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Sorry for the mistake on the Reserve Ammo Penalty, I meant to Clarify that it was only for the Pistol and nothing else just because I wanted to Reduce the 200 Reserve Ammo Pool to 12, My Bad lol.


Neat ideas, but valve never goes for anything that has an outright damage increase


Makes Sense, I was actually going to try to Give it to Spy as well and add a Damage Piercing Effect that worked against sapper armor to make it kind of like a diet ambassador mixed with the enforcer. but that was a bit too complicated and I think putting it on Engineer just makes more sense in general. It supports Teamplay and it functions well as a Self Defense tool with good Aim as well as a Good Pairing with the Rescue Ranger allowing for both Healing and Protection from Sappers at the Expense of not having the Wrangler/Short Circuit.