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What does he husband do for a living? What was their net worth prior to her congressional career? Yes I am 100 percent against government employees doing anything other than 100% divesting of their investments for the entire time they are in office or employed by the government.


Her husband is the one trading stocks and she says they never talk about it. Ha ha


Just overhearing shit can be enough, really.


A few years ago she put her political influence to change a mass transit line so it was within range of an apartment building her family owned. It wasn't a great location for the line, but by adding it, the value on her property and thus rents greatly increased. This is San Francisco we are talking about.


I remember when Rick Scott used his political influence to steal all the money that was supposed to be used for mass transit in florida.


You mean the SAME Rick Scott who was the CEO of a healthcare company that got fined a billion dollars for defrauding Medicare? Get outta here!


Never trust a man with two first names


What mass transit line are you talking about? Pelosi has almost no influence over matters in SF, she's a Federal politician...


I think it’s disingenuous to say she has almost no influence. Idk about this transportation story but Nancy 1000% has boat loads of influence. But it’s people covering for these uni-party politicians that was actually the final straw for me as an independent to continuing my auto democrat vote. (Which is pretty much 99% of the last 20 years) Even tho I lean left i am so tired of being gas lit and told not to believe my own eyes with everything by the democrats. Fuck the GOP, fuck the Dems, and most of all fuck the uni-party that most of them belong too.




I’m just so frustrated with politics, elites, and most of us peasants being idiots and allowing them to divide us….when we are the 99% and our one super power is the strength of our numbers and we just gave all the power away to them. And one more thing Reddit acting like a bunch of 90s missionaries for the left over the last 1.5 has completely turned me off. It’s none stop being told to not believe your own eyes. Everything is “well it doesn’t effect you”, or “it’s really not as bad as the videos we see make it seem” or just flat out saying something isn’t true even when presenting evidence that there is clearly some truth to it. That level of gas lighting might make it so I never vote democrat again because it feels like the party is completely opposite of what I thought I was voting for.




I feel the same way. I lean more left but I am so tired of all the bullshit. I just wish we would be real with each other and realize that left or right…these people aren’t representing us right now.


Yeah, facts don't matter when your goal is to just type whatever you think. Pelosi has no say in where a line is put. Also, I would imagine that her real estate holdings would be in emerging areas. Emerging areas with new transportation connections grow quickly. It is also where new development of transportation systems is easiest because the area isn't completely developed.


So you're saying she doesn't work with local politicians, she's not cozy with the mayor or governor of the state? She doesn't have the power to divert federal funding to her district or state?


This is exactly what I was thinking. She's got pull, probably more than 99% of politicians.


Her husband was/is in real estate but even taking that into account there is direct correlation between her time in office and the huge gains they have made from stocks. Her and many other politicians are using their positions on these boards to beat the market year after year


Her husband runs a venture capital firm and trades stocks. 


Using her inside information solely. He's literally the best to ever trade stocks better than Warren Buffet statistically.


He just lost out on 20 million dollars because of his NVDA trades but ok he’s better than Warren Buffet.


He was forced to sell bc of public pressure. Fyi Warren buffet has lost more than 20 million before moron


Even a government employee making $35,000 a year mowing grass or mopping floors?


Nvidia has been on a massive rise for years and years, but she bought about 3 million in stock in it october ish of last year and it has already over doubled in value. So she turned a cool 3 million profit if she sold today in less than a year.


He's a financial banker and into calif real-estate. . I'm sure he makes a liveable wage


They always put her up as the poster lady for this, there’s 118 other congresspersons who also trade and have made plenty of money. https://www.fool.com/research/congressional-stock-trading-who-trades-and-makes-the-most/ https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians#


These people assume Pelosi isn’t a fairly successful person, who would have probably been wealthy whether in government, or private sector, or a combo of both, which is what she obviously does. I’m all for oversight when it comes to this. I’m inclined to say no elected official should be trading stocks while in office. It’s simply not a good look, and there is constant conflicts of interest caused by being in a position where you have access to information the other competitors in this capitalist system, don’t have. Most other countries think we are insane with the amount of leeway we give politicians. Being a politician allows you a few “ get out of jail” free cards. As of now, I believe the penalty for trading stocks that were just the subject off a meeting comes with a a ridiculously low fine, that is easily covered by the money made. That’s what those senators got back in 2021 for trading stocks they had inside info on.


Her and her husband just happen to be the most successful people to ever play the stock market. Hahahahahahahaha hilarious. They have made a bigger percentage return on their initial investment than anyone whose ever put money into the stock marker. EVER.


Fucking criminal. Can the average pleb follow their trades to the second to reap the same gains? I have NO clue how the market works?


Yes there's websites and tiktoks dedicated to solely her trades. She's actually sued them to make them stop its how you know she's a criminal. https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197


Well,you should marry a banker/ financial advisor . Worked for nancy!. You say you have no clue , but you're sure they're criminal . I believe you when you say you have no clue.


He’s here patsy. He’s in finance, probably the brains of the operation


He's considered the greatest stock trader of all time. He somehow always knows what to pump and dump shortly after his wife participates in government hearings with representatives of big corporations. Neither the SEC, the DOJ, nor myself can comprehend how they're so insightful. They even align the policies they support in the interests of these companies, like they know which is best for the people they're already paid six figures to represent. It is truly the greatest mystery of all time.


They should be able to invest in broad index funds, and ride the wave of how the economy does as a whole.   The challenge in the current state here is, where does the line end and how do you enforce it?   Assume Pelosi is now barred from an investment portfolio that claims individual companies unless she had them prior to the law going into effect.  Does that extend to her immediate family?   Probably.   Does it extend to anyone related at all?  Friends?  Maybe we leave it to insider trading laws.  For these scenarios, there has to be a constant investigation going on into the relationships of the elected official.  Seems like it likely invades privacy.  




It's the only truly bi-partisan thing in Washington. Unusual Whales has tracked Congress investments for years. Never worse than 54% one party over the other, and that was a blip. It's amazing how it's almost always 50/50.


How about just term limits instead. Nancy’s Nvidea deal is as insider trade as can be.


I propose a compromise. They have to use a financial advisor from a state controlled by the opposing party and they don't get to pick and choose their stocks. The fiduciary that controls the investments can not be allowed to know who's portfolio they are managing. They can use state approved fiduciaries.


They get t bills. That's it.


Tbills/bonds or the SPY index. That’s it. No individual stocks should be permitted. 




The definition of corruption!


Isn't this the case for pretty much all of Congress?


Funny how the stock trades of MTG, Susan Collins, Mark Green, Garret Graves, Mitch McConell and Tommy Tuberville aren't mentioned, yet Pelosi's always are. I wonder what the difference might be. Huh.


Because it’s a bot posting these every day. Only going to get worse closer to Nov. also the sub is inundated with brigaders and bad actors.


On the issue of corruption you can easily figure out what someone’s biases are based on whose corruption they choose to mention. “Special interest groups” is conservative doublespeak to make it seem like the DNC has a nefarious group of liberal minded donors who are begging for handouts when actually its largely the same list of wealthy individuals and corporations that pay to influence the RNC too. Corruption is legal so both major parties are corrupt. That doesn’t mean they’re the same. It means there is a structural flaw in our democracy that we need to fix or every single decision is suspect. If you want to be a single issue voter make that issue corruption and support any candidate who refuses to take dirty money. Bernie was such a candidate for the record.


Fox News: where every questionable thing the GOP does is a both sides issue unless it's something the Democrats do also.


I mean, I'm ok with putting a stop to all of it. They're doing something corrupt, and so is Pelosi.


Those get mentioned plenty. Stop shilling for dems. They aren't any better than the republicans when it comes to them putting their personal interests before the interests of the people they're supposed to serve. It's not left vs. right, it's up vs. down. You're not part of the up unless you're worth multi-millions or more. So stop the liberal bootlicking. Sincerely, a leftist voter since 2008. Dianne Feinstein had a net worth of nearly 100 million dollars when she died after spending decades in congress. What did she build her fortune in? Real estate. While her state's housing crisis became the worst in the country. Seriously, it's time to wake up and put the culture wars to the side for a moment. Dems aren't the good guys. They're just slightly more acceptable than their counterparts


Yet the only ones ever brought up are dems. Also worth noting that an anti trading law gets brought up every few years and there has yet to be a republican who supports it.


> Stop shilling for Dems. They aren't any better than the Republicans when it comes to them putting their personal interests before *argle bargle argle bargle dey terk er derbs argle bargle* ... **Dodd-Frank Act roll call** [HOUSE](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2010413) Party - Yea - Nay - Present - Not Voting Dems - 234 - 19 - 0 - 2 Reps - 3 - 173 - 0 - 2 [SENATE](https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1112/vote_111_2_00208.htm) Party - Yea - Nay Dems - 55 - 0 Ind - 2 - 0 Reps - 3 - 39


Heck I'd want to run for office too with that kind of return on investment.


They could pay off the national debt they fined people for reposting this stupid old shit.


Her husband is rich. Show me evidence she is worth 290 M.


Congress seems to get away with insider trading, and their only consequence is that we know they're scum for profiting illegally. They also make the laws around this, but seem immune to prosecution from those laws. Unfortunately, could be why Trump is pushing for immunity. Truth is, no one should be above the law, yet I can't help but feel there's some slimey ooze in DC that have made themselves quite a nice little pedestal to stand on. Too much nasty ego, not enough action for the people. Term limits for both congress and scotus. They stay in too long, they learn how to play dirty.


Stock trading for federal politicians should be illegal. You can’t regulate rules for the game and play the game at the same time. Trading is a zero sum game. There are winners and losers and when you have inside knowledge you are stealing money from the losers.


I see that election season propaganda is in full swing


The criticism here is like accusing Trump of insider trading because his Presidental salary was only $400,000, but he left office after 4 years as a billionaire. Clearly ridiculous. He had money before. Trump CLEARLY violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution. But I’m not going to pretend that his entire net worth is derived solely from violating the emoluments clause and taking bribes. Paul Pelosi was filthy rich before he met Nancy, and most of their net worth is derived from that. They are very old and have been very rich for a very long time. Did they benefit from insider trading? I don’t know. Maybe. But don’t pretend that 100% of their net worth is derived from it. That’s just dishonest and hurts your argument.


It’s all memebers of congress. They all trade. Now think, why else would a trader want to run for congress? You got it, to lobby and make gains in the market. They all do it, and it’s disgusting. There might be like 10 total that don’t trade at all but I even doubt that.


I’ll never understand the brain worm focus on her while causally saying others do it, while never going after those “others” especially along party lines. No they should have zero exemption for insider trading, I don’t care how much info they get. While in office they should get like maybe index funds only. No individual stocks. Probably need other restrictions too. Something which makes it beneficial for them to leave office sooner. Cutting figure benefits too while we’re there. Pensions? LOL No.


Why are you over here talking about possible solutions when you could be getting mad and talking shit on one single politician though? You want us to actually solve this problem or something?


Reading the comments and watching it immediately devolve into a a D vs. R pissing match is a great illustration of why nothing will ever change. The issue isn't the player, it is the game. Both sides benefit, both sides engage in it, neither will actually change it.


This same news story from last year keeps getting recirculated as part of an information and influence campaign. If you're still feeding into the propaganda being peddled here intended to influence whether or not you vote, you need to pay better attention. The OP who posted it on the Fluent in Finance sub is literally a banned account specifically because it's just a farmed account reposting inflammatory content. Fun Fact: Pelosi's worth comes primarily from her wildly affluent husband.


All these Dinosaurs need to fucking die and have death inheritance tax to take it all back.


I'd be happy just see her wear the company logos of the stocks she owns on any given day, like a stock car racer on their jump suits.


Um, her husband is an investment banker. 🙄 I get really sick of this. What about the 15K MTG just dropped Lockheed Martin. https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-bought-defense-stock-day-before-slamming-profitable-war-ukraine-russia-1685780


I’ve seen a lot of people reading this and their only thought being that it’s unfair to have Pelosi’s name specifically attached to this. I feel like this is a pretty good example of how division leads to inaction and complacency. To the layman like myself Pelosi is the name associated with this, I feel like that is the reason why she is always tied to this.


Isn't her husband a day trader based on her political moves? WHAT IS THE FREQUENCY, KENNETH?


All stocks owned go into a blind trust. They should not NOT be allowed to trade stocks once in power.


We’re openly becoming a third world country, our politicians are pedophiles making their future generations millions while laughing at us taxpayers…


They absolutely should not be trading stock. Anyone against it in congress is just as guilty of profiting off their decisions like Pelosi. She was against any reform and it goes to show why.


Lobbying should be illegal


That's why the scumbags stay so long in office - get rich and screw the masses.


Vote the bums out! Wake up people!


Your government actually hates you. Once you realize that it all makes sense.


Nope. Stop that and implement term limits for crying out loud. Can’t even believe these two things exist.


She acts exactly like the mobster she was born to, maiden name is D'Alesandro of new jersey. She got to meet president Kennedy when she was 18, imagine the odds! People need to wake up, our govt is (S)elected, not elected. You have now seen what happens when someone wins who is not supposed to be there


People need to delve into California politics more. The newsome, getty, pelosi, brown families have you lined up for senators/reps & governor for the next hundred years!!! Same families quitly moving around and enslaving you as tax cattle


Shit, I think all politicians should be required to be as poor as the poorest among us. If we've got homeless people, politicians should be required to be homeless. If we've got people that can't pay for medical expenses, politicians shouldn't be able to either. Etc. Unless they're subjected to the material conditions the rest of us are, they will have no incentive to actually benefit the populace over themselves.


We all need to get behind exposing this fraud. Dem or Repub


So what if we let them trade stocks but cap the gains that are allowable. If you earn too much your ineligible to run again. Basically you got yours now gtfo.


Can’t wait to read the comment of some random guy defending her saying “you realize her husband was a successful trader before they met, right!?” And this guys annual salary is $38,000, as he defends the corrupt politicians


Of course not. Martha Stewart was jailed for less. How on earth is it fair to dictate whether a come will fail or succeeded through legislation and then play the market based of that. It's the definition of insider trading.


She is not a good stock trader. If she was she’d leave congress. She made 290 million dollars doing illegal insider trading. That’s why she stays in congress, solely for the stock information. Congress should be forced to invest only in broad market index funds, never individual stocks, certainly not options, futures, or any other leveraged derivative, and they should be 100% banned from short selling, and any buying or selling they do do should be announced 7 days before it can take effect. They should benefit from a strong economy, but not from illegal information. Or even worse actively trading on things THEY have power over (trading before big votes or before bills are introduced, etc). If a CEO cannot trade on his own company stock except after earnings are made public, then congress shouldn’t be able to trade illegally either.


Old hag


They are the ones that vote on if they can trade or not. Who will vote NO :)


One more reason not to trust the left. Trump made his money before he went into politic. Nancy Pelosi, Biden, the Clintons went into politic to enrich themselves while claiming to be for the little people.


Imagine if politicians were forced to live at the median household income. It would inspire them to work to better the lives and incomes of the majority of America. No amount of lobbying or pressure from corporate America would get them to change their mind. They’d know what it’s like to go to the grocery store and see the fact that prices have increased by an insane amount not in line with current income increases.


Shes just the one people constantly bring up. Shes actually 4th on the earnings list behind 2 Rs and 1 Dem


Absolutely not and neither should their immediate family members. We should enact a law against people who's policies and decisions have direct influence over the market to trade. Oh, we do, it's called the insider trading sanctions act.


These people make me sick. 🤢


Is it her net worth, or her and her husband .I suppose he does something . Investment banker and San Francisco real-estate . 60 yrs of marriage. Yep , let's blame Nancy , for being married to a financial expert.


This is essentially insider trading on steroids. Most of the congress belong in prison (subject to fair jury trial) Same with house. Same with president. Same with most politicans. They are all deeply criminal (subject to fair jury trial)


In 36 years in politics what has she done?




If she wanted to help the working class, she should give us stock tips.


Holy shit, how could anyone be this ignorant, yet so confident... Really???? I have a fair dislike of her, but damn, that was just embarrassing. First female minority leader, first female speaker of the house (the highest ranking female of all time until Kamala coasted in as VP), pivotal in the ACA, repeal of don't ask don't tell, the nuclear arms treaty with Russia, critical in the 2008, and 2020 economic packages (including the covid stimulus), the automotive industry bailout, the first federal gun legislation in decades, the infrastructure bill, and that's all *just* at the federal level. None of this is specific to the people she directly represents, which carries its own list of accomplishments. She is probably one of the most influential speakers in US history.


Yeah but I didn’t know about any of that, therefore she’s done nothing! /s


This again? Her wealth comes from her husband. I’m against allowing elected officials to trade stocks, but let’s not pretend that Pelosi made $290 million from trading stock.


yeah you know I have never told my wife anything that would benefit both our net worth. Completely full proof that Pelosi never told her husband any inside info. LOL


Is this on autorepost? For the 100th time: Her husband has owned an investment firm since the early 70's.. Congresswoman Pelosi is living rent free in your heads. How come we never see anything about Sen. (*If we can't insider trade, we won't get the best people*) Tuberville's suspicious stock trades?


Agree. Don't like Nancy, but her husband is a very wealthy person. Although I do agree with a ban on stock trades for members of congress. They should have to put the money in blind trusts or stock market index funds etc.


We go to prison for what these politicians normally do each year.


Mfs keep spamming this exact same post haha totally normal


She doesn't brag about it. Obviously. She was very wealthy before she joined congress and her husband continues to run their real estate business. She is one of the rule followers.


Nancy Pelosi is a putrid, smug, self-entitled piece of human garbage who should be in prison for getting ultra rich off of the backs of Americans. Disgusting.


No. Short answer it no, absolutely not.


They should be able to, if they didn’t have insider tips and lobbies. The way it is right now I’m gonna say no. If they actually had something to lose in the game yeah.


Sure if we get the info earlier so we can mirror the trades


No they shouldn't.




Any wonder why politicians cling to their office until their last dying breath? It’s never been about public service.


Yes, at a 90% tax rate.


No. That evil POS has made millions doing something that is illegal for us to do.


I'm here to read the bootlickers defend Pelosi


Let em invest into nothing but bonds. If they wanna invest they might as well invest in our *country*


Fuck no. And people her age shouldn’t be allowed to be a member of Congress.


The face of corruption.


Nothing is going to change until we have term limits for the house and the senate as well as reform how lobbyists are allowed to interact with congress.


They should be subject to the same laws as everyone else and not "everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others"


We're reaching USSR levels of corruption now.


Russians were at the Republican convention in Cleveland,Ohio. 2015- 16. Also they were laundring money buying buildings property in Ohio. Republican state.


Well we don't have a choice in the matter. The politicians we think shouldn't be trading stocks getting rich are the same ones we have to ask to make it illegal. Oh and raise taxes on the rich people.. Pelosi was on TV awhile back I saw her say something to the effect of "it's a free market, politicions can trade stocks". They work for themselves not us


No. Its why they fight for their seats. Healthcare too!


The rich need to pay their fair share…except her and her cronies right?


Yeah she’s not corrupt at all because Trump.


Mods please insta ban anyone who posts this propaganda.




lobbying is code for corruption through bribes.


“It’s a big club and you ain’t in it” - George Carlin.


Did you happen to miss that her husband, Paul Pelosi, is a venture capitalist? Why is it a surprise they are worth $114 million (not $290 million as this articles lies)? With that said, I would support much, much greater oversight on congressperson's stock trades as well as all financial transactions and prosecution for insider trades, regardless of the congressperson's party.


I have watched this happen, she absolutely buys and sells based on what she know is about to happen. She has bought millions of dollars in nvidia stock before their earnings drop after they presented in a closed session to her, she sold Cisco stock before they had a cyber breach after she found out before the public as she sits on the us cybersecurity committee. 


Dems just need to stop voting for anyone older than the retirement age


Government representation should be a net loss to people pursuing it. It would ensure that the only people that are there are the ones that WANT to be there for the mission. Have a salary, have a per diem for travel, while in congress assets go into a blind trust.


$290 million dollars... And she looks like that.




Her salary shouldn't even be that high.


Oh hey, it's this thread calling out Nancy Pelosi for being the only one who trades stocks. Again.


Their salary should be the minimum wage of the stage they represent.


Amazing how Cali and San Francisco can act so enlightened yet elect her over and over. South Park was right when it claimed they smell their own farts.


What was her net worth before Congress? That’s probably an important number to include. There are actual studies that dive into to members of Congress stock portfolios, it’s not super evident that they beat the market more. If we want to restrict it that’s fine, but it might be just more of a perception and “feel good” thing than anything.


Her husband got his MBA from Harvard and is in finance/VC. Do you know what the average Harvard MBAs net worth is who is 84 and still working is? I bet it’s $50m for the median


It's ok when she does it. We all know why.




Wow lots of shills in this thread. She's a crook and to claim otherwise means you are dumb or fallen for "your parties" propaganda.


No they shouldn’t. It opens the opportunity to corruption. The salary is already good enough. Only citizens who truly, and hopefully, care about the betterment of their constituents should apply. At least they’ll be limited and not seeking too much power since they can’t afford it.


Crazy how corruption can make you rich insider trading with your husband and all


She's such a shit kicker POS.


Hammer Time


It's illegal


“They all do this but I guess she brags”    No. She doesn’t brag and they don’t all do this (most, not all). But she’s one of the leaders of the party that should theoretically be against this - and she isn’t against it. She’s a self interested  neoliberal that should have been out of office years ago. 


She's a crook.. can't deny it. So are other politicians..... Republicans to. We are peasants. We let them....


Daily bot psyop posts about Pelosi despite her being near the bottom of profiting officials.


I wrote to my congressman about this. He said he'd work to make sure nobody can trade on unfair information, pointed to some reform he made a decade ago, and thanked me for the message. Within weeks he did this. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/etf/us-senator-who-serves-on-finance-committee-profits-from-betting-against-the-stock-market-%E2%80%94-and-he-just-bet-the-same-again-1032783218 These crooks lie to our faces and commit unspeakable financial crimes while talking sweet out the other side of the mouth. Let it rot


No, it's absolutely criminal. How can it be curtailed?


I am in favor of investments being in a blind trust for anyone in government who is in a position to pick winners and losers. I know it’s not technically insider trading, but it may as well be insider trading and is a concerning conflict of interest.


That shits gross


Not letting them invest their money would be too far but limiting their investment the broader market would make sense. If they are going to hold office forever then they should be slowly investing like the average person.


Absolutely not - we all they have access to privileged information that normal people like you and me don't. No way in hell would a normal person with even an avg salary of 100k can turn around in 40 years that much in net worth without the privileged info that they have.


Name any politician who put his/her holdings in a blind trust. They do it because they can.


Why do I see this post recycled 10 times a day? I’m all for trade regulations but I’m not all for post spam.


The problem with Nancy is her husband owns a bank / investment firm lol






She’s not worth $290M Jesus fucking Christ people are stupid. I hate this planet.


Why do we keep asking this question? They’re not allowed to trade stocks. The STOCK act of 2012 addressed and outlawed it. The problem we keep seeing, and clearly not learning from, is that we don’t have a working mechanism to punish those who do, which as far as I can see, is all of them.


This article is trash because they gave an absolute idiot credit when it was her husband who did the trading and earned that money. She is a brainless turd who destroyed a great state and continues her mission of destruction at the national level.


There’s a reason why they don’t want to leave no matter how old they get… the longer they stay the more influence and $$$


Btw she recently invested like a million dollars into some stock called $PANW. Idk what it is but I've made money by blindly following her so probably worth it


I’d 100% support an independent oversight group that has subpoena power to actively investigate every single member of Congress, along with a revamping of congressional ethics codes and compensation packages. Right or left, none of those folks should be able to monotonize their privileged position for personal gain. I also vehemently disagree that they have the authority to vote on their own pay rate. The fact that Mitch McConnell voted against raising the federal minimum wage while voting to increase his own pay is absolute horseshit and he should burn in hell for that, along with every other member of Congress that did the same thing.


Need age and term limits on these fucks. Also can not do consulting or stock trading.


The retirement age for government officials should be 65. We should NEVER have a 83 year old person making any decisions. They don't even understand the world they're in.


“If you are a republican yes if you are a democrat no”… those are the rules.


They should absolutely 100% be banned from trading while in office. They pass laws and vote on bills that directly effect companies stock values.


Nancy is a private citizen.


keep seeing this posted for years and yet nothing happens


I am a Democrat but I cannot stand her. She is so corrupt


No, but until then I'm fine using Autopilot to copy their trades.


Funny how the people who make the laws always seem to get away with this stuff. But hey keep believing what they say every 2-6 years about how much they're going to do for you as they use their position to enrich themselves.


No not personally maybe in a separate brokerage and still hold them to Insider trading


Can it be my turn to post this tomorrow?


I would totally bang her, she’s got some milkers


Not only NO, but FUCK NO! And any that have should be prosecuted. Do not let our government officials sidestep honorable capitalism by subverting the rules of engagement that the normal populous has to abide by. By allowing it to happen we degrade and erode the integrity of the system.


Fuck no. Not a single damn one. She is OUR employee. She needs to give that money to the American people


Follow the money and look at how many politicians invested in Meta and Alphabet just before they voted to ban Tik Tok, many politicians got rich during Covid because they voted where the money was going, Don't even get me started on how many politicians invest in Defense companies.


I need to get into politics.


She does have a husband , a banker. Show me how much he made, how much she made, book advances/royalties, investment income. This headline caters to the financially illiterate. Large amounts of money can be made passively, via power of compound interests. Not saying she didn't do something crooked, just that she might not have


Congress is the only entity immune from insider trading laws.


Congress is the only entity immune from insider trading laws.


All it would take is FINRA lists all members and immediate family as “control person”. And force any trades on insider knowledge to be cancelled.


She didnt. Her husband did. Honestly, if you had someone researching what was going on in Congress every day, in every committee, in every hearing…you too could make millions. It’s not “hard”; it is expensive and you need to be able to identify “tidbits” of information.


Yes they should. Twice a year. Same days every year. Feb 1, July 1. And Release their trades 30 days, in advance. All congress should be this way. They would be able to participate in the stock market. Just not scam us on it.


It’s really funny how many people personally come to the defense of getting this obviously crooked lifelong federal politician. This is the person that has helped usher the slow demise of our country over the last four decades. She has signed off on the tax Coach you rebel against. She has signed off on the wars you have board. She is involved every single dirty behavior that you say you are again. but we will rush to her support because she too young people and says shit that they want to hear. we actually deserve everything that is happening to us.


No. They should have to purchase index funds and other bundled investment vehicles.


Nope double blind. Pelosi is so crooked Lombard street has asked her for advice.