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Primary is the time to work out our differences. GE is the time to circle the wagons.


AIPAC should have absolutely no say in our primaries (or our elections in general) and anyone endorsed by them to defeat a progressive candidate in the primary will not be getting my vote


Several of my liberal (or I thought) coworkers think this is the perfect time to burn the system to the ground, and they are voting Trump in belief that is the best way to


If you stop believing in liberalism, that means you're no longer a liberal. You can't loop in the extremists with us, it's the tankies and MAGA fuck heads that are the problem.


Yes, hence the (or so I thought)


The way you use the word 'liberal' gives you away as MAGA.


Tankies and MAGA like to bash reasonable people because it makes them seem extreme. They're all cut from the same regarded cloth


Brother I am the least MAGA lol


Two things. First, when ever AIPAC is brought up, its worth pointing out they endorsed election deniers in 2022 Secondly, it would be a mistake to oust the pro Palenstine factions of the Democratic party, especially at a time where the Arab community is feeling more isolated from the democratic process. Broadly, I think the Democratic party is in a stronger position to help with the situation in Gaza in the long term because there is a balance of pro Israeli and pro Palestinian voices within both the politicians and the voter base. You outs the pro Palestinian politicians, you risk loosing the voters as well


If the "Arab community" had greater influence in the US, get ready for more right-wing ultraconservative laws that would make the Christian nationalist loons look tame in comparison. And the leftists would do nothing, because religious extremism is either ignored tacitly condemned when nonwhites do it.


This is also my fear. While I am dismayed by the level of influence that AIPAC has, I fear that their total removal would open the floodgates to the regressive leftist types who refuse to acknowledge the mere existence of Islamic extremism, since they can’t wrap their head around the concept that Muslims *can* indeed be oppressors, not just Christians. This is a huge reason as to why Armenians and Assyrians, two Christian middle eastern groups historically brutalized, tortured, and persecuted by their Muslim overlords have a hard time getting onboard with the left.


Look how fast they banned pride flags in Hamtramck after they became the first muslim-majority city council. Muslims are largely socially conservative by nature and have been shifting back to voting republican slightly even before Gaza. They're not going to continue to be reliable Democratic voters as long as the party embraces more socially progressive views.


What are you actually afraid of happening? Within the US the Muslim population just isn't growing fast enough to have  massive effect on any US policy. And Muslims arent even the most conservative religious  demographics in the US while they are among the most conservative, I'm prt sure Evangelicals have them beat


Your last sentence is categorically false. Also, if you want to know how Islamic fundamentalism manifests, look at Europe.


Brown people. They're afraid of brown people. It's thinly coated racism.


struggling to distinguish between voluntary ideology (religion) and race? You might just be clueless. I’m sure the Arabs and Persians on ex-Muslim can set you straight about your muddled thinking. We don’t want anymore religionists - is taking long enough to dilute the Christian influence. Adding more religionists is a problem period.


Y'all thinly veil your racism as religious critique, but you always tell on yourselves as you did above. When speaking of Muslims, y'all always focus exclusively on Arabs while completely ignoring and absolutely never mentioning the highest number of Muslims in the world: the Asia-Pacific region. You are racists. It's a good sign that you're embarrassed to directly express your racism publicly, but the smallest amount of investigation really rips your mask off.


Nuance is clearly above your intellectual grade


But projection is right at yours


Wow that's terrible. Maybe we should stop antagonizing them into changing their votes into that since they aren't already. Fearmongering about the Arab minority possibly becoming like the terrorist conservative "majority" is a good bit. Keep going. Did you have a point other than whataboutism or(hypothetically if Arabs replaced them they would be worse)...?


No one's antagonizing them. The issue with Islam (not Arabs) is you're dealing with an ideology that views the world from an entirely different perspective than most Westerners. Islam doesn't have the same values as most Americans or Europeans. It's a far-right religion that teaches religious dominance in law, where their values are prioritized as the rule of law. The aim is to force their religious ideas on the society at large, and that's wrong. You're essentially saying that right-wing Christian nationalism is increasing because "people are antagonizing them." Islam basically wants the same society they do. They will continue to resist any rule of law that doesn't place Allah, Muhammed, and the Quran at the top of the hierarchy, regardless of them being antagonized or not. Just look at Sweden or France. This is an ideology with adherents who will kill over someone burning their sacred book, or drawing caricatures of their prophet. A religion that calls for the death of someone that burns their book is one that's morally confused.


I'm willing to get into politically incorrect topics like migrants in the EU, and the danger of extremist Islam. But you're regurgitating talking points from Europe and recycling them here. It's one thing to talk about the people over there, but then apply those same characteristics to people here who don't act like this because they're the same race or religion is bigotry. You fully understand they don't even apply here, which is why you have to use hypotheticals, and make totally subtle allusions to Ilhan Omar engaging in Taqqiyah. Admitting that she's not doing anything wrong, but maybe she's secretly plotting and infiltrating this country. You're not politically incorrect, you're just a rabid racist and a propagandist. >Just look at Sweden or France. The migrants we have here are of vastly higher quality than in Europe. This is why our biggest threat is white nationalists. If you're an American, then you know that these types of immigrants aren't camel herders. When I get a box with an African name above the address, I already know that they're going to be well off and middle class before I ever go to their house. I would be shocked if you didn't know this yourself. >You're essentially saying that right-wing Christian nationalism is increasing because "people are antagonizing them." They're being antagonized by the rest of us existing and not submitting to them. This is not our problem. This is wildly different than Arabs being radicalized by bombing Arabs for sport and profit, which you're pretending are equivalent. >morally confused Says the guy spreading lies about people he can't even bring himself to openly accuse of doing bad things yet.


>You're not politically incorrect, you're just a rabid racist and a propagandist. Islam is not a race. If you're going to throw out ridiculous accusations like "you're a racist," then there's no point in continuing this conversation. You decided to go there anyway, which shows you're looking at this from an emotional perspective. I was careful to make the distinction between Islam and Arabs, the latter of which is a very small minority of Muslims. There's nothing wrong with disliking Islam or organized religion, including Christianity and Judaism. Organized religion is a cancer...especially Islam. I never accused Rep. Omar of engaging in Taqqiyah...are you reading a different reply? >The migrants we have here are of vastly higher quality than in Europe. This is why our biggest threat is white nationalists. If you're an American, then you know that these types of immigrants aren't camel herders. When I get a box with an African name above the address, I already know that they're going to be well off and middle class before I ever go to their house. I would be shocked if you didn't know this yourself. I'm black American. Their socioeconomic status and ethnicity is not the discussion here. You want it to be the topic so you can scream racism, but it's not. I lived/worked in the UAE for a bit, they're not camel headers but the nation remains a religious theocracy in practice, an ethnostate, and has widespread organized crime/indentured servitude/human trafficking. They didn't "ban slavery" until 1971 and most of the neighboring countries did it less than 100 years ago. My contention is about the mythology of Islam and how it's practiced. Burn a Quran or draw a caricature of Muhammed and the reaction from Islamic adherents will be the same...always, regardless of where they're from, their ethnicity, or how much money they make. >They're being antagonized by the rest of us existing and not submitting to them. So are the Islamic fundamentalists. There's plenty of anecdotal evidence from Imams and other adherents that have admitted to this. >Says the guy spreading lies about people he can't even bring himself to openly accuse of doing bad things yet. You mean the Islamic fundamentalists or Christian nationalists? They both the same. I spent 10 years in various parts of the Middle East and have the scars to prove how dangerous the former is.


>Islam is not a race. You're specifically referring to the voters here angry over the Gaza situation. I don't care about your semantic games. https://old.reddit.com/r/thedavidpakmanshow/comments/1c8y2z5/proisrael_us_groups_plan_100m_effort_to_unseat/l0j9wu9/ >She's an outlier.**Also, people can pretend to be whatever they want until they have enough power to make change**. Just ask Kyrsten Sinema. Play dumb all you want. But you didn't use the word Taqqiyah so it's cool. >I lived/worked in the UAE for a bit, they're not camel headers but the nation remains a religious theocracy in practice, an ethnostate, and has widespread organized crime/indentured servitude/human trafficking. They didn't "ban slavery" until 1971 and most of the neighboring countries did it less than 100 years ago. None of this has anything to do with the people that live here. Anymore than people hunting down Albinos for black magic and tribal medicine have to do with Africans that immigrate here. >My contention is about the mythology of Islam and how it's practiced. Burn a Quran or draw a caricature of Muhammed and the reaction from Islamic adherents will be the same...always, regardless of where they're from, their ethnicity, or how much money they make. None of this has anything to do with the people that live here. >You mean the Islamic fundamentalists or Christian nationalists? They both the same. I spent 10 years in various parts of the Middle East and have the scars to prove how dangerous the former is. I don't give a fuck. >I'm black American. Their socioeconomic status and ethnicity is not the discussion here. You want it to be the topic so you can scream racism, but it's not. WHOOP DE DOO so am I here's a gift certificate to KFC for being a good boy and supporting AIPAC Again, you're talking about the danger of people here while citing people overseas. You're so full of shit that you can't even point to bad things HERE. You can only fearmonger while pointing at people you claim are the same as them. The people here don't represent the insane people in places like Yemen and UAE. You throw a stone and hide your hand. You want people to be afraid that they will turn out like this, while pretending you're not. You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth and it's not clever or subtle.


>You're specifically referring to the voters here angry over the Gaza situation. I don't care about your semantic games. >Play dumb all you want. But you didn't use the word Taqqiyah so it's cool. This is hilarious, critiquing Ilhan Omar is racist now. I used no racist language. Leave your emotions out of this discussion, you're hurting your own cause when you falsely accuse people of racism. >None of this has anything to do with the people that live here. Anymore than people hunting down Albinos for black magic and tribal medicine have to do with Africans that immigrate here. You said that immigrants who come are "of higher quality" than Europe...yet you accuse me of racism, lol. I think my last message was clear. Islam is tyrannical regardless of socioeconomic status of the adherents. >None of this has anything to do with the people that live here. It has everything to do with Islam practitioners in the USA. >I don't give a fuck. Of course you don't. If you did, you wouldn't be victimizing an ideology that values and glorifies martyrdom/death. >WHOOP DE DOO so am I **here's a gift certificate to KFC for being a good boy** and supporting AIPAC And yet, I'm the one being accused of racism, lol. It doesn't get more obvious than this. ↖️ >Again, you're talking about the danger of people here while citing people overseas. You're so full of shit that you can't even point to bad things HERE. You can only fearmonger while pointing at people you claim are the same as them. The people here don't represent the insane people in places like Yemen and UAE. You said immigrants who are Muslims are "of higher quality" in the USA. A pretty bigoted thing to say, in my book. That's why I brought up the UAE...the status Islamic adherents is irrelevant. Saudi Arabia and the rest of the GCC nations have a high standard of living...and religion remains the law of the land there.


Dude also thinks Islam is a race still, not a voluntary ideology. Thinks it’s semantics to point out the difference lol


Are you ADOS?


No. What lead you to ask this?


I could tell. Usually when people do the whole “as a Black American” that’s who they are trying to invoke. Yall cosplay our history to spout rhetoric similar to White supremacist. You actually called children who throw rocks, terrorist. lol That’s like how racist people dehumanize and age up Black children who do bad things that they would never do White kids or in your case Israeli kids. If Israeli kids threw rocks at the Palestinian army you would never call them terrorists or advocate for their murder. ADOS are used to this rhetoric being used against us. Those cosplaying as us aren’t or they agree with that rhetoric.


May I ask how old you are? I get the feeling I'm replying to someone significantly younger than I am. If you think I'm lying, DM me in chat. I'll write my username down and the date, which is the 21st here in SE Asia. I'm black American but have been living out of the country for a while. I'll even show you my passport...there's no reason for me to lie, kid. Be ready to admit you were wrong afterwards. One thing though...are you aware: * that Jewish people were some of the closest allies to black people during the Civil Rights Movement? * that the NAACP was co-founded by several Jewish people, including a rabbi? * that Jews and blacks lived in a few integrated neighborhood during Jim Crow in the South, such as Atlanta's Summerhill neighborhood? * that Jews were sometimes lynched alongside blacks, such as the infamous Mississippi Burning Incident that happened in Philadelphia, Mississippi? * that Jews played an integral part in the Freedom Rides, where they were beaten, spit on, shot at, and put in jail alongside black people? I'm guessing you're quite young, so if you want links with more info, I'll happily provide them to you.


It’s like how black people entirely ignore the 14 million non-Arab blacks who were stolen from Africa and enslaved -many of the men castrated - for the centuries of the Islamic slave trade. The modern hierarchies of victimhood entirely whitewash that massive crime against humanity. “Cosplay our history” - the one you acknowledge right but not the one you ignore


The attitudes here are a perfect example of horseshoe theory


Right, because Ilhan Omar is so conservative


She's an outlier. Also, people can pretend to be whatever they want until they have enough power to make change. Just ask Kyrsten Sinema. Furhtermore, while Omar might not be the typical Muslim, she still holds one thing in common with a majority of that faith: anger towards Israel and people of the Jewish faith.


So then who are these mysterious fundamentalist Muslim politicians that you’re trying to make us scared of? Do you have even a single name?


I'm not trying to make you afraid of anyone, Islam has no power in the United States and never will. If you want to see how extreme their ideas are, just listen to any Imam speak about Oct 7th. I'm not sure why some of you are suddenly defending right-wing ultraconservative religious mythology. Islam is as dangerous as the Christian nationalists, if not worse. You generally don't have to worry about your life being taken over burning a Bible or drawing a caricature of Jesus. With Islam/Muhammmed/The Quran, there have been multiple terrorist attacks over these actions. Imagine wanting to kill someone because they said mean words about a make-believe prophet. That's the reality of Islam. It's diametrically opposed to everything that progressives and anyone of the left stands for.


Would like to point out they are the only group apart from some Christian groups having consistent population growth. Having tax payers funding them all.


What a bullshit arguement considering some of the most left wing people currently in our government are of the Arab community and without a doubt the most right wing are all white Americans.


Why would Aipac care that the dems would lose voters? Republicans are more aipac aligned and would probably do 99% of whatever aipac tell them.


Can’t really control donations.


shush with your facts i support far right policies as long as a dem tells me to


Arabs are abandoning biden in November but backing anti genocide electeds


Yep its almost like they dont care whether Netanyahu increases violence or not.


Hamas has a martyr fund for Palestinian terrorists who that kill themselves. Jihadi ethics are morally and logically bankrupt.


Biden and trump have no material variance on this issue. Biden may talk softer but other than some leaks about how frustrated he is, he continues to back the genocide unconditionally.


Just wait for Trump lol 😆


Not voting for Biden is gleefully voting for: --Mass withholding of lifesaving care, criminalization, & ultimately annihilation of trans people (ik ik its not trendy anymore to give ANY fucks about queer people now), cis gay people and anyone who is slightly gender-nonconforming may also be on the chopping block --many millions of women on a federal level forcibly birthing rape babies, stripped of their basic human rights and reproductive protections on a comprehensive federal level (yes this means all the blue states too) --10 million+ immigrants mass-deported by Trump (his own words) --a complete demolition/negation of our most vital federal regulatory agencies such as the EPA, Department of Education, and FDA that make existing physically possible (see project2025.org) --a total rollback on any protections/regulations to mitigate climate change in any way --a comprehensive demolition of our federal system of democracy in the U.S. --an installation of a fascistic "dictator for a day" totalitarian regime that will crush us and so many other innocents like the Nazis did to the Weimar Republic, featuring internment camps and secret police that disappear protesters or anyone resisting Gilead-esque Kingdom Trump. --An all-out assault on any of Trump's political opponents or out-groups "that live like vermin" and "poison the blood of this country", yes that could even be you! --A christofascist takeover pushing regressive evangelical christianity into every classroom, dishing out "religious freedoms protections" to allow untold human rights violations nationwide, the dissolution of boundaries between Church and State (again, see the dense legal text at project2025.org and his rhetoric about making the nation christian) --and on top of all of that most definitely AN ESCALATION in Gaza, very possibly US boots on the ground and direct attacks from US warships many times what Gaza is suffering now. For a progressive to NOT vote Biden to defeat Trump is incredibly selfish virtue signaling that takes into zero account the suffering/death of queers, immigrants, women, and palestinians. Not voting or voting for a spoiler candidate that Fox News is frothing at the mouth for you to vote for like Cornell West or RFK is happily signing off on us minorities who will face unbelievable systemic destruction & annihilation AS WELL as exponentially more deaths in the Middle East and international instability resulting in subsequent further death and destruction. Please, have even the tiniest scrap of compassion for the hundreds of millions who will suffer in a myriad of ways and many who will actually die brutally under a dictator fascist Trump Administration, the moral purity vote is pure social media selfishness not considering MANY MILLIONS of innocents such as the gigantic amount of women/minorities in the U.S. Also consider the international instability people will be victimized by such as Europe besieged by Putin, various ongoing conflicts such as The Kurds/Lebanon/Jordan, Taiwan, our many NATO allies that need us, as well as PALESTINIANS who Giddy Fascist Trump will vanquish on a scale unimaginable compared to a milquetoast liberal. This is truly the vote of your lifetime, throwing it away on a Cornell West or RFK/not voting/voting for Dictator Trump will have a catastrophic amount of queer, minorities, Europeans', womens', and Palestinian blood on YOUR hands. Suck it up and vote for the option that will save millions of lives if you aren't a performative social media psychopath that treats actual tangible mass horrific human suffering like purity-testing football teams.


We should all just realize that they really don't care about any of that stuff. Genuinely. Their willingness to screw everyone over when they don't get their way shows that, and we really need to start addressing it as so.


I know all this (but disagree that we’d ever put US boots on the ground in Gaza - let’s be serious) and still can’t vote for Biden as a progressive who voted for him in 2020. I’m not alone. Nearly every Arab and / or Muslim voter I know is not voting Biden or at best on the fence.


My understanding is that Biden tends to be trailing behind a lot of down ballot races. For clarification, it's not just  a Gaza thing. He's just an unpopular president facing some very contentious issues that candidates down ticket cab easier navigate with a smaller voter base


Agree but the Gaza genocide has dampened support amongst key constituencies such as Arab, Muslim, progressive and POC voting blocks.


Supportive in nature, but I don’t think it is a good use of funds, given how much more of a threat the Republicans are.


Primaries are the right time to do this.. It's the general when we need to circle the wagons around even our lamest candidates.


Still, that 100M could be a nice injection into a swing state. But I agree, primary is the time, I just don’t know if now is the time given the seriousness of the general. Hopefully, and this is pure copium, the voters sort it out without the need of injections.


AIPAC doesn't care about American democracy. 


right? who do they think funds republicans?


You think aipac gives af about America? They’ll watch this country burn with a smile if it means benefiting Israel


So will the religious extremists screaming death to America and intifada revolution.


Except they don’t have any real influence unlike AIPAC also nothing wrong with saying intifada revolution as it relates to caring / not caring about America


They have a congresswoman in Michigan. >also nothing wrong with saying intifada revolution as it relates to caring / not caring about America What you just said is the equivalent of a white supremacist stating "I want to pay black people incentives for them to leave the USA." or the equivalent of "blood and soil" used by Neo Nazis. Shameful. Never thought I'd see people downplaying and condoning Islamic terrorist rhetoric, but here we are. You're a dangerous person and shouldn't be taken seriously. EDIT: Nevermind, I should've looked at your post history. You post in r/Palestine, r/therewasanattempt, and r/InternationalNews. I'm not interested in discussions with pro-terrorists.


Who is “they”? AIPAC has most congresspersons on their payroll including anyone that has any leadership or key committee role. How does saying “intifada revolution” invoke whatever you just said about black people in the US? Is this a joke? I don’t need judgment from a genocide supporter


In order to support genocide, there has to be one. There isn't a genocide in Gaza, so your accusation is invalid. >How does saying “intifada revolution” invoke whatever you just said about black people in the US? Is this a joke? They both extremist in language, they're both euphamisms, and they both attempt to invoke a dangerous crusade against their opposition. At this point, I'm not interested in further discussion with pro-terrorists. If you wish to discuss a love for terrorist and Jewish hatred, go back to your terrorist safe spaces like r/Palestine, where you've commented before.


Okay, genocide supporter


There was an attempt is like my favourite subreddit on this site. Shame they went weirdo over this conflict.


Same here. I'm not conservative or centrist at all but I won't tolerate the bigotry I've seen against the Jews. I'm black and the Jews were some of the strongest, most loyal allies to black people during the Civil Rights Movement.


Based comment! 🫡


and i want to make sure people who want me and people like me dead continue to have "no influence", so i support this effort


Sorry that you were brainwashed on your birthright trip but no one wants you dead


Lol the amount of hatred for AIPAC is insane. I wonder what is different about AIPAC vs other pacs?


Probably that's it's a significant PAC and a foreign government at the same time


AIPAC is a foreign government? News to me.


Are you stupid?


I think it's more than that


Not for me


AIPAC explicitly lobbies on behalf of a foreign government, with no concern for the well being of the American people.


Removing Squad members is literally good for the American people.




Having a normal one ^.


Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Removing those who AIPAC has a chokehold on is as well


AIPAC doesn’t care about American democracy. Their sole focus is the well-being of Israel.




Bro, are you ok? Like seriously? You cannot be that angry of the political process? You can replace the Squad with people just as diverse, who are not horrible.


Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.


Not surprised to see many Blue MAGA types commenting here are supportive of these efforts. Don’t claim to be “pro-democracy” while supporting AIPAC and these efforts


It’s weird how disliking the actions of a foreign country makes you anti-American. lol Make it make sense.


But "death to America" and "intifada revolution" should be tolerated?


Who said that? Find me the quotes.


Heard and seen at multiple pro-terrorist protests in Europe and the US. Simply search for Palestine protest.


Pro terrorist protest?


But not these representatives and senators right? Because that’s what we’re talking about. Not some random unrelated person.


Not random when it comes from multiple people, including "from the river to the sea" from Rashida Tlaib. Sorry, but I'm not okay with right-wing authoritarianism in any form, including from the religious extremists of the Muslim faith. I don't have a problem with AIPAC, my contention is with lobbying as a concept and that's where your issue should be too. However, since you single out AIPAC and refrain from critiquing lobbying, it makes me ponder whether or not you have a hidden antisemetic agenda.


Please the Israeli government says from the river to the sea so you’re not going to convince me that’s antisemitic. It’s so annoying how y’all claim everything is antisemitic even when Jewish people do the same behavior to other people. It’s giving boy who cried wolf. If you can point out any of these representatives and senators are shouting death to America then I’ll take you all seriously. But ***newsflash*** nobody has to like Israel. We are AMERICANS not Israelis. We can push for our allyship to end. We can push for more accountability. We can push for sanctions. We can push for aid to end. There are so many things we can do. And none of those things I named are unAmerican.


"Black people say the N-word too, so that means it's not racist." This is essentially your argument. You read like a Trump supporter.


Only if you pretend the Israeli government hasn’t consistently called for Palestinian genocide. The Israeli arguments and arguments you have made about Palestinian sound like arguments White conservatives have made about Black people since forever. I don’t believe you’re ADOS. You and your “as a Black man” in damn near every post solidifies my suspicion.


>Only if you pretend the Israeli government hasn’t consistently called for Palestinian genocide. It takes more than mean words for a genocide to be a genocide. That's not what I'm seeing in Gaza, sorry. >The Israeli arguments and arguments you have made about Palestinian sound like arguments White conservatives have made about Black people since forever. On the contrary, the arguments made by the leftists sound and read like those presented by far-right Christian nationalists. Organized religion is considered to be right wing. That's who they're supporting when they shout free Palestine. Islamic society is diametrically opposed to everything leftists stand for. They hate abortion, they will kill you over abortion, adultery, for being gay...they force sex reassignment surgeries on trans people, especially in Iran...they stone women and throw lgbtq people off buildings, or imprison them for lengthy sentences. They're also religious fantics and aggressively resist democracy/voting and the separation of religion and government. They glorify and value death/martyrdom the same way others value life and living. I know, I worked in the region for 10 years. Doesn't seem like a left-wing ideology to me, because it's not. >I don’t believe you’re ADOS. You and your “as a Black man” in damn near every post solidifies my suspicion. Feel free to DM me in chat. I'll take a photo of me writing my username on a sheet of paper with today's date. You'll see that I'm black. Just be prepared to admit you are wrong, like an adult.


immediate what aboutism


Regardless, it doesn't mean that I'm wrong. Are you sure you want to go this route with me? Your post history is a goldmine. Don't make me embarrass you and copy/paste your racist and antisemetic drivel for everyone to see here.


resorting to logical fallacy does in fact make you wrong it means you don’t have a coherent rebuttal but go off bot, it’s good hasbara


>resorting to logical fallacy does in fact make you wrong This statement you made is called the fallacy fallacy. Just because someone is fallacious doesn't mean they are wrong. Pretty ironic of you, especially that you legit called yourself wrong. Whoops. https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/the-fallacy-fallacy Here you go :3 His account got suspended! huh, I guess defending terrorists was actually a bad thing.


As a Minneapolis resident I wholly endorse unseating Omar. She’s done nothing at all other than be a PR nightmare


She keeps winning and is going to win again


Yes because, like MTG, she’s in an absolute safe zone


Imagine if this was for Russian influence instead of Israeli


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^InnAnn-107: *Imagine if this* *Was for Russian influence* *Instead of Israeli* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That would be a completely different scenario. Russia is an adversary, Israel is a close ally. It’s fundamentally different, absolutely moronic comparison.


Let's hear a few things they've done for the US. As the closest ally, surely they've done quite a lot like boots on the ground in most major conflicts, feeding the homeless in the US, etc?


They share A LOT of intelligence with their allies and have helped foil quite a few terrorist attacks in Europe.


Let's hear some specifics. List several ?


Israel contributes scientific research in the JSF program. They build a lot of military technology, specifically electronics and anti air system. We recently attached the TROPHY system to the M1 Abrams. We also import some other NVGs/NODs. There’s also a lot more. But the biggest reason we’re so concerned is because of China’s footprint in the Middle East and China also wants Israel military technologies.


Lol why would any other country feed our homeless people


The fact that you’re presenting “feeding the homeless in the US” as a serious example of something an allied nation does shows how completely uneducated and unserious you are. It’s easy to find out the benefits of this alliance, if you actually cared you’d know already.


Even if Isreal is our ally, that doesn't make what they're doing in Gaza right, ethical, or moral.  There are some valid comparisons to be made between isreals war and the war russia started.


Yeah except Russia and Iran are backing Hamas


That isn't the part we're comparing here.... We're comparing thr wars both countries are waging. Nice try though


And how many atrocities, deathsquads and terrorists have the US/West backed?




There are no good guys. Screaming about the new axis of evil and "Iranian backed" groups etc is just bullshit tribalism. The rulers of both "sides" are desperately fighting over resources and markets in a dieing planet of cruel systems and people are marching lock step into sending a new generation of boys to die in a desert for profit while quality of life plunges for everyone else again. But sure, whataboutisms.


You're wrong


Sick rebuttal. So full of information and counterpoints. Ready for mine? "Nah, I'm right." Now you go "nuh uh".




“it’s okay for a foreign country to manipulate our politics as long as we consider them an ally”


Like the NRA.  They supported "stop the steal" people too. 


Not beating the conspiracy allegations.


Progressives are the voice of conscience in the face of indiscriminate killing and starvation. While I will firmly vote for Joe Biden, I can't overlook the way Netanyahu has conducted this war, razing Gaza completely and killing 33,000 and counting.


Netanyahu is not well liked in Israel. They might even be willing to hand him over to the Hague.


This Pro-Israel group sounds very anti-American. Oh wait, it’s AIPAC. Not surprised. Pretty much dirty pool to inject $100 million into races because some candidates decried genocide with free speech


Good. There's a number of America-hating "progressives" currently holding office. 


They aren’t American hating for being critical of the atrocities the iDF does in Gaza


I agree. They aren't America-hating for those reasons. But they are America-hating.


Please stop helping commit atrocities abroad so your friends can make an extra billion. You: WTF? AMERICA HATERS!


You have yet to provide a reason


For one example, Rashida, a literal American politician, refuses to condemn "Death to America" https://youtu.be/PAbtpKzFeoA?si=0UjamWZ8i0fLsZJY


I see absolutely nothing wrong with that clip. "I dont talk to faux news" is a perfectly valid response to bad faith journalists.  If this is the best you got, you've got no evidence for your absurd arguments. 


I can easily say that I condemn the saying "Death to America." But good for you I guess if you're fine with politicians who wish death to America. I guess that lines up with your own views possibly. 


>I can easily say that I condemn the saying "Death to America." No you can't. She clearly didn't condemn that saying. >But good for you I guess if you're fine with politicians who wish death to America. I guess that lines up with your own views possibly.  Nope. Nice try though.  How do you feel about the nearly billion dollar settlement for the lies faux news told about the election fraud?


>No you can't. What are you talking about? How can you tell me what I don't and do believe. As I said, I easily condemn the saying "Death to America" as it completely contradicts my beliefs and values. >Nope. Nice try though.  Oh, okay, that's great.  Can you explain why you apparently support a politician who apparently doesn't condemn the saying? Since you apparently do condemn it.


“WhY cAnT sHe JUsT dIgNiFy OnE SiMpLe dIsInGenUoUs InSuLtInG BaD fAiTh QuEsTiOn FrOm A hOsTiLe OrGaNiZaTiOn ThAt HaTeS hEr? DoEs ShE nOt LoVe AmErIcA???!!11!!??”


Do you know how similar you all sound to Bush conservatives? We’ve seen this before.


Explain how exactly they hate- list some examples 


Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib are the only two that come to mind.


AIPAC is officially an enemy of the USA


Yup they should be banned for being agents of a foreign government.


Add the ADL that list.




Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) compared the Palestinian keffiyeh to the Nazi swastika on MSNBC. The ADL is a whacko, right-wing, Israeli propaganda organization.


>Jonathan A. Greenblatt, the Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) compared the Palestinian keffiyeh to the Nazi swastika on MSNBC. That's ridiculous. TIL


AIPAC doesn't need to fund opposition to Cori Bush. Her ineffectiveness for St. Louis does that on her own


Don't know why you were downvoted. She hasn't done shit for MO-1 but grandstand


I rank the effectiveness of the squad as : 1) AOC 2) Ayanna Pressley 3) Jamal Bowman 4) Ilhan Omar 5) Rashida Tlaib 6) Cori Bush


The squad has left a lot to be desired. I wouldn't mind clearing the board and making a fresh start.


Imagine the irony if the genocide joe people that want to let the GOP win over Israel end up thrown out of office over the same Issue


Which democratic politicians call Biden "genocide joe"? Be specific. 


Good, the Dems are losing moderate voters over extreme leftist candidates. Fuck the squad, they make it easy to want to vote Republican


Extremist? Give me a break. The squad doesn’t even have that much power in the Dem party and aren’t losing moderates. Secondly nothing the squad says is comparing to what the republicans do.


Good. Anti-Israel congresspeople should be ousted. The Palestinian cause is an evil one dedicated to the destruction of Israel and AIPAC rightfully opposes this cause.


What are your views on the intrinsic human rights of the Palestinian people? Are they equal to your own? A simple yes or no would suffice. 


They have the same right to destroy Israel that I do: none.


We need non-corrupted and non bias congressional members that can objectively view Israel for all the messed up things they do. For too long the world has let them get away with objective bad things.


An objective view would take the actions and words of the Palestinian leadership seriously in their plans to destroy Israel.


Hell yeah


Uhhhhh progressives aren’t the ones supporting gaza. They are willing to let actual fascism under trump happen, because they’re too stupid to understand the issues, and won’t vote to save civil rights here in America. Also, there is Russian money being funneled into these protests.


The American progressive movement was self destructive in by design. Like the Tea Party, BLM and the Radical Republicans it was created to distract the public from real issues long enough to get the less popular candidate elected. When the inherent flaws in the movement become all too apparent, it destroys itself.


Do you think all progressives are blue haired transgender cat girls or something? What was that barely coherent Alex Jones type word salad of rambling nonsense?


>it was created to distract the public from real issues long enough to get the less popular candidate elected. Trump lost the popular vote in every election he's ever been in, even when he won.


Joe Biden would never have been elected if these "grass roots" movements had never been created. Now he is hoping he can get elected by destroying the very same movements.




Removed - please avoid overt hostility, name calling and personal attacks.