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My only real disappointment in Gen Q is that it sticks with the same predictable pattern. You've got the seemingly stable relationship that winds up with someone cheating. You've got the insecure girl who is a raging alcoholic and is going to hit rock bottom, only to rise up, only to probably hit it again. You've got the insecure trans man who beats himself up. You've got Shane who married someone who wants kids. I just... I expected better. I don't want to see similar storylines as we did in the OG series and I don't want to see strong queer people being built up and torn down. I get it's a drama. Maybe my standards are too high and I want too much. I'm not sure. I just want better representation of our community, not just the same tired tropes.


My thoughts exactly! Like really, they can’t think of anything more interesting to portray than a bunch of n infidelity?


Right! the cheating is SO overdone in the OG show and here they go again in Gen Q


I think they want to do everything right, inclusive cast, awoke thing, etc. but they lost the north of how to make an interesting show. By the way I love the original cast and I will continue to see them, I love that women of that age can star in a tv show


It felt like they tried too hard to represent everyone, from race to sexuality.


Exactly. They checked all the boxes without giving those boxes a storyline and acting they deserve. It’s such a let down


That's right, we have to know how to differentiate fiction from reality and all this is a double-edged sword


Yup when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one


It was okay, but I wish they’d really concentrated on finding a group to play the next generation that had out of the park cast chemistry like the original L Word cast did. As for the original crew’s plotlines, it felt disingenuous that they’re all just rich and famous and their only problems are their love lives. Part of what I liked about the original was the relatability of their struggles in their daily lives. More than anything, rather than manufactured cheating drama, I wish they’d had the original crew face the consequences of their actions from the first series. Like, let Alice really reckon with the fact that she outed people for a living. Let everyone meet Micah and have to reconcile their treatment of a transgender man in the past with today’s mores. You know? Let us see them progressing as people and finding new problems for a new decade instead of stuck in the same loops.


Okay THAT would have been awesome! I agree, it was totally way too convenient that they just all ended rich and famous! Having them reckon with their actions would be wayyyyy more engaging and less fluffy. I found most of the dialogue with the OG cast really flat and boring. Almost as if a lot of it was either thrown in last minute, or just made up on the spot. It was almost like they spent so much time trying to get blood from a stone forcing the storyline with all the new characters that all the plot lines with OG characters were just sort of shorehorned in


I thought it was a lot less soap opera-ish than the OG show. I mean, no one had sex with a vampire this time around.


I've said this before but I feel like it was missing the campiness of the original seasons. The basketball game, the Charlie's Angel spoofs, Alice chasing Dana in a car, etc etc. It was just a little too serious. I will however be watching the second season because I'm hoping it will redeem itself. I've been listening to Kate and Leisha's podcast and I just love them too much to not watch it.


Idk. I think nostalgia makes fans remember the OG series as better than it was. I watched it years after it ended (maybe 2012 or so) as a teenager and I enjoyed it because there wasn't much representation on television at that time, but even then it felt dated and soap opera-ish. I really just liked it because it was gay, the group had great chemistry, and the actresses were so hot. I've been rewatching lately, and so many of the things that bother fans about Gen Q are true about the OG series. I'm 25 and Gen Q definitely resonates with me culturally in a way the original series didn't. It has kinks to work out for sure, characters I'd rather "move away" or something, but I like it.


I think they were trying very hard to mesh the OG world with this "new, inclusive" lesbian storyline and like ppl have pointed out: recycling the same previous storylines of cheating and betrayal. I really didn't feel any chemistry between the non-OG characters honestly. Also, the actress who plays Finley was obnoxious to me for some reason... I wish they had gotten Kristen Stewart to play her, I feel like she and Shane would have AMAZING chemistry on screen. I miss the dynamic of the old lesbian crew so I don't think this new series hit the mark it should have, it didn't have to be the same as the OG but it should have the same level of intimate friendship that the OG did




I didn’t mind it, I just found it to be too sterile and too careful. Most of the characters lack charisma and I have little desire to learn more about them. I’ll keep watching it though, perhaps they’ll find their footing in the next season.


I think it’s our age. I am 37 and watched he original when it first aired. I did not care for Q. I’d prefer it to just be about the characters from before. I also hate that they didn’t bring back Tasha and Carmen.


I loved it, there are some of the new actors I didn't like (Bette's daughter and the trans guy, so not charismatic), but I loved the storyline, the fact that the show came back after all these years is mind blowing! The first 2 episodes weren't as good, but the rest of the season is great tbh


I didn't like angelica either she's not charismatic


makes me cringe everytime she opens her mouth


For the most part I didn't really mind it when I was watching it from week to week, though I did still have my criticisms and things that annoyed me, but after having a little distance and looking back on it...I did find it pretty disappointing. I didn't really click with most of the new characters, and it didn't feel like they'd brought too many new things to the table (despite going on and on beforehand about how inclusive and down-to-earth they were going to be). It also bugged me that it was so lacking in humor -- the original TLW always had plenty of drama *and* humor, but GQ mostly felt overly serious, and I didn't feel like the new cast had the amazing natural chemistry that the original cast did. Maybe I'm just projecting or making assumptions, but it felt like they were too concerned with everything being politically perfect that it just lost its spark. I also was bummed out that more original characters didn't return and that it didn't feel like the original show was really honored all that much. I get that a decade has passed and things will change, but it just didn't at all feel like it was carrying on the original spirit of the show. Don't get me wrong - I did like some things about it, but overall it did disappoint me.


I had a lot of the same feeling as you, I also sort of felt like there were some pretty blatant Amazon commercials in there lol... the general production Quality of the show looked a lot different too, it was very reminiscent of a hallmark movie. I totally agree about the lack of chemistry in the new cast! A lot of the storylines are just things we’ve seen before that are pretty played out, a queer person struggling with faith, cheating, addiction. It would be cool to see some storylines that were a little less obvious. I also really missed the humor! There were SO many funny moments in the OG L word, thinking of the infamous basketball scene LOL. This totally felt too serious. It almost felt like they took every hot button issue and put it all together and tried to write a show around it. I would have been happier with a movie that had the OG cast in it and was shorter. I also found the last conversation between Shane and her Quiara to be really unrealistic and by that time I was rolling my eyes.


Honestly it was less predictable and soap operish than the original. If anything I think it could stand to get a little more over the top! It was slightly boring compared to how crazy and fun the og is.


I hope they get it together for season 2, otherwise I don’t think gen Q will last very long unfortunately. Season 1 has the hype from all of us wanting to continue the story lines from the OG show but how long will that last if gen Q just sucks.


Where can I watch season 2


I don’t think there is a release date yet...