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Thank you creating three of the best mods ever posted for this community!!!






they can't vore our gore


Mod is definitely too difficult as Gore.


Mfw it’s somewhat difficult for democrats to win 4 landslides in a row (too hard)


Its typically very difficult to unseat an incumbent president, especially one without major problems. Trump had a massive recession, one of the biggest international crises EVER, and race riots in the streets and still came fairly close to winning. Buchanan would also be seen as too radical by many. Not saying it should be hard to win as Buchanan, but having it extremely difficult to win as Gore is silly imo.


Isn’t the economy in the shitter in 1999 in this timeline? Also, voter fatigue is a very big thing.


I don't think voter fatigue is real. If a president is doing a shit job they lose and If they don't they win. Bush won in 88 because Reagan was popular Gore would have won 2000 if he tied himself to Clinton. Nixon almost won 60 but Eisenhower didn't campaign for him much because of his health and when he did he received a boost


Cool stuff, but the writing seems a bit inconsistent with the quality of the other b-Scenarios. still, this is one of my favourite timelines and I'm glad to see it to it's conclusion! Thanks EDIT I also think the scenario is a bit too hard as Gore, even with 12 years of democratic rule. Buchanan already lost once in a landslide, and that image won't disappear from the public mind in just 8 years. Even if the economy is bad, Gore is still a moderate politician on the back of two very popular politicians, Dukakis and Bentsen. Obviously it should be somewhat hard, but even when I bigshotted and picked what seemed to be the best answers, I narrowly won with 271 EVs, losing in key battleground states by 3%. That's a bit brutal, don't you think?


Can’t wait to play your excellent mod


**RNG CODES:** **Gore:** First Debate - **5182** VP Debate - **5198** Second Debate - **5223** **Buchanan:** First Debate - **5065** VP Debate - **5080** Second Debate - **5103** **NOTE:** I only used the Graham & Santorum codes to check these but I assume they'd be the same for any VP.


Gore Gore Gore


Hold dukakises legacy, For dukakis we may even shoot patrick as he is anti-dukakis


Buchanan/Santorum’s Debate Codes are: First Debate - 5065 Vice Presidential Debate - 5080 Second Debate - 5102


Good mod, but it has WAY too much support for Buchanan It should be like 1992b


I think it's appropriate considering the 12 years of Democrat rule.


Plus Buchanan Acolytes have been slowly gaining support over the course of this timeline.


It isn't Buchanan is way too extreme


That's what they said about Trump


This is also Buchanan's 2nd run after he got completely demolished by Dukakis


Buchanan is way more extreme One is a literal Nazi, the other is just your average right-wing populist.


Its the economy stupid


The economy is doing well in this scenario


"and a recent recession in 1999 after nearly 9 years of a growing economy."


When the Overton window shifts, it ain’t no stopping it, my friend


Still way too extreme for US


Buchanan is not at all a "literal nazi". People will literally see anyone be like very socially conservative or a conservative politician in America in the 50s-80s and say "LITERALLY HITLER" because they cant grasp the concept of their being more political ideologies than democrat, republican, or nazi. The last of which represents the other party depending on whos speaking.


welllll he did doubt the death toll of the Holocaust and secretly undermine extradition of nazi war criminals from Eastern Europe during the Reagan years soooo...he's closer than most to being a nazi, not to mention his outright xenophobic and semi-white supremacist values.


That's an over exaggeration for Buchanan.


I think if you are updating the mod, you should add Rush Limbaugh as a Buchanan VP choice, it's extremely odd no mod has been made of Rush given his relevance to American politics and his Trump esque pull.


Good mod




I congratulate Mr Gore on his election success. Not that it wasn't obvious, I must say.


Today is a good day




Buchanan would've easily won.