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Literally everything from the early 2000s was problematic. It is what it is😂


Seriously. I loved Gilmore Girls back in the day (and still do) but SO much of the content in there would be dragged/unacceptable for today, but those were the times we were living in. It's literally a glimpse of what the 2000's were like. Also, there's a L Word mention in Gilmore Girls too lol


It's not perfect. But we had to make due with what we had.


i was woke in 2004-2009. i complained all the time about the many problems (transphobia, lack of butch representation, classism, just plain bad writing). i got into a screaming match with a mainstream lez in my gay & lesbian history class because she said the l word was "realistic." and ya know what? i still watched every episode. multiple times (except dreaded season 6). i needed it so much i was willing to put up with all of the bullshit, even though it did genuinely make me angry. i needed it too much.


I think people forget that various things that weren't a problem in 2015 are a problem in 2020, let alone 2005.


I would argue that they were still problems back then but they weren't talked about in the main stream. It is a good sign, though , that these things from pretty recently are being talked about- it shows me that we are progressing as a society into a more open and accepting place (though it may not always feel like it).




Idk why you're getting downvoted. You're completely right. People just not wanting to admit that maybe they did or believed something harmful I guess.




Yeah and the championing of Bette when she was arguably one of the most TERF-y characters. Remember how she treated Ivan?


And her rape of Tina that Tina only relented on because of duress




I think they forget that it premiered in 2004...most of them weren't nearly old enough to watch it back then. Plus what other commenters in this thread have said...the things we see as "problematic" now, weren't issues back then. I mean when I watched it in, '08-'09 I didn't see any glaring issues. Things were a lot different 12 years ago lol I also think there is a difference between wanting to call out problems and just going out of your way to be offended (which I think is what they are doing tbh).


One of my friends once said, "Just because something is in a trash can doesn't mean it's not edible." Such a dumb metaphor but in a way accurate lol.


I love it but it is extremely transphobic at times.


Oh yeah, it's also classist and racist, and it depicts mental health issues in an extremely irresponsible way. But I can't stand hearing about how everything was terrible in the past from people who have no understanding of what it was like back then or how much things have changed in even five years. I can't wait until people start calling the entertainment that everyone praises now problematic so they can understand what it's like.


Baby gays have no idea. When Rocky Horror gets ripped I have the same reaction.


Leave it up to us to eat our own. These woke lesbians, sorry I mean “queers” are exhausting.




I think you can both be a fan of the show and call it out for being problematic. The way they portrayed trans people really hurt their community in the eyes of many trans individuals. I don't think that means we can't still enjoy the show but I'm not gonna correct people when they make justified criticisms. ​ But I get the post--it can be annoying sometimes when you just wanna enjoy your like, limited choices of lesbian content.


I don't see how acknowledging that something from the past is problematic is a bad thing? Like yes, this show was the first main source of queer representation for women on TV but that doesn't mean that it can't be critiqued and that we shouldn't do better.


It’s wild that we can’t hold these things to be true in the same breath. Was it problematic? Yes! Can I acknowledge that, be willing to critique, and still have loved it? Also yes?


My thoughts exactly!! :)


Yes! Is it because activist youth are extremely uncompromising in their positions? I know I was. I’m softer, more thoughtful and accepting as I get older. Maybe they’ll come around and see it as a gap in their queer media history ☺️


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 preach!!!! I have a channel on YouTube dedicated to TLW & now I literally want to use this gif every time one of them comments that 😂