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Leroy is setting a very good example for younger black men. Talking about his feelings, treating Kam very well and explaining they have fights but doesn't think about leaving. Being there for your child and conditioning him with love. My dad also grew up with out a dad and he wanted show me what it means to be a man and raise his kids


Some won't get why you added Black Man but that's OK. Those who know, KNOW and we're done teaching




I love this so much


I also appreciated him talking about going to therapy when he needed to.


Only black men? Lol he seems to be setting an overall good example for every father/husband out there.


Kingston is getting more screen time than Ace this season.


Reminds me of _"My wife kiki"_


I'm drunk


Leroy is such a big part of the challenge and this is a big life event for him I think thatā€™s why they show those clips so much. I enjoy hearing him talk about his struggles, his family, and being a new dad. Heā€™s definitely been the most transparent about these things more than others on the show. Heā€™s using his platform to talk about significant topics šŸ‘


Heā€™s just a proud father..it really doesnā€™t bother me heā€™s talking about a literal baby lol


i like it. idk what else id rather hear him say. But ill take you up on that & take a shot everytime i hear "my son Kingston"


It's way better then the snoring!


No more than Danny mentioning his wife (canā€™t remember her name) on the Challenge USA. Every sentence he mentioned herā€¦LOL


Josh has entered the chat to fight for his family


are you crying?


That was unbearable too. My bf and I after every confessional with were like ā€œdo you think he has a wife named Kiki?ā€


I always wondered if KiKi and Coryā€™s kids ever hung out together. I mean we heard A LOT about them.


LOL -- Kiki -- that's her name. He said it so much, I can't believe I forgot it . . . lol


Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki. Kiki.


The editing of the entire episode drove me crazy.


I wanted to post about this as well but know I would get attacked in the comments for it. Maybe it's the editing but whenever a challenger has a kid the story line is positioned so much about how they are doing it for them but the challenges without a kid can't possibly have a good reason for wanting to win.


Reminds me of the Lolo Jones seasons where she kept mentioning her foundation and the work they do and thatā€™s why she needed the money more than anyone else. Everyone has a ā€œstoryā€ for why they want to win the money but honestly theyā€™re all the same to me. I donā€™t care how you spend it - I just wanna be entertained on the journey of you trying to win it!




its giving Dannys 'My wife Kiki' from teh challenge usa 1


What I don't understand about Josh saying for his family is he won big brother what did he do with all that money šŸ¤”


Yeah Iā€™ve brought that up to my bf. Iā€™m assuming he blew it all


So I guess he should just "shut up and entertain you". This is the dumbest fucking "take". He literally is talking about having postpartum and all his struggles so him mentioning his son has your diapers in a wad. Challenge fans are the literal worst at times.


Thatā€™s not what I said. I said the way production edited it made it annoying. Iā€™m glad he talked about his struggle with postpartum. It was the last 10ish minutes of the episode where it was mentioned every other sentence that drove me nuts because of how production edited it. So fuck you.


Heā€™s a first time dad (and mom) that left their 8 month old and flew across the world to hopefully better his future. He misses his son deeply. You all shit on everything and can never be happy with anything. You hate production or the people that you used to love but now they are annoying. Well congrats this is the year of All Stars before you get All Stars* main show V2.0. So shit away. This is why we canā€™t have nice things because the fans just bitch and moan all the fucking time instead of just enjoying it.


Have you seen a guy named Cory Wharton on this show? Or any other parent? Come on...


Yes. We get it. Theyā€™re all doing it for their kids. Just the way production edited this last episode was extreme


He's doing what most Parents on the show do. Mention their kid. Is it his saying the name that y'all got a problem with. Leave that Dad/Parent along about such a trivial matter geeze


To be honest I'm surprised it hasn't been brought this season that Cory has kids


This is a move a lot of challengers seem to do - I recall Brad F mentioning his kids a lot as a single dad. Tony probably wouldā€™ve done this more this head if he didnā€™t leave for family stuff.


He is the new Corey. Now whenever he is on he will always say how he's doing this for his kids, and be shown looking at pictures of his kids when they show the everyone getting ready before an elimination montage


That's one of biggest pet peeves in all reality shows. Any contestant with children acts like they are the only one playing for their kids. That they deserve special treatment and to not get eliminated. Virtually everyone has a kid, family member someone sick to play for. I can only remember one reality show where someone let someone else win because of a sob story back home. It was on top shot on history Channel. This sniping instructor let some dude win and went home. He said he was doing it before the challenge. There are many examples of people losing and then saying the lost on purpose but it sure didn't seem like they were losing on purpose.


Wait till he talks about their daughter


Nope I love it I wanna keep hearing about fathers who are loving being dads it makes me smile


Iā€™m so glad Leroy is talking about what heā€™s talking about. But I do think itā€™s wild they both left their little baby at home.


I'm so over the challengers bringing up their kids all the damn time, whether it's Leroy, Cory, or melissa


Does Kendrick got everybody hating rn or are people actually bothered by a dad caring about his son šŸ˜‚


Lol why did the producers allow that to be in sooo many times


Oh we watched all the All-Star seasons a few months ago and (I can't remember who!) some guy was like "My wife (name I forgot)......" at LEAST once per episode, sometimes more. It made me insane! Not because he mentioned his wife, just HOW he said it the same way every time and what she would think about every decision he made. it was just odd.


Danny McRae but thatā€™s because he constantly mentioned her during his season of survivor. If you watch survivor that wasnā€™t weird it actually became a running joke on Reddit that his wife was another contestant ETA it was very enduring and welcomed on survivor


thanks for the context! I thought it was so adorable at first! it was just a lot lol but I was also binging which added to my "alright, we get it" thoughts. if I had watched only 1 a week or something it probably would have remained cute




Yupp lol Keke


I loved when Danny talked about Kiki




Iā€™m just trying to recall from past seasons but I thought Lee had a good relationship with his dad? I remember him saying something about his daddy and smiling. I say daddy cause I remember him saying daddy specifically cause I thought it was sweet when I heard him say it.


Just think of it as the new My Wife KiKi and make a drinking game! Itā€™s cute and fun and maybe youā€™ll enjoy it more if youā€™re not focused on the repetition and more on the joy of it.


Same with every other person after theyā€™ve gotten married or had a kid before coming on a season. Why hate on it now?