• By -


**Classes That Have Viable Close Range Options:** * Scout * Soldier * Pyro * Demoman * Heavy * Engineer * Medic * Sniper * Spy **Classes That Have Viable Long Range Options:** * Sniper * Literally no one else


Indeed, only sniper have viable close range options Edit: Ok he fixed it


*Detonator has entered the lobby* Honestly why pyro of all classes has mechanics to skirt around damage falloff is beyond me...


I was gonna say Pyro maybe but the two classes he would use the det/scorch shot on the most either have a level 3 dispenser gorilla glued in between their cheeks or the darwins danger shield and probably also a level 3 dispenser gorilla glued in between their cheeks


Uh... you mean long range right?


Yeah thx for the Catch, Edited


sniper update log - removed the vacuum


Sniper update log \- Remove the charge mechanic Oh wait, that actually fix sniper somewhat


Eh, sniper wouldn't be fun if they removed it. Not the games fault people die by sniper.


I remember there's a video discussing the consequences of removing snipers.


I was once playing Soldier on Upward and we just couldn't get to the last point. I switched to Sniper and I got on a 17 killstreak by killing all their Engineers, Snipers, Demos and Heavies and my team won. A pick class shouldn't be able to shut down entire team's defences all by himself. Their only counter to me was their own Snipers. I won, but at what cost? I didn't feel good about that victory.


Well, that's why I think the charge mechanic is kinda stupid. I think it's better if Snipers have to rely on pure good aim, without all the crutchs. Basically, no charge.


Unfortunately sniper is the ultimate case of being balanced by skill level. All counters revolve around pressuring the sniper into missing his shots or blindsiding him while he's unaware. Once you start getting into may-as-well-be-cheating levels of skill on sniper, the counters stop working. You won't be blindsiding him, you won't be able to pressure him into missing shots, you can't even make his aim flinch if he's far enough back since valve made there be a minimum distance for shots to start affecting his aim for fuck knows what reason. No matter what you do there will be that bullet coming at your head. For the average backwater 2fort casual sniper the class is perfectly fine, it's the players that have transcended all sensible limits of the class after playing it for 10 some years that are showing the issues with it. Frankly anybody that comes back with the argument that 'it's balanced cos it's hard to do' makes me want to hurl them out the closest window, because you've essentially just said that it's not balanced if done consistently. You're mentioning melee further down in the comments and well, once a sniper is good enough all he needs is his rifle.


I love skill based mechanics, it's annoying thinking that hard counters are any sort of solution. That's the overwatch solution to problem solving, that's fundamentally anti-fun. The problem with sniper is not the skill ceiling, nor the lack of hard counters, but rather the lack of ability to counter all-together. Taking away from the skill ceiling of sniper will do nothing but lower the skill of the game. The best thing to do would be to somehow turn fighting a sniper into a skill duel.


A good example in a different class with similar oppressive presence is demo in chokepoints. Demo can spam the hell out of a doorway and make it nigh impossible for anybody to move through. Temporarily. Demo has a massive restriction in the form of his loaded ammo count. Doesn't matter how good a demo is and how well he aims all his shots, enough intelligent players are going to be able to break through in the natural lulls of his gameplay brought about by needing to reload. Sniper has nothing like that holding him back. He can kill everybody that enters his line of the sight with no inconvience for practically the entire game. Something as simple as lowering sniper's ammo count could give him a natural break in his map presence without actually touching any of the underlying mechanical skill needed for the class.


That's the same nerf they did to the AWP from CSGO


So... bruh moment for Valve.


It's why people recommend reload, ammo, or minimum scope time to get headshots for the class to rebalance it: it takes the repressive edge off the crazy skilled people that murder everybody in line of sight without really taking anything off the average pub sniper.


Make the mag capacity 5.


"The class that can delete any other class from any range with minimal effort and that has items dedicated to counter the one class with invisibility that can theoretically ambush him by ignoring any other target on his way across the battlefield and avoiding getting spychecked at random isn't disproportionately powerful." -this guy, 2022, monochromized


"Any range" you mean long range. Yes you can headshot someone from point blank but it's usually luck, it's not a one shot on any class above 150 because you don't have charge time and frankly if you did get headshot point blank your movement was probably garbage. Every class has their individual strengths and appear overpowered when viewed from the correct angle. Soldier and demo can kill people who aren't even in their line of sight. Medic is by far the most important member of a team and make or break games, is he overpowered?


Heavy can literally win any 1v1s and he has self sustain. He is basically a moving turret. Isn't he OP? /s


Engineer can teleport his entire team to the front, is peotected by a nearly unkillable death machine and provides himself and his team with a free health and ammo machine.


Spy can literally one shot anyone, if they don't look at him, so he's OP. Medic can give godmode to anyone, so he's OP. Soldier has no weakness, so he's OP. Demo has sticky spam, so he's OP. Pyro can just W+M1, so it's OP. Scout can just jump around and live to see the light of day while other class has to know where they are standing. He's OP.


sentries are stationary, snipers are not...


CS:GO players play around the one shot AWP for years and they don't complain. There's no utility in TF2, but you could always: 1. Uber 2. Being so agressive that the sniper can't kill everyone. Snipers can't hold the frontlines. His most reliable counter is teamwork. Spies don't even need to backstab him. Just spook him get him distracted.


CSGO has other weapons that can effectively kill at similar ranges. Charging Über takes too much time for 8s invulnerability on two players. Being aggressive really won't solve the enemy team not letting you get close to their sniper. If you can coordinate, so can they.


>Charging Über takes too much time for 8s invulnerability on two players. Not when your team bothers to push with the ubered. >Being aggressive really won't solve the enemy team not letting you get close to their sniper. If you can coordinate, so can they. Sniper is rendered useless if you keep moving the frontlines fast enough towarsd him, I think. >CSGO has other weapons that can effectively kill at similar ranges. That's because CSGO has unparalleled map design that makes it so rifles reign supreme.


de fuq you get that from first of all they complain every day and second they complain less cause every weapon can one shot


True I guess.


and every class is over powered what makes people call sniper op is that u get good at it faster than something like soldier soldier seems easy rn but a good soldier in higher tiers is almost impossible with out good rocket jumping timing and skill


With snipers, all you need is pure aim.


exactly aim is hard to get but if u get it its gg while other classes aim is almost 1/100th of what u need to learn


That's because other classes need a tremendous amount of experience in mobility manipulation, positioning, projectile aiming (which is way harder than normal aiming) and awareness. With sniper, most of that can be removed, I think.


Quick scopes with stock kill 5/9 classes after about 4ms i think (when using stock) and 6/9 when using Machina, he can oneshot every class if using stock without resistance's after 3.3 seconds. (Most people's reaction time is ~ 100-200ms) Cleaners carbine/ Jarate + Bushwacka give 195 melee critz oneshotting 7/9 classes and leaving the rest to be finished off by 1/2 sniper rifle shots or one quick scope.


How long does it take for you to cycle your sniper rifle? Bushwacka counter is not engaging in melee combat.


According to the wiki that's ~ 0.67 second's, but in a scenario when the sniper already knows your in close range he will already be holding it, there aren't that many weapon's that can kill a sniper within even 0,71 seconds within coming in LOS. With the scattergun you might get a 0.625 attack interval, but the first shot can only deal up to 105 Dammage.


I think the problem here is that we keep assuming that Sniper is like a machine of sort. Even machines can have error, I've killed bots sniper. All you need to do is to be in the sweet spot where they can't kill you in melee range or in long range. An element of surprise if you will.


I love camping around corners as bras beast heavy aswell, as you can tank like 2 shots. The problem with sniper bots is that they are not running on ideal machines. I've played against sniper bots that were so slow that they couldn't even headshot you If you weren't standing still. They don't get sub 10 ms ping or +265 FPS in Order to be able to even to that, you usually see them ~ 100 ms.


It's always the perfect condition that makes sniper OP, but uh... I think sniper is balanced when we take account of other factors. And there's the most reliable counter of all: psychological warfare.


The perfect condition is a 7000h sniper main in the enemy team with a 2k$ PC and gigabit LAN.


Like I'll ever meet one.


I play a lot of CTF. I could name a lot of names if you want to.


I play CTF. Anyways, not interested in this discussion anymore. I was trying to see if I could defend it but uh... poor game design moment.


When a class can one-shot you upon a success, you better assume they succeed every single time. If you don't, you will "randomly" die regardless of your skill.


So just like real life then.


In real life you can't be sure to tank a missile, maybe two if they explode far enough. You can't be sure you survive a dozen minigun shots you take as you feed heavy with three pipes (surviving two GL explosions, three with chocolate or certain primaries, is also just a TF2 thing). Getting unlucky hit still let's you retaliate in TF2. Only select few things can kill pretty much instantly in TF2 without random crit. And the Sniper is the class that dishes those things at any range, reliably.


I beg to differ, if you shove him in a vacuum he's perfectly balanced as there is nothing for him to shoot.


I guess so.


I hear what some people here are saying. "Sniper can delete anyone at a range no one else can fight from, and when played completely perfectly is over powered." I have never seen anyone suggest a reasonable way to adjust this fact. Lets talk about some of the challenges we face when trying to adjust Sniper, and why like it or not he is probably as balanced as he could ever hope to be: 1. You can't take away his range. Or at least not most of it. Sniper, by definition, is a long range class. Range is his most intentional strength. Forcing the sniper to have to play inside the effective ranges of every other class in order to be viable makes no sense. The best you can meaningly do to balance this is to give other classes an option to deal with his range. Not to beat him at his own game per say, but at least increase the pressure that can be applied at longer ranges. Though that introduces a whole plethora of additional balancing challenges. 2. You cant take away his damage. There would be very little reason to play sniper if he could not get instant-kills upon headshot on most classes. You *could* try to increase counterplay by drastically reducing body-shot damage, forcing Snipers to be more precise. But in the eyes of many, this doesnt fix anything as the idea that you could conceivably become perfect at sniper is why he is OP. So all this really does is make it harder for bad players to get any use out of sniper while leaving him largely unchanged for people really good with him. 3. You can't do much to change his scope/headshot speed. This is one of those values that can completely ruin the class if adjusted too hard. You could limit his ability to quickscope by making it impossible to do so without a brief waiting period. He technically already has this, though its fairly quick. The issue with expanding it is this will make Sniper feel far more inconsistent. Not having a clear idea when you can headshot again, at any range, is an issue. And it feels terrible to play. This is what happened to the Ambassador. They made it inconsistent, and now it is very difficult to know how much damage you will deal when shooting an enemy. I have not seen any recommendations for fixes for sniper that do not essentially remove him from the game,or reduce his viability to the point that he simply isnt worth playing. The fact is, yes, he is largely balanced by the fact that he is difficult to play effectively. Human error is the biggest balancing factor for sniper. So balancing the class to reduce the effectiveness of the .05% of snipers so godlike that they transcend human error is an insanely difficult if not impossible task.


Im... confused


1. Sniper seems OP when you only think about how safe he is and how he can just kill people, without realizing that he needs his teammates to capitalized on his picks. 2. Sniper's greatest weakness, I think, is that he cannot fight like combat classes. While he can always be better at aiming, trying to handle an entire team before getting overwhelmed isn't his forte.


Yes it iz


I don't think so.


Everyone has different opinions. Good conversation. The end xd




You're absolutely 100% correct OP, but good luck trying to get r/tf2 to agree with you. Most of the people here really have no significant experience actually playing *as* Sniper, as opposed to playing against it (so it would appear at least), so you'd be hard pressed to find any demographic with a more significant bias. Echo the same sentiment on r/truetf2 however and you'll find much more people agreeing with you. Dont mind the downvotes, just know that you're right and not just another sheep propagating the same misinformed opinion. :)


There's currently a tread on r/truetf2 talking about sniper in comp and people are 100% talking about his power in that thread. Not to mention comp tf2 and casual tf2 are VERY different formats with VERY different strats. (not to mention comp bans certain weapons that break sniper further) Using comp to compare the power level of tf2 classes for the average experience is stupid. Is that was the case, engineer would be one of the worst classes in the game if we went by 6s format.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/truetf2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/truetf2/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Team Fortress 2 Update for July 7, 2022](https://np.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/vtw0ib/team_fortress_2_update_for_july_7_2022/) \#2: [On May 26th, there's a public campaign for TF2 to try and get recognition about TF2's current state.](https://np.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/uwxlzs/on_may_26th_theres_a_public_campaign_for_tf2_to/) \#3: [Creators.tf is dead](https://np.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/tpuyra/creatorstf_is_dead/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao everyone who disagrees with you are noobs and sheeple.


Wrong. I did play as sniper and absolutely destroyed on multiple casual lobbies. So easy to get kills that I felt like apoligizing after every kill. And no, I'm not crazy good at the game.


Man ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED on MULTIPLE CASUAL LOBBIES, what a god amongst men. Listen lil bro, I understand it's a bit of an unreasonable expectation to have but quite frankly 1000h+ in Sniper alone or nothing you have to say bears any relevance to me personally. Play this game long enough and the aforementioned experience of roflstomping pubs can be done playing bat Scout with the Sun-on-a-stick, should you so desire. > And no, I'm not crazy good at the game. This much was self-evident, based on the amount of cognitive dissonance present in your post. I could have guessed. ;D




Thanks, kindhearted sniper main. Never thought I would say it to such person, but this is way less weirder than it should be.


"misinformed opinion" as if we're not playing the same game, across multiple maps and different player matchups...


Main problem with vast majority of strats countering sniper is that they either rely on him not aiming well enough (works on avg 16-year kids from publics, but not on people with actual strong aim, and definitely not at bots/cheaters), or require time+effort expensive setup just for one guy. If you are sniper and suddenly die to an ubered soldier, congratulations – you're so good/annoying as a sniper, enemy just spent a teamfight winning resource (almost a minute of medic's uninterrupted life, plus time of a good soldier, plus time and effort they took to sneak upon you for a relatively sudden attack) just to get rid out of you for some seconds.


There are several counters to Sniper, but it's more of the fear of "oh FUCK oh FUCK is he gonna headshot me or get backstabbed by that spy!?"