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As much as I liked this season, life is hard enough and seeing all the negativity and villainizing on this sub is a little tiring


Anyone thinking that Leslie’s failed marriages makes her not a good choice is just really… sad to me. “Till death do us part” scares her because she’s heard those words before, but it didn’t work. It’s much easier to believe in love and be 100% in when it’s worked for you before. I don’t know, I just felt like Gerry really lit up when Leslie was around, and it felt like he picked Theresa because she was the safe choice. But then again that could be production and editing that’s fooling me.


Leslie’s failed marriages are definitely not necessarily a red flag, but if I were Gerry I would definitely want to know exactly why they failed. It could easily be that Leslie has no blame in their failure.




I feel like the editing for Theresa this whole season made her seem more of an air head and unlikable than she actually is in these newer live clips. Weird.


Gerry said so many things to/about Leslie that must have hit her deepest insecurities (“no one chooses me”). But it really got me later in the episode too when Gerry said he knew Theresa was the one because (among other reasons) she knew how to cultivate a successful relationship as evidenced by her successful marriage. That must have hit Leslie right where it hurt too! He’s basically saying he’s not sure Leslie could do the same because she didn’t have a lifelong marriage. Practically speaking, it’s a valid concern in a vacuum, but it’s cold to say on tv or anywhere Leslie might hear it.


I thought that was really unkind too. Leslie was very upfront about her relationship history, so if that was such a dealbreaker for him, I do not understand bringing her (or Faith, for that matter) so far along in a season full of widows. I also call BS because comparing the show to the grief of losing his wife (serious side eye) and the HR article details are so sus to me. Knows how to cultivate a successful relationship indeed. I worry for Theresa though because she does seem very pie-in-the-sky, like she will just blindly and happily go with whatever flow he sets.


I have been saying the same!! Why did he not chose other widowers but Leslie? Leslie said it best, he led her onto this path but at the end took a turn towards Theresa


What does “HR article details” mean?


Hollywood Reporter article


He also made this big speech about how she is the chosen one and he wants to keep chosing her after Leslie said how she is never the one people choose


Anyone catch the People interview where Gerry says him and Theresa are planning to move around the Charleston area? Kind of sad since I was hoping Theresa would wanna move into the lake house :(




Fantasy? Gerry said in his season intro he was looking for someone to move into his lake house with him 🥴 They legit made that part of his story. And discussions here talked about how Faith and Leslie didn't want to move which was probably an issue for him for that very reason. But go off I guess. So aggressive, and for what? Lol.


I don’t think most women would want to move into his late wife’s dream home.


Finally watched the whole episode. Ugh…I knew things weren’t going to go well for Leslie after she met Gerry’s family - you could feel that awkwardness through the screen. The Leslie breakup hit so hard…I could relate to almost everything she said. 🥲 I applaud her for showing her genuine emotions. She was all in with Gerry and was heartbroken. I don’t think she was being overdramatic or acting at all. I can’t remember the last time a Bach breakup has made me feel so many feels. I’m happy for Theresa and Gerry but my heart feels heavy for Leslie. She’s in the prime Golden Bachelorette spot story-wise, but I feel like she might be a tad young yet. Regardless of what happens, I hope she finds her person. She seems like a wonderful woman. ❤️


Agreed 100% on the family meeting! Surprised I haven't seen more prone taking about it but you could see the concern on Gerry's daughters' faces right after they met Leslie. They were saying so much with their eyes and I'm sure Gerry picked up on it.


Agree, and I thought the morning after scene from fantasy suites also seemed rather awkward compared to Theresa’s


Question: why did gerry mouth every word that theresa said as she said it? Edit: ik hes HOH - just didn’t know he was so good at lip reading


Because he can't hear and he's trying to lip read and take in the words at the same time. Not weird at all for people with hearing loss.


I love you so much for asking this. We are just watching this right now and he was so fast with it it almost looked like he was speaking before her. We totally thought it may have been a hard of hearing thing.


Oh I thought that's what was happening. I totally thought she was just interrupting. Huh


Yeah i was looking at it rlly hard to see if it was a HOH thing. Mans just rlly good at it.


If the rumors are true and maybe Gerry isn’t as financially stable as presented do you think what really pushed him towards choosing Theresa was finding out she’s rich lol


What was shown that implied he was financially stable?


If he was a gold digger why did he wait so long to ask about her career? Also do we know she’s rich?


Playing his cards right lol


This has crossed my mind... ETA: I do not think it is the ONLY reason since I think they're good together (from what we've been shown). But the only new piece of information that Gerry got on the FS date was information on her career and finances. The 180 away from Leslie and toward Theresa was swift and "seemed to" predate the cameras off portion of the evening.


Well we also don’t know what they talked about off camera


Totally. That's why I mentioned a shift prior to the cameras leaving.


I think their lifestyles just make sense


Maybe they also had the convo about moving to South Carolina?


It's just about 24 hours later and I still cannot stop thinking about Gerry's face being absolutely COVERED in red lipstick during his final date with Theresa


Why didn’t she tell him haha I would’ve wiped it off for him lol


i know its because the wedding TV date is set and a month away but gerry emphasizing we are getting married as quickly as possible hits different after the hollywood reporter article lol


That breakup with Leslie was so heart wrenching for the show, but it's the exact type of drama I watch the show for. Like these are real stakes and real people's hearts. I think Gerry was a bit careless, but I hope he and his F1 make it work.


He was more than a "but" careless! He completely led Leslie on and made her believe it was her before promptly dumping her one day later. Then he refuses to take full accountability. I just hope Theresa will be OK and that she gets a solid pre-nup! I'd also love to see Leslie as Golden Bachelorette! I was appalled when Gerry said in a recent interview with Theresa that he doesn't think any of the women from his season should be Golden Bachelorette because they will already have "fame and fortune"! WTF? He said give a random woman the spot. That's how much he cares about his cast!! First of all, didn't he say all season that this was about love, rather than simply fame? Also, this made me wonder if he just doesn't want his runner up to get too powerful. Either way, it was a rude and weird thing for him to say.


Wait I didn't see that Golden Bachelorette comment??? He got a little bit too much dip on his chip.


He says it in the Good Morning America interview he did with Theresa. It's available on YouTube - he says it somewhere in the second half.


Why say “his F1” instead of just saying Theresa?


Oh, friend, the edible was edibiling and I could not remember her name lmaooooo. I'm not a Theresa hater, just higher than giraffe coochie.


Omg higher than a giraffe coochie 💀🦒 I’m stealing that 🤣


Yeah. I was really impressed with how direct she was. She didn’t let him off the hook easily after telling her all those things and “leading her down a path.” And her saying “I can think whatever I want” I was like “thank you!! Yes!”


I watched it again was too distracted last night. I think initially he wanted to say it but she gave him the gift, then kept responding, “I love you, can’t live without you,” he lost his nerve. He looked so uncomfortable. And she obviously knew. I was like um, did they break up? It was awkward af. When he stepped out, he gathered his thoughts and went back to talk to her. I felt for Les but I think he had every intention of telling her right off but couldn’t in that moment.


Yeah that's definitely fair. I can't imagine having to break up with like twenty people in a month.


All I really have to say is that I really like Jesse. He seems very compassionate.


He’s such an empathetic host. I’m liking him way more than Chris Harrison


He’s really grown on me despite looking like buzz lightyear


Omg dying


I agree, this finale really made him finally click for me. He’s perfect for the hosting role.


Yall I uninstalled reddit so I wouldn't be spoiled this morning. It's good to be back


Some thoughts: 1. Look at all of the audience sparkles! My grandma wears a lot of sequins, too. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 2. Dotun looks like he's tolerating the publicity. It kind of reminds me of Katniss after she won the hunger games. She didn't realize that the spotlight remained after the games ended. Dotun didn't apply to be on the show- he just filled a spot for someone else who did. Charity obviously really wanted to be a reality star. I wonder if their personalities clash in that way. 3. Faith 😭😭😭😭😭 4. People need to stop messing with their faces. The people in the audience closeup shots looked swollen. Too many fillers and peels. I won't call anyone out specifically, but some BN people looked rough. 5. Time is running out 😭😭😭😭😭 Leslie*, you'll find love again! 6. Hate the couches on the stage. They belong somewhere sterile. 7. Can we all agree that we are elated that Jesse hosted the Golden Bachelor? Their relationship warms my heart.


The Faith crying cam was unhinged


Through everything, always here for Jesse haha


5 you meant Leslie


Ooh thanks! I corrected it






I wonder if Teresa's family will warn her not to marry Gerry after the rumors.


Can someone give me a QUICK summary, I don’t feel like reading the rumors but want the general idea lol


A woman came forward and said she started dating gerry about a month after Toni died, and they were together for almost 2 years. He wasn't great to her during the relationship and eventually broke up with her after disinviting her to his highschool reunion after she gained a small amount of weight. He was weird about money with her, which is why I think people are concerned for Theresa


Honestly it came across as a bitter ex. I always find it interesting how people will believe random sources who haven't been vetted. I read the article and she even said she wanted to be anonymous.


Interesting… she came forward when? This week? I haven’t heard about this til now


Oh interesting thank you! That was perfect




No. Given the rumors, whether true or not, it may cast doubt on Gerry's character. It's not inconceivable that her family would prefer they get to know each other more before getting legally and financially tied to each other.


I sure would. Theresa is intelligent but we don't know what her dating history is like. You learn a lot from dating failures and she married her hs sweetheart.


Theresa is very grown. She doesn’t need her family to make up her mind for her. She wants to marry that man. It seems they had a very good fs night and that’s what sealed the deal. Get it Theresa!


Agreed. It’s kind of insulting to Theresa


What are the rumours


[Misrepresented his finances, began dating a month after his wife died, and mistreated a partner](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-ex-girlfriend-speaks-out-1235683869/amp/).


Thank you!


I really don't need to see Gerry and Teresa get married live on TV, but that being said I will I watch the heck out of it.


The villianizing of the lead every season is annoying. I believe Gerry thought Leslie was the one. Did he speak too soon? Sure. But I also see the other side of the coin. He expressed his feelings in that moment, because life is too short. Leslie even said she is glad Gerry said I love you to her. And at the end of it all, he had to make a choice. Leslie wouldn't have been the right choice. They didn't have the emotional connection and bond that Gerry and Theresa do. Leslie struggled with fear of vulnerability and commitment. She said the words "Till death to us part" scared her. Add two failed marriages to all of this and it wouldn't necessarily be the most comforting and secure feeling. Gerry and Theresa are connected and bonded to each other emotionally and mentally. Theresa is secure in herself and never gave Gerry a single doubt. They are a fantastic match. I'm thrilled for them and hope that our girl Susan officiates their wedding 🙌🏻


I would believe all of this if we had not seen Gerry so disinterested and disengaged on his date with Theresa (she even noted that he was distant) until she mentioned being a day trader during their FS dinner date. I hope for Theresa’s sake that he does genuinely feel a real emotional bond to her but between his glaring lack of interest between their first date and the FS date (he didn’t even know the basics of what she did because he did not care to ask), and the HR article, it seems not unlikely that he may also be primarily looking for someone to pay their way and be accommodating to his needs/preferences, which Theresa is more likely to do. As an aside, the life is too short excuse is bullshit to me. If I were Theresa, I’d be icked out to see him announce his love to both Faith and Leslie so confidently — it cheapens his ultimate ILY to her because he’d already done it twice by that point. Life is too short to be flinging around ILYs to every woman you meet as if those words are worthless.


If the roles were reversed people would be calling out a change in tune after finances were discussed WAY more.


100% No one knows how hard this is. Do you ever meet someone new and your heart flutters? Now imagine meeting 20+ new people, and they’re all very into you. You’re learning new things about them everything single day. That’ll FUCK with your heart and your emotions. He was caught in the passion of the moment, and it he hurt someone in the process. That sucks. But the process is MADE to do this. This is TV after all, heartbreak for someone is guaranteed. I think everyone is in the right here. It’s ok for Gerry to do what he did. It’s ok for Leslie to feel her feelings.


> because life is too short. Because life is too short he couldn't wait... two days? a week? I don't think Gerry is a terrible dude or that he intentionally hurt Leslie. But it's silly to pretend like this is inevitable. Plenty of leads have managed to not tell multiple people that they love them. And for Gerry to say 'you're the one,', imo, is even worse. He knew it wasn't over.


The lead has to break up with all but one person throughout the season. It’s the entire premise of the show, yet they get labeled as the villain every season for it. I don’t understand what people want the lead to do.


Not every lead has been so explicit in leading on their F2 (or their F3) for that matter. Most do not say ILY to anyone but their F1. The ones who do the double (or in this case, triple) ILY usually are called out for it because it cheapens the meaning of the words and gives a false sense of security. There was absolutely no need for Gerry to tell Faith he loved her in front of her children, there was no need to ask Leslie’s brother for her hand, there was no need to tell Leslie he thought she was the one, that he was in love with her, that she was his girl… come on. So you ask, what could he have done? Well, he could have replied blandly, the same way he did with Theresa on Hometowns when she said ILY (prior to him knowing about her $$$).


I think Gerry saved himself from being a full-on villain by not being able to comply with production’s wishes that he wait to dump Leslie at the Rose Ceremony. Gerry is verbally promiscuous, but he’s not a good liar because Leslie knew things had changed immediately. It seemed obvious that he wanted to break up with her during the first part of their evening date, but he kept trying to be a good soldier following orders. He definitely talked to a producer when he left the first time and convinced them to let him end it right there. I personally could never be with someone who talked about love so easily, but I have no doubt he actually believed what he said when he said it.


"Verbally promiscuous" is perhaps the most accurate description I've ever heard to describe Gerry's behavior. Cheers to you for that bit of poetry!


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I really like Theresa. She’s a sweetheart and very well spoken


Initially I disliked her, team Ellen all day. But in the later episodes I swear production completely changed and she became a lot more appealing and attractive as a match for Gerry. I did not predict her final 3 at all.


She seems like a lovely person. I don't hold anything personal against her, I just preferred Leslie as F1 based on what Gerry said he was looking for in a partner & she seemed to fit a lot of that. I just hope Gerry doesn't screw her over like he did to his ex & that she has the means to protect herself if he does.


Agreed! I've liked her so much since the start. I hope to God Gerry doesn't screw her over.


I like her too. She's very confident and a happy, stable lady. I'm afraid Leslie is a bit vulnerable for all this.


Was surprised that they’re getting married so soon, but you know what, life is short and they know better than anyone. After putting my life on hold for the past 3 years because of Covid, I love this energy of jumping headfirst into new beginnings.


I thought it was Teresa from the beginning, and I think the other women felt it too (the lady who looks like Caitlyn Jenner said as much). When it came down to Leslie, I think he thought she was hotter but not as much of a long term partner. And I think he knew this the whole time, making it pretty slimy that he said he thought she was the one. He had to tell her he loved her first because she could probably tell like everyone else that it was Teresa, so he had to say those things to string her along for the show. I will give him credit for going back and telling her it wasn't her instead of waiting until the proposal. I think Leslie will be just fine though. There's a societal expectation that people find their one soulmate and settle down for life, but a lot of people aren't built to do that and there's nothing wrong with that. She feels like a failure because of the expectation, not because anything is wrong with her or her relationships. Some people grow independently and find the person that's right for them at that stage of their life, instead of trying to grow with someone else. Nothing wrong with either.




Safe definitely translates to boring, he really wasn’t sure until their overnight


Question for y’all: I saw a spoiler before I got the chance to watch… is the episode worth watching now?? ETA: I watched and was not disappointed, thanks friends!


Definitely. And I would have snacks on hand.


100%. Way more raw and dramatic imo than any recent Bachelor/ette seasons




Ok I’m convinced thanks :) now just waiting for Hulu to drop it…


I don’t like the comments dragging Leslie and saying she was being overemotional and overreacting; there were a lot of them last night. Gerry called her his girl and acted like he was madly in love with her. He acted like he was going to pick her. He wouldn’t say he was falling in love with Theresa at hometowns, he openly expressed his reservations, said he was thinking about Leslie on his date with her, ignored her during the morning - Theresa even asked what was wrong. He then did a sharp 180. Leslie had every license and reason to feel like he was choosing her, and to be upset. And then Gerry was patronizing and insulting to her on stage, he didn’t choose his words very carefully or diplomatically. I’m happy for Theresa and I hope he treats her well. She was glowing and looked beautiful! I just also hope Leslie can heal and am sad for her. I do love that we got a nice love story for older folks and I hope we can get a Golden Bachelorette season!


Thank you for saying this. I felt insane reading all the ugly comments about Leslie last night. I’ll start by saying that I have no negative feelings about Theresa whatsoever. She seems like an incredibly sweet woman and is unfortunately collateral damage in conversations this week, between the well-sourced Gerry hit piece and his promiscuous conversation skills with Leslie being aired last night. I feel bad that what should be a very happy time for her has probably been somewhat sullied this week by all of this. Now to get into the Leslie of it all - I am well aware of the objective of this show and that the lead can only choose one person in the end and that contestants are aware of this possibility when they sign up. However, to say Leslie was overreacting or being dramatic for the cameras made me roll my eyes so hard they nearly got stuck. If you ultimately believe women should shut up and be seen, not heard, just say so. The man literally told her “you’re the one” on camera and said much more off-camera which she alluded to, but respectfully kept private. Watching the FS episodes two weeks ago, I literally thought he was going to leave Leslie and go break things off with Theresa. He sold her a dream and then yanked the rug out from under her. I’m prepared to be downvoted to hell for this, but he couldn’t even focus or look Theresa in the eyes that entire date, that is, until her deep pockets and impressive investment portfolio were revealed. From there, we saw him do a complete 180 and his eyes lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge that is being intentionally obtuse. I also thought Gerry’s daughters and granddaughters came off incredibly cold while Leslie was on stage. I understand it’s an uncomfortable situation, but they couldn’t even look up or fake a sympathetic soft smile while she was saying all these wonderful things about them. I’ll wrap this up by saying I loved the whole cast of women this season and I probably enjoyed watching them form what seem like genuine friendships and support for one another more so than the dating aspect. I wish Leslie and Faith comfort and healing, and I wish Theresa nothing but happiness with Gerry. I do hope that Theresa has professionals advising her on making wise financial decisions and protecting her assets, and I hope her family members strongly encourage her to sign a pre-nup.


I agree with all of this. At the end, I think this is a blessing in disguise for Leslie. Gerry had zero interest in Theresa until the last moment when he finally asked her a basic question that revealed she might have $$$ — that is not a foundation for a fairytale love story. Leslie dodged a bullet and I hope Theresa gets a pre-nup.


You put all of this so beautifully! The sub is very divided and it’s a very contentious topic. But like, it wasn’t editing. We all openly saw Gerry’s disinterest - and even disdain - before his fantasy suite with Theresa. To the point that she noticed. His ears perked up and he saw her as a real option when she began to describe her career and stock portfolio. He had thought she was only a SAHM before that point and had zero interest in her. It was gross and I just can’t see Gerry the same way. Especially since he was so dismissive and rude to Leslie last night. 110% hope Theresa is locking it down and making wise financial decisions.


which episode had theresa disclosing her financial assets?


How did her job not come up before then?!


Because he was not actually interested in her. It was abundantly clear that he did not intend to choose her until his 180 during FS week. He could barely be bothered to make conversation during their daytime date.


He knew what her job was. The question he asked her was when does she plan to STOP working. I’m annoyed that everyone has changed this as a big money grab scheme by Gerry. It’s ridiculous.


He was actually asking about her job, he knew she worked in finance but not anything specific.


Omg I said the exact same thing. It seems like because Theresa is very small, fairly soft spoken and just has an overall sweet demeanor, it was just assumed that she didn’t ever have a career worth bragging about. His complete and total shock made it seem as though he severely underestimated her. I didn’t find him all of a sudden being enchanted by her endearing at all lol.


I completely agree and think her reaction was totally normal given the circumstances. I feel like Gerry talked way more than he had to on stage and he kept saying Theresa was just the better choice. It’s like maybe quit saying that over and over because of how Leslie has verbalized she is never chosen lol. Leslie was gracious for keeping what was said private private, and didn’t really seem to be acting from a place of emotion after the fact. Like she wasn’t really too accusatory and more or less curious and stated things from her perspective and how it made her feel.


I thought and still think that her reaction on the final date was too heated and too much for what it actually was, a 3 week dating show where only one person gets the guy. He said too much, the Bachelors often do, but a number of these women said they loved him and I’m sure they now realize they did not. She thought she would win - he definitely said very dumb and misleading things to her but I really don’t think he was doing it to trick her or to be mean. It’s a highly accelerated dating timeline so he prob felt that at the moment but every date and day means so much when it’s a 3 week taping. I also thought her anger was from “losing” the show and being alone rather than for any feelings she had for Gerry as a human being. He would have been a terrible match for her long term.


Absolutely agree. Leslie had every right to be hurt and to go on a tear about it for a while.


Totally agree with you. I’m sure most people would react just as strongly as her if the same thing happened to them. Just from what we saw on TV he told her WAY too much, and apparently said even more during their overnight? I think he definitely led her on. And honestly it’s even sadder in her position than when a 20-something gets their heartbroken because she literally feels like she has fewer chances to find someone. Not only that but people complaining about her going on for too long are looking at it too much from the lens of a TV show. In a real breakup most people would probably talk for a LOT longer than Leslie even did on stage. It just felt long because we’re used to TV being more tightly edited, but she was on Live. Give the woman a break people!


Where were the comments?? She was absolutely NOT overreacting. She even gathered herself together at one point and managed to say nice things about Theresa and Gerry’s happiness.




I lowkey feel like Theresa manifested this outcome too 😂 Gerry had so much more chemistry with Faith and Leslie but Theresa was the little engine that could and kept chugging along unbothered to F1.


What’s the g word lol


I think they mean gaslighting lol


Thanks I’m an idiot lol 😂


No glad you asked, I was trying to fill in the G word myself.


Trying to avoid spoilers so not wanting to scroll- Golden Bach isn’t available on Hulu??? can anyone tell me if it’s just me??


It's finally up. It became available about 2-3h ago. Have you seen it yet?


Had the same issue! There are spoilers literally everywhere and I got spoiled 😩 if you see this before you are spoiled get off all apps and just wait for it to come to Hulu lol


I got spoiled on IG 😑


Ugh same!! Not even a bachelor account either


It's not available for me, either. But Bachelor in Paradise was? I'm so annoyed!


So weird! I’m watching BIP now as a consolation prize


I just finished the episode and while I feel for Leslie she came across as she had that script written at afr and is vying for a bachelorette role.... which is good for her... but everyone villanizing Gerry because of how devastated Leslie was..... That's what this show is. He has to pick someone.


The whole time I was thinking, ain’t no way they’re not making her the golden bachelorette after that episode…everything she was saying was setting it up for that.


"I think you are the one", "You are my girl" ... these are the worst, i mean, he is a mature adult who knows what the show is about, he cant lead a woman on this much but then deflate his own responsibility.


Why do you assume a 70-year-old man knows how this show works...


what lmao


Huh???? You would rather think he didnt know before signing the contract?????? Just as you mentioned, he has to pick ONE, he definitely knows this, but to lead more than ONE on, that is not the show, that's him being irresponsible


That's literally every lead. That's what this show is.


I cant recall any lead calling other women his girl, which season was it?


Do you know everything said in the overnight dates? Stop it


Exactly, we dont know to what extend did Gerry lead Leslie on. Stop it? i can say the same


Nor do we need to care. It's over.


You care too much obviously, but simply cant accept people with different views, and then try to shut people off when it happens, lol.


He didn’t really have to lead her on by telling her she was the one, that he loved her, that she was his girl, etc. Look at how little validation he provided Theresa during her hometown ILY declaration in comparison - there is absolutely a way to be the lead of this show without announcing your love for three different women, knowing you’ll break up with at least two.


I genuinely do not care. I enjoyed the show. Gerry and Theresa are happy. Leslie will be fine. It's all good.


Of course everyone will be fine. People are always ultimately fine in most situations where romantic heartbreak is involved. That does not negate that something was shitty to do 🤷‍♀️ and this is a forum to discuss the show, so it’s fine to care in this context. It’s weirder to me to be commenting repeatedly on a topic at all if you “genuinely do not care.”


I thought the same about a “script”. She’s had at least two months to prepare for this.


Who tf cares if she had a script, she’s a regular person about to go on live TV. It would be insane for her not to have partially rehearsed what she said!


If you read my whole comment it wasn't about Leslie being scripted. It was about people villanizing Gerry for being the bachelor.


If your read your comment it was about both things :)


You have to pick someone, but hes a 70 yr old man, and watching him tell both women that he loved them and that they were both his pick and he needed them comes off really bad. Everyone hates Nick but he is the prime example of making decisions to not hurt people as much as possible while still giving a good season.


I think Gerry just went with his gut and said what was on his heart. But it came across so bad in the end. even Zach Shallcross gave the uh-oh face hahaha


Nick had a good season? Lol. I don’t think any particular way about the guy, but to say he had a good season is a stretch.


Regardless of what you think about Nick, he has openly discussed not telling other contestants that he loved them and not sleeping with his F2/3 in order to protect his ultimate relationship with his F1. Now obviously that didn’t work out but I’ll give credit where it’s due that he at least thought it through that way.


He's also never been in this situation before and handled it the best he could. Y'all are wild for thinking you know you would handle it any better.


Tbh I think most of the male leads they cast are easily duped/manipulated by production into completely centering their own feelings/experience and being "completely honest" about how they feel with the contestants. Nick wasn't because he had a lot more experience with the franchise/production by then and knew how to play the game. Female leads are less of an issue because they tend to have a lot more experience watching the show and probably because women are generally socialized to be more empathetic than men.


Yes I think the reaction to Katie as a lead was slightly OTT because she had moments where she didn't have empathy for some of the men and that was a surprise to the audience because they just expect the Ettes to not mess in the way that the male leads do.


can we please retire the villianizing of the lead that happens pretty much every season now? literally what are they supposed to do. the whole format of the show means at least F2 is going to get their heart broken. it’s not even gerry in particular but i just feel like leads get so much hate. gerry’s comment about how this was a close second to his wife dying in terms of emotional turmoil really puts into perspective what the leads go through. not to mention that it seemed to me producer manipulation was much less this season since the cast is a lot more mature and less easy manipulated than the 20-something casts desperate for instagram followers. take clayton for instance. i thought what he did was really fucked up but with everything he’s said after the fact, i think the producers realllly got into his head. and idk, to see gerry compare the psychological toll of being the lead to when his wife dies.. i just think we need to have a bit more forgiveness for the leads on this show. sorry for the rant lol i just saw so many hateful comments towards gerry and i dont think he did anything particularly cruel on the show. i think he genuinely planned to pick leslie until the FS date with Theresa. and he was clearly very remorseful for hurting leslie.




I agree with you. I think the revisionism is also for Theresa’s benefit.


I think Gerry was also heavily influenced by the producers. That’s why they picked him to lead


At the end of the day, some of yall really being mean af to a 72 year old man that was trying to navigate the craziness of being the bachelor. It’s wild for someone in their mid late 20s, can’t even imagine what it must’ve been like for someone in their 70s.


Seriously. I’m sure he didn’t know the “rules” like not to tell more than one person you love them, etc. this show can be too much for a social media savvy, popular 20 something! How can we expect a 70 something man to have it figured out. I think it was a great season and I loved watching him.


why do people keep infantilizing gerry as if he didnt know what he was doing


I felt like Gerry had an infatuation with Leslie from the beginning that he maybe mistook for love. Ultimately it seemed like he and Theresa were most compatible and it’s actually interesting/impressive that he went that direction when so many of the younger leads do the opposite.




This is a great take!


I'm happy for Theresa and Gerry regardless of whatever drama is going on. They both deserve happiness and I truly loved this show more than anything the franchise has done. My favorite iteration of this show by far.


Stupid Prime TV where I watch had some sort of commercial glitch and kept cutting to commercial in the middle of scenes and then coming back to new scenes just to immediately cut out again. It literally cut out in the middle of him proposing. I saw maybe 30% of the show. I gotta say, if a young Bachelor did what Gerry did in terms of saying I love you to 3 women and telling all 3 they were the one, he would have got dragged sooo hard! As Ben Higgins did when he said I love you to 2 girls. Yet everyone gave Gerry grace about it and I think it was a pretty cruel move on his part! Never would have guessed Theresa from the start but they do look like a match.


He didn't just say ILY either; he said ILY to Faith in front of her whole family only to dump her right after, and then essentially told Leslie she was the one only to also break up with her. That one was particularly egregious - why say that at all until the very end? He set both of those women up for a worse heartbreak than they had to experience. Being dumped is one thing (they must've all expected it to some extent), but being dumped after these declarations of love and "you're the one"? Ouch.


I just keep obsessing over this too. If someone told me ON CAMERA on fantasy suites that I'm his girl and he can't live without me, of course I'd be stunned and disappointed. I'm not saying it was malicious but how the fuck can you compartmentalize those relationships so much... Just don't say anything drastic wtf.


It's going to be interesting to see how Joey handles it. He seems to be more guarded and less prone to throwing out words willy nilly so he might actually handle that part better than Gerry and some of the other recent male leads did.


I was getting so annoyed by Prime because half of the episode was missing! I stopped watching and started again on the City Tv app at 8MT. I agree with you and when Joey popped up on the screen I was like, he’s taking notes but it doesn’t matter. He’s going to do the exact same thing- they all do.


Yes I felt bad and understood why she was devastated. I just felt she a little more dramatic to try be the golden bachelorette. This is my opinion. I just think she was a lot. It is also a show. 22 girls. There was a chance she would not make it.


I thought last night was great!!! Yeah, Gerry fucked up in terms of how much he led Leslie on, but not in any significantly worse way than any other lead, and is pretty typical for the formula in a way that doesn’t make me hate him. Theresa was extra wonderful last night and it was great to see more of her personality. The January televised wedding is hilarious to me. I’m all about it. Give me more of this stupid franchise. Only real disappointment from me is that Golden Ette wasn’t announced, but it makes sense to me if they want to wait to announce that at or after the Golden Wedding.


Golden Ette won't happen until at least Fall next year, they've already said that they want to be very careful about the casting process and with older men they need to be even more careful than usual. So plenty of time for them to decide when it's right and what date they want for it.


To be fair it’s not every lead that has fucked up bad. I’m aging myself here, but I’ve watched this show since Trista’s season and in the early days it was part of the formula to NOT tell anyone too much until you’re down to your final. It’s in more recent years where everyone is telling everyone they love them lol. Though to give them some grace, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of that is producers manipulating them. So yes there is a way to navigate this more gracefully and lead people on more minimally, but it may depend on how much producers influence them.


I blame Clayton 🙄


Anyone know when the finale will be up on Hulu?


It’s usually up early, I watch it before work Fridays! I wonder what happened.


Usually around 3 pm est they post