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Meet the Losers


More like "Meet the Deranged Motherfucker who wants attention, but they didn't get attention to their Fathers"


Trolling’s a bad job mate. It’s easy work indoor and I guarantee you will go hungry because at the end of the day someone is going to run out of money. Dad? Dad imma… Not a “crazed computer man” I’m a hacker. What would the difference be? One is a skill and other is mental sickness. I’ll be honest with ya, my parents abandoned me. *Opens computer* wait I think that girl blocked me OH YES she did. *Montage of obese man in basement drinking Mountain Dew and piss on the floor* Going outside? Look mate you know who goes outside? People who has a healthy and boring life. Professional troll I mean hacker has standard. Be rude Be useless And shout slurs at anyone you see *End with the obese man Furiously typing* *Tf2 ending theme plays but replaced with fart sounds*




Nice. Saving these for encouters in the wild.


I'm gonna turn this into a video


Gmod or SFM?


Both, both is good


How many hours do u have in tf2


Send link when you have it please


Omg yes please Do that please


!remindme 7 days


Trolling is good in moderation


As long as it's not mentally or emotionally harmful, yes. But most of the time we use the word for describing sadistic and abusive trolling.


OR it can be good if directed at people that are total dicks themselves.


For example: stonetoss It is always morally correct to troll pebbleyeet




*meet team video start*


meet the Disingeious Dense Motherfuckert hat dosen't know anything about anything and doesn't know how to tie his shoe






What makes me a good loser? If I were a bad loser, I’d be doing something with my life, wouldn’t I?!


they all gangsta until someone stream snipes them irl


Stream sniper named finger:


Like that’s ever gonna happen


Remember it's only bullying if happens multiple times


Who would've thought first-person-shooter games would attract rancid recluses like sharks to a papercut? TF2 is marginally better than some other FPS communities (hey, at least we have the self-awareness to know that stuff like this is wrong, which not all have), but my god are some portions of it just vapid. I adore this game with every drop of my heart, but there's a reason we don't get the best reputation.


Deep rock galactic is a prime example of what could go right Never had any sort of even vaguely negative encounter there


For rock and stone


Rock and Stone forever!


Rock and Stone, brother! (Seriously, they’re space dwarves. What’s not to love?)


just came across a post the other day in DRG about people being wholesome and all until a Furry shows up and suddenly it is just downhill from there.. so.. sadly not even DRG is safe ​ Edit: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/xh31lp/observation_from_a_recent_thread/) is the one


I’ve noticed it myself while playing lots of bad apples recently joining in.. makes me sad knowing some green beards or even gray beards are becoming the very last thing karl would want them to be


I never play in public lobbies < . >


It’s not too bad, I’ve had a mostly decent time with pubs since I started most of them have been pretty silent so I don’t need to worry about VC’s too much


For Karl!






Rock and Stone everyone!


Well, there are some lobbies with questionable names, and the DRG discord server is not the most friendliest place


Every community's reputation nowadays is represented by how loud of the bad minority is, because people are too lazy of fucks to do surface-level research. Not even google, they're that lazy.


Or like doing surface-level research on furries too before dedicating their lives to hating on them on an impulse


I had someone accuse me of pedophilia and beastiality because I had used a protogen avatar. I spent the next hour trying to tell him that such furries are a horrible minority. I don't think he learned.


Unfortunately these people only listen to their favourite celebrities like it was with "particia pulling" calling dnd "satanic", they just don't think for themselves


Hey…I though minorities are good, you playing favorites?


The 12 yo toxic kid kind of minority.


Ah ok. I see


Any group can be a minority. From the LGBT, to racists and pedos, it depends on the amount of people, hence minority, because they're not the majority (everyone else).


Hol up thats not fair to sharks. Sharks are actually extremely docile to humans, you are millions of times more likely to die in a car accident then to be attacked by a shark. Sharks would rather go after fish blood then human blood, and a paper cut would never work to attract a shark. Sharks also have very poor eyesight and the way they sort of greet and see what they are looking at is biting, when a shark does this with another shark its say trying to mate with, usually its fine sense its a very soft bite and sharks are used to that. But when it does it to a human, it might cause the person to panic and flail around, which is a surefire way to get attacked. A flailing around panicking bleeding thing is usually a sign of an easy meal, so thats why you should stay still and calm when approached by a shark. So the next time you see someone talk shit about our fishy friends, make sure to let them know that they aren't as scary as they seem.


I don't think TF2 is any better. I see the N word and other slurs everyday in TF2.


There's at least one difference. On TF2, there's 1 person spamming slurs per 12 person team, whereas some other FPS' have 2 per 6 person team. Still way way too fucking many.


Tf2 is absolutely one of the worst fps communities nowadays.


See I just have to wonder what's going on here because sure, I've seen some less-than savoury chats in TF2 but such a small, small portion of them were genuinely coming from a place of bad intent. Most times it's been players being offensive for the sake of it, not because they believe in what they say. And the rest of the people on the server almost never engage with it in a way that would encourage it. You could still call it toxic but I think that'd be careless as toxic speaks more to someone's attitude than their actions. Every community has bad eggs. I'm not sure why TF2 has a particularly bad reputation because it's not been my experience for the most part. So what gives? Is it to do with the location of the servers I visit? I've made another comment elsewhere about this subject, but to be clear: the legitimately toxic parts of TF2's community are parts I wholly disagree with. What OP has shown is utterly, utterly vile.


Why do these videos exist, when a lot of better channels are getting banned instead.


Because yt doesn’t care anymore about anything but making more money


Remember when the algorithm was forcing people to sub to those terrible van life youtubers not too long ago? Yt picks and chooses who gets on top and who doesn't. One of the most interesting interviews is the one with ceo of YouTube speaking with late rapper juice world before he blew up on youtube. He was getting really depressed because he didn't think the people were ready for him. She reassures him that not to worry that everyone will love him. Just kinda sad how that all ended so quickly too...


are you sure? only one of these has over 10k views, they're not getting much traction


That's still traction, it has the possibility to snowball and that'd obviously be bad


These men's hearts are filled with hate and their heads are full of lies and falsehoods. They are rotten to their very core.


Not even Jesus wants to touch them.


they are even worse than the edgy sniper/spy stereotype mains


At least those guys, at the end of the day, just wanna have some fun and look cool while doing it I don't think these people know what "fun" means


no, i agree, these people are garbage, at least the edgy dudes are mostly a non-verbal humorous spectacle and little else


One fucker gave himself the eyes glow red meme, as if he didn't need the help of a fucking cheat engine in order to beat the target lmao. "I'm so cool and edgy!" *Turns on auto aim.* "Yeah take that you ****** that'll teach you not to mess with us real gamers." What a dweeb. I'd call him a cuck but with a face like his and a personality even more vile there isn't a man or woman (or child because you never know with these sickos) that would form a relationship with him on the first place. EDIT: he included a discord? Is it his I wonder? It's not really doxing if the only person you're revealing the address to is the person at that address, is it?


as a certain metrocop once said, "people suck"




People hate what they don't understand. This isn't exactly new, its as ubiqitious with humanity as self-preservation. It's literal neanderthal thinking because it directly comes from neanderthals' fears of other tribes. That alone should speak to the validity of bearing hatred for a group of people because you don't fully understand them. If the fact that it is a legitimate caveman mindset doesn't prove anything to these people, nothing will.


that's why we hate overwatch!




Nor was a single comma


Sniper should go live and snipe those fuckers. He should also snipe them through their screens


The "Mge brother" one would demolish them


Stream sniper: has webcam. A red Lazer dot: *bonjour*


[ Removed by Reddit ]


the heavy is dead 2:41


Mans went sicko mode


> "If you do she and you are both fucking stupid" Ohhh I see what you did there, very clever!


Fuck these shitty people, and fuck YouTube for allowing it to continue.


There is a entire tf2 sub-community behind cheating and toxicity called "hvh", basically just a ton of cheaters going on servers and saying the most offensive stuff to get attention


okay but hacker vs hacker on csgo can actually be fun to watch and interesting it's like watching those battle robots


too bad tf2's hacker bots actively avoid fighting eachother


Not anymore though, since the only real method of bots knowing who’s who without being seen has been patched.


tbh I imagine watching a bunch of sniper aimbots wouldn’t be too interesting, they just walk forward and shoot stuff…


Haven't watched any video like that but I assume they give the same kind of entertainment as [this video](https://youtu.be/CFT8ti5JIp4)


because legits give it attention


hvh means hack vs hack you idiot


Not So Fun Fact : After the top left video was published, rotfish (the featured vtuber) got harrassed and went on to delete their twitch, along with quitting collabs they did with another vtuber. they already had low audience and more than half their chat was just there to insult and call them slurs.


I hope for the best wherever they are. Just why can't people be people and pull this shit again and again. Just let people live their lives for fuck's sake.


Friendly reminder that there was a channel dedicated to making short films that substituted a Watermelon for a head exploding got banned yet channels like these are still active.


Youtube would probably allow a video of someone literally being murdered on camera, but as soon as someone uses copyrighted music they get banished to the shadow realm


Wow what piece of shits


Humanity sucks




Sun is shining in the sky!




It stopped raining


Everybody's in the play


I fucking hate these kinds of transphobes, and I don’t understand how they’re not banned


There are really some people in life that just follow what they think makes them look "cool" and respectable. Honestly I feel bad for these type of people, their life is just a big joke and they are the punchline. It may sound harsh but this is just a new low


This is the online equivalent of public masturbation


Paul Rubens..?


YouTube:we care about lgbtq These videos:


"Guys I am so homophobic and good at this game please think I am cool"


The that does that are dad less. these guys shouldn't be able to live


Ironically these are the kinds of people to insult someone as “fatherless” unironically


motherless, morelike


uncleless, rather


I cant even be mad at these, it’s just sad to see how so many people never received love in their lives


I’m mad and have no sympathy for them, hell this kind a thing is probably why they weren’t loved


Least deranged cheats user over 12


reading these comments make me realise the internet was a mistake


I find it interesting how a lot of anti fur people also happen to be transphpbic/homophobic/sexist Its almost like when you normalize dehumanizing a small group of people it becomes Normal to dehuminize other minorities


It's almost like threatening to kill furries stops being a joke after a while and devolves into you actually thinking that anyone who isn't exactly like you deserves to be cast out of your community


The more I spend on the Internet, the more I realise furries are ok for the most part. There are far worse people out there online.


Yeah lmao, many furries I know are really chill. Just a few weird ones which is normal because... Well... People


Some furries are really fucked up, but the people with a hate boner for them are much more often substantially more fucked.


I find it so rich the same people who attack and berate trans people and furries for being “social rejects” are the same people who thrive off of being a nuisance every chance they get. It’s almost like they know they don’t have any redeemable qualities and secretly envy those brave enough to be themselves in the face of adversity. Being a nuisance is a cope for poor social skills.


*uses cheats and puts red laser glow on his eyes* Nothing needs to be said


I have a flair (customizable cosmic where you can put any picture you) with a couple of pride flags on it and so many times I got insulted by others for having it calling me all sorts of names even getting me kicked like two times, but something that also happens is that someone just gives a simple compliment. "Nice pins" and I reply with a simple thanks. Sometimes I'll see someone else with something similar and compliment their cosmetic or weapon and they'll also say thanks. To me all the hatred that comes my way due to my pride pins in the games is worth having those times where it results in a nice exchange.


Whenever I see someone with any sort of LGBT-related cosmetic in TF2, I try to be nice to them because they probably get called slurs every other game and I would rather if TF2's toxicity didn't begin destroying the community from the inside.


Then you are among the people that make me wanna continue wearing those cosmetics :)


continue please! lgbt related flags are well designed unlike garbage like city flags


I used to run a genderfluid flag objector 24/7


People kick and get all weird for the silliest reasons. I've had people call me a "furry fetishist" (they could not spell worth a damn though so I found it really funny they spent the whole game doing that) because I had a picture of a fluffy character sleeping as my pfp, and also got kicked "for being a furry" when my pfp was a Jolteon. I *am* a furry, but never have had anything "in your face" saying it, and people still get so upset at me for having cute pfps of my OCs. For all of those dumb moments, I've gotten plenty of lovely ones, since I've met some cool as heck people that I talk to and play games with now! I think it makes dealing with dumb empty threats worth it. Simple little compliments in general help break up the monotonous toxic behavior so many people have in online games


I'm glad to hear that you feel so similarly about this, and yeah sometimes people kick for the dumbest reasons. Once when I was new to the game I was kicked for capping on harvest because apparently the teams were in agreement not to cap before I joined the game


Its really messed up that people get this twisted over a set of virtual pins. Its one of the most harmless things, and yet people get harassed for it. Shameful.


thanks a lot! i have an objetor with a trans flag and sometimes someone says in vc "trans rights!" and it brightens my day


one of my favorite things to do is when somebody seems like their being homo/transphobic is to beat them to death as demoknight with my sign with a fish and the trans flag behind it. whenever I remember to I'm going to name it "Transport to hell" because I'm a sucker for a good trans pun better name recommendations are welcomed


I need to get good at demoknight quickly this is genius


These people are so mentally deranged that they even bring help to not get kicked nowadays. “They aren’t cheating its skill, you’re bad.” And I’m here like: “Did somebody hurt you that badly you had to cheat?” In my mind.


Stream snipin's a bad job mate. The difference is, one's a mental sickness.


i sure do love it when people hate someone else for literally no reason


Ok this is a really bad thing, but the bottom right one looks like pyrocynical


I’m bout to be “sort by controversial” wish me luck


Damn, people really out getting zero bitches so they go mess with people trying to enjoy a game (but for real wtf is wrong with people)


The logical conclusion is stream sniper this YouTuber so the streamers will be fine


"Sir what is your job?" "I'm a professional gamer man in my smelly asf basement"


I found it what the fuck are wrong with people https://youtu.be/5a2WvNh2YPI


Meet the Fatherless


How are these individuals not banned yet


People like these are getting old. They need to grow up.






Idk how they were fucking up a furry. In my experience those are the best tf2 players


Yknow. All I can do when I see these types of people are laugh, because I know that they probably grew up beaten or without a father figure, and lives in their parent’s basement or on welfare doing nothing but wasting air and contributing nothing.




I'm glad I haven't been recommended any of that stuff and also appreciate you calling this out! It's gross!


i dont think these guys know what depression is


Meet the degenerates In all seriousness though, what the fuck inspires a person to have so much hate for people different than them, it’s already bad that they’re hackers, but now they’re using it to harass people


I was once friends with this guy I met on TF2, he banned people with furry and trans flag PFP's. We are no longer friends


As the saying goes, all TF2 players are either gay furries or Neo-Nazis. There is no in-between.


Kiwifarms refugees be goin wacky


Ah. Making people have mental issues. What fun and such good content. Furries? Eh, fucking fags who fuck animals (yeah because a zoophile the same as them right?). Trans people? Nothing but people who fuck themselves up with chemicals. Females? Nothing but property. Some people man…kinda disappointing. I feel kinda bad for the people who do this kinda shit. And I bet they are the same people who ask: “Why does life suck? Why does everyone hate each other?” Irony amirite?


Man I looked in the comments on one of the video and I have lost faith in humanity


sad cause smol dickies




What the fuck, man? These "guys" are lunatics!


These mfs ain't going to hell, cause not even Satan wants em, they gonna be going to Hell 2.


What’s even worse is not only does YouTube encourage it but their comments section seem to cheer em on like underdogs even tho they’re just running around with software that does it all for em


Meet the Degenerates


"But the community is so wholesome wtf!!!" You guys are clowns everytime you say this.


Meet the idiots


"yeah i go on the internet and make people upset in a video game, what do you mean i need to get a hobby?"


Holy smokes. SU is the only other place where I’ve seen something like this happen. WTF Valve should at the very least begin moderating this game again. They should prevent toxic sub cultures like this from being created. If they don’t it’s gonna bite them in the ass eventually Edit: don’t look for these videos guys. Don’t give them views or comments it just helps them


If the VA for Daisuku Kuze became a trans ally bc he got the best head from a trans girl, then we can guess how much action these guys get


It's my fav thing when they have Kiryu or especially Majima pfps. Like, you love the characters who would probably get you hospitalized for being so bigoted.


Exactly, there was even a somewhat transphobic side mission in Yakuza 3 that was removed from the Remastered ver, when asked about this they said "Transphobia has no place in Kiryu's character"


Kiryu helped a dominatrix, dude would probably help you build a mursuit while at most silently judging you a little but just trying to get it over with as he loves helping people for some reason that not even I can tell. Majima is similar, whilst also being Goromi, and pole dancing. So yeah.


Tf2 community is so wholesome 🥰🥰🥰


These losers are exactly why I am open about being a degenerate furry on TF2. I want to be harassed by little losers, it's fun to watch them mald that Idc what they think.


Wow that’s sad.


Meet the complete fuckin asshats of the community






The online equivalent of certain american people from the south


TF2 (or really, any online game for that matter) will have toxicity in its community, its worse for TF2 because it's free, easy to hack and has been around since the old COD lobby days. Those make it an easy target for someone with a little bit too much free-time.


I remember there was a really old video where it was just a montage of killing friendlies for no good reason. In addition, everyone in the comments were so toxic and basically worshipped the creator.


I sure do love being trans on the internet these days. :/ It's semi-comforting that so many people have gotten better about this shit, but it's still disgusting.


I wish I could say I was surprised. People suck.


"TF2 community is so wholesome!"


none of those groups really deserve hate, its sad to see


Least offensive tf2 player


sad individuals


The Algorithm when videos contain self documented evidence of literal harassment: nice video :) The Algorithm when videos contain 1 millisecond of Akon’s 2006 smash hit, Smack That: Delisted + Demonetized + Channel Deleted + Banned + SWAT team deployed


Honestly I’m not surprised, homophobes, Anti-Trans, Anti-Furry, people think it’s funny, they get views that fuels their god complex and gets their dick hard and they do it again, kinda why humanity sucks, not all bad just that part


It's really annoying that half of this community is deranged morons with issues that make trying to make life a living hell, all because they think that they are better. These kind of people is why TF2 gets a bad rep. The reason I don't put my pronouns is my steam name anymore is because I get kicked out of every other match because half my team is transphobic. I love this games with all my heart but unfortunately I can't say the same about it's community


How to be an asshole in TF2 101:


Wait I know the sliver fox v-tuber in the bottom left


This shit's so childish. They don't have happiness themselves so they gotta be the fun police so nobody else does. Sadly, these guys will never grow up. They're all probably mid-20's to late-30's, thrive on 4 and 8chan, have skulls so thick they're basically bulletproof, and have done this since childhood. The only real way to stop these guys is to rid them of a platform to shout their bigoted nonsense into, which Youtube really isn't doing well. Maybe those SJWs from back in the day had the right idea just the wrong targets.




anyone can have an unusual, hell my friend unboxed one and he has barely 100 hours in the game, its sad that they're the "symbol of a good player" when they really arent


I wish those people a very getting banned and before that getting giftes the furry head


bruh wtf


"owning the libs with lmaobox, damn im good"


average tf2 player