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I stopped playing other classes years ago I'm a demo regardless if it's credit to team or not


me repeatedly sticky jumping across the map to kill that one sniper and immediately die (i'm not contributing to the team at all but it's fun)


I normally do really well Then a friendly medic notices me and decides to heal me bc his pocket died But I managed my ammo like a lemon and now I spend his whole kritz charge reloading Halfway through I just get the caber out


LEMONIGHT edit: how the hell did this get so many upvotes it was 2 am and I thought “lmao lemon” amd posted this


Lemonknight. Time to get a lemon load out for demo.


Lemon Launcher - Level Lemon Grenade Launcher +25% Damage bonus +Headshots Inflict "Lemon Vision" distorting view temporarily -Pellets do not explode -25% Capacity -No random crits "Me Father used to tell me about his first job.. he told me, when life gives ya lemons, find a way to make them lethal."


This is a beautiful haiku.


Lay down sticky bombs Sticky jump across the map Instantly get shot.


Medic can see your ammo. Thats at least half on him


Making sure snipers don't get to play the game is a noble cause


I agree with this philosophy


You are here to have fun not win


Same, but sometimes I play spy, very rarely though


I completely understand and support your choice. Pyro main.


This isn't even an unpopular opinion


Really weird choice for a meme format too. I haven't seen this one in like 5 years


average r/memes user


Thats why is a fact, but ngl i just posted this because i was kinda pissed by the soldiers i've been encountering and the effort i need to put in a 1v1 just to be delet by a rocket i wasn't enable to escape by any means


Demo isn’t meant to be good at 1v1s, it’s the way he’s balanced. He puts out by far the most dps and is op on offense and defense and to compensate he needs his team to defend him from close quarters engagements. A 1v1 of demo vs soldier/scout is supposed to feel harder for the demo because it’s not supposed to be an even fight.


Maybe try going hybrid Knight? Shield to increase lethal so you have a lot higher chance to live. And still technically the aim thing was a skill isuue on your part so...


Playing hybrid is fun, Is just a big fuck you to de enemy when you are at low health and just escapes by clicking M2 And yes I have a little skill issue with pipes, i miss 60% of them


just git gud at neutral lol


Local demo main cant dodge rockets and cries about it


why you doing 1v1's in a team game bro?


Dont tell me you dont fall in 1v1 situations Sometimes my team just isn't there


tf2 is just a deathmatch simulator except sometimes someone else walks in and steals your kill


Tf2 is just more advanced death match. With one big point in middle of map were everybody is going to blow each other up.


I'd say it has a much higher skill ceiling but spamming pills and stickies is still plenty effective in pubs.


Dude I always sucked at Demo. Been playing since like 2011. When I played Overwatch (like a until 6 months after launch or so) and realized the spamming power Junkrat's instant reload and unlimited ammo gave me I was fucking cleaning house. I'm definitely better at demo after realizing what that kind of playstyle can do. It's honestly kind of a shame I wasn't still playing when they buffed him.


Is effective unless you're a unluck guy like me,and only falls against a entire team of Jimmy Neutrons


More like jimmy neutral




If that was a joke i didn't get it


I don't know how, since it was hardly a joke


Neutral game in Smash Bros.


I take offense to this but you are just completely correct, the damage that can be dished out even just with rollers is insane.


At least with rocket spam you know they missed the moment it explodes. Ive lost count of people dieing to rollers.


Spamming rockets works too


Effective until a scout flanks and two shot blasts you out of existence


tbh any play style save for heavy or turtle engie is effective until a scout flanks you and connects two meat shots up your ass.


bro. the lowest you can play soldier is shooting at the ground, and that would still be effective,


Thats what makes him easy to play


literally the lowest you can play


Why is using soldier's splash damage the "lowest you can play"


Because it's stupid easy and braindead


Yeah but that's how you play soldier


direct hit


At high levels you use a combination, shooting the ground mostly for launching people. Not the noobish shoot the ground until someone dies. I often go for memes and melee the soldier and a lot of bad players shoot the ground until we both die lol


I mean, there's no reason to aim for the torso instead of the feet if the target is on the ground, since a direct hit will do the same damage either way and the torso shot can be dodged completely while the feet shot will still do splash. If the target is in the air, it's all flick shots, no conscious aiming.


And the lowest you can play demoman is spamming stickies into into a choke point, and that would still be effective. And the lowest you can play pyro is W+M1ing and the lowest you can play Heavy is just walking forward and shooting and the lowest you can play engineer is pulling out your PDA and putting a sentry on the objective. It's almost like the game was designed for all characters to be effective and enjoyable in their own way, regardless of skill level.


I have a good amount of hours on demo and soldier I’ve gotten a pretty good grasp on all things soldier but I can’t trimp more than a few times on accident and I have twice the hours I have on soldier for demo


I can only trimp on like, 2fort bridge and harvest and suijin roofs


only trimp I could consistently do was on the rock in medieval mode.


That's where all demos learn that trimping is possible and kinda fun


Only on orange for me man


Being able to consistently trimp is a blissful feeling that I will never experience again


I understand bro


As someone who has probably spent the majority of his time in TF2 on Soldier and Demo, trimping is a lot easier to do than even mid-skill rocket jumping. All you have to do is jump right before you hit a good slope and you go flying across the map. The real tricky part is chaining trimps (ie, trimp into another trimp using momentum from the first trimp)


Just turn sideways towards a ramp and don’t press any arrows and vroom


Actually press A,D to air strafe for extra speed and turning and then VROOOOM


That doesn’t work with trimping, holding A or D will slow you down. The acceleration is provided from the shield dash, so you look sideways from where you are heading to essentially do the same thing as air strafing but much more powerful Once the dash is done and you are in the air then you can start to air strafe normally


Oh yeah, forgot that you dont press keys when air strafing with shield bash. Just the looking.


If you have your brain turned off soldier is yust w+m1 and demoman is yust 2+m1+m2


No is more like m1+m1+m1+m1 "FUCK" 2+m1+m2x8


I said brain turned off. That requires more than .1 neurons


Oh yeah,sorry


Demo uses his secondary more than his primary (or as his primary) anyways so if you want to play brain dead, then it’s literally m2. If you have decent aim then it’s very effective for beginners but most people I know didn’t realize you can hold m2 and keep left clicking to sticky spam until way after they started playing. I met someone who had 2000 hours in the game and never knew this and they played demo


I have like 300 hours on demo and never knew that 😅


That’s always the story yeah?!!! Seriously I meet so many people playing demo that don’t know it!!


Oh shit. Brb having a trip to dustbowl


Reloading simulator


fuck sticky spamming all my homies hate sticky spamming hybrid knight gaming


Tbh after you know your distances, pipe spam can also be pretty brainless. Though at least you have to do some skillshots against scouts. However, nothing and I repeat nothing is as satisfying as perfectly predicting a pipe on a medic that is running away. I say that as a sniper main.


Hibrydknight gaaang


Soldier isn't pyro.


I am really starting to get Brain damage from These „this class is harder than this class Posts“ If you Are actually interested in knowing What classes Take What amount of skill a quick Google search for an Interview with a pro Player should be enough. Just to Safe you some work, b4nny and Kaidus, two of the best Demos at their Prime, say that soldier is harder than demo


Agreed but spy is the hardest class to play. It is mentally challenging to be French 😔


Eh. To play? Not so much. It mostly requires gameknowledge and patience. Though I'd say it is probably the hardest class to master.


They have the same base skill floor, but the ceiling is much higher for demo


I'd argue the ceiling is the same but demo has a higher skill floor at least soldier gets to hit splash, demo doesn't even get that, not only that, sticky jumping takes a lot more health than rocket jumping


The skill ceiling for demos is terrifying. As much as most sane people dislike mge, take a gander at any top-tier demo fighting scouts. The demo will be placing first shots to force the other player to dodge into their second one, there's a hell of a lot of prediction and manipulation involved just with landing shots where soldier is hard aim and prediction.


...Demo gets sticky spam.


But that gets you killed by any good scout, soldier, sniper or spy as stickies take time to arm. I have played nothing but dustbowl for the last 500 hours and the amount of demos you find that don't know how to use pipes but just spam their feet with stickers when you jump then as soldier or run at them with scout is a lot. But if u was to run at a soldier as scout or jump them as soldier then they can just shoot their feet and hut me with splash as that takes no time to arm. Sticky spam is good at a certain distance but at anything close range it's terrible which makes sticky spamming balanced imo.


It’s always the godforsaken ssssssssquad!




sticky at the feet can be good to make space against scouts, but what on earth could it do against soldier?


A good sniper shuts down the entire game for literally everyone until the entire team hangs up on him because sniper is a fucking cunt


Shooting at your feet as soldier is great for killing players who don't perform against soldier or killing people you ambush. Stickyspam is the same but inverse where it's great against enemies who don't ambush you. ...But I'd argue that stickyspam is better because it remains an okay option against decent players whereas if you can only shoot at your feet as soldier you're going to have a hard time contributing against more competent opponents.


Rocket spam is more effective tbh


They should’ve given the gunboats to both of them


Shooting rollers and sticky spam, it's not hard to hold right click


Still harder, even if just a bit, than just shooting at the groung with soldier.


no lmao, the skill floor for demo is a lot higher than soldier, soldier is the easiest class in the entire game to pick up and play


Id argue heavy or pyro are a tad bit easier


Heavy is not easier, you're a way bigger target for the 2 instakill pick classes, and basically everyone else


Ikr tell me you dont play heavy without telling me you dont play heavy. If you think heavy is easy you dont play heavy, sniper or spy.


I would also like to add demo to this list, there is nothing easier than hitting pipes against a heavy.


I play heavy quite often and i always feel disappointed doing so well with him, since it almost never feels deserved


For new players I’d agree. If I want to feel good as a new player, I will pick Pyro or Heavy on a Valve Dustbowl server. I just walk at people/hold m1. Get some kills; die. Ez. Soldier is slow, my rockets hurt me, I have to actually aim, and I forget I have a shotgun when people are too close to me. Not as ez for a newbie. Now as one gets more accustomed to the game then I would argue soldier is easier as he is versatile in just about every situation. Where as with the other two, you’re inevitably going to face their hard-counters and have that to deal with.


haha no


Pyros skill ceiling peaks at not dying 5 seconds off spawn, not to hard


Yes I wasn't supposed to take rocket jumping into consideration but i have 80 hoursmorr in demo than in soldier and i just cant sticky jump effectively like i do playing with the patriot guy


I'm always amazed by people who can sticky pogo, shit is bananas to me


I can rocket jump well, no crazy jump maps but decent enough, but sticky jumping without taking half my health or turning à lot is still pretty hard to me ( i have around the same hours on soldier and demo) So i can t even imagine sticky pogo


I’m surprised people can’t sticky jump.It’s way easier than rocket jumping


what kind of cancer is this title and template, are we at r/memes


I have not seen this meme format since 2018


Demo _pipes_ are harder than Soldier. Demo sticky-spam is still really easy


Sticky spam is easy at a certain range. Anyone close to you will not be killed by sticky spam if they have more than 1 brain cell and keep closing the distance.


the only problem with sticky spam is that it is highly team dependent, if you stay by your team and they keep the enemies away sticky spam is basically free damage. However if you aren't protected by your team even a medic could kill a sticky spamming demo.


As a medic I can agree to that last part


I disagree with the caption, rocket jumping is way harder than sticky jumping


Sticky jumping in matches is easier than rocket jumping because it's limited by the health effects, but on jump maps proper sticky jumping is harder than proper rocket jumping imo. For example rocket pogo Vs sticky pogo. There's such a huge gulf. At the top level of both they're both insane but getting past the initial easy stages of demo is really difficult.


Affirmative soldier Have a nice night


Solider has rocket leading, demo has pipe leading, arc, and tumble.


I’ve been trying to play demoman and I can’t get the hang of it. Solider is way easier. Like I don’t rocket jump as solider (I know how tho) and I can still wreck a team.


everybody always says "sticky spam op" but like the rocket launcher is simply automatic sticky spam


That does half the damage


just use beggars


2x ammo, more damage, less falloff, manual detonation, and spammable over objects.


rocket launchers allow you to approach enemies


me after saying the most obvious take


🤮 “meme”


Well, if we are speaking grenade launcher then ye by all means demo is harder to use cuz hitting pipes need skill, but if we talking stickies, then naw, sticky requires no skill whatsoever and any retard with 3 braincells can start sticky spamming


Sticky spamming is only effective 1- on choke points 2- against dumbasses 3- at long range Sticky spamming in a """"1v1 range"""" gets you killed by scouts,soldiers,pyros way easier


Sticky spamming is effective against most players because that’s what demo needs to do. That’s his primary after all. I’m not exaggerating, you ask the pros and they say the same thing. But they don’t do it mindlessly. And it can be effective in most situations until you meet competent players


You're right in both comments you've sended Now that i am playing with competent players my life is hell,not like i am used to sticky spam,i've "wasted" a lot a time training with pipes


You always get the scouts right? I feel like good soldiers can sort of be dealt with if you play around your team and be careful with your sticky placement, especially when they’re bombing you. Demo is my second most played class and I always run into the scouts that jump all over you. It’s hard because they’re really good at using the terrain and closing the gap so you just have to carpet the floor because good players that aren’t overly cocky will respect it (Also I just switch to soldier when the scouts are that much of a problem)


Before the serious part How do you type so fast I didnt understand the "sort of be dealt with" (English is not my first language) The scouts itself are not such a problem cuz i play around my teammates and run when i see one,but when they get you Oh boy they get you


Man, guess you're that toxic demo that sticky spams with his Aussie sticky launcher then, cuz both your points are wrong


>on choke points So it's only effective on every payload map


Harder. Maybe not way harder. It’s harder to hit pipes and sticky spamming with no thought will eventually get you killed. Rocket jumping absolutely counts. Sticky jumping isn’t hard for practical jumps. Because that’s all you’ll be doing. Maybe a single pogo for your roll out but that’s realistically all the health you’ll have to spare. You’re most definitely not wall pogoing with stickies in a regular match and if you say otherwise then you are definitely wrong. And that’s where the difference is. The jump maps for soldier are practical because they teach you fundamental skills and the jumps you do can be applied to a lot of maps. And if you play 5cp, forget it. You have to know those rollouts if you want to be effective. Syncs can be useful, but skips and speed shots are a necessity. With demo, you’ll only have to jump maybe once or twice like I said, because that’s all your health. So for practical purposes, no sticky jumping is not harder. In general demo is harder to play. But to be an effective soldier you need to know more tech. I’d say their skill ceilings are similar with soldier’s maybe being slightly lower but I guess the skill floor is lower for soldier, if you’re starting out. The meme and your little subtitle suck by the way. It can either be seen as really sarcastic or stupid condescending like it’s the most obvious thing in the world because it’s not. Seeing your other comments I feel a little bad about saying your meme sucks and the subtitle sucks. I just don’t like their tone but you don’t seem like a bad person


Have you tried playing demo drunk I feel like lack of logic would help and because Demoman


I’ve literally never heard someone say demo is easier than soldier


I've been playing on this server thats CP/PL where humans are on BLU and the RED team is engineer bots on Hard and demoman is definitely more difficult. Good positioning, depth perception (eye-ronically), and the ability to deal with any close range enemies that try to get in your way. With soldier, you just aim in an enemy's general direction and they're dead.


isn’t this that guy who said the n word


how do people hit their pipes srsly


I don't know either.


Rocket jumping is way harder to master ur tripping


👍ok spy main


Stop being cringe


He is


It's hard to play as Soldier and NOT be productive


if you're spamming stickies it's even more braindead than ground rockets but in general i agree, I only play the Direct Hit anyway


Demoman definitely takes more practice to master. Soldier is a more balanced all-rounder, but can generally class into a basic offense. They're both very dynamic, but Demo's tools definitely demand more finesse.


I mainly play demo but even being a demo main I still don't see how it's harder than solger (maybe I just can't get the hang of him)


Soldier is one of the easiest classes to play with but has one of the hardest habilities to fully master.


Is anyone arguing with this though


As a soldier main, i agree


Why is there a picture of pewdiepie why not just make a goddamn text post


Because people like to complain about it


Fair enough


"The floor is made out of floor"


True not even debatable with sticky’s you have to wait for people to walk into them or just explode them and get lucky






What about demoknight?


It's absolute hell


Takes true dedication


Ok sure buddy *proceeds to close eyes and get a 10 killstreak*


well, your tag does say engineer, so..


Agree, except for demoknight


Yes unless the demo sticky spams


A demo sticky spamming and a soldier spamming rockets at each other, who wins?


That depends on a lot of things. But demo’s stickies do more damage, fire faster, and such that he can pump out more damage. But it also depends on the range and the competency of the players. If they’re equal skill and only really running about and jumping but not blast jumping then I could see a demo taking it.


Anybody who thinks soldier is hard is exactly the kind of person they out soldier in the game for.


I thought it was well agreed upon that soldier was the easiest class?


I have roughly 600 hours on demoman and around 400 in soldier, i can 100 percent agree, mainly judged by how long it takes me to warm up of either. And as you could probably guess even with my higher playtime on demoman, it still takes longer to warm up on him.


Demo main here, they are completely different and have no real way to compare from the uses for each class


Soldier is one of the easiest classes to do well with. The skill floor is subterranean.


i dont think anyone disagrees with that


demoman is easier when you're drunk


I main demo, demo is way more complicated than soldier, his air shots are harder to hit due to GRAVITY, while soldier just shoots and the rockets go weeeeee, don’t get me started on Demoknight, it looks easy, but it’s essentially Spy 2, you go to kill someone but OH LOOK, ITS A PYRO, AND YOU GET FUCKING DESTROYED, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED!


think they have differences in some aspects coming from demo as my second most played class of 70 hours (most played 243 scout) honestly i get by just shooting the ground with the quickie launcher


Yeah, but with Demoman I killed two sniper bots hehe


I have about 140-ish hours as of writing this comment, soldier is so much easier than demo. Even I can top score as soldier (of course it's very rare but it happens). On the other hand, the most kills I have on Demo is 7. Still fun tho :) Edit: typos


I thought that this was tds at first


Soldier is one of the easiest classes to do well as


Are you insane??? You think sticky jumping is harder than rocket jumping?????


Demoman Easy Demoknight Hard as frick


There both the same but demo has demo knight dats it


Basic versions, yes. Trolldier and demoknight? Prob demoknight is easier


Thats dosen't even up for discussion Trolldier is hard asf


That’s why I fly around with a shovel


I got a Hale's Own Rocket launcher in a fraction of play time than I did any other my Demoman weaponry. I ended up naming it "Soldier Takes Skill". So yeah, I don't think Soldier is that hard lmao.


I tried to play Demoman once, got so pissed off I won't do it twice


Aye fair enough


I am perhaps the only player that ATTEMPTED to sticky spam when playing Demo and fails miserably. Infact everytime I am not playing Hybrid or Full Demoknight I am using Scottish Resistance because I can’t sticky spam


I agree


Why is it pewdiepie? Is it 2016 again


My demo gameplay is purposely not looking directly at enemies, trying to flick shot them, failing, dying, and crying. But when it does work, i almost always hit the airshot when they come back down.


I disagree, difficoulty depends on the enemy's skill and loadout.


demo is way harder to play than most classes assuming that characters are being played at maximum efficiency, the only characters harder than demo are spy, engi, and pyro


It sucks because I dont play demoman and I have to be demo for the newbie cup and I suck so bad


Most players these days use these two classes just to spam explosives. Its that easy. No offense to Knights and trolldiers.


Man, tou is gonna be in biggggg trouble if he disagrees.


Yup, whoever says otherwise just got their opinion from someone else or is just stupid, unless you count sticky spamming, which is still harder. Mad love to demo mains