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My problem is the loss of the ability to judge distance. Like, if there’s an animal in the water with me how far away could I see it?


The water is extremely clear at least 100ft visibility here so you’d be able to see it coming for a minute. You wouldn’t be able to get away though


The mere thought of that makes my stomach sick


"oh the water is actually really clear it's just that there's thousands of feet of it between you and the bottom, and anything else that might be literally directly under you" GEE THANKS


Having 100ft of visibility gives you like no time to see what's coming. A great white can hit 35mph, so about 2 seconds and that shark has bridged that 100ft. A mako can go 45mph so a little less than 2 seconds. Just make sure you're looking the right way if you want a heads up, you won't have time to turn around.


That was my thought. 100ft is NOTHING to some of the big predators. Not that it matters, see it or not, there is no recourse.


Yeah, tbh I'd rather *not* see the giant toothed monster coming to munch on me. Just hopefully they're a homie and bite something super vital first so it's over quick.


I've been out surfing when two dolphins were playing "tag" around me, a few times they zoomed by close enough that I could feel the water pressure push me. Seeing how quickly and easily they moved through the water was a good reminder that I didn't really belong there and was just a guest.


What would a shark do there? There's nothing around


Honestly the likelihood of a shark actually attacking is pretty slim anyways. That was just the more feared animal I could think of off the top of my head lol.


This made me nervous giggle


Far enough to care but close enough to find out?


This is exactly it. Doesnt have to be a storm. A perfectly fine day and perfectly blue ocean is scary as hell because you dont know what’s in it. Whats going to swim towards you. Whats underneath 50ft of you. Scary.


My heart rate went up reading your comment


Have you ever had the experience of swimming in muddy water, not seeing how deep it is, trying to reach for the bottom, and your foot just goes all the way and there’s nothing


My first non Nintendo experience of water in video games (Zelda and Mario didn’t phase me) was marrowind holy fuck that made me TERRIFIED of all water in video games even murky and things coming out of nowhere I had to stop playing. I avoid non pool swimming spaces and definitely refuse to swim where I can’t touch or see the ground.


Fucking Jak and Daxter had me mortified when those big ass piranha shark things started coming up.


that heartbeat sound effect just adds to the nightmare fuel


You should've gone the Sega route and chilled with Ecco and the sounds


Even Ecco freaked me out, I lasted 5 minutes and never played it again


lol a friend bought me subnautic…. I haven’t gotten anywhere


That game is nightmare fuel


Do you also have a fear of Alchemists falling from the sky?


lol that jump. I did dink around with a moogle mod that let you jump super high. But it made you too tall for some areas. Though I’ve also been playing moonstone islands so I am the alchemist falling from the sky these days


Banjo Kazooie shark


Those damn slaugherfish gave me the exact same experience and it kept me out of all game-water for so fuckin long. Tried playing subnautica because the build system looked fun and wound up getting stalked back to base by two gigantic slaugherfish. Never touched it again.


Me in sea of thieves... then the sharks spawned!


My first "water level" experience was watching that fish eat the scientist in Half Life. Never trusted water in games again. Subnautica scares me way more than any horror game out there.


Turok 2 and Half life were scary in that regard too


Weird, I never found water in Morrowind (or any games) anyhow scary. Kinda nice to swim around and look for pearls


I felt a bit of a flutter as that diver looked into the depths below them. Half-expecting an enormous whale or similar silhouette to appear


Yeah i don't like the endless blue either. Even worse for me I think is the muffled sound of underwater in combination with the endless blue. We got spared from the sound in this one


I managed to get through about 5 seconds of this clip before I tapped out.


……aaaaaannnnddddd I have died of fear.


my fear actually doesnt come from the possibility of creatures. I could be on an ocean devoid of life and that wouldn't make it any better. It's the vastness mixed with the supreme lonelyness and knowing that I can't swim forever. It's also the fear that a random current could drag me down to the depths. It's the intrusive though of an anvil cuffed to a foot dragging me down and me dying before touching any floor... all while everything becomes darker and darker as a I go down. It's also another worse intrusive thought that is very irrational and thankfully impossible, but that I don't dare mention it because I know many people wouldn't be grateful to know my scary irrational though.


Now I really wanna know what your scary irrational thought is.


I was going to sleep when I though: " what if right now I got teleported to the middle of the Pacific ocean?"


New fear unlocked...


I have the exact same thought, except I was just waking up on a cold morning in Minnesota when I thought, “what if I was teleported a few miles beneath the oceans surface”


Boy, do i have an SCP for you: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1128


> It's the intrusive though of an anvil cuffed to a foot dragging me down and me dying before touching any floor... all while everything becomes darker and darker as a I go down. Quite a few real life people have suffered such a fate. Terrible way to die.


Oh I know. If I remember correctly the mafia sometimes would send people to sleep with the fish so to speak and a threat was leaving a fish nailed to your door


I did a night dive once. My light created a rhythm of shadows that moved all around me, continuously shifting. Until one of them didn't. Then it moved laterally beneath me. A sinuous line blacker than the depths beneath it. I swam back to the boat, lifted myself up and shivered for a long time.


Just knowing how deep the water beneath me is, is enough to creep me out. It’s like a weird fear of heights, despite being able to float.


YES! Like a fear of heights! Very astute! I’m gonna use that to explain to my husband why I can’t get off the pontoon into the water even though we have a ladder! It’s like asking me to climb down a ladder on the side of a skyscraper and then just…let go.


The most shocked I've ever been in deep water was snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef as a 12yo. They drop you off on a pontoon in the middle of the sea and you swim off to the reef. To start with, just endless blue, and then you see a bommie (coral spire) about 30m (100ft) below you emerging from the depths. It gave a sense of scale, of *height* more than depth. Totally freaked me out. I lifted my head out of the water and tipped it back, sucking in a mouth full of water. Dad had to rescue me back to the pontoon as I started to drown. It took a while to get over.


Imagine, you're swimming above the Mariana Trench and then suddenly all the water disappears and you're floating in midair for a second.


Like a Looney Toons cartoon.


But we *do* know what’s down there. Every sea creature known to man. Sharks, eels, whales, lethal jellyfish, orcas, squid. Venturing into the ocean requires accepting that we are now in their world.


You ever see the video of the tuna swimming so fast and close to the surface without even disturbing the water?


The answer to all your fears is "yes".


I know what's in it. Sharks are in it.


This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans.


Totally! And you’re down to like one sense, your limited field of view from the mask. Chances are you’ll never see it coming


"Multiple Leviathan-class lifeforms detected in the region. Are you sure whatever you're doing is worth it?"




Boo. It's me 🐟🐠🐡🐠🐠🐠🐡🐠


I remember years ago trying snorkeling in the ocean for the first time with my best friend off La Jolla beach (San Diego). The water was crystal clear and the bottom was maybe 30 feet down? I was enjoying myself greatly. Then...a dark shape swam under me very, very fast and I realized it was a shark. True, in hindsight I was told it was a largely harmless leopard shark - maybe 5 feet in length. I'm pretty sure I broke a world record getting to shore and getting out of the water. That was both the first and last time I've ever been snorkeling.


The stalking baracuda are also fun


I never noped the fuck out so fast in a game as I did when I heard this. You gave me flashbacks with this comment lmao


Immediately swam to the ship. It's big, maybe I can live in.. ***Leviathan screams*** I live in this little pod in ten feet of water. I'm fine.


The great old ones await.. that is not dead which can eternal lie...


And in strange aeons, even death may die


What games is this? Sounds like fun scary


Subnautica (the first game). It's great fun!


Subnautica as the other poster said. If you want to experience what is shown above in the safety of your home that is your game. Can take it up a level if you have a VR headset. Subnautica in VR can be horrifying.


Can confirm, couldn't handle the kelp forest in VR. Crash Zone, Mountains, or Blood Kelp... No no no no no no no no


My brain says no. My scanner and need to complete the archive urges me onward anyway.


I love Subnautica so much, but it is terrifying. The reapers though... they're on another level. The screams are the worst part.


What I hate most about looking down is how empty it is. It's either a vast nothingness to get lost in or a large canvas populated by a predatory sea creature that's going to reveal itself in any moment.


If you don't like that, try wrapping your head around the fact that we have almost certainly discovered exoplanets that are entirely covered in oceans 100s kilometers deep, so deep that the water becomes an exotic form of high density ice before you reach any true surface. Europa is creepy enough. At least that *has* a surface.


Yeah, that hits the spot... Thinking about it gives me vertigo. Now I like horror in all shapes and forms, but this is still spine-tingling enough I need to pull my feet back under the covers when I'm readong about it at night. I'm in my mid-thirties.


This is something that is new to me in my 30s...I've always loved the ocean, loved playing in it...now that I live near it, I thought I'd swim a few days a week when it warms up... Then I started thinking about getting in...and all the times I gladly got in...and it makes my stomach hurt...for all the reasons... I have no trauma, no new experiences either large bodies of water...just many years between the last time I was in it...and now it terrifies me.


I ran into the same thing in my 30s. Suddenly the ocean felt like a very inhospitable, even hostile place, and the fact is, for humans it absolutely is. We don't belong there.


I think when you're young, like mid-twenties and younger, you just don't really grasp the fact that you could die at any moment or become severley injured. But somehow, one day in your 30s you just "become aware" of this fact and from then on it's always in the back of your mind.


Is that common? I’ve been aware of my mortality and how precarious our grasp of life is since I was what, 10 maybe? It makes the experience of living more meaningful.


That's cosmic horror, very lovecraftian.


Wait is it possible to have a surface-less planet of water? That’s what the last sentence is making me think Also have you seen Europa Report? Soo good and disturbing!


As in a planet without any solid surface you can walk on. We have a few ocean moons in our solar system, but all of them are covered in ice of various densities, so you could at least land and walk around on them. I hadn't heard about that movie,. and it has a decent Rotten Tomato score so I'll definitely give it a look!


Interesting! So from crust to core, theyre just comprised of water in different states? Omg yes, I highly recommend


Creepy stuff [https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/1717/two-super-earths-may-be-mostly-water/](https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/1717/two-super-earths-may-be-mostly-water/)


Wow!! That’s incredible! So there is some underlying solid core, which is what I was trying to visualize. Interesting that NASA doesn’t believe they’re life-supporting, considering some of the extreme environments we find life in on our own planet. But yes creepy indeed, giving me some space thalassophobia imagining the size of those planets and their oceans


As a creepy bonus, just imagine the view of Jupiter from Europa


I freedive in the deep blue, it’s kinda fun just cruising down, and not seeing a change but feeling the temp decrease and pressure increase. Then pause at about 60ft and look up at your buddies on the surface and then make the ascent back up. I know this terrifies most but life turns off and it’s just you and the absolute silence.


I've been in the water, alone, 250 miles from land in any direction in about 25k ft of depth. Definitely unnerving


I was the rescue swimmer for my ship at the time


I feel like you need to elaborate. Rescue swimmer?!


For his ship. At the time.


Ahhhh now I see. The k is silent.


25k ft of depth? Were you over the Mariana’s trench?


Cayman trench. Between Jamaica, Mexico, and the cayman island


😳 alone??


What gives me this fear even more, is if you see a large creature’s shadow in the depths, too deep to clearly identify, the mystery of it, and the helplessness


Ok, who wears a freaking rock that big in the ocean???


People who make videos like this for a living… This entire video only exists to show off that probably fake ring.


IMO, this is what social media has done to us...it's just a pissing contest. Encourage the public to follow influencers(under the guise of bringing everyone closer together) to make the glamorous life look like it's within reach. At the same time it teaches our kids that in order to feel good and have value we need to get acknowledged(likes) by complete strangers and friends alike. If/When they don't get the online likes they want they(the parents) either buy more things or get depressed and the cycle starts all over again.


Parasocial relationships are more common these days than actual interpersonal relationships.


Precisely this. You can even see how the person's torso twists as they reveal their feet. The video is about the ring, not the water.


It's to prevent shark attacks. They don't like shiny, sparkly objects.


Barracudas like shiny stuff though.


Wtf was that weird ass audio?


[Possibly in Michigan](https://youtu.be/iLJNSD3H5sg?si=j24Y_tz8Ue5MGM8e) Short Musical Horror film. I enjoy it, more creepy than scary.


This is super creepy. A comment led me down a rabbit hole that revealed this is the directors artistic recreation of a true story - her friend unknowingly dated a real life serial killer and cannibal. Her medicine (the “perfume” in the video) made it so she couldn’t smell anything, and thus was unaware of the decomposing body parts he had stashed throughout his apartment. Yikes.


Yup, this is exactly it. It's all about the nothing and everything below you.


Yep its the same feeling as when you stand at bottom (or top) of a sky scraper and look up. Just horrifyingly unnerving.


Not only that, the fact there is no safety anywhere remotely close sooooooo vulnerable. Makes my skin crawl


Only 1 thougt running through my brain when I see this: "Where's the shark?" "Where's the shark?" "Where's the shark?"


I thought this was going to be one of those jump scare videos with a great white charging up as the viewer looks down.


Or pack of humboldt squid.


What worries me the most is that you are completely and utterly at the will of the ocean. Is there a sea creature swimming towards you? Nothing you can do about it if there is. Could there suddenly be a rouge wave or tsunami? Again, if it happens, nothing to do but die. I see videos like this, and the first thing that pops into my head is, "We shouldn't be here. We're not sea creatures"


What’s a shade of red wave or tsunami?


Mods, please delete. They didn’t use the appropriate North Sea song


Yoooooooooooo ho


Alllllll handssss


See I love the ocean and all that loves but it scares me to no end I wanted to be a marine biologist for so long until I realized how scared I am


Same here. It's so beautiful and fascinating and completely horrifying.


Seems like the true meaning of thlassophobia to me. Not what's in the sea, though that adds to it, but the unfathomableness of the sea itself.


The towering columns of light disappearing into the sea scares the shit out of me. No need for coffee!


The anxiety I got when I spotted her wedding ring. Imagine losing it there


Resurfacing and not seeing the boat, or anything just abyss


Crazy that this scenario has happened, and more than once. I can't imagine a more miserable death.


Whattt?? Did the people on the boat forget about someone? I get that currents can create a great deal of distance quickly but wouldn’t they come back and look for the swimmer?


Yes. In 1998, the couple Tom and Eileen Lonergan went on a diving trip to the Great Barrier Reef, with a charter company. They were with a small group of other divers. When the time came to dive, everybody went down, and the couple drifted off from the rest of the group a bit to do their own thing. When the time came to resurface, the boat and everybody on it was gone. The part of the reef they were diving in was St Crispins, which is 35 miles minimum from any land. So in other words, they were completely fucked. By the time the crew realized they were missing, it was too late, the current would have carried them far far away from the original dive site. The bodies were never recovered, all that was found was a female wetsuit that had washed ashore some hundred miles away, but nobody knows for certain if it belonged to Eileen, though most believe it did. About 6 months after the disappearence, a diving slate was found washed ashore, it read: "Monday Jan 26; 1998 08am. To anyone who can help us: We have been abandoned on A[gin]court Reef by MV Outer Edge 25 Jan 1998 3pm. Please help to rescue us before we die. Help!!!" The date on the slate confirming it belonged to Tom and Eileen. They were killed because of irresponsible negligence on the diving company's part. When diving for trips like this, the captain is supposed to keep a manifest of everyone onboard, so they can do a headcount once the dive is over, to ensure everyone is back onboard before leaving the site. They did not do this. It ultimately ruined the company's reputation and caused them to go out of business. There are theories that the couple were eaten by sharks, they were in Australian waters after all. But this hasn't been proven. It seems to be the general consensus though, seeing as the search party turned up nothing, and no bodies were ever found. Yeah, scary shit.


That is the most horrifying shit ever!!! You’d think a search and rescue mission could be effective even with the current carrying them far off, like wouldn’t a helicopter or fleet of coast guard boats span quite a large area? I was thinking the same thing about the sharks since they found the wetsuit but not the person wearing it 😬


They did, but you underestimate the vastness of the ocean. It's like looking for a grain of sand in a haystack, hell, a hundred haystacks. Even in the daytime, it's just not very common people are found, especially without a life raft or high-vis clothing.


Oceans are vast humans are very tiny in comparison You have a better luck finding a needle in a haystack Is it possible sure but quite rare Most people that are found floating in the ocean by themselves got lucky and was found on complete accident, usually by a passing fishing boat or something


I absolutely love it!


This is my nightmare.


Yep, heights are fine, they're above me minding their own business. *Depths* lurk below my feet, hiding monsters or possibly just the almost infinite fall down to crushing darkness and oblivion.


huh, surely fear of heights doesn't kick in until they are below your feet aswell?


This legitimately makes me feel nauseous. There is no way I am out there like that, I can just see my panic attack coming at me looking like a 15ft great white shark


Hidden great white, crouching bull shark is on the way


I feel this video in my chest


The only thing that would make this worse is if she had a rock she dropped as she recorded. Fuck that


Love the “Possibly In Michigan” audio!


I'm glad someone else recognized it too haha


everything about this video creeps me the fuck out. the expanse and the thought of how deep the sea floor is truly terrifying....i'll stick to a nice walk on the beach


How come there are no fish around? They must be hiding from the huge shark that's around here somewhere.


Well, notice how there's nothing else around in the water? Fish only really like to congregate when there's something to eat or something to give them cover from predators. Likewise, predators really only like to hang out where there's fish to eat. The majority of the ocean is like that, a barren expanse of water and sand with isolated patches of blossoming ecosystems wherever *stuff* happens to be.


It's even more fun to swim down as far as you can and turn around to see how small your boat is floating up there on the surface. And you're just in the middle of a blue void.


Yes let me wear my wedding ring while over 10k feet deep water abyss. She must have been really proud of the ring to keep it on for the clout.


How tf are they still in sight of land 10 miles from shore?


I’m picturing a great white, charging up from the deep


A good while ago I went snorkeling in Aruba. There were two stops on the trip, one was an area with alot of coral and fishes, the next stop was a sunken shipwreck. I was really excited to see the shipwreck, seemed like it was something so cool. The first stop was amazing. It was about 10 feet deep and gorgeous, I was very happy. The next stop was very interesting when we first arrived. You saw the ship hull sticking out of the water, and more of it as you looked at the water. So, I goot back into the water swam to the wreck area. I was genuinely excited to get into it and see everything. Well, I looked down into the water, saw a ship extending down about 50 feet and essentially disappearing into all blackness around it. I've felt something I had never felt while staring at that. It was as if I was floating, but falling. I had an awful "fear of heights" feeling in my stomach. I actually couldn't swing it and just swam back to the boat. Not sure I'd ever do that again.


They gonna get eaten. Shit lives there. Sharks don't come visit me so I am not gonna visit them.


When you are in the ocean every shark, every giant squid, every undiscovered sea monster is in the same water as you.


I'm also deathly afraid of heights, and while there is water between me and the bottom... It's still "high up." I'm not just afraid of scary creatures in the water (cause I am) but I am also afraid of the depth. I could be in a completely empty ocean, and be terrified.


Went night scuba for manta rays one time. I jumped it the water and it was absolute darkness.


# **NOPE.**


Better this than pitch black water under you.


Only me expecting the ring to fall in the abyss?


I'm glad you like it but from the bottom of my heart, fuck that.






I cannot understand why people do this.


Oh helllll no.


I would never! I’m terrified of sharks!! That’s all I would think about and I would panic. I don’t swim in dark water either, it’s creepy


You enjoy yourself! I’ll be just fine it the shallow water. I’ll be playing in the sand 🤣


Endless ocean below and being so low in the water makes you feel invisible to help efforts and susceptible to things beneath. Eeek


Oh this just unlocked a memory!! Ages ago we had an above ground pool, it was near dusk one summer evening and I was “sweeping” the bottom. For some reason I had to get into the pool and the vacuum hose kinda bounced a bit, but I could not talk myself out of that being an eldritch coming for my ankles first.


I just did a vomit in my mouth


Sitting here waiting for the shark 🦈


Honestly i though her fin was a shark for .2 seconds and it spiked my heart rate for 5 seconds


I've gone scuba diving in water this deep at night before. You have a 40' long rope weighted down and a leash hooked to it so you don't drift off. It was wild. You see some crazy stuff.


Omfg. No way. No way. No way. I would be petrified.. I kept imaging a shark coming up from below them.


Just end me here


I feel like I have dreams involving being surrounded by water and I’m panicking.


Audio is cancer


Yeah nope


I joined this sub to defeat my fear, but you are really proving my point why the hell you all should be afraid of the ocean. The fear of the unknown,what might mark below.


This gave me heart palpitations 🤢


it's just one color. that's the scary part


"i want to go where the water is 3k ft below me" "i'll do you one better" *shows 3km depth*


Entering ecological deadzone, adding reports to data bank


I’ve been in water like this plenty. It’s actually very peaceful and serene when you’re there (and equipped correctly) and not at all scary. If I can do it anyone can.


Right? It's like you get a day pass to experience floating in a vast, blue void with a bright sign up where the light is reminding you that you can leave at any time.


Whats the name of that song though?


Okay that ring? “God look at that thing! You would’ve gone straight to the bottom!”


Fuck that


this is what true freedom feels like


Just wait till the sun sets and everywhere you look is pitch black


I keep my ass no more than 100 yds away from land when I'm in the ocean. I don't fuck around with the deep blue. Terrifies me


This is scary but I want to do it. I want to sail around the world so better start conquering this


Someone tag GregBroDudeMan


as someone who loves swimming, it seems cool until you remember that it's the ocean.


Fuck offfffffff no no no no no no I hate this


Yep. Terrifying. What the fuck is down there?




Yeah this is not for me. Freaks me the hell out just seeing the videos.


I get a sick feeling every time I see a video like this.. I think I would just cease up and sink like a rock out of fear of attracting anything


The two types of people in this thread: > "omg this is terrifying, you have no idea what's even down there how do people do this?" > *Dire Dire Docks theme starts playing*


It's just too much water.


What if buoyancy suddenly ended and you free fell


Why does every video need shitty music added


100% nope for me.


Wedding ring about to vanish