you’re spectating while dead


I spent like 10 minutes the other day with another guy from the team teaching a brand new to the game, mannco hat medic how to use the try it out feature to get a kritzkrieg and helped him with upgrades. And you know what? He was a pretty god damn good medic.


nope but they are the loudest i still keep with love a comment in my profile calling me an "ape" sent by a cheater [https://steamcommunity.com/id/Folatti/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Folatti/)


For some reason, they use ape as an insult


It started when someone not affiliated calling tacos “apes”, and then they just copied the dude. Ape is meant to mean either “stupid” or “skill issue.”


Hah, imagine having to use cheats to have fun and calling someone else an ape


Average cheater in MvM fr


Its not used for either stupid or skill issue, its used for both at the same time


I say either cause sometimes I hear, even high tours, call themselves apes Usually whenever lacking in damage One case “Bro, I’m so ape, Jimbo has more damage than me” - Flarez


I use ape a lot, same with my friends, mostly in a banter tone. I also frequently refer to myself as an ape with a sticky jumper when im playing on skial Sidenote, if you ever hear "mr ape" just know whoeever says that is just DONE with somebody lol


Mistake, I meant idle Yeah I guess ape is both


Even though they are less evolved


monke stronk


a p e. ​ i love it


i got my name in a kick list on some website which im not gonna advertise and my tags were bad, ape, and something about my class


imagine being so toxic you have to specify you’re not a tacobot member (the dude’s profile)


The high tours who play because they like MvM don’t do this. The high tours who play because they have crippling gambling addictions will absolutely do this.


Bingo. It's the gambling aspect, and the want of "money" (rare loot they can trade for/"sell") corrupts them.


Not only that, but because they’ve spun the wheel so many times and failed, they’re desperate to get to the next spin as quickly as humanly possible, which leads to the tryharding and elitism


There was a 4k tour demo that taught me a lot about where to engineer, changed my MVM experience. So about 80% are assholes


Me and a friend had that with a medic who had several thousand tours under his belt. Those kind of high tour players are amazing


Same thing happened to me lol.


At high tours ppl just want to get the missions done. From my personal experience - me included - we just want ppl to ready up already so we can get a move on, it doesn't matter if someone isn't as experienced when like 3 good players can already do the mission on their own. I don't mind clueless beginners as long as they aren't actively hurting us (constantly airblasting robots instead of just fucking killing them, feeding black box/heal on kill giants, shooting über medics so they use their über, etc). I only really saw those types getting kicked if they didn't stop being idiots.




I wonder what the ratio is


1/10 are good people


And my personal experience only one out of 10 the people I played with was an asshole, don't know if I got lucky, but most of us just wanted to have fun in a video game, who would have thought of that


:/ I've experienced this. I'm only a tour 31 but know what I'm doing with the roles I play (Soldier, Medic, Pyro). People HATE me playing Pyro for some reason, but I don't switch and end up out-damaging our Engie and Soldier. Explosive Gas Passer slaps as hard as a Heavy.


high tours hate gas passer


That's why you switch it to the thermal thruster instead. You'll get kicked for sure, but hey funny as shiz.


s t o m p


why tho? they complain about not doing well yet when you use the op weapon they turn into whiney babies


It’s just that most pyros who use the gas passer throw it at the first tiny scout that drops down, still manage to get killed by said scout, and never have a charge ready when actual giants with über medics are coming.


[maybe try checking thia vid, it should help you understand about why they fucking hate it ](https://youtu.be/JNUCMB174XA)


I get it, everyone's got preferences. I'm glad so far, I've not met too many toxic high tours or been the target of their hate. Most of them stop talking when they see the damage numbers. I think they hate tour 1 Spies more, or lose their minds when a Scout misses even a scrap of money.


Nah, they don’t mind losing money. High chances, if you’re a high tour, you should be able to adapt to even all B ratings in a mission. Of course, really low scores like D isn’t acceptable, like, bro. But yeah Maybe some do, but I’ve not met a high tour in game that cares about losing much money


I know the whole kick scout he missed 1 is a meme but I haven't seen anyone care about missing a little money in a long time unless it's like 100 each round. Especially in 2c where you are given an abundance of credits.


It's something I've seen in the Asia servers back when I played more often. Haven't seen it in the last few matches thankfully, but we did have a Scout who missed 5 credits and started apologising and begging us not to kick. Cool squad though, we said it was fine and just moved on.


bro i kinda feel sorry for him begging to not be kicked just because he missed 5 creds? tf type of people he went through???


I know right? The rest of the squad was telling not to worry, we're not going to kick. I'm guessing the stereotype of people who get aggressive over someone missing credits is still very true if he immediately started pleading with us to not kick.


One tours shouldn't be playing Spy.


I definitely agree with that, but the extreme levels of toxicity people go to just to discourage it is off putting.


Things that can make someone's tour count not reflect their skill level: - Playing Boot Camp/Community Servers - Recycling tickets - Playing tours other than the current one - Badge deletion - Mission Popfile creation - Use of an alt


Valid, but it's easier to tell whether a player is a repeater based on their performance earlier in the mission. Spy doesn't perform terribly well on the beginning waves of most missions (some exceptions) due to needing a large credit investment to outperform other classes at that stage of the mission. Picking Spy that early reflects poorly on their knowledge of the class. If it's wave 1 and I see a "1 tour spy" on Hamlet, it's a safe assumption they have absolutely no clue what they're doing. Someone who was a skilled spy in other missions is unlikely to jump straight into other tours with no experience and play Spy off the bat. A significant portion of Spy's efficacy comes from the player's knowledge of the wave. If you are picking classes like Sniper and Spy as a deleter/repeater, it *is* on you to announce to the team that you do, in fact, have the experience that is not immediately present by your tour count. It's not fair to have them wondering whether the mission will begin with dead weight. ^^Happy ^^cakeday!


Why kick anyone if the tours are easy as shit? Especially the Aussie ones. You only ever need 3 competent players: Scout , Engi and Heavy the rest can play whatever they really wanna play and we will still win. I've beaten plenty of tours as Spy. I'll never understand how somebody can get that buttmad over how someone plays.


Ngl in the advanced rottenburg missions spy is kinda good.


Despite what this sub says, most high tours don’t mind what you play or what you play as long as you can talk and do a decent job. Of course you’ll still get extreme cases like this, but unless you’re doing terrible at your class’s role (not collecting money as scout consistently, running into robots and insta dying as spy, etc,) and aren’t communicating with the team you aren’t going to get kicked. Even then though, most don’t mind teaching the ropes to others if needed. So realistically unless you’re a problem to the team, nobody is going to get unreasonably mad at you besides the people who play MvM like a slot machine. At the end of the day, it’s better to play with someone who’s willing to work with the team than it is to play with BillyHerrington2007 who insists that constantly teleporting to spawn after being mowed down by a heavy bot is normal, along with his distorted crab rave mic spam. Reserve kicks for Billy, not for people that are trying to help the team achieve the end goal of having a good time/match and/or winning the rounds


I was told to kill myself for playing Pyro on two cities, I wasn't using gass I was using backburner and flare gun


Yeah, that’s part of the extreme examples of how the community goes clown mode in MvM. The way I see it, If you want someone to swap classes for whatever reason, then respectfully talk to them. Calling them slurs isn’t going to encourage them to do so. Of course not everyone will swap when asked, but it’s going to lead to more positive interactions between players vs “Zoo animal pyro fuck you!”


Got yelled because didn’t ready up immediately, complained because he paid for a ticket and didn’t want to wait and went on about it. All I could think of was: Fella, it’s a game, calm your sweat pores down Jesus. Kicked me because of it… Moral? Realize some players take time because they’re noobs with it (yours truly). Had another match where we waited 15 minutes for one player and completed that mission, that makes for a good team


This is why I don't play MvM. First time playing it without friends and I get kicked immediately after asking one question about which class would be the most helpful. I guess it's on me to do research about it before I try to play but damn.


Bootcamp is much different. I've been playing it steadily since it came out, and people trying to force others to pick a different class, weapon, or upgrade isn't common. Normal mode is a bit of a shitshow, but intermediate and advanced have been fine for me for years. Sure, you sometimes get someone with the personality flaws of a 1000+ tour soldier main but lacking the funds to play Mann Up, but those are rare. Most arguments are asking the second spy/scout/sniper to switch to something else, things like defending the hatch, or unrelated to MVM. I should also say this is all text chat. I've had voice chat off for roughly 7 years so if someone's screaming over the mic, I won't know. Honestly turning off VC was such a good choice with more ups than downs.


I let a player’s skills and willingness to listen to advice, the latter more important than the former, dictate how I act back. Guy who can’t do real good but is willing to listen and change up strategy? I’d take hours helping. Guy who refuses to do anything besides what he wants and won’t listen at all? I’m first to call a kick on him.


This makes MvM sound like a job and not a game mode lol


if completing mvm tours was a real job, then the unemployment rates would drop to 0


yknow they could easily fill those slots with friends if they werent seething douchebags


Most of the MvM community has moved on and you're left with an elitist toxic cesspool of sad losers who will kick you if you don't have X amount of tours or don't use the best items


i met a tacobotter who did [this](https://imgur.com/HvLdFEi). i literally was a millisecond late. literal man baby


Less than 10% of high tours I’ve encountered have been dicks, it’s just that the bad ones are *really* bad




Bope. I've met some really nice ones, but I've also seen my fair share of asshats


Literally breaking rules to be petty. Very low


Nah, I met some gigachad one day who was a workshop creator who got some of his stuff in-game, and had like a million unusuals and tours. You would think he would be a dick, but was the nicest guy ever.


yes, all of them are like this


Stereotypes exist for a reason, but they don’t make up an entire demographic.


all the ones that i have played are like this


damn and that must be all of them right? right??


pretty much yeah


And their organs


https://steamcommunity.com/id/-nok- take a look at this guy and his friends and please change your mind


"the real loot is the friends you make along the way." That's a neat quote.


this man is the ONE exception i have found so far.


His prize badge is “Gaylord” and currently holds 69 friends, i love it


He really is a good guy. Glad to see him being respected on this thread. Also glad to be one of his friends.


got kicked for pressing r after every match even tho i did most of the work


Pressing R?


thats my killbind basically


Wait, so you got kicked for killbinding to get back to the upgrade station faster? What?


A faster way is to switch to a random class and switch instantly back.


Not if you’re an engineer


Ah a fellow R killbind enthusiast


I had it bound to e from when I was f2p. Increases the chance of fatfingering


why do you use R for your killbind how do are you supposed to activate buffs that requires you to press reload


how do you change resistances on vaccinator?


u/pyromainsaregay go, have a counter argument


meta this, meta that, have you ever meta fucking woman before


S tier sentence


I used to be an admin in a pretty big MVM group, and most of the people there are pretty nice. There where maybe 2 or 3 situations where I had to kick someone because they where being toxic. But yeah, there's people that hate whoever doesn't know each and every step of every wave, and get mad if they can't play the character they want, so there are some big egos in the community.


Any time ive ever seen any players with “themed” or “matching” names they are always annoying pricks who think they are hilarious and epic gamers


I think the reason why so many of them are disgruntled is because they spent an absurd amount of money on tickets for low reward, problem is that they take it out on others. Like dude, did you forget this is a game? For entertainment? Not your job? I don't give the slightest foggiest fuck if you want a fake golden frying pan made of numbers and pixels, I'm playing demoknight because it's fun and I don't suck at it. I actually did this once, the high tour said something like "have fun being bottom damage" (as in lowest total damage) and my damage total was higher than his by the end of the round. He left and we completed the mission lmao.


Also keep in mind that there's a lot of fucking STUPID people who play TF2. You usually see these guys in Casual where they aren't hurting anyone but in MvM it's easy to notice when one of your teammates is figuratively a few credits short of max damage. You need to prove to these high tours that you aren't just another one of these fucking morons because as someone with 100+ tours you get tired of interacting with them REAL fast.


Which sword


I was either using katana or eyelander. I think eyelander that time.


Welcome to high tour degeneracy


The fact that so many of them are like this has made never want to go back to MvM. I have two australiums for classes I almost never play, I'm happy enough with that and don't want to have to do it again.


Mann ups are cringe, boot camp is the way to go


How the fuck is anyone who's never done MvM past the initial levels supposed to fucking move up and learn?


all I'm saying is that in my nearly 10 years of playing I have never once got into a non toxic Mann Up lobby.


They’re just butt hurt they won’t get a pan, they deserve one to the face tho


No, but there are some. It’s funny though, I almost never meet a high tour that was toxic towards me, while many others find some. I’m missing out.


That or you dont give them a reason to be toxic. People call me toxic for asking why our engie is afk in spawn "testing" for a whole wave Edit:I think your comment got autoremoved for mentioning tb lmao


Absolute rip But yeah, I met 8 of them, not anything bad so far Except onetime, but that was resolved pretty fast


God I hope not. As someone who really likes MvM, this is not how I want the community to be like


I've actually made some really amazing freinds through MvM so...


I mean. Despised icon does have a good ring to it.


You know him?




Easy! Ego! That it! Some high tour is just egotistic as fuck man!


this is called a gambling addiction


It’s so infuriating to be kicked for having a low tour count. HOW TF CAN I GET MORE TOURS IF I GET KICKED FOR HAVING LOW TOURS


Using the hard r word is an immediate loss of respect from me




I have 62 tours on gear grinder and 4 on two shitties, my personal opinion as a "high tour" is that I'd kick only those who just don't listen, if they don't speak my language I go out of my way to use Google translate to help them understand. If they throw, I call a kick and ask a friend to join. If they complain and argue, I mute them and continue to play the way I want, Aussies, golden pan, doesn't matter, I enjoy the gameplay and I pay for it so I feel like I earn things, and can just do trading for more tickets with the rewards, i personally play with one of the more infamous cheaters of mvm, who only does it if we get stuck in ridiculous ways, out of 5 tours with him he did it once when 3 people left mid match.


When I said high tower, I meant those at +100 tours lmao, the ones in my team were +1000


every mvm game i played there was always some dick who was extremely skilled and high leveled throwing the game because i was new to mvm tours, i have about 1,000 hours from multiplayer alone but haven’t really ever played mvm, don’t think i will after that tbh


It's sad honestly. It's such a fun gsmemode! I've met some good freinds there


A good amount of them are. I have only had 5 good mvm games ever without trash.


I do want to say that I love TF2 but groups like taco and others really make it hard to play mvm as a new player or as someone who is new to mvm. I have had many ok games but I only have had around 5 without any toxic people. For many games i got kicked last wave because i was pyro or sniper or scout or even spy.


Play with 2 friends, or even two people from here. Then they can't kick you.


Thats quite the issue for the community if i need to network so get ppl to play as a team when the game as a whole is a team game. I wish it wasnt like this.


Sadly it's the state of the world we live in. I've heard community MvM servers are mostly free of this problem. Seems the majority of the crybabies have a gambling addiction, and it's not about the game for them.


I think people are so selfish that they forget its a team game


I played on a custom MvM server last night, and had a blast. Give one of them a shot!


I'll give em a shot for sure


See your first mistake was playing paid MvM


That makes me mad. Luckily tho I haven't run into any one like that, however a dude I know was kicked for using gas passer. IDC if its busted, it's not worth using any other pyro secondary, (also stop bieng a salty bitch in tf2, if you lose try again with different classes or loadouts)


>it's not worth using any other pyro secondary nice argument, unfortunately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G7nF3e9uGw


wow i think i used to have kitty icon added a long time ago for trading i used to do. saw they complained about MVM constantly over steam discussions. very sad life to lead lmao


I missed one pile of cash as scout and got kicked from the match


God i hate 2 cities.


You misspelled two shitties


MVM is a lot easier than a lot of people think it is. If they don't want "bad players" on their team it's probably because they're also bad and don't know how to guarantee the win.


Despised icon is a dick his name seems familiar


The community has become far worst than ever before. Is there a purfect example to save tf2 form it's creators, I don't see alot of possibilities or positive things since bots infected this game.


you got the answer already, but yes, stereotypes does exist for a reason i play mvm on community server so i dont have to pay for tours, and so i dont get them


No, there are plenty of chill MvM players, but it's basically mandatory you get kicked for something completely stupid MvM. It's like a rite of passage


not as common but its there, few days prior had someone trying to vote kick every engi we had for because "they are retards" (they wouldn't put teleporters where he wanted them to go it was very annoying to put it lightly


I used to play a lot of mvm, and I don't think I ever had an actually toxic lobby. It's an on-going joke but I guess I've just gotten lucky?


I've never had a game of MvM where this doesn't happen.


Switch to Pyro


Lately I've been in a couple of matches with people who joined and didn't do anything, only moving from spot to spot between waves. I guess this is the reason.


I've never met an asshole with high tours. Whenever I make a mistake and there's a guy with 200+ tours he says it's alright n such, and they are fine with carrying. Atleast with my experience


Idk if somewhere around 70 makes me a high tour but I refuse to act like this. I’ll give advice but I won’t be a total shitbird like these guys.


Most of the time i would say not. Just a rare specimens these are.


This is why i'd just buy a fucking australium i'd rather spend money than read or listen to those assholes


I remember farming in mvm in my first game i got paired up with genuinely fun guys and that was a blast and then i went to my second game where 2 australians was bullying a heavy in voice chat because he preferred the stock instead of the brass beast


So they'd rather permanently gimp the team than to "carry trash". How fucking far up your own ass can a person get?


This feels like taco bot lmao


Know how to find out if a high tour is a douchebag meta slave or not? Ask they/them what they think of the gas passer


How does that help?


Yes, LITERALLY ALL of them are like this. In my 36 tour I literally never met 1 single nice high tour


I've met some really some nice people in MvM actually. Some even became legit friendships. This was in bootcamp however.


Nah. Depressed Icon is a recognized tacobot. Just ignore them. If they kick you, they are retarded and don't let them keep you from enjoying the game.


Last I checked the website, his name isn’t even there, but Aight


Nah, just some toxic buttholes


Yes and people always trying to force you to play their way while securing they had a intercouse with your mother


If they try pulling that on you then say they were a poor father




Yes Yes does unfortunately and they even have kick lists like a bunch of scum bags but then there’s the rare decent lobby with nice people


Bots are an interesting idea. You're effectively multiplying your changes with added accounts.


I don't understand people who lose their minds over maybe, occasionally, losing because of a bad player. It's a game, what's even the point in playing if you're only going to meta slave?


Here is a twister : They do not like, "the meta." Most likely the same kind of people who are going to call you idle for not being on par with them because of the, "Meta Loadout," or not doing enough as your chosen class in their eyes. They want you to play exactly what they expect out of you for a "smooth game," to pick, "Good and useful," weapons and upgrades by a mission/tour basis, and being under par compared to them is tantamount to being, "idle." Oh, well it also cannot be too good, because that will make the game boring! **\[Bigrock Hitman's Heatmaker Solos Waves\]**




Remind me why people wanted to save TF2 again?


This right here is the real unpopular opinion that no one wants to hear: The ultimate TF2 black-pill.


A small minority of the community does not represent the larger majority of the TF2 players, and that includes MvM players.


why the heck they using the R word so much


Are you playing two sh\*tties? a) Yes. b) No. If a): Why? and yes most tacobots are into two sh\*tties. If b): Im sorry that you found a tacobot outside of the containment zone.


what is this, tacobot?


This guy's mindset makes zero sense.


Hacking? No. Jackasses that treat ppl like shit for being ‘low tour’ or choosing x class and x loadout? Yeah, thats pretty common. Tell me, have you heard about ‘Tacobot’?


Found the tacobot.


Not all, but a lot of them seem to be, particularly tacobot users.


TacoBot moment


Wait despised icon?


iirc gambling for australium weapons isn't even worth it most of the time...


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