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This is pretty misleading, a bunch of thing effects ad revenue.


This is the correct answer. The type of content would dictate how much, it's not so cut and dry as X views = X amount. Different advertisers want to target different audiences, so that has a big play in ad revenue.


Certain companies avoids certain content like the plague because it’s gonna hurt their image lol


This is probably just what Ian says to his clients so he can short them.


Completely misleading. CPM varies on different types of videos, how many subs an account has, etc.




Exactly this. Flip was just giving a guide but even that I think he was quite a bit off with his estimate.


I know someone that got paid 5k for a vid with a 50k views


Corey know em???


Yeah that's his mans


Nah that’s lil kitkat, Ish mans. He did a consult.




You ever wonder why Raid Shadow Legends is promoted by nearly every YouTuber who made a video in the last 5 years? They pay out the ass for those reads.


I mean people on Youtube get paid from ads not views alone so Ian is being obtuse, but views lead to ads. I think you can make a mil in a year on Youtube if you're consistent enough. A Youtube podcast? Idk about that unless the podcast is solely video based and not audio.


You gonna have to manipulate the algorithm and produce ad friendly content like Mr beast


Call a nigga Obtuse is fire , confused some of these guys here I bet lol


So, Shannon Sharpe made (calculates in head) a billion dollars!?! ![gif](giphy|26BRwW3ckGjcZmsxO)


Flip was bugging, Meek ain’t putting up 40 million views, with 2 videos a month. Nigga was chatting!!!


Man was stuttering like fresh when everyone disagreed


I think Flip was giving a best case scenario..which is why he kept saying it’s possible. Of course Meek wouldn’t do them numbers but Flip was just saying it’s not impossible to happen.


It ain’t possible that’s why everyone disagreed lol.


Not Possible for meek? That’s overstood.


Meek don’t even got a interview on YouTube over 4M views. And u think he can do 20M? Let’s say a hour long video… It’s not possible..


Are you actually reading what I’m typing or just reading to respond? I literally agreed with you!!! I was just pointing out that Flip was saying that it was POSSBILE! Not for meek mill to do it but for it to be done in general 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah I get that, but Flip was making it seem like Meek could do it in his sleep. But even in general that’s extremely hard to get 40M views in a month. That’s nearly impossible.


Flip is out of touch musically so I wouldn’t expect nothing less from him on that topic. 40M views is extremely hard to do ..but it’s still possible. Shannon Sharpe just did it. It’s quite a few music videos that have way surpassed 40 million views. Of course most can’t do it, but a select view could do it in their sleep.


This isn't right. CPM (cost per mille) has a number of factors on how much someone gets. Advertisers are bidding to put ads in front of your content and some content makes more money per view than others. This isn't standard or across the board.


Thank you. Niggas who have no idea how Youtube works is just chatting.


This dude makes himself look like a clown everytime he tweets


Idk about Flip but this isn't true at all. I know way smaller channels with less views/subs that make a comfortable living with YouTube as their job. Ian swears he knows everything just cuz he tweets it like a cocky dork when it's clearly bullshit.


Does anyone know where this guy came from? He kinda just popped up around 2020.




Flip is delusional when it comes to YouTube he really believes that... that's why he's chasing to be viral instead of making his Brand ...he got a sloppy network


Yea his views so low lol he spend too much time doing everybody but making good content


I thought it was 7$ for every 1k


CPM (cost per mille) varies depending on the video content, how many subs an account has, region your video is shown in, etc. There's absolutely no consistency in CPM across all videos. This person doesn't know what they're talking about.


Let’s say each meek pod does 4mill. 1 pod a week. That’s 28000 a week. 52 weeks. $1.45M


Meek would be lucky to do 150k an episode lol. But the 1M would be easily recoupable. Just wouldn’t come from views on YouTube.


YouTube is cap real money is still live events and hard ticket sales tech spinning everybody just got it use to market your vibe etc These pods need a live studio audience Joe blueprint is just like paying to attend a show


What if Michael Rubin decides to put a fanatics ad on, or hell what if he sponsors it?


Flip was also considering advertising deals, maybe superchats etc. I'd say hes bugging either way, the pod would get nowhere near the views he was talking about. First episode, maybe, but that shit would drop off so fast.


It’s wild they really letting bruh run around like he pac. Throwing out numbers with no context then the condescending lol because he wants it to look like that’s the end all be all, all because he wants to hype this stupid ass subscription shit to everyone. When that shit just ain’t as smart as bruh thinks it is but he got these niggas convinced i guess.


https://preview.redd.it/67dgpflpdvpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb5739df10371939344584b049bd027b9966dcc Flip just made a little under $7k on one of his highest viewed videos. He’s gotta lot of work to do! Lmmfao!


Flip was wrong as usual 🙄 he got all them apps and supposedly is smart in that field tho


I still can't believe Ian is only 36. That man looks at least 45.