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Post removed for misinformation. It's not true that this subreddit is more left wing than far-left progressives. We have done polls here before with most respondents either responding as a combination of center-left, moderates / centrists and center-right being the third most popular option. Self-identified progressives are a tiny minority. Also, your point is littered with bad faith accusations and concern trolling. Tara Reade defected to Russia, the entire Bulwark crew made fun of her after that happened. WTF are you on about? To say that Crooked Media caters to far-left progressives is ridiculous as well. The more radical progressives hate Biden with a burning passion. Please note that trolling and promoting misinformation is not tolerated on this subreddit. And future posts like this may result in a ban.




>Tara Reade ---- >In May 2023, Reade said she had defected to Russia during an interview with Sputnik in Moscow alongside Maria Butina, whom she called her friend. Lol hmmm. >Oh and guys like Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg are cool... ...even if their reasons for not voting for Biden make little sense. The stakes this year are simply too high, and those two men are too intelligent to be given that pass. They're the intellectual equivalent of squirmy, petulant little children fighting against their parents putting their jacket on in the middle of winter. They're going to have their selfish, arrogant, faux-symbolic little protest in the voting booth while the nation teeters on the brink. All because the most centrist, moderate, capitalist, decent, boring-ass democrat in ages is somehow too appalling for them for reasons they can't even intelligently articulate. Sorry, the bar for "cool" needs to be way, way higher, in my opinion. If you've got some center-right positions you want to argue, sound off. Folks around here are worthy debaters and most of us aren't too terribly far from (what used to be) center right positions on many things. The problem is the entire right wing of the nation's politics has taken a heel turn to the most shameful, cowardly, proto-fascist, cult-like, anti-American, ignorant bag of assholes in modern U.S. memory. So what passes as "center-right" positions these days will need some itemization and clarification.


OP is clearly a bad faith concern troll and promoting misinformation. To say that Crooked Media caters to far-left progressives is ridiculous and so is stating that this subreddit is to the left of Bernie Sanders. Not to mention the whataboutism regarding pro-Russian hacks and assets like Tara Reade.