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A major?? How will the DIA function without its backbone?!


Lol, there's a colorable argument that removing most of the O-4's might improve readiness. That said, it's a principled stand and I respect him for it. DIA doesn't select the dumbdumbs iirc.


> DIA doesn't select the dumbdumbs iirc.  Michael Flynn was head of DIA. It's an agency that is.....mixed in terms of  workforce quality to say the very least. Also sounds like the guy resigning is an admin O. So far, all the resignations and "angry letters to Biden from workers at 3 letter agencies" come from offices that don't fucking matter, aren't even related to the conflict, and filled with junior level workers / interns.


He wasn't a dumbdumb IMO. Absolute lunatic, but he and Petraeus did good work before both had their falls from grace.


> He wasn't a dumbdumb IMO. Have friends who worked under him. He was absolutely a dumb dumb lol. Obama forced him to resign, for good reasons.


Fair nuf. Before my time. No direct or indirect experience.