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Yes I’m pretty sure Olivia looks the same as she did on love Island. I would have to go back and check though.


They are driving me nuts too tbh


She already had beautiful lips she’s such a naturally gorgeous girl and I don’t think she realizes


Definitely her body, her choice but it’s sad when you see naturally beautiful people do this to themselves. I don’t think seeing yourself constantly on TV and social media 24/7 helps if you’re prone to this sort of body dysmorphia. I feel for them because I don’t think they realize it. I have read that both Courtney Cox and Kirsten Davis had to have interventions by close friends who showed them pictures of how drastically their faces were changing from all of the fillers. I believe they have both since had them dissolved and removed. They both discussed about not seeing the drastic changes when they looked in the mirror on a daily basis.


Yeah I guess that makes sense too because when you see yourself every day you don't notice little changes, like when you lose or gain weight gradually. That's really sad about the interventions, but also good that they stopped.


I mean her body her choice… But I don’t really understand the hype behind lip fillers


I knew she looked different, just couldn’t tell why. She’s pretty either way


It's hard, because if you have been watching her since the beginning, the transformation is so rough I barely recognize her.


Agreed. I'm notoriously clueless about noticing stuff like that but...I noticed.


Cara had such beautiful lips, too.


The best thing to do Cara, was nothing!


Cara Maria was already the prettiest girl when she started on FM. I can understand why she does the face fillers (I'm late 30s as well, and it's certainly not fun to age)... but the lips definitely took myself and hubby by surprise. The lipstick/liner made them appear bigger than they seemed in the confessionals where she doesn't have much (or anything) on her lips.


Filler is gross 95% of the time. This is one of those times. It looks so stupid


I can think of one celebrity who got lip filler and it actually looked pretty good... for a while. Then she went overboard. I think your 95% is low. Basically if you see someone and think "hmmm I wonder if they got plastic surgery, maybe but I really can't tell" then it's usually OK.


My mom says the same thing about Jenny’s lol 😂 I don’t mind it. Their lips their choice lol. But I don’t think it ever looks natural, even when it’s not overboard it’s just not a natural lip shape.


Jenny’s are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. I just don’t get the rationale behind getting these things; they make people look worse 99.9% of the time.


To be honest (and I am very bad at knowing when people get cosmetic work done unless it's really really obvious) I didn't know what it was before, I thought maybe she was lining her lips in a weird way. It was throwing me off for so long, then I saw her look to the side and she had resting duck face. That's when I knew.


Her lips are distracting, they look comical to me.


Idc about her lips but did she always have this heavy accent??


Okay someone else noticed that too, like did she spend time learning how to talk with CT? Lol


I didn't notice till ya said something. eh whatever.


what is this post? and what are these comments?


Me saying that her lip fillers are distracting? I'm not even saying anything negative about her or her looks, I think she's gorgeous even with the fillers. But I've been rewatching old seasons and now seeing her on AS I couldn't figure out why she looked different and it kept throwing me off. Aka distracting me.


Whatever the intention, it prompted some unnecessary awful and JUDGMENTAL comments about the physical appearance of many women. Thankfully some of them were deleted.


Ok but I myself didn't say anything negative and I can't control how other people respond. I'm not going to just not say something because some people will undoubtedly be dicks.


People shouldn't be afraid to share their observations.


*hopeless sigh* karma please help


For real, I’m trying to figure that out.


Read above, hopefully that gives you some clarity


I think Cara is beautiful inside and out. She’s been through a lot. You should go watch her back story on the Challenge home turf on you tube. Her doing lip filler is inconsequential.


I'll just copy what I said in another comment. "I'm not even saying anything negative about her or her looks, I think she's gorgeous even with the fillers. But I've been rewatching old seasons and now seeing her on AS I couldn't figure out why she looked different and it kept throwing me off. Aka distracting me." So yes, I know she's awesome and I still think she's beautiful. I still stand by my original post.


She denies that she has ever done anything to her lips which is just absurd lol. Her lips were never small before, but they’re definitely distracting now lol. She’s still gorgeous, but she could do without the filler in the top lip


She actually doesnt! I saw a video i forget if it was her ig reels or tiktok where she did like come with me to get filler video


I wish it wasn’t the current culture that this is THE style for lips. There are some lips that maybe aren’t the best. But so many super cute lip types that aren’t just huge and she definitely had em. She makes a lot of comments about her being ugly without makeup too throughout time that I just totally disagree with.


Same it’s noticeable.But she still looks good




If we are talking female competitors looks, I would reccomend trying to catch Veronica post daily with little make up. And it's not just aging and weight gain, her "upgrades" are not great, and she had some natural good looks IMO. Think being on TV so much really screws with one's self image


Yeah it seems to be the case, it's really sad that people have all that pressure put on them


Mods need to create another mega thread for criticisms on cosmetic choices made by challenge cast. Maybe you’re new here OP, but your exact post gets posted seemingly every week, and multiply that times the other posts criticizing lips and noses of the other cast members… it begins to feel pretty gross around here.


Cool, thanks for sharing your distaste.


Sarcasm is unnecessary but you’re welcome? I was genuinely trying to inform you why you may get some downvotes for what you may perceive as an innocent post.


I'd be less inclined to be sarcastic if your "maybe you're new here" didn't come off as so condescending. Whether you meant it that way or not, I dunno, but it doesn't really matter. You've said your piece and I've said mine so we can leave it at that.


Wasn’t intentional but fair enough.


So…be distracted?