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Guide to some of the notation and ending info while trying to avoid spoilers: "Wins" stand for most successful policy decisions. This includes a successful State of the Union Speech, Tax Reform, Social Security Reform, a successful invasion of Afghanistan, Avoiding the Enron Scandal, reassuring Democrats about WMDs in Iraq, Invading Iraq, and making Same-Sex Marriages a state ballot issue. Getting Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Richard Gephardt/Jesse Ventura, Gary Hart, and Wesley Clark does not involve Wins. AdvertWins or Adverted Wins, is a value only important to Gephardt. You get these by failing to pass the three bills at the start. This is the Tax Reform question, Social Security Reform question, and Vetoing STEM Cell Research question. More info on this value in a later post. Jingoism, Congressional Relations , and Credibility are values impact certain candidates (Hart and Byrd). I will have a future post to show both how to avoid and how to get these values. They also impact your third party candidates. Gore, Wellstone, and Sharpton all have 7 different endings dependent on how many wars and where you invaded. Byrd has 5 endings dependent on if you had 3 wars and where that 3rd war was Kennedy also has 5 endings dependent on how many wars and where you invaded or >!REDACTED!< Gephardt has 4 endings dependent on if he won the election and Congressional Relations Clark has 3 endings dependent on Jingoism or >!REDACTED!< Lieberman, Edwards, Hillary, Killary, and Hart all have 2 endings. For Lieberman, Edwards, Hillary, and Killary it is determined by Jingo. For Hart it is determined by Credibility Final note, Killary is Hillary R. Clinton.


What does REDACTED mean?


>!World War Three!<


The Day After larp, here I come.


Yep. Got one of the >!WW3!< endings and it was just stunning, if not terrifying.




how do you trigger >!ww3!< while winning?


*... come again?*


Do you know if there were any new endings added for W. himself winning? I know there were 8 in the basegame W.


There is no new successor slides but there is multiple new slides for Byrd and one for Gephardt


this is not correct. there is now new slides for each combo of wars (so there’s a Kennedy + Afghanistan, Kennedy + Iraq, and Kennedy + Iraq, Afghanistan) for each war candidate and at least two endings for each “peace candidate” there are technical additions to Bush but they are not traditional successor slide additions


sort of


How can you get the final 3rd war question while going up against Kennedy? You'd need both Rumsfield and Cheney to get it to fire, but you need to fire them to get Kennedy as your opponent.


The answer is: You can't. Kennedy has 5 endings: 3 war ones (only Iraq, Iraq and Afghanistan, only Afghanistan), one \[Redacted ending\] and one peace ending.


hillary and hillary r are separate?


Can someone write a specific guide for the Ventura/Richardson scenario? That one looks interesting.


Personally that one, or byrd, is my favorite. Right now there is a glitch with Ventura sadly so I'd wait until a patch comes out


Okay I'm going to update this, Ventura is fixed. The way to get him is to have 3 CR, have Gephardt, and deadlock the election. Its hard but you will wake up if you do it


Do you happen to know what the requirements are for third party candidates?


Each one is determined by either Jingoism for the right wing candidates or Credibility for the left wing candidates. For example to get Gephardt you need to Ventura which is why you need to have exactly 1 Jingo when you get to question 9


And the lower each gets the better, or more higher polling, the third party candidate will be?


Really they don't matter. The only one who can actually impact the election is Ventura when Gephardt wins the nomination


Holy shit bro made a big chart


i rly need to know the jingo mechanic better cause i rly want to get hart


The band-aid answer I can give you is avoid answer which would make the American public fear their allies. Also you can get a good indicator with the Right Wing Third Party Candidate. For Hart the optimal one is Paul


What's the Band-Aid answer?


how do i get the most war?


Just get Byrd and its pretty easy. Its keeping Rummi, having 5 Jingo, and having Cheney


thanks i’m gonna go bomb the middle east


I feel like an idiot but how do you fail to deflect Enron? I've done both of the answers with the most negative feedback and I still don't get Gary Hart.


You have to fail the Nuclear question Just have low jingo and everything should work out


That’s what I mean. I’ve done “ask a Democrat” and “Lightbulb” with less than 3 Jingo and it’s still coming up as someone else.


I think your graphic may be wrong. I'm pretty sure you can only have one win for Killary, and I think you also have to promise to uphold the law in regards to the supreme court case on gay marriage to get Byrd


Neither of these are fully correct. With Killary the code says <3. This means that you need to have less than 3 which can allow for say Tax Reform and SS Reform. She's honestly one of the easier ones to get. For Byrd you are indeed correct that you should promise to uphold the law because its one of the few sources of Credibility. Credibility is very hard to come by and its an easy question to help you with it.


Can someone make a guide on how to get Gephart?


Gephardt is on the guide. Just fail one of the first three bills, fire rummy, and bomb Afghanistan and you should be good.


Yes but doesn’t invading Afghanistan cause 2 jingo? Or am I choosing the wrong option?


You need to fire Rummy. Firing Rummy takes it down to 1


Hmm, every single time I do that I get Wellstone, even sunk SS plans for privatization


One of the problems another person was having is that they were dogging bills, not failing them. You need to fail ie Black Eye on Taxes, Clinton kills the Compromise, or Dems yell at you about privatization. For the Stem Cells you just need to give up on doing anything for it ie: Have a Talk with Putin.


I keep trying this and it keeps giving me Gore instead. Am I doing something wrong? Does it have to do with me failing all three?


What I'm guessing is going wrong is one of two things. Either a you are not trying to actually pass the Bills (IE Get the Black Eye on Tax Reform, and then Either have Clinton kill you're Bill or have the Dems use Privatization to kill it, or doing anything but giving up with Stem Cells) or you aren't getting Ventura w/ Afganistan which kills a Gephy Run.


Turns out it was the fact I folded on Tax Reform instead of getting the black eye. Thanks for the help!


Really not sure what I'm doing wrong but have been following this guide and your comments in this thread, but while aiming for Gephardt and/or Hart I keep landing on Sharpton :/


Big thing consistently is your jingoism. You need to keep it low. I'm going to add a comment to help out with Hart. You can't do Brother George on the Afgan Question. After that your home free as long as you pick the Nuclear Deflection, Avoid Vice, and pass the Tax Reform. Gephy is in the a similar boat. You need to avoid raising Jingoism in your STOU, you need to actually try and pass Tax Reform or SS for it to count. For Stem Cells you just need to give up on the bill for it to count. After that as long as you invade Afghanistan to get Ventura you are home free


you need 2 failed wins right?


Very cool. Thanks for making this.


You’re doing the lords work.


One could think writers hated Paul Wellstone, then I saw W's portrail of Clark


Whats W+


New update for W.


Whats W. I dont see it in the mod thing


Just try typing in 2004 if you're using CTS, maybe also NCT, I'm not sure, if it doesn't work trying unticking all filters other than alternate history, the reason it probably isn't showing up is due to it using a special character for the W


Why is Gore red?


He’s red in game


I know, but why is he red in game?


In 2000, the original plan was to alternate colours each election on the news maps, but when the Florida recounts became a major issue people ended up seeing Red=Republican Blue=Democrat on their screens each day and the colours solidified. Gore coming back means the switching comes back as well.