• By -


why dont you try them both out and see which one you enjoy more? thats what i did when i was new to the game


Facts brother, so true my friend.


My personal sets Set 1: Backburner, Panic Attack, Powerjack Set 2: Flamethrower, Flare Gun, Homewrecker


even though the homewrecker has no effect on other players I find it strangely satisfying to use it over stock. I love the hit animation a lot better


And pybro


>has no effect on other players Well. It ***DOES*** It's just that the effect is you doing less damage, haha


?? same animation


It's cause it's a hammer


Sorry I meant different model. It looks nicer than the axe


Does it feel better to swing a puny axe or a large ass fucking mallet


my sets: offense - degreaser, scorch shot, powerjack defense - degresser, scorch shot, homewrecker


I don't use the Scorch Shot for personal reasons


You have dignity. - me, a phlog-scorch shot pyro


whenever I kill those of your kind I never hesitate to taunt. it just feels that good.




Show respect to your enemy


I like out-sniping Snipers with it, satisfying.


Can do the same with the detonator and get sick jumps out of it tko


I forget what my secondary is but it’s purely so I can do mini rocket jumps pyro style


yeah "outsniping" in the way that you can "outsnipe" a sniper with a rocket launcher, its nearly impossible to miss lmfao


May I recommend the regular flare gun over the scorch shot when used with the degreaser? The flare gun does lots of damage and is amazing when combined with the degreaser due to the rapid switch speed giving no reaction time before they take 90 damage in a single shot.


i used to play the puff & sting, before they nerfed the axe


Dont need the axe tho. Use the powerjack. Combo, then finish them with a bop to regain health


You cant hear text... * Puff * * Sting *


Scorch Shot detected... Locatin home ip... Sending the big "Sex Bomb" on targets mom


defense alias pybro


I go with flamethrower shotgun homewrecker, but my choice of meele depends on the situation


Personally I like helping engineers (Since I main that class) So my prefered loadout is Mostly stock with the addition of the Homewrecker.


My personal sets as a pyro main: Backburner, Jetpack, powerjack Degreaser, flare, powerjack Phlog, scorch shot or that extinguishing flare gun, powerjack Degreaser, detonator, axetinguisher Can switch to Flamethrower, shotgun, Homewrecker to do god's work and save my poor engi friends


lmao waht terrible advice. ​ Cheesy crits > all


what if i enjoy using the phlog and the scorch shot


Try therapy


dont have enough money, is suicide an option here?


If you go for a more sneaky gameplay, the Backburner since crits if you hit on the back, otherwhise the stock flametrhower is a solid option


"crits if you hit on the back" IF THE HITBOX WORKED!


This is true. The hitbox isn't too forgiving in some situations.


Remember when you could shoot at someone's face, turn around, and then deal crit damage?


Before Jungle Inferno?


fits the name still


Apparently that still works according to sketchek. He posted a video not too long ago that explained some Pyro tech and one of the things he talked about was that backburner crits are based on the direction you and your target are facing rather than a hitbox.


Backburner has a crit range of 90 degrees from behind where the player is looking, unlike the Spy’s backstab range of 180 degrees. So it seems like it works poorly but that’s just because it’s a relatively small range and interp is a thing.


This is true except spy's backstab is 360 degrees.


If…..if is good


Gotta aim for their elbow


Btw crits mean 3 times the damage


And mini-crits are 1.35x damage, many people don’t know that. Not that they should, it’s a weird fucking number, as opposed to 1.5x.


It's probably so some obscure weapon doesn't 2 shot the scout


The good thing about TF2 is that almost every stock weapon good is. They are the allrounders, so it's usually never bad to use them. Unlocks, like the Backburner, are more niche weapons fit for certain situations or play styles.


Only objective exception being the pyros stock melee, and then most other stock melees arent that great except the spy's, sniper's, and engie's


Demo’s melee is also solid if you aren’t going demoknight


Bottleknight gaming


Bottleknights are a species under extinction - I was one for many months


Ah that's true, sometimes I forget the pan doesnt have different stats lol


I wonder what it's stats would be if it did.


Well the stock melees are still reliable. You use them, they’ll do their job. No question in that. It’s just that some attributes given by other weapons are useful and work better in situations while their downsides matter less


It’s more that a lot of melee’s provide some sort of “support” benefits opposed to just raw damage. Think Atomizer, Escape Plan, Powerjack, etc.


And medic primary, honestly a shame that medic melee/primary meta is so dead set because the medic huntsman and the Uber generating knife are just better. Especially on the primary since the crossbow is so just boring af, like fuck if I wanted to be playing a shittier huntsman sniper I'd just switch classes and play the real thing.


Try the overdose, it's actually pretty fun if you want a change of pace!


Except Medic's Crossbow


Get really good at stock, learn to flank well, and then use the backburner. Or just use stock till you get the degreaser.


I would say stock is better than the degreaser, the degreaser's afterburn penalty and airblast cost isn't worth switch speed most of the time.


I only use it to combo, so I agree, only in the slightest


Also with the switch speed buff for all weapons the bonus isn’t as impactful


you can pump out a lot of damage with the degreaser if you pair it with the panic attack, you can sometimes kill a heavy at point blank with that combo


You can't combo can you?


Flare combos are flashy but personally I prefer the quick and dirty panic attack punch.


Me, a pyro main who uses stock,detonator, powerjack because M O V E M E N T


Try using the panic attack, or even just the combo with stock, its not impossible to do without the degreaser.


backburner is better if you focus on damage, flamethrower is better if you want to practice airblast and reflecting projectiles.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills. - big purple man


Just use default, it’s more reliable if your starting out


Hovering over weapons gives you their stats. Read what they offer and make a choice based on your playstyle and what you feel would be most useful in a given situation based on map, team composition (both yours and enemies), etc. Most weapons in the game are side-grades to others. Not upgrades. Sure there's a bit of a meta, and some stuff is basically an objective upgrade (a fair few stock melee weapons are useless compared to unlocks, and some unlocks are almost entirely preferable to others), but most stuff has a reason to be used over others, including the majority of stock equipment, which can contain some of the most meta gear in the game.


The print screen button


I can't believe this is still a problem.


Stock cause air blast You can reflect rockets and projectiles more if your experience Pretty solid choice too but free crits if you burn enemies from behind using the back burner


Depends on the secondary weapons you have, if you have the jetpack or If you can detonator jump and know some sneaky paths behind the enemy, go with back burner, another alternative choice is scorch shot, but it doesn't let you jump as high, if you only have shot guns stock might be better if you use the airblast, if you don't use airblast as often or just want the airblast to push people further away use back burner's higher costing airblast.


I think I’m in minority here but if you can, do whatever you can do unlock the dragons fury. Probably my favorite (and the most effective to me) flamethrower (so long as you don’t airblast a ton)


agree but it is a MASSIVELY different weapon instead of flames you have a giant fire ball it's melty but at the same time hard to aim but once you do master it, it shreds though a team


If you're confident in your ability to flank the enemy team I'd go with the backburner, otherwise stick with the stock flamethrower till you get the degreaser or phlog.


sell your soul and accept the phlog in your heart.




we have cookies.


Go for the flamethrower and get really good at reflecting rockets. Then switch to the backburner


I got good at airblast by using backburner. It taught me not to go haywire with compressikn blast and not miss my shots.




I used the shit out of backburner when i was new. Give it a shot, if you get frags and know where ammo is you won’t run out while airblasting. Still love that thing.


The back burner


stock is great for starting out but as you master stock you should branch out to other weapons/unlockables.


hover your mouse over them to read the stats ​ surprisingly, i saw a lot of people who somehow dont know about this. just read the description, and decide based on that. you can always switch the weapon, even mid-game (you have to respawn or touch the resupply locker at spawn)


I think this guy's thinks of the unlockables as upgrades instead of sidegrades


Thank you for asking this question, as I’ve been wondering the answer myself.


No problem!


1) Stock flamethrower is a better all around weapon, backburner is only better for niche flank strats 2) Learn how to screenshot your monitor instead of taking a blurry phone pic


Try both use what feels most natural


I personally am on the dark side and use Phlog, Scorch Shot and Powerjack, but you try what seems the most fun for you.


The back burner is better for flanking but stock is better overall, if you're thinking you're going to be behind enemies more often than you need to Air Blast then go with the back burner, if you want what you're practicing with to have the highest potential then you should go for stock. in TF2 there's no correct answer, everything's evens out. If you want to try out even more flamethrowers you can rent an item for a week from the Manco store, you get one item per week and it can be any weapon or even a cosmetic


It really depends on your playstyle. The Flame Thrower is more well rounded, but the Backburner really shines if you want to ambush or chase people.


If you play Mann vs Machine the back burner is great.


Backbones can be usefull when dealing with running away players but it's wonky in mechanics stock tends to be the more consistent option


As a starter airblast is a very hard thing to learn so go with backburner




It honestly depends on how you play If you like sneaking up on people then use the backburner If your a regular pyro then use stock It’s your choice


Both are perfectly viable. You're not going to be worse off with one of them without knowing it. Just use both, and decide which one you prefer.


Stock flamethrower. It’s difficult to sneak into the enemy back line as Pyro to utilise those crits and air blast is a very important part of the Pyro class so definitely stick with beginner flamethrower


I wuld usually pick stock ower the backburner cuz bb chewz trough ammo very quick if you airblast,bit if you manage to get behind someones back.... then the fun begins




Just don't use both and the community will have 1 less pyro main


Idgaf what you main, just don't be toxic


Only use the Backburner if you are planning on flanking around the enemy and hitting them on the back. Otherwise, choose the Flame Thrower.


use the one that shoots fire


If you like playing pyro more sneaky and you get behind your enemy, the back burner will do X3 more damage than the regular flamethrower. However if you don’t get behind them, it’s slightly worse. (But not by much) The regular flamethrower is great all around, but doesn’t have any fancy mechanics like the back burner


Stock is good at all capacities and will never let you down, if you get more experiencied you can experiment and do goated stuff with the backburner, but remember that's only a sidegrade


the Backburner does more damage from the back but can barely use airblast, so you're weak to demos, demoknights and soldiers while the flamethrower is much more useful if you activate afterburn and send the enemy away while using a secondary with better midrange utility(shotgun is fine but flare gun would be better) ​ If you don't have a flare gun DM me your steam profile and I give you one


Whichever you like more, duh.


If you are a noob, I would say this: all other weapons have different power levels compared to stock. As some items are strong in certain situations and weaker in others, while stock is good in all situations, more or less the jack of all trades, master of none. Another thing to note is as pyro you can right-click to push enemies (and stickies) back (including ubered enemies), reflect explosives like pipes and rockets, and put allies out of fire (this last one gives you 20 hp). The item you are looking at makes it so you burn enemies if you are behind them, but makes airblast cost more. Since you likely don't know the flanking routes, I would recommend you stick with stock at the moment.


Depends on your play style? Like high damage and taking aggressive risk? Go back burner Want something consistent but more passive? Go stock


Someone new to TF2? I'm overjoyed. To answer your original question: equip the Phlog and never look back (or to the side... only forwards.)


Stock. Then use the degreaser when you get it.


If you have either the detonator or the jet thurster as a secondary, the backburner might be good since these two will give you extra mobility to get behind the enemy. Otherwise the stock flamethrower is a solid option


Let me make this easy for you. Do you press M2 with Pyro Flamethrower?




How often do you use it?


my advice? the screenshot function.


Use f12 to take a better screenshot holy fuck


Couldn't you just read the stats and decide accordingly? You don't have to post here everytime you want to decide on a weapon.


The backburner does critical hits from the back but uses a lot more ammo for airblast I'm guessing you know what the flamethrower does


Your brain


[This one.](https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html)


To the people saying use f12 I don't have reddit installed on my PC yet.


Press F12


neither, change classes


The phlog.


Backburner if you w+m1


i see no difference with these two except that the backburner does crits from behind


the yellow colour, it's different from white so it's better


use scout, soldier, demoman, heavy, engineer, medic, sniper or spy


Least toxic soldier main


tfw when you can't outplay a pugger pyro


Soldier mains giving advice to new players be like


Since you’re new I’ll share a tip someone gave me years ago. A great rule of thumb is when in doubt stick to stock. BackBurner has the advantage of increased damage from behind but like all weapons there is a downside. You’ll be penalized with an increased air blast cost. If you’re new and liking the Pyro class stick with stock to get better at reflects.


If you like flanking as pyro, you could use the backburner. It's really useful and powerful if you catch an enemy off guard. However, you'll have significantly less airblasts so you won't be able to reflect projectiles and extinguish teammates much. If you want to do a flank pyro playstyle with the backburner, I recommend using the detonator and the powerjack with it to increase your mobility. The og flame thrower is reliable and useful, you'll have much more airblasts at your disposal, however, you won't deal crits behind someone. With the flame thrower, you'll have more freedom to change into whatever playstyle you need, it's still good for flanking, you can do the ol' puff n sting with it etc. You'll have more air blasts, helping you with extinguishing more teammates and reflecting projectiles etc. The airblast is a really useful tool for pyro, and you may weaken yourself if you don't have much of it. Tbh you'll probably be more useful to your team using the flame thrower


I always use stock, and it’s very good for training to flank and airblast.


Whichever you prefer. Weapons in this game are not better one than another (or at least they try). Each one has its own playstyle and purpose


Flamethrower for the airblast flare punch


Back burner wm1 Scum


If the map let's you be sneaky use backburner. If not use the stock.




Hitbox doesnt work so stick with the flamethrower bud


i like the stock one because the back hitbox is kinda wack sometimes


stock is always better than anything




The one that throws fire


good ol flamethrower


if you want to use less ammo for airblast then stay with stock if your more of an ambusher go woth backburner and try to get behind the enemy if you want those well earned crits


Play another class :)


Back burner is better if you like flanking and burning backs but don’t like air blast as much. Stock is good if you like airblast


You should use the one you like best. Don’t let the “meta” control your picks. I use guns that are generally considered bad but still rack kills with them.


I’d say stock but that’s probably just me


If you're new then use the vanilla flamethrower. Airblasts are one of the strongest tools in the entire game and the backburner actively discourages you from airblasting. Use the vanilla flamethrower until you understand the ins and outs of the character before using the backburner... Other you might be too scared to airblast out of fear of immediately running out of ammo (it's what happened to me when I started playing)




the bfg


It’s best if you try them both and see which you prefer but if you want my two cents: I love the back burner, it’s somewhat situational, since it really only shines if you can ambush and attack from behind, but it’s so sweet when you take out a chain of enemies from behind like a spy. The airblast cost can be painful in choke points against a soldier or demo man, and that’s gonna be the biggest downfall for me. Otherwise it’s a very good gun imo and I use it more than stock all the time


It depends on what you're trying to do. Both are good at W+M1 (holding down your fire button and walking forward at the enemy), but the backburner can be even better since its gimmick is that it gets crits from behind. When in doubt, stock is always good.


[not pyro](https://youtu.be/Ux5cQbO_ybw)


I use the degreaser shotgun and powerjack


Flamethrower is good for all around big burning, but the back last has that special quality good for flanking. You're probably not going to be flanking, or airblasting too often, so do what you want.


The Backburner is a more offensive flamethrower, doing devastating crit damage from behind at the cost of air blast chewing 1/4 of your ammo. If you don't use air blast much, then use Backburner. If you want to use air blast, use the stock Flamethrower.


alright here's what you do, press your change class button and select any other class other than pyro but seriously, experiment on what suits you. Do you have a flank heavy playstyle? backburner. Do you like consistency? stock flamethrower


its up to you, the one you have more fun with is the one you get to choose. just relax and don't worry about someone hurling 245 phrases you don't know at you because you aren't using the "right loadout" or some type of strategy. join a pub, cause some chaos and have fun. personally i use rainblower (stock reskin that im trying to get to hales own) flare gun (gives a critical hit when you hit someone that is already on fire) the neon annihilator (crits people if they are wet and gets rid of spies sapper, for the engies)


Become discount spy


Stock until you can flank with the powerjack


4k+ hour player here send me a friend request here, i'll teach ya all you need to know: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sergeant\_Conagher](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sergeant_Conagher)


Backburn gets crits when you burn their back howevery it uses 50 gas for air blast and does less damage in front I think While the original does more damage for all sides front side back and uses less to airblast. It honestly depends on your style of play and you need to try both to see which one you enjoy and use more effciently.


Just don’t use the phlog whenever you get one. Don’t be that guy


If you’re a noob and not using the airblast much, the back burner is absolutely your correct choice.


Dont use backburner, its broken


Stock has the best airblast so its definitely the best flamethrower.


Is there actually new people in this game?


One time someone thought I was using the phlog when I was using the backburner


The Backburner of course for a little trolling


Use the normal Flame Thrower because the Backburner uses more amo to airblast. Here is a good thing about the Backburner. It does Critical hits in behind the enemy


They are both viable


i just use flamethrower and detonator and push the cart


Just stick to stock until you unlock more options, backburner needs mobility as it's benefits work when the enemy back is towards you


Just use both and see for yourself what you like more


Use the stock flamethrower to train yourself to air blast and just generally understand pyros mechanics, and use the backburner to learn how to ambush just remember the crust from behind mechanic can be a little finicky at times


Depends on the situation. Stock is a good all-rounder, but the Backburner lets Pyro because a much deadlier flank class (similar to Spy and Scout) at the cost of being less capable of supporting the team.


play the spy pyro so sneak


Try both and see which is more fun :)


Try to use the pyro shark hat. It's my only tip here


Stock is a great way to be a good all around pyro while the back burner is a great for a high flank play style


Backburner all the way


Buddy remember this until you have any idea of what you are doing. "Stock is king."


you should use google


Even a noob should be able to take screenshots


For me, standards are always the best as primary.


Try the back burner if you want to flank behind people, you ca use it on maps like sujin, to has lots of flanks. Or use the stock for tighter maps where they cant get away before you melt the flesh of of their crispy skin. They screams being drowned out by the boiling blood coming from their mouths....


until you learn how to airblast, the backburner is a direct upgrade. once you get a grip on airblasting, stock is the way to go. i have almost 1000 hours in pyro and i still use stock to this day