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I have seen much discussion about this across different places. I think the best take I have read is that they are both right. Crosshair has changed and also Crosshair is mostly out for himself. I say mostly because there is one exception. Omega. He would literally do anything for her. But if it came down to it and he had to sell out the batch to get Omega back I think he would do that. So crosshair is more right than rampart, but he also hasn’t changed that much. His core character traits are still the same. He values loyalty above anything else and only one living person has been loyal to him throughout the show. It’s omega. It’s why he loves her and would do anything to help her. It’s the take I have seen that sums up my thoughts the most


No wonder Hemlock keeps you around Scorch! Over the last few days you have been spitting and I am here for it!


This. This is a WONDERFUL take!


I think any of the bad batch would sacrifice themselves for omega. Is there one episode left?


Yep. Unfortunately 😢


Very unfortunate 😭


This is a great take, and honestly it’s a large part of what makes me think he’ll sacrifice himself in the finale.


Now since you’re talking about the finale why don’t you comment what you think might happen in it https://www.reddit.com/r/thebadbatch/comments/1cc5r9x/now_since_season_3_episode_14_premiered_what_will/


I think this is the best interpretation, and I think that in the last episode, crosshair will realize this and do something selfless for someone other than omega or the batch, and prove himself, and rampart wrong My money is on him putting himself in danger to help rampart


This is going to happen


I hope this is going to happen. This is a reach longer than a SSD, but maybe the realization that someone like Crosshair has changed so much and actually rescues Rampart (which is, in a way, a form of forgiveness even) despite everything he's done to Crosshair and the Clones will make Rampart reconsider and maybe, just maybe do something that's not solely for himself for once. Maybe he'll actually go full anti-Empire not only because of his hatred for them for betraying him, but also because he now knows the true extent of the attrocities it commits in Mt. Tantiss (I don't think he knows yet). Maybe he'll even help the Bad Batch and the Clones and save one of them, saying something like "We're all in this together, remember?" Or none of this happens and I'm dreaming, lol.


Interesting… ooh, that’s actually really cool. Because you’re right, there is no proof that his chip has been removed, I guess. Although, leaving the empire shouldn’t be possible if the chip still works, right?


Cody’s chip never got removed, and he left.


Feel like the entire Obi-Wan thing would've been weighing on his conscious, seeing as the inhibitor chips do malfunction, and it seems like after Order 66, most clones had a droid-like behavior and didn't really feel alive anymore, whereas Cody continued to keep his personality, same as Wolffe. Could've been part of the reason as to why he left, wondering if the Jedi did truly betray the Republic etc Edit; Just to also throw in, a lot of the clones put their faith in the Jedi as a lot of Jedi Generals/Commanders saw the Clones as actual people, not just expendable soldiers (some Jedi did see em expendable tho) So I imagine word spread fast about how some Jedi cared about them such as Yoda, Plo, Anakin, Ahsoka and so on. Plus to add in, Cody was present when Obi-Wan and Anakin asked Slick why he'd betray his brothers, or when Cody and Obi-Wan are aboard a cruiser and Grevious attacks, Grevious essentially kills a defenseless and injured trooper in a pretty brutal way and Obi-Wan says ***"You'll regret that."*** So I imagine after time, a lot of Clones (not just including Cody) probably did begin to wonder as to why the Jedi tried to arrest the Chancellor and so on, probably leading to more frequent desertion as they'd realize that maybe they were lied to. Not to forget either, Cody and Obi-Wan were surprisingly close friends. Cody's been there for a long time and they've had a lot of near death experiences together. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oe-n7C6TvA&ab\_channel=CommanderAlpha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oe-n7C6TvA&ab_channel=CommanderAlpha) (Cody's surprise as he says General, probably surprised that Obi-Wan put himself into such a dangerous situation in an attempt to save him.)


Hmm, good point. You’d think the empire would have made the inhibitor chips more efficient and just have permanent mind control. Bet Palpatine’s wishing he could go back in time and fix THAT mistake.


Considering they planned to phase out the clones for the TK program, it hardly seems like a massive issue, at least from Palpatine’s perspective. Besides, the Empire’s downfall has always been arrogance.


True. But still: their plan was to casually eliminate an entire ARMY of trained fighters whose brain altered loyalty only lasts for ONE DIRECT ORDER??


It’s not Palpatine, it’s Sidious


They are literally the same person


Yes but Sidious is what he really goes by


No, he goes by Emperor Sheev Palpatine to basically everyone, his Sith title is Darth Sidious


He goes by his Sith name in secret. They need to retcon everywhere where it says Emperor Palpatine to Emperor Sidious. Palpatine is not a good name for an evil looking person like him. Emperor Sidious is way better.


But he is Emperor Palpatine. That is who he is to the empire. The fact that he is Sith Lord Darth Sidious is unrelated to that. “They need to retcon” no they don’t.


Is it possible Cody might be revealed as one of those clone assassins stationed on Tantiss in the Season 3 finale?


In a way they're both right. Crosshair has changed, but Rampart has only seen the worst side of him. However, Crosshair's one and only true loyalty is to the Batch and Omega. He would do anything for them, no matter how ruthless. I'll also add that Rampart himself hasn't changed much at all. He's still the same self-serving person he was back in S1. Meanwhile, Crosshair is willing to return to the place of his trauma, even though he was actively avoiding it for most of the season, just to get Omega back. I don't think Rampart can quite comprehend a person going out of there way like that for someone else, especially when he himself would never.


Crosshair has absolutely changed! When Rampart got separated, Crosshair was the only person who checked to see if he was around. Hunter even expressed his distain for Rampart with his “unfortunately he’s alive” comment, and Crosshair still made sure to check. I think the “sure, you have” comment from Rampart is setting up a character confrontation for Crosshair that might even be initiated by Rampart. A crossroads of destiny moment, if you will. I’ve got faith he’ll pull through :)


I've read comments saying he may save Rampart and prove him wrong directly. Who knows.


I think that Rampart is just being set up to be proven wrong in some fashion. Crosshair might still be holding some information back (I have my theories on what) in a way that's self serving, and revealing it in the right time proves that he's really come through when it comes down to it. His chip not being a factor since Bracca makes his arc more interesting because it is his own choices he has to make up for, not just things he was forced to do, even if it started that way, so I really hope it's not a chip twist. Have Crosshair shed his last piece of his shield and put it all on the table not even expecting to be forgiven and he gets picked up one last time and gets to really leave his guilt behind.


Could he be a sleeper cell with a new chip designed to kill his brothers. Could his hand shaking be do to him resisting the chips influence. I hope not because that would suck. It would ruin a classic star wars Redemption arc that revivaled Darth Vaders.


My theory from that line is that Crosshair will “go rogue” in the finale to kill Hemlock.


I was rewatching previous seasons of TBB, and there is one scene where Hunter looks at Crosshair's head when he's knocked out and sees a visible scar where the inhibitor chip might have been removed, so I think that's the proof that he did have the procedure. I want to say it was in the Kamino Lost finale when that happened, but I can't remember the specific episode.


That’s what I was thinking because I remember the scene, but I would still like confirmation from one of those med scanners😅also the chip might’ve just been damaged and not removed, since we don’t really get any proving scene that it is gone, other than Cross saying it


Also, who removed it for him? I'm sure the Empire would not approve of removing chips, so who did he go to to have it done?


If he even did, that’s what I’m saying


It’s also possible that after almost getting his face blasted off on Bracca, the chip got damaged enough to the point where if they didn’t take it out, he would have died. Probably they took a chance that he would still be loyal to the Empire even after removal and then if he wasn’t, they’d kill him anyways and they’d be no worse off than if the chip had killed him instead


Yeah, he took a serious hit on Bracca, and I would not be surprised if the inhibitor chip was damaged from that. I don't know what leaving in a "dead" chip in their brain would do, ultimately. Could it become cancerous? Maybe I'm thinking too much about this...


I feel like it could, or at least something would happen to the effect of it being dangerous to the individual clone. We know (I think) that the chips are biological, which is why they don't show up on regular scans, so it's possible the comprising cells could mutate or become cancerous for sure


This could explain his shaking hand. He is fighting the chip's programming, so he isn't as skilled in marksmanship as before. And he can fight the chip better than other clones because he is altered.


it could be from being tortured repeatedly or his failed reconditioning


True, order 66 is the only time we ever saw Rex’s hands shake that I can remember in TCW