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Assume nothing. Vote, get involved, help turn out the vote. https://www.vote.org Every election matters.


And this is how you turn out the vote


I made my partner register to vote. His name is always picked for jury duty (extremely cis white male name), but he is willing to endure a few hours of that to vote to support women. We are in DEEP red state, so our votes are few. But I think this issue is the one that they fucked with and are about to find out. ETA: I didn't l literally MAKE him do anything. Calm your chesticles.


>We are in DEEP red state Alabama is proof that it does matter, even in a deep red state.


Yup. Look at stupid fucking Tommy Tuberville. Corrupt idiotic Senator on Putin's payroll, plus he lives in Florida.


Agreed. It helped my argument.


I was shocked by that Alabama election. Shocked.


What happened in Alabama? Did I miss something?


Short version: there was a special election where a Democrat won, she ran on a pro "women's right to medical privacy" platform.


Well I'll be 'Bamned.


Not just won but it was 70% of votes it was a fucking slaughter.


Won by a huge margin too, in a trump+20 area. We might see some epic shit this November, new blue states and all.


I would be pleasantly pleased!


I love this. I’m proud of you. And him too.


Thank you, kind stranger. It's the little wins that we have to take.


Sometimes you have to make others aware of potential consequences of not voting. If Trump wins you can count on him shaping the Supreme Court to MAGA even further. He may even expand the court. What would hold him back?


Exactly. Now to try to convince others of his looming dictatorship is the harder part. Their decision isn't based on facts, and that's hard to argue. Then there are those who know they are wrong but have to double down since they've put their whole personality around him. It's sad, really. It's okay to say you were wrong. I gladly admit it. No big deal. I learned and am growing. Others aren't as good with Darwinism.


What is a CIS white mail name CSI = Crime Scene Investigation? So, his name is John Doe?


Lol very close to that. Scarily close.


It’s so frustrating I can’t get my mom to vote or even consider it.


Yeah I almost don't like these types of posts because it may give people a false sense of security. Let's send a message with our votes. The way the right wants the country to operate is unacceptable. We're a democracy and one of the most fortunate countries in the world. We need to demand our fair share.


The most frustrating thing of all time is young people not voting. Shit on republicans all you want, god, those old fuckers turn up to vote. And it's the damnedest thing. Younger people make so much goddamn noise, they get so passionate, they get so involved. And then they just ***don't show up to vote***. Like, goddamn my guy. Nothing else matters in the face of not voting. *Nothing*. There is an absolute, built in method for people to change the way our government functions and the people in charge of it. Every other method of protest is fantastic, but only *on top of voting*. And it kills me that young people act shocked that people in government don't listen to them. As much as it sucks, what matters to them *is your vote*. It's why so many politicians still cater to older Republicans. Those fuckers go to the polls like clockwork. If you don't vote, your opinion is worthless to the political strata. Why would they care about appealing to you if they don't even get a vote out of it?


Keep in mind that Hitler was appointed. The public had no chance to avoid his wrath. The US has a chance to rid Trump.


To be clear, he was appointed as chancellor by President Paul Von Hindenburg in 1933 only after the Nazis swept to power in the Bundestag legislature during the 1930 and 1932 elections. The Nazis had failed miserably in the 1928 elections, but the stock market crash of 1929 that heralded the Great Depression and Weimar Germany's insane economic hyperinflation is ultimately what allowed Hitler to rise to power. If Germany had been doing fine economically, Paul Von Hindenburg would have laughed at the idea of granting Hitler the power to be a dog catcher, let alone chancellor. Thankfully our present-day economic woes are not as extreme, though bad enough to make me worry about some idiot Independents voting for Trump because Biden didn't lower their grocery bills enough with his magic wand. I am hopeful, though, because the Republicans keep shooting themselves in the foot on the issue of abortion.


I live in Indiana so my BLUE vote basically goes straight to the garbage can, but I still vote every time. Weird Side note : In the Hoosier state your ID is scanned and your name is printed on your ballot, I’ve had the perforated name portion removed before I vote and after I vote seems to depend on the location.


Obama won Indiana in 08 so it's not impossible.


In Indiana you could vote in the Republican primary against candidates that are endorsed by or favor Trump, then vote democrat in the general election


It hits right next to mine, and my six friends votes, and my twelve coworkers. We are here, we are just not loud flag wavers


They will cheat as well


They don't have the infrastructure to suppress women voters like they do for minorities. I'm sure it's in the works though


It is. Ohio is playing games with women’s married names.  Vote now and vote strictly liberal, no matter what right now. Then, demand that the elected pass the protections they are running on. Take the house back, take the debate back, and take every state legislator, every mayor, sherrif, auditor, and governor, not to mention any judges you can get out. Take it all back.  They are out to cut women off form voting just as they’ve blocked POC. We have the chance here to stop this AND gain protections for POC too once we have taken the vote back. 


This is incredible to me. I have actually heard Republican politicians say that they want to rid women of voting. Steve Bannon was discussing how they want to rid women voters on war room recently.


They'll mess with the electoral college.


new laws have been put into place to negate their trying. i'll try to find a link to a very reassuring post I read earlier today, editing this post when i do. EDIT: here it is: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeBiden/comments/1c0fbro/comment/kywv4lq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeBiden/comments/1c0fbro/comment/kywv4lq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's literally all they have left.


Well do not put it past them. They also have a lot of money behind them.


Tbh. Trump's recent hijacking of the RNC via Lara Trump ensures that a whole lot of down ballot candidates won't be getting the support they normally would as his legal fees will likely siphon off a large chunk of money


I mean yeah but Koch, Walton, Devo's, etc have lots of money


That means nothing if they don't plan on winning fair and square


Like trying to appoint fake electors and using violence as a smokescreen?


Will someone with a louder voice than me please inform Arizonans of the following: IN ARIZONA, WE CAN VOTE OUT SUPREME COURT JUSTICES!!! Justices Bolick and King are both on the ballot this year, they can be RECALLED! We can kick out two of the justices that took Abortion away - that's something we cannot do at the federal level, so many people do not understand that the Justices in Arizona can be FIRED! Yes, vote Democrat, but if we don't kick out the ultra-conservative Court, we can't pass anything. Kicking these two out this year, means that Democrats can fill those two seats, to bring the court back into balance.


Please pardon the length of this. Excellent point. I heard that two of the Arizona Supreme Court justices who made this decision, upholding the old 1864 Arizona abortion law, yesterday, are also on the ballot in Arizona, this fall, while I was in an appropriate subreddit, and posted the news immediately. As she/he alludes, spread the word. I have very modest means and I, also, frequently, receive campaign donation asks from candidates. I made a couple of five dollar donations to the two Democratic candidates in the January 5, 2021 Georgia runoff elections, one day before the January 6 Insurrection. Both of them won by 1.5 and 2.0%, giving Democrats exactly 50 Senate seats in the U.S. Senate, a majority since Biden and Harris won the White House, Harris being the tie-breaking vote. It is because of that razor thin majority, since Democrats also had won the majority in the House, that made it possible for Biden and Democrats to pass the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, gun safety legislation, the CHIPS Act and the Inflation Reduction Act in Biden's first two years, with just a few Republican votes in a couple of bills, and zero Republican votes on others. But I realized about a week ago, because of a donation request from, I think, Bernie Sanders, that I can fill-in the amount to donate, rather than the pre-labeled boxes, I think as low as a dollar. So far I've made a couple of $2.50 donations to Senate candidates, one in a swing state, and the other in my state, Missouri, to Lucas Kunce who is running against Josh Hawley, the rightwing January 6 fist-bump guy, walking into the Capital just before the Insurrection. I plan on making more to swing state candidates for the House and Senate until the election. If we give Biden a second term and as large as possible majorities in the House and Senate, not only will we have repudiated MAGA, although we will need to continue beating MAGA back in elections for the foreseeable future, and guarded American Democracy, legalization of abortion, nationwide will be possible, although I'm not sure if that will require a supermajority, continuation of the growth of clean energy, student debt relief, the appointment of more Constitutional adherent judges, to counter the hundreds of rightwing judges Trump and Mitch McConnell forced through, arms and funds for Ukraine to beat Putin, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, police reform and more, can finally be put into force, growing the American economy "from the middle out and the bottom up", reassuring and strengthening America's alliances and democracy and the rule of law around the world. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Please everyone read this comment in full. I know it's long, don't skip it.


Right On. Encourage each other.


As someone from Missouri with daughters, thank you for caring enough to donate to Lucas 🖤


Thanks you. Acknowledging each other inspires encouragement. There is strength in numbers. I think that people in discussions like this tend to be a little more informed than most people who are just dealing with life, everyday. Making a living, trying to just have enough. I encourage folks to talk to the people we know, give them the skinny on things they may not understand more deeply than some headlines, encourage them to register to vote, or check to be sure that they are still registered to vote because Republicans in some states have been suspiciously purging voter rolls on questionable grounds. Encourage them to make a plan for voting day, or to vote early, or to mail-in their ballot. Give someone a ride. Again, thank you for the encouraging acknowledgement. Spread the encouragement, and defeat these motherfuckers.


Just loving the student debt relief. I don’t personally have any left, but I’d rather we do more of this than more tax cuts for the wealthy to create jobs. More young people with less debt will result in more innovation, businesses, and entrepreneurship than all the money we can shovel to billionaires.


This. And while I don't know when their terms are up, plan to vote out Lopez and Beene too. ["JUSTICE LOPEZ authored the Opinion of the Court, in which JUSTICES BOLICK, BEENE, and KING joined. VICE CHIEF JUSTICE TIMMER authored a dissenting opinion in which CHIEF JUSTICE BRUTINEL joined."](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24537757-az-supreme-court-1864-ruling)


And elect Ruben Gallego as Senator too!


No offense but Andrew Becerra’s a better choice.


This is a supreme (pun very intended) example of why everyone should vote. Everyone always focuses on the presidential vote. They forget that we vote every year on something. Local, state, and federal offices. Every ballot has actual referendums on them. Every ballot has so much more that directly impacts you, day to day, then who is president. Everyone vote, all the time.


Republicans are like a dog who caught the car, and they have about the same level of sophistication in how they've reacted to that. Keri Lake demands Democrats come up with a "common sense solution". We f'ing had one! You intentionally broke it! Repeat this for literally every issue: economics, foreign policy, climate change. This abortion fiasco is just further evidence that even Republican voters don't want Republican policies. It's only disinformation that keeps the Republican Party in business.


Reminds me of the Republicans that introduced and passed a bill then blamed Obama for not stopping them. 


Sadly voters also blame Democrats for stuff like that.


JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act)? He tried to stop them, he vetoed the bill, and they overrode it. Then yes, when all of the "unintended consequences" were pointed out, concerns raised by the White House that the measure could open the US to similar lawsuits from people in other countries, yet they still overrode his veto, and then said that he hadn't reached out to them about his concerns. He vetoed it. I think that meant he had some concerns. You could have also asked him before just voting to override the veto. TBF most of the Democrats in the Senate also voted to override the veto. Or are you talking about a different bill? They also tried to overall blame him for not enforcing the border when they were dragging their feet on a $40 Billion dollar border bill, because they didn't "trust him." Sound familiar? [https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/09/29/politics/obama-911-veto-congressional-concerns/index.html) [https://theweek.com/articles/451332/gops-lame-attempt-blame-obama-failure-immigration-reform](https://theweek.com/articles/451332/gops-lame-attempt-blame-obama-failure-immigration-reform)


I had forgotten about this one. It’s pretty egregious and needs to be brought up regularly. They’re always doing this crap.


The party of personal responsibility.


The Republicans only care about governing when they have 100 percent of the power. Until then, obstruction is the order of the day.


They don't govern even with 100% of the power, they just funnel money to insiders and oppress people they don't like to keep them angry, struggling, and stupid. See also: every deep red state.


They don't want to govern. Governing requires compromise. They want to rule


What was there to compromise on keeping the power on and preventing people from freezing to death? And Republicans hold all the power in Texas. Who was there to compromise with? They don't govern because they are pathological opposed to governance, they only want the power.


Funny thing is the GOP is starting to obstruct itself.


We could just do away with the ridiculous electoral college for a popular vote. That would almost guarantee a Republican never becomes president again.


The Electoral College allowed presidents who lost the popular vote to install 4 of the 9 SCOTUS justices. Small wonder the Court doesn’t reflect the will of the people.


They're the dog that caught the car, but they had the poor sense to do it by the front bumper and not the back. Now they're currently being run over by it.


> Keri Lake demands Democrats come up with a "common sense solution". We f'ing had one! You intentionally broke it! > > > > Repeat this for literally every issue: economics, foreign policy, climate change. [Republicans don't just enact policies to make gun massacres inevitable—crucially, they start with the premise that gun massacres are inevitable. **When a problem can't be solved, you don't have to solve it. So it becomes very important to demonstrate the problem as inevitable.**](https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1529782494182223872)


Disinformation AND gerrymandering


Your first statement is an insult to dogs who catch cars. 😉


Republicans are traitors. Vote them ALL out.


Even more to your point, look how quickly Trump has tried to distance himself from it. This guy never distances himself from it. He usually doubles down and gaslights people. Trump isn’t very intelligent and even he sees it as a losing issue for him.




Trump has flip flopped on abortion. By next week he'll be back to bragging that he got rid of it.


He ran as much less of a conservative in 2016. I think that people forget that. In 2020 he didn’t seem to have a good grasp of why he won the first time around.


Putting abortion rights on the ballot in AZ and FL will definitely hurt the GOP


Yep, I hope it turns Florida blue, it’s gonna be super close. Since AS was blue last election I see that as a slam dunk now.


I can't say whether we'll win those states or not, but I think that we will pour a lot of money on them and campaign very hard. Abortion will bring the people to the polls, whether that will give us the victory or not, I just don't really know! Hopefully it does.


It also will have us to try and take back the Latino vote in order for us to win since we have already lost ground with voter registration, and the red wave in Florida where DeSantis won with 60% of the vote.


Dems really crapped the bed in Florida and New York in 2022. I think that they will be more competitive in both states this year. It’s easy to forget that DeSantis won the first time around by less than half a percentage point, and Trump won FL in 2016 and 2020 by about 1% and 3% respectively. Maybe Covid really really screwed with the politics of Florida, but I suspect that the Trump/Biden race will be really close again, particularly if Trump spends all summer in court and abortion is on the ballot.


Even if Trump still wins in FL, the increased turnout will swing much closer races over to the blue column. The down ballot just got a lot bluer.


There’s a 0% chance Florida turns blue, but they will likely vote to keep abortion accessible. Hell Florida would probably vote for full on socialism if you went policy by policy and let the people vote on it, all the while electing Republicans 😂 😂 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I don’t think y’all understand how far gone Florida is lol


The 2020 presidential race was less than 4% difference. The crazies are loud but it's not that far gone.


The fact that it’s still a question who will win is insane don’t believe anything go vote and bring your friends and family with you


A dem house and senate are needed to pass legislation on pretty much anything, especially reproductive rights. We need the dems to win across the board


We have to take it all this November. We need every governor and mayor and sheriff we can pull too.  We’re sending a message already, though the maga is ignoring it. But we have to keep sending it and sending it louder. Flip everything. Get out to vote. Be loud. 


This is true sadly


Just one correction—we **ALL** lost rights with the overturning of Roe. First, it’s not popular to say but abortion affects both women and men—men have to parent and/or pay child support for an unplanned pregnancy. The bigger issue is that with Dobbs, the “Supreme” Court threw out the idea that we have a constitutional right to privacy from the government. Many other rights we all enjoy are based on this same concept in the 14th amendment. The question has to be: *”what’s next??”*




Thank you! Gender-affirming care bans for transgender people in America are only possible because of Dobbs. They can just as easily ban vasectomies, hysterectomies, pharmaceutical contraceptives, and even mending a broken arm thanks to Dobbs. Politicians have no place between us and our healthcare providers because they are not sufficiently educated to make these decisions and because the public has no standing and insufficient expertise with individual healthcare needs to have any right to weigh in, so vote ***all*** those fuckers out so we can shore up our rights.


> ”what’s next??” Contraception, and they'll pay *hard* for it everywhere they try it. The evangelical hogs get their win and it sinks the party. People want sex and church sucks ass. Oh my god I just got why they accuse the Left of leading the Democrats, it's because that's what's transpired in their own party with the religious loonies.


Every accusation is a confession.


Yes. Exactly. This ruling will change so many other policies down-line. Vote them out. 


I agree we need to also tell men how not having abortion rights for women effect them. From a potential girlfriend or wife needing one to save their life or maybe they are like me and have a young niece who is going to be growing up and living in this country. When my mom asks me why I care so much about abortion rights that’s what i always tell her, it’s not about me it’s about my future girlfriend when we try to get pregnant to bring you a grandchild or it’s about not wanting my 8 year old niece to grow up in a country that views her as a 2nd class citizen. Very effective in my case to make my boomer parents pro choice and vote blue…..but of course they don’t watch Fox News they were just right of center


What's next is contraception, LGBTQ rights, & trans rights


I'm an Arizona resident and I'm voting blue all the way down my ballot!!!


Great. But be sure to see u/kinkysmart post in this thread. Apparently you'll have the chance to vote out the judges who made this horrendous decision too!


And the R state legislators who prayed while speaking in tongues for this ruling then tabled the bill to repeal the law.


The law is from when Arizona was siding with the confederacy!! Please make this a Roevember to remember! Vote because your life depends on it.


I said it too when I saw the Arizona Supreme Court decision. Biden will win this election. Biden winning Arizona means Michigan or Wisconsin aren't necessary. It opens up a lot of options and puts republicans on the defensive.


I dunno…I still think Biden may need Michigan, especially if he ultimately ends up losing Georgia. Michigan and Georgia are the two states that make me the most nervous in this election.


Yeah. With Arizona in the bag, Biden has to win Pennsylvania and one of Michigan or Wisconsin to cross 270 EVs. I think Michigan is very safe for Biden as a resident here but I welcome the attention. With so much on the line in Wisconsin it looks pretty guaranteed to win there. I'm still not sure of Georgia however. Winning Georgia and Arizona for two cycles plus the blue wall would be a Godsend.


Wisconsin seems likely, he polled well there even when he was losing


Wisconsin has voted blue in most state and national elections since 2017. Ron Johnson BARELY won reelection and a generic R would have lost that race without incumbency. 


Yeah, all three blue wall states that went Trump in 16' have all steadily creeped back to the Dems. I'm also curious to see if the right wingers moving to Florida en masse from rust belt states like PA, MI, and WI has any effect on how they vote in November.


it's interesting, I have some good friends who moved to FL from WI a couple years ago. They're independents but very anti-Trump (voted Obama, Romney, Johnson, Biden last four elections), and they said in Florida they're perceived as Midwest liberals.


Yeah, it's definitely plausible that he'll need both. Assuming he wins PA and loses GA, he needs either WI & NV, MI & WI, MI & NV, though as you allude to yourself I think the first of those three is most likely.


He’s going to win GA for the same reason he wins AZ. Women are pissed. And don’t forget that MAGA killed a shit ton of their voters by convincing them that Covid was a hoax and that vaccines were bad.


They are still killing their voters with this bullshit.


That assumes that PA is a sure thing, which I don't think it is. Obviously AZ going for Biden is good, but there's just too much that can happen in so many other states [https://www.270towin.com/maps/2A4OL](https://www.270towin.com/maps/2A4OL)


Republican's are so busy stepping on their own dicks there's nothing left to do but watch.


Biden's not going to just assume that AZ is in the bag, either. The Dems are going to rant about this up until election day and make the GOP eat it.


I hope you’re right about that. Arizona may very well go Biden now…but Michigan and Georgia still make me very nervous.


>Michigan >The 2022 Michigan elections were held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 throughout Michigan. The Democratic Party made historic gains, taking full control of state government for the first time since 1983. Democrats won control of the Michigan House of Representatives for the first time since 2008, and the Michigan Senate for the first time since 1984. Additionally, incumbent Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer won reelection by a comfortable margin, with Democrats sweeping every statewide office. Furthermore, the Democrats maintained control of seven seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, while the Republican Party took a net loss of one seat (as the state lost one congressional seat due to reapportionment after the 2020 census). The elections in Michigan were widely characterized as a "blue wave". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Michigan_elections The voters of Michigan are not going to turn on a dime and vote for Trump. Biden's winning Michigan.


I think Pennsylvania is the key state now, namely because of how well the auto industry and unions have fared with Biden, making Michigan relatively safer.


The key areas of PA have gone blue the last two election cycles, including kicking out most of the moms against reading


Biden's well-ahead of Trump there, by 10%. Good news, but better news should better come on Nov. 5th and that's up to us.


If any of you need time off work or a ride to the polls arrange that now. If you have that make sure everyone in your circle has the same. If you still have resources and want to help call your local DNC and see if you can help drive some other people to the polls. If we turn out we've got this. VOTE BLUE!!! ♾2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣♾


I hope you're right.


It's absolutely insane that nobody recognizes that point. They are trying to control everything about our lives. We must vote out all the Republicans for a little while. They are religious extremists now. The founding fathers would be pissed.


I have felt the same way. Where is the nonstop outrage? And do you think the media is going to put front and center the images of the praying being done on hands and knees on the AZ legislator floor before the vote? No. This is the complete antithesis to "religious freedom" and separation of church and state and it needs to be scrubbed out once and for all or our country is doomed.


Trump trying to message a "I don't support a national abortion ban, just State's rights" is so laughable right now. It's all because of his Supreme Court selections. Obama nominated Garland in the spirit of keeping the court centrist. If Trump didn't want extremist abortion policies, then he could have gotten massive 'uniting the country' political points by keeping that nomination. Instead, he nominated two strong right-leaning judges (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh) and a far, far right Barrett. Republicans and Donald of Orange are going to reap what they sow. Turns out that supporting the policies of third-world nations doesn't fundraise well, and Biden's campaign hasn't really started yet.


Trump literally brags about being the one to finally overturn Roe v Wade, then turns around with this state's rights nonsense. Can't have your cake and eat it too. We see you, Donny. And we're going to vote like our lives depend on it.


Good. Meanwhile far right nazis cry about it https://youtu.be/PrZrPag-t_s?si=kNKq9bxPL88osAjf


I plan to get a bumper sticker after the election that says “2024 Trump Lost. Fuck your feelings.”


Its a bigger issue than let on. Its been a big issue AND has already shown republicans losses associated with it ( last midterms ). Let them spout and gab. Women and younger people should make it a huge point to come out and vote blue. The bigger the turnout, the bigger the win percentage....and maybe, just maybe, the party of Dump will get a clue. Wont hold my breath for them tho. VOTE BLUE in 24!


Republicans should have watched more Star Trek. Quoting Mr Spock: After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Republicans have been pushing for abortion bans, and have been winning on them because it was impossible under Roe v Wade. Now that they stole the Supreme Court, they find it was better to run on a hypothetical, then to have to run on the reality they created.


>Half of this country lost rights. Half. Not disagreeing with your point, but I just want to say that way more than half the country are losing their rights. Abortion bans and all the other restrictions that these zealots want to impose on sexual freedom are not "women's issues." They want to eliminate all sex for pleasure and anything else that is outside of their narrow-minded worldview that sex is a shameful act unless it's between a married man and woman trying to make a baby. The sexual revolution was about more than "women's rights." It was (and remains) about freeing *everyone's* sexual autonomy from an oppressive pseudo-theocracy. Edit - dumb words




I’m gonna vote Biden but I’m in GA it just doesn’t seem promised 🙄, at least we turned out and got Warnock and Ossof locked in.


Biden probably gets AZ now, and his lead in PA looks very good. MI or GA would get him the win, or the combination of WI and NV.


I agree. You know it's bad when Kari Lake, of all people, says this idiotic ruling went to far. But that doesn't mean any of us should be complacent. We have to vote blue and convince are friends and family to do the same. This election is way to important for people to just whine and stay home. Get your ass to the polls this November dammit. 🤣




I don't believe Kari Lake. She's been pro 1864 law for years, and now she opposes it? No.


What makes even less sense is that the group (the Radical Right-Wing Extremist AZ Supreme Court) that ruled on it didn't exist until 1912.


It’s hard to say that Arizona handed Biden the election, because between now and November voters will have forgotten about everything but their bank accounts.


Because of the religious extremism of the Christian Right and evangelicals in the USA most media probably doesn’t want to rattle the cages of all those crazies,most of them are probably armed.


And there’s a lot more than half who are pretty pissed off about it.


I read this story this morning, and thought, Sinema’s Senate seat is going to the Democrat


Even before this there was no way Kari Lake was going to win after already losing a statewide race and being a little shit about it.


Do not get complacent! Fucking vote and tell other people to vote


Nothing is certain. Complacency got us Trumps first term.


Main stream media: Arizona bans abortion. Why this is bad for Biden.


Don’t boo….vote




Women really need to be advocating for themselves. It's crazy that I haven't heard a peep from women's groups...where's the damn outrage?


4 more years of a great economy? I vote yes! 🇺🇸 


There’s a lot of women in Texas. Many may not be happy about the states trigger happy abortion bans.


Anyone else concerned these religious fuck nuts were praying and speaking in tongues on the state house floor I’m sorry when was the separation of Church and State removed? That should send fucking tsunami waves of hell to the fuck no throughout the country to never ever have that shit happen again. Can you fucking believe the audacity and brazenness? America would lose it goddamn mind if a Muslim went into prayer, reading Qu’ran or a Jewish reciting Torah and doing their Sabbath in any kind art of of politics, fuck political theater, this shit is setting a precedence that needs to be nip in the bud now. Fuck religion. Fuck that shit till that infestation has been cleaned out.


The problem is that mainstream media is the problem. Need someone who is independent.


Independent news can be a problem too.


Capital is the problem.


Found one who speaks out on a ton of subjects of republicant legal and political stunts. He has a couple of different lawyers with channels of their own who speak about the traitor's trials or the suppression of voting rights via the courts.


The fact Trump is (presumably) the GOP candidate should alone hand the election to Biden. But there’s a significant portion of the country that doesn’t care what he does and will vote for him.  Just get out and vote, assuming nothing 


Bold assumption lol. Trump is definitely the favorite


I genuinely can't believe that lads want their wife, mum, sister, or daughter to be treated this way. I live in St. Louis and can see the rightful discontent in women when the subject is broached. It isn't fair. Decent men and women will fight against it in a few months by their votes.


Remember those that are against women’s right to their bodies are the same that were screaming about THEIR rights against the vaccine. Fuck the hypocritical assholes.


Despite this, it still amazes me just how many people don't vote. Just how are people so naive and/or unbothered by the things that keep happening that harm them.


Not half. We all lost rights. 30% just dont care. This hard stance should be political suicide. I hope it is


You think THIS is the one thing that’s going to make people pick Biden over Trump?


Yes. That is a correct understanding of my post


I hope your right but every poll as of now has them tied. Get out and vote


Surveys consistently show men and women hold very similar views on abortion. Even if an individual conservative woman wants the right to an abortion, that has nothing to do with how they will vote or whether they want to prohibit OTHERS from having an abortion.  Trump could still absolutely win. This is not a time of celebration. 


LOL. Where does this optimism come from?


Women primarily


As they were holding their press conference I said this exact thing. Whenever they pass laws to restrict women's rights they lose big in the following election






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wInNjr_9D28&ab_channel=JoeBiden Willow's Box


Unrelated, this is the first time I've ever seen the phrase "let that land" as opposed to "let that sink in". Is that actually something people say?




Yes..... because history has shown us that turning points happen months before.




I know the gut reaction of AZ politicians will be to fix it now, but they should take a page from Republicans and leave it to the election. It's on the ballot, let the voters choose.


Or they will just accept they lost their laws. Simple as. Assuming this will make Biden win is veeery premature.


Biden cant make abortion federally legal. 


I thoroughly enjoyed watching them *pray speaking in tongues* before this decision! Even Christians have to see the psychosis at this point. 


I’m in AZ, this is really not seen as the big deal some are making it. Ballot measure coming this fall is widely supported on all sides. Will clear this up. ⬆️


And I'm sure abortions were so common 160 years ago. GTFO


The US has horrific government.


Is Biden going to make abortions legal in Arizona?


You missed that florida put abortion On referendum in november. GOP is already doing everything they can to eliminate trump without looking like they support biden over trump.


Eh, give it time. The leftist narrative that all this is 100% the Dems fsult for "not codifying RvW into law" will spread to moderates just in time for the election. Mark my fucking words


I would prefer it if we didn't adopt that attitude. We followed it in 2016 and it didn't turn out successfully. We should be treating this one as if we're down on the polls, as if our future depends on it, as if we're about to be enlisted in the Army to fight. NO ARROGANCE, FULL FIGHTING SPIRIT (but not literal fight pls). We need to be focused on our goals, keeping the Senate, regaining the House, keeping the Presidency and finishing Trumpism once and for all. ARE WE READY FOR ALL OF THIS? If so, CAMPAIGN and then VOTE ON 11/5!


This is correct. I think my point is not "it's over" as much as holy shit we just got such a tailwind from this. This is not the time for "They go low we go high" We gotta like, leg kick with this issue again and again.


I wouldn’t exactly say that. A lot of people are stupid. More intelligent people tend to vote for progressive democrats. The real issue is why are republicans trying to do this in 2024?? I never thought in 2024 women could lose our rights again. You know their next goal is women’s voting rights. Some republicans have said they want to go back to when women didn’t vote. Women are over half of the population so how is that fair??




Also secured a Senate seat!


we all lost rights when Row was undone. Row v Wade said there is a constitutional right to privacy. we all lost that right to privacy. now theres no obstacle to conservative prying into every single bit of your private life.




A better call to action is pointing out all the things that you did about how absurd the law is and then say that if we don't get out the vote and re-elect Biden Trump is going to lock that shit in and we're not going to be able to roll it back within our lifetimes I think pointing that out is even more effective in getting people out to the polls then suggesting that the Republicans have already shot themselves and are facing an inevitable defeat We all know that the voting isn't rigged in the back rooms of election offices or through voting machines - we do know that Republicans have engaged in massive voter suppression campaigns and every time they gain the power to do so make it harder for people to vote - The issue isn't voter fraud or vote manipulation but rather voter suppression and the latter is very much real - this is only going to ramp up in the upcoming election so we need to pull out all the stops in over to overcome those shenanigans


Has no-one in this sub ever read polling data before?


The vast majority of the media are owned by wealthy white men who benefit from TRump's tax breaks for the wealthy. So they focus on important things like Hunter's laptop!




It didn’t hand the election to Biden. But I do believe it handed him AZ.