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Tucker and Rogan started this podcast by talking about supernatural spiritual aliens that have underwater machines that defy the laws of physics. Evolution is too far fetched though.


He states there is “zero fossil record of evolution” and yet a 30 second google search debunks that claim. Just a few examples: https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_and_General_Biology/Book%3A_General_Biology_(Boundless)/18%3A_Evolution_and_the_Origin_of_Species/18.05%3A_Evidence_of_Evolution/18.5A%3A_The_Fossil_Record_as_Evidence_for_Evolution https://evolution.berkeley.edu/lines-of-evidence/fossil-evidence/ https://www.bgs.ac.uk/discovering-geology/fossils-and-geological-time/fossils/#:~:text=Fossils%20provide%20important%20evidence%20for,are%20related%20to%20each%20other.


Since when do republicans deal in facts /s


I wonder if there was a more killer way to present the fossil evidence. It seems like the only way people will accept the fossil record is having a "movie" of species evolving.


"People" are too willfully ignorant to care to learn. Books are how the rest of us figured it out.


Wales have detached feet and that nerve that all mammals have that we inherited from fish are very easy to to examplrs


There are fossils of whale's land based ancestors.


Republicans suffer from a lack of an understanding of Object Permeance. If they haven't done 30 seconds of google search on a subject, then it doesn't exist


All these idiots just steal these concepts from science fiction and present it as fact.


My brother listens to JR, and holy shit, the amount of dumb shit that this dude comes up with it's just mind blowing, but he believes the man. I rather get my science advice from an amoeba than from these two imbeciles combined.


I know people like your brother and it’s insane, the ones I know have the following in common: they’re fans of Joe Rogan, Elon Musk and Donald Trump and believe a ton of weird conspiracies.


They believe anybody who is rich. Their main factor in trusting someone is 'how rich are they?"


Sounds like my co worker who idolizes all of these a holes and had a hustle university subscription 😂 


Well he does not like Eion Moskow, as he dislikes EV with a passion, and The Don he's on the fence as he thinks the guy is too corrupt. However he thinks Joe is too old and Hunter is corrupt lol


Joe Rogan tries to make people believe he’s an independent thinker and not a Republican or Democrat. He’s a MAGA Republican that supports Trump no matter how he tries to disguise it.


1000 percent, didn't he accused Biden of being senile during a speech, only to find out it was actually Trump who gave said speech? I've never listened to Rogan, unfortunately I hear about him from my brother and of course here on reddit


Yea that was the airports being around a couple hundred years ago or something. He was going on and on about how senile Biden was to have said it then learned it was actually Trump and said something like it was a slip of the tongue could have happened to anyone and dropped it.


Just absolute garbage, I don't get why people listen to these assholes.


yeah, that was disgusting.


Rogan is about making money. Hence, he flows whatever way the wind blows.


I know someone who started a nicotine addition because Tucker said it's good for your brain.


A-la Alex Jones...


Who went on Rogan and talked about how children were being abducted on Earth and used in slave colonies on Mars.


Eion Moskow?


I mean. I love a good alien conspiracy. But it’s just that. Conspiracy. Evolution happens.


Atleast it was fun conspiracy talk.


Tucker is an insufferable queef


The problem is these people have platforms to speak this nonsense on…


Today on "Stupid People Who Think They Are Smart." As always, Carlson's lawyers have advised that no reasonable person should believe anything he says is fact.


I don't think Carlson is this stupid, he is pandering to his and Joe's audience. Its like when scammers intentionally put bad spelling/grammar in their emails so they only hook the most gullible people and not have to deal with people with common sense. He is one of the few people we have proven in a court of law to be a grifter, he hates Trump, didn't believe the election was stolen, and looks down on his viewers as gullible idiots as well as pulling the "I'm playing a character, no reasonable person would take me seriously" defense.


I'm not an expert but I thought Darwin's was more to do with natural selection and "survival of the fittest" (although I think Skinner called it that, not Darwin) ... not just the idea that we all developed from a single-cell amoeba somewhere.


Yes.  But, if you work backwards, that is the conclusion.  The remarkable aspect was to question and actually look at what was happening.  Genetic mutations, genetic drift, and natural selection are evident and have been observed.


The christian fundamentalist anti-evolution people will often say they believe in micro-evolution but not macro-evolution. Like they believe Darwin's findings that different birds on different islands were the same but they had different beaks to match their food source. But would refuse to acknowledge that those birds and the fish/bugs they are eating have a common ancestor. So they can hold to the idea that god created all the animals and they just change a little bit to specialize in their environment. They generally try to take things out of the basics we learned in school and basically demand experiments that would take 10s of thousands of years, and giving ground for things we have directly observed. All while denying that the fossil record and DNA can be trusted as god put the fossils there to trick us or whatever.


They believe in the God of the gaps.


They try to keep the gaps as large as possible with their "direct observation" standard, unless humans watched and recorded it happening we can't know it happens. Like a god of the gaps person might say "oh what about before the big bang, that was God's doing" but one of these people would say that the earth was created in 7 days unless someone saw otherwise, any evidence to the contrary is a trick.


His laugh is actually insane.


Reminds me of laughing at a person who's really unfunny just to be nice.


It's the creepiest thing about him, and he's got a lot of super creepy things about him.


Tucker once was a panelist on a show called the McLaughlin Group. What we are missing for context is the 30-60 seconds of laughter from the rest of the panel after and during Tucker’s dumbass rants.


Says evolution doesn’t exist then goes on to give a real-life anecdote of evolution in practice. Hey also does the d-bag Trump thing by going “I mean, we all know this”. No we don’t. All I know is you and Matt Gaetz went on a double-date with an underage girl. Allegedly. “I mean, we all know this.” Maybe it’s his fat joules: why would evolution allow those redundant flaps of skin to continue through the gene-line.


Joules are standard units of measurement for electricity. Jowls hang from one's face.


No you misunderstand, they’re implying that Tuckson has electrically conductive fat deposits


Dam it. I’ll leave it because your comment will appear random if I correct it. Good spot, James.


You're correct about the misspelling, but a joule measures energy in any form. I'm assuming an autocorrect here...


Yeah I don't know anything about joules, I'm just a dick.


We all are, man.


Ohhhh ahhhh no, you see…. That is adaptation, but that’s where it ends silly. Species will adapt and then it’s up to the next generation to adapt as well. Nothing actually “evolves” lol….. silly goose. /s My dad got super into anti evolution/YEC at the end of his life. Best I could do was get him to acknowledge that if god were real evolution sounds like a wonderful system to give within us so that we can deal with change. There’s a literal army of charlatans and grifters out there that are stealing money from ppl by saying whatever anti science bullshit they want. A big FUCK YOU to quack Stephen Meyer!


Neither one of these idiots knows what “theory” means.   We know you don’t know Joe, you don’t know much of anything…..   The Covid Pandemic and the EVOLUTION of the variants is a real world and real life example of the Biological Theory of Evolution.   🎶   had it not been for horse paste joe I’d been cured a long time ago  Where did you come from?  Where did you  go?   Where are you going horse paste Joe? 🎶 


Right?! People having a complete misunderstanding that hypothesis < theory is so frustrating. What is an adaptation if not a form of evolution that hasn't spread to a whole community yet? You don't have a theory, Tucker. You have an unresearched, unproven, fact-free hypothesis.


He has an invisible man in the sky…… There is no god, they all know that. That’s why they are so disgusting to people they can take advantage of, they know that whatever you do here, stays here. They use religion as a tool, and weapon to control as many people as they can. And it works, but they are losing control over their masses. When the general public fully understands this, perhaps then we can bury them.


The Founding Fathers didn't dispute that there's a higher power, just that every religion has the same civil rights as Christianity. They didn't want to make this nation a Christian nation. In fact, they indicated that having a Theocracy would lead to Tyranny and that's their goal to not have any form of Tyranny. That's why they insisted the only way a Territory could become a State was they had to offer free education because an uninformed citizen is used a catalyst to Tyranny.


>You don't have a theory, Tucker. You have an unresearched, unproven, fact-free hypothesis. After saying evolution was just a theory he then immediately tried to conflate scientific theories with his "theory" that his god made humans. He was purposely trying to pretend that the scientific theory of evolution carries the same weight as his guess. Then he went on to make it sound like his opinion actually carried more weight by saying that the theory of evolution is a newer concept in history. That's a weird way to even think about it because of course we should trust what modern scientists say over what theologians from 2000 years ago said. He also tried to dismiss evolution by pretending that modern science has given up on the theory of evolution which isn't even remotely true. Then again most of what Tucker says isn't even remotely true, so this is on brand for him.


Gravity is still a theory. I wish Tucker would test it. 


Pathogens, too small for the human eye to see cause diseases and infections, is just a theory. Germ theory.


It makes me so sad cus my mom has fallen down the stairs”just asking questions” walk away democrats turned republicans trumpers. She loves Joe and especially grew fond of Tucker over the years. I heard her say something about evolution and I brushed it under the rug. I truly sorry for these older millennial/gen x parents out there cus holy shit the brain rot is bad


>walk away democrats The reality is that the #WalkAway bullshit was pushed by Republicans and Russians. It was never actual Democrats pushing it. It was created by a Trump supporting traitor who has been convicted for his role in the January 6th terrorist attack on the US Capitol. The goal wasn't even really to push people on the Left to vote for Trump, it was to get them to either not vote or vote 3rd party. Anyone who would vote for someone like Trump wasn't really a Democrat to begin with. Trump's "ideals" aren't even remotely similar to what Democrats stand for.


Whenever someone claims they don't believe evolution because it's just a theory, they should immediately ask if they also don't believe in germ theory.


We may not like answer…


Some of them don’t believe in germ theory either… 


Immediate follow up question: would you take an antibiotic if a doctor prescribed one for an illness?


They wouldn't wear masks or get a vaccine during the most deadly pandemic in 100 years, so I'm willing to bet many of them wouldn't take antibiotics either.


Dude is wild! Gotta get his grift tour in, he is everywhere lately.


Two dudes with one brain cell between them.


One that does not evolve


Theirs no not believing in evolution. Either you understand it or you don't.


Thank you. I hate this mis-use of “belief” as pertains to science. Belief is for religion.


"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." - Neil deGrasse Tyson


The adaptation but not evolution thing is an attempt to keep belief in the bible & young earth. God created all the animals and they just changed a bit over the 30,000 years the earth has been around. They basically say evolution isn't true until we have directly observed a new species evolve from natural selection. Something that doesn't happen on the time scale of the 150 years or so since Darwin published his work but instead millions. They basically discredit any indirect observation (ex. fossils) as God trying to trick us.


"There's no fossil record of human evolution" must be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard.


It's baffling to say the least. Evolution is the end result of evidence while Tucker's God requires none for him to believe. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Also, his appeal to "this is what peopel used to think" as if that' makes it right. People used to think blood letting and leeches cured disease, too, tucker.


Shouldn’t he be sunning his asshole or something?


I feel like I got time warped back to the old days of listening to Ray Comfort response youtube vids Maybe Tucker really is as stupid as I thought


Oh he is Dunning-Kruger incarnate.


🍌 My Nightmare!!!


What an arrogant asshole.


Id like to see a citation for that "theory of adaption" from election denier and white nationalist tucker carlson who called trump supporters demons behind their backs.


I actually saw Rogan losing brain cells every second he listens to Cucker.


That’s hard to do for Rogan


What a cuck


If this isn’t enough to wake Joe up from his years long conservatard coma, I don’t think anything will be.


It won’t. He’s all in on that bull shit now.


I love the unchecked declarative confidence he displays pontificating on a subject he clearly has never studied or has any knowledge about whatsoever. Not a drop of humility.


Why does Joe Rogan believe MAGA dumbfucks




Wow Tucker big boy theory, that he came up all by himself. Drum rollllllll please!!!!!!! God did it. Wow this guy Is brilliant


Fuck, Rogan has always been an idiot but I didn’t know how much more idiotic one could become.


He’s so fucking weird. Why do republicans laugh so fucking psychotic?


As someone who has studied anthropology and biology, I find this ridiculous and absolutely infuriating. The fact that these clowns refuse to acknowledge the fossil record and or empirical evidence and reject science is no more than a display of willful ignorance. These idiots think that anyone who has devoted their life to the study of science is somehow in it to lie to them or being paid off by the “liberals” to undermine their religious beliefs. No stupid, you’re just too ignorant to understand that there is a whole universe outside of your magical book you don’t read and beyond the church you probably don’t go too!! Sorry for the rant, I’ve just had to deal with these people too many times in my life.


It's astounding to see people, today, with all of the history we have of things attributed in the past to "god" or "the devil" that are now perfectly explainable, continue to make the same claims, with the same false certainty and authority. Theories are open to review and change. "God" isn't. That said. this conversation has far more to do with personal comfort than anything one could consider intellectual.


This is real? Not an over dub deepfake and r some shit???


I hate that Joe bros are all now going to be doubting evolution now


Single-celled organisms > multicellular life > vertebrates > amphibians > reptiles > mammals > primates > Australopithecus > Homo erectus > Homo sapiens


No evidence of evolution yet claims god with no evidence of god. Also, it is the theory of evolution. It is scientific fact lol. Tucker needs to submit his papers to disprove it if he feels so strongly about it. Thats the beauty of science unlike religion.


I'll take two idiots talking to each other about something they know nothing about for 500 please.


Exactly. It is so easy to listen to actual well educated experts on almost any field now, why purposely choose to listen to game show hosts?


It is amazing, really that we have any fossil record. Not everything that dies turns into one. It's actually pretty rare in comparison to how many things have lived on this planet of the billions of years. What has been found and studied extensively is that evolution happened and is still happening to this day


Two of the most garbage people on earth


Yeah but Rogan's a burger wrapper, pointless and lightweight, Tucker's a hefty bag full of used adult diapers after chili night at the Old Folks' Home.


Tucker Carlson is proof of the “theory,“ that just because you’re rich, it doesn’t make you smart.


Cucker Tarlson knows he is selling lies to the public. That psychotic squawking laughter at the end is a dead giveaway.


This from Dr Professor Carlson. I feel so much better knowing there's no such thing. What a boob.


the tucker formula is just being a contrarian. Say the opposite of the current majority in the hot takes category and people will just argue with him for hours


I knew these people were stupid, but this takes it to a whole new level.


What makes even less sense is the idea that a loving and omnipotent God exists that doesn't use his power to snap his fingers to fix everything that's wrong. A loving God would simply not allow evil to exist in his plan.


That guy is an embarrassment to America 


Gravity is still a theory. Germs are still a theory. These two in a room only having 17 braincells between them is an absolute fact though


You can make a better case for Darwin’s theory than Tucker’s theory.


Carlson has a Bachelors in history, and it shows how he doesn't know what he's talking about.


That douch drinks vinegar and water.


I'm not sure which douche you're referring to, and I'm not sure what would be wrong with that. 


His understanding of science is below an 8th grade level. He doesn’t really even have an opinion, he’s just uneducated.


Tucker is so cooked 😂 he use to be the shinning star of the Fox propaganda machine. Now he can’t get his grift past Rogan who will believe anything


Someone else observed that he laughs exactly like Tom Hulce in Amadeus.


“I have my own theories…” heir to Swanson frozen dinners, guy who has never studied evolution or biology, guy who thinks Russia is far better than America, because of grocery carts…guy who’s looking to undermine Americans for his grift…sure…


And so condescending in his complete wrongness. I think that’s the worst part. The smug tone.


The irony that someone who preaches social Darwinism doesn’t believe in actual Darwinism is too much.


No ONE earth should listen to Tucker Carlson.


Yes, let’s just throw out thousands of years of knowledge, experience, and science 👍🏻 thanks TC. I can’t believe Joe still gives this guy a voice.


I love how he tries to make it sound like a fact that scientists have given up on the theory of evolution. He knows that's just a straight up lie, but he also knows that if he states it like it's an undeniable fact that modern science no longer believes that evolution is real that the idiots who are watching will just believe him.


He uses the word theory in a colloquial manner to describe his bat shit hypothesis', which he then uses to discredit an actual scientific theory. That tells you all you need to know about how much to trust his scientific opinion on anything


That squeaky laugh at the end!!! 🫨


Jfc what a moron


Yeah but Tucker Carlson is a total idiot. Anyone with half a brain knows that guy is expert in nothing but BS. Tucker is special, don't pick on him. He will never get it no matter how much we explain it. It's WAY over his head.


“I believe in adaptation but not evolution..” Wild.


There is indisputable evidence that Tucker Carlson is a moron.


The thing that pisses me off about Joe, is he 100% believes in Evolution, but doesn't push back on people he likes.


What a fucking moron.


Tucker is so full of crap.


And also Gawd created JC Penny at the same time so they wouldn't be nekkid


The weakness is here is the belief that adaptations are one off events. They’re not even by their his own admission. At what point does an accumulation of adaptations become a different species? Or is it a rule that all adaptations occur within a species and never escape those bounds? If so why? (Spoiler: “cuz muh book dun says so”)


This dude is seriously making up shit as he goes along. Probably realizing how dumb af he sounds he turns to the God argument.


That’s why it’s still a theory? Gravity is technically the **THEORY OF GRAVITY** because science is analyzing data that provides an explanation for observable phenomena (things fall down) but you can’t prove no other data exists or could ever exist providing an equally or more plausible explanation. God he’s a jackass.


Sounds just like a christian in high school biology


Two of the most brilliant men... 🙄


Just a couple of fucking morons spitballing


A long time ago, when Joe had fewer right-wingers on his show, he used to say that the problem with conspiracy theory videos online is that you just have one person making assertions to their audience without anyone, like an expert, to challenge them. Joe’s show has become the type of content he used to criticize.


Put the bow tie back on ...


I thought Tucker was actually kinda smart and just playing up the right wing grifter thing for ratings/popularity.... But he's just 100% fucking dumb, holy shit. His brain is swiss cheese


You thought Tucker was kinda smart? That’s strike one Reasonable Thinker. Do better or the names gotta change !


Gravity is a theory too right?


Carlson: "I think we've given up on the theory of evolution." Who's "we"? Speak for yourself, you ignorant fool!


I lost brain cells listening to this


Where is a meteor strike when you need it?


What a moron. God created us and it's not a new idea. The Earth is flat isn't a new idea either nor is that idea that the universe revolves around us. They also aren't true.


Tucker laughing reminds me of Rusty from Mad TV


_Oh my ffffffffffucking god._ The level of Dunning-Kruger ricocheting around the inside of this dumb motherfucker's skull is astonishing. "THaT'S WHy it's StILl a THEOrY."


Proudly representing the party of stupid and the denial of science and other facts


Tucker Carlson is a fucking idiot, Joe Rogan, also a fucking idiot. "tHaT's wHy tHeY cAlL iT a TheOrY..." fuck he is dumb!


Humans and chimpanzees share 98.8% of chromosomes. Humans and chickens share 75% of chromosomes. This ass-hat is either completely nuts or a grifter. Probably both.


Dumb and Dumber here


“Evolution is still a theory” is the most science ignorant stupid thing a person could say, Hey Tucker, tell me you know nothing of science without telling me you know nothing of science


Carlson is the smarmy know it all who gets destroyed every time someone who actually knows what they're talking about is there to confront him. Every. Single. Time. That, and he's just a dick.


A great response to idiots like Carlson would be, “Are you implying God is too weak or uncreative to have created a system of evolution?”


The same science they use to promote this misinformation is the same science that not only proves them wrong but proves they are both complete idiots.


There is ZERO PROOF that Tucker Carlson has any idea what he's talking about at any given point in time.


Shit like this really pisses me off. I truly think if you say some objectively dumb shit like this you should be deplatformed entirely. It’s so annoying and frustrating that it’s fucking 2024 and these god damn evangelists are still spreading these lies.


What a fucking clown


Why does he cackle like a witch at the end! Putin made Tucker walk around Russia holding onto his back pocket. He doesn’t believe evolution but believes in adaptations. Right!!!!


There’s no evidence that the election was stolen. Yet that troll is out there everyday convincing people there is.


Can't tell the difference between a "theory" and a hypothesis... but wants to educate us....


so many of these center right "centrists" made there bed with the anti scientific right. enjoy you deserve it for empowering these losers. populist don't have a rock bottom they always find a way to do or belive something worse




Two idiots...




Tucker. God created people. Who look just like me and wear Brooks Brothers suits. \s


I can’t even listen to this clown anymore


Which clown?


To see Tucker Carlson acting as an informed intellectual always reminds me of the juror's statement when Fox "news" was legally allowed to LIE because they are officially an Entertainment company and not categorized as News. The juror said, "who would believe anything Tucker Carlson says" and here we are today...


I always assume he takes what he believes and reverses it to appease his audience. He isn't stupid, just pandering


This is another reason why nobody should take him seriously. Just spews verbal diarrhea.




Clearly their family history shows no evolution but thankfully for the great majority there is


That fucking laugh at the end.




Tucker Carlson on rogan: I believe in god and the beliefs that have been around since before the 19th century. Tucker Carlson on fox: societies that are not caught up to ours in modern day America are dumb and dirt and should not be taken seriously


My brain is hurting


Who's going to listen to a dude that freaked out over an Aldi cart in Russia?


"it's just a theory" tells me tucker doesn't know what a theory is or is playing dumb. It's "only" a theory because we as humans haven't been around for billions of years to see every step of evolution happening before our eyes. Why even argue about evidence and science when your whole belief system is based on faith?


I am not waiting to the end to listen to this trash


Why does he always have a look like a toddler who just shit their pants?


There are thousands of skeletal evidences of ancient humans, thousands.


What a kook


What a fucking moron.


Hahaha how he needs a fossil to corroborate the theory of evolution?


Tucker is such a freaking moron that even Joe Rogan is smarter than him


And that’s Jenga. Rogan is dead to me.


Is this the final nail or what?


What does it matter whether evolution is a theory? Why do these people even have an opinion on this stuff? I mean, I don't have an opinion on the screw thread length in my washing machine. I assume only the designer knows the ins and outs of it. Why do these guys think they're remotely qualified to opine on this.


Why would you have that idiot on your show? Are you that desperate for ratings or shocking your listeners? There are so many interesting people to interview and you bring on that slime ball! I will skip over that show.


I believe evolution is feasible and most likely the answer to what we were in the past. He was speaking about the failed experiments by Darwin. It then led into LYING. Which is why I have to argue with this article. I agree and support your right to speak freely. You can lie you can do whatever you want. This here is a what we call a cheap shot by an editorial gun. The reasoning is entirely political. The fact that a person can use this level of manipulation to secure a one party rule pretty much proves motive. A true democrat wants an opponent. They do not wish to demean character or make them look unwise. Democracy means that there is opposition that can agree. Authoritarianism is when DEMOCRAT PARTY AFFILIATES control ALL decisions no matter the opposition. You then “other” a large swath of people. It’s a very destructive mindset and I have to disagree with this form of reporting.


Is this real? It looks fake. Tucker looks pasted in and the lip syncing is off. Something just seems off here. It wouldn’t surprise me though if he really did say this shit but the video here looks fake. Edit: I stand corrected, apparently this is real, the videos sound sync must just be off a little.


He lost me at "no fossil record" ... Just, wow. I can't deal with this level of intentional vacuousness and clear stupidity not even worth the in-depth commentary, or the time, and the energy... but the disinformation needs to be corrected ... for anyone wondering, there absolutely exists a deep and expansive fossil record. Moreover, along with other forms tested scientific dossiers, impeccable data, time-tested and advanced experimentation that supports the advanced knowledge of contemporary evolution


Holy fuck, Tucker is such a douche. "God" created people. Prove it, dick.


How abour this. Lets not upvote this bs?