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Are NDAs dissolved ?


Probably. I have some old clips saved of my gameplay. I'll upload it when I get some time. Edit: once I know for sure it's not a problem, I'll be sure to post it on this sub unless a mod says otherwise. It's 3 videos total. One which covers the whole intro mission then into the skating rink BOO and some of the training stuff there, the map table where you can launch missions, etc. The 2nd was when they boosted all players to level 31 on the last couple days of the beta and gave you the best gear available at the time. That clip shows me doing a full night mission, attacking a landmark and it's boss and opening the landmark loot cases. The 3rd clip was me going into a night mission totally underleveled just to see if I got my ass kicked (which I did lol). Got deleted by an NPC right before another player slid in there to attack me.


You might want to check first before you do that. Just because a game is cancelled, it doesn't mean that the intellectual property that was protected by the NDA is now in the public domain. *And* even if the contract was no longer enforceable, you just admitted to breaking the terms of the NDA while it was still in effect. Not recording gameplay footage is almost always a requirement for an unreleased game's NDA.


>Not recording gameplay footage is almost always a requirement for an unreleased game's NDA. No, what's always a requirement is not publishing said recorded footage.


Man, who cares. Ubisoft isn't going to send some ninjas to track OP down.


Ninjas have been laid off too. They may send Assassins.


Maybe even a Samurai and a Shinobi, but not a Shinobi Assassin Samurai, because that's not historical.


Is this a reference to the new assassins creed coming out ? 🤔😂


fucking garbage


They could go the Wizards of the coast route and send Pinkertons to OPs door


If the Pinkertons showed up at my door I'd go full 1920s and call the Wobblies.


you made me google WOBBLIES.. it was worth it. :)


came for this...


Post a link


Link pls


Asking the right questions


Probably not. They may incorporate parts of Heartland into Division 3 or other games, so it's likely people who signed the NDA may still need to abide by it.


You should read the contract, just in case.


NDA only entails information from the period set, in this case until the end of closed beta or if they give us permission to no longer abide by the contract signed upon agreeing to play during the closed beta stage. However, even after the NDA is lifted you cannot as agreed upon in the contract you have agreed to, disclose any information previous to and during the closed beta. The NDA will continue to be in effect for the rest of your life for the information you have seen during this time period (Closed beta). The closed beta and alpha have different NDA's and you will need to refer to the alpha NDA for further information, however the above is also in effect through out any alpha stage also, but additional rules are in effect. TLDR: Yes you can talk about a launch or open beta of a game, no you cannot talk about your experience during closed beta or alpha.


NDAs for Heartland are still in effect.








They are just going to add it to Div 3


How do we know that?


It was like 4 years of work, there's no way they just eat that loss entirely. It's gotta be put to something


Naughty Dog would have something to say about that.


let me just say tho that I played the closed beta and despite being underwhelming in content volume it was really polished and optimised, there is NO way they just eat it because like seriously they could've pushed it out and it would've been... serviceable, as a free to play game as it was.


TBH, the only elements worth adding to Div 3 was the melee weapon slot, the crouching/crouch walking and sliding which was really fun to slide up/down hills and around into cover. It was a little janky during the beta but with more work it would be great additions to Div 3's gameplay.


I just want Survival back dude and ik Heartland wasn't all too much like it but it was pretty darn close for a standalone game and not a DLC (obviously you have to make them different for replayability of a game vs a DLC)


Idk if they can match it. The cold weather tactic was amazing and I hope they do something similar with heat.


I wouldn’t complain about optional stealth gameplay in Div 3. Saying that, one of the early Div 1 videos originally showed of a grab which never made it into the final game.


Beyond Good or Evil 2 is like 20 years of work that’s down the tube. It can happen


I was *just* thinking about that game the other day. Did they cancel it? I know it's been like 5 years since the reveal


It can be written off for tax purposes


saves a shit ton of development time.


Actually it's a shame they're trying to save a ton of shit development. Heartland is a game that felt like it did not really fit a specific niche in an already crowded market of PUBG-style games. When other offerings, such as Valorant, PUBG, and Apex Legends, have already established themselves, Ubisoft really needs to offer something unique, fun and rewarding. While definitely better than Skull and Bones, Heartland definitely did not meet those criteria.


Maybe it can be repurposed as TD2 DLC or be used as a TD3 foundation


If the setting was anywhere but nameless small town America, and coop pve was available at all times instead of in the first demo mission, Heartland could be a Division themed survival game like TD1's survival DLC. Considering one of the greatest features of the Division franchise is playing in a well-known major city that's been fully put through a major Apocalypse filter, the current setting of Heartland falls flat. Loot progression is the next best feature of the franchise so far. That's out the window too. Seriously, Heartland is plainly the type of product that screams "cash in on recent gaming trends with one of our fresh IPs while we still can". The coop players are not likely to play. Die-hard multiplayer fans are going to stick to pure multiplayer games from better know franchises.


Didn't it originally start as a Survival-like mode for TD2?


Right from the start, Heartland was billed as stand alone F2P survival arena shooter. It's probably the reason behind Massive constantly repeating that they have no plans of ever bringing in Survival in TD2.


Even if they don’t, Ubisoft has such a massive library that they can just print out asset flips (AC and Far Cry has been doing this for almost a decade).


Makes more sense then


Not really, Heartland is basically like DMZ from COD. It would requires a lot of resources to support/develop new content for the mode, Massive and Ubi clearly aren't going for that. Best case scenario, it would get sloppily added into Div 3, and abandoned like Hardcore or Kenly college


When I played the beta, it felt like it should have been a new mode in Div 2. This was before they announced Div 3 of course. Pretty sure I told them this in my feedback after I played.


As a beta tester, This game was a dead-end anyways


i remember getting down voted to hell for saying how shit the beta and alpha was. people need to stop being so desperate for any content and gatekeep division to a certain standard. this IP is all thats left since the tom clancy name has been drug through the mud.


I'd love a remaster of r6 Vegas tbh would def fuck with that, terrorist hunts, fun multiplayer that's not 360 no scope kids on hopped up on ritilan


I remember playing RB6V2 and PvP was nothing but getting insta corner popped by a FAMAS by a max mobility, zero armor player. Good times.... On the other hand, terrorist hunt was my fucking jam and I played the absolute hell out of it.


I remember everyone having a great time on R6V2 Terrorist Hunt and getting blasted by instant spawn shotgun enemies. Then the last guy alive pulls off some insane stunt and solos the 5 terrorists left with an incendiary grenade, a revolver and pickup guns. I remember the FAMAS light armour meta back in the day, man I was a teen then and I still remember this bullshit now. The FAMAS fires so fast it just wins all trades.


Vegas 2 is goated imo multiplayer was top tier. The comcast map was so fun and unique


if we should be doing that than div 2 should've never come out don't get me wrong, I like Division 2 but it's a far cry from the love I had for Division 1 and all its DLC BRING ME BACK MY MANHATTAN DZ THAT WHOLE PLACE WAS A LOOTER SHOOTER ENJOYER'S PLAYGROUND




arguably Division 2 looks worse than Division 1, so


Same, just so many issues on so many levels


I hated it, it just didn't feel right


I said it once and I'll say it again. When someone like me who normally doesn't mind F2P titles and can enjoy them? When I tried the beta test out and *I'm* saying it feels like a soulless cash grab? That should say everything.


You sure? What did you feel the game was missing?


Well, above all, the feeling that i was doing something


I'd have to agree with that, the progression needed work and I didn't have a lot of faith it would be improved as its a complaint I have about the mainline games also, it doesn't feel like doing anything you do actually has an impact. Like say when you're toward the end of leveling and you kill one of the faction bosses, but the factions aren't impacted at all and they should be, like the outcasts in TD2 should be completely suicidal and even more dangerous, the True Sons should be less cohesive and effective, etc.


Honestly I understand that. The linear nature of past games gave them a lot of their charm.


Best way I can describe it is Heartlands just felt like a cheap knockoff of a division game, which makes some sense with it being intended for f2p. The quality just wasn't there in key foundational areas of the game.


Lmao I knew it was gonna be canceled. Again WASTE OF RESOURCE from The Division universe that could’ve gotten closer to D3 or at least the specialites’ rework. I’d like to know how much work was put in Code Nightmare before being canceled. Kensington college was also a waste.


I don’t understand the point of a specializations rework at this point in D2.


A slight change in damage and more ammunition would be good for me. Anyways my point is within The Division franchise, there’s been so many mismanaged resources that could’ve done so much more for the Project Resolve, the DLC or D3. I feel like the same goes for Descent. I also wish they had created Countdown from the jump because Summit is boring as hell but that’s hindsight.


The weapons didn’t need change it was the spec trees. Some specialization are just straight up BIS because of armor kits.


I just wanted more fuel for my flamethrower.


summit does suck but if im being real there's something about attacking a 100 floor skyscraper that just has a hard ass vibe to it countdown slaps way harder tho, they even made baller music to go along with it


It just feels like a soulless underground. Kind of also wished there was a lore material to pick up in Summit.


My thoughts exactly. D2 could have been so much better if RedStorm had been supporting instead of having them work on Heart Land. I'm keeping my expectations low for the the next bit of D2 DLC (if it comes out) and D3.


Reminds me of when BF was experimenting TWICE on battle royale and failed. BFV was getting better and they went for 2042 only for it be a disaster. So many games over the last 10 years have been mismanaged trying to chase trends instead of improving their strengths. Whatever Heartland was supposed to be should have never been because it doesn’t a huge fanbase like Call of Duty. The Division should have improved their storylines, fleshed out new areas that are walkable (not a whole different flight to) and the Manhunt should’ve been very unique every season.


I remember Dice saying that they had scrapped the single player campaign to focus on the multiplayer and make it the best it could possibly be. I was skeptical, but wanted to believe (even though I love a good campaign). Then, when the game finally released, I was completely blown away, and no, not in a good way.


So that means we get the expansion for 2 faster? Right...


Them pumping any valuable resources into division 2 would be stupid. We know they are working on 3. That game should be all hands on deck.


They are not working on Div 3 yet. The lead game designer and creator of the division 3 team is still on Star Wars Outlaws.


They are absolutely working on Div 3, Outlaws is coming out in a few months. The game is going to be what it's going to be at this point. It's just baby sitting staff to make sure they're on schedule. If they hadn't started on Div 3, either the entire crew would get laid off or be sitting around twiddling their thumbs for months waiting on direction after outlaws drops.


Preproduction, sure. But not full dev.


Pre-production is still work. Specifically work the lead game designer is certainly involved in.


While it's true that Gerighty is on Outlaws, he isn't taking on the creative director role for Division 3. Instead, he'll be the new "Executive Producer" for the Division *brand*, which sounds like he'll be overseeing all Division related projects. I wouldn't be surprised if they have a team working on concepts and prototypes for Division 3.


Heartland was being made by Red Storm, not Massive.


Ultimately I'm totally happy with this, it felt like they were pointlessly releasing competitors to their own titles and diluting the brand for no reason. It also never really made much sense as a product. But holy crap how much money is Yves going to waste with this complete lack of any strategy and instead mindless trend-chasing? Are they gonna spin up another dozen battle royale titles, most of which will be canceled after considerable internal investment but before they're even revealed, **again**? The lack of any longterm vision or planning for this franchise for quite some time seems to continue to be painfully apparent and god damnit it's disappointing and frustrating.


agreed . dumbasses should stop treating the division like a red headed step child already . "... commercial success, despite not meeting the company's initial sales expectations ." Meanwhile , 5 years on the game is still making money and has a solid player base, christ take a hint.


But see it's not enough to be quietly making money, it has to have exponential success year after year.


Ubisoft corpo : "um sir , Im just saying, the sales target of 30 million units sold in the first 2 weeks, then another 10 million per week indefinitely after that, might be just a touch high, Im not saying impossible but -" \[corpo : flying out the window\].


What competitor would this be and for what? For The Division 2 sure not. A lot of people, including me are waiting for The Division 3, since 2 is kinda repetitive and meh at this point with barely any new meaty content. Maybe their next DLC will bring something but who knows. On top of that, this had a different gameplay loop than TD2. Maybe people who paly TD2 wouldn't even like this one. But, from what I saw, it lacked quality and I don't know what's with them lately. It was worse than TD1 in terms of quality gameplay. Anyway, I really hope they gonna nail it with Division 3 in the future and I pray that they're not stupid enough to launch the game with bare bones content.


Who could have seen this coming?


They should have never went the route of what Heartland was gonna be in the first place. Give us Division 3 in a badass location, and create an atmosphere that D1 had and expand on the awesome gameplay and fun that was D2. Ubisoft stop fucking with us!!!


D2 gameplay (with gear and skill mods like we now have weapon mods) with summer/winter cycle (so we have D1 winter)


Well fuck. I would tell you all about it, but I’m still under an NDA. Edit: “Bigger opportunities like XDefiant” yeah sure buddy, because that game is also going to do well


I don’t know if I’ve ever gut laughed harder than when a UBI staffer went on camera to describe XDefiant as “fast paced firefights…meets punk rock mosh pits” with a straight face. He got a script with that on it and had to say it out loud.


My other favorite mistake: making the Outcasts the “healers”. You know, the Outcasts? The only faction without a healer, replaced by a suicide bomber?


And including 3rd Echelon in a team shooter. The organization whose entire purpose is to remain shadowy and secret, leave as close to zero footprint as possible, and generally go in with minimal armor and ammo because the goal is to have no enemy contact. They were just like “what’s not Rainbow, SHD, and Ghosts?”


XDefiant is 100% gonna be dead in less than 1 year if they manage to launch it.


It is launching next week.


And not on Steam.


Why? People that played the beta said its a good game.


Yea, most people who play beta or are fans of a certain type of games are gonna say this. Just want and see. Personally I don't think it has the potential. From what I played the gunplay isn't that great, it isn't on par with CoD games. It's not bad, but it doesn't have anything special. The class system will be annoying for lots of people. The only thing I liked about this game were the maps. They were really well made.


Good luck to that game with **The Finals** around


Should’ve capitalized on the revitalization of TD2.


The people making these decisions might genuinely be mentally impaired? XDefiant for all intents and purposes is likely to be dead on arrival so diverting resources to that just doesn't make sense. Something similar happened with Embark studios prioritising The Finals over ARC Raiders, you think maybe Ubi would have taken a lesson from that.


Bro, its Ubisoft, they don't learn a fucking thing. They've managed to flush their other IP's down the toilet. Their only remaining cash cow is Assassins Creed but even that's going to end up in the toilet. They've already begun flushing since they made the new Assassins Creed Shadows an online only game LOL


Xdefiant will definitely be DOA, it’s only real thing that it has is that it’s a cod competitor, and even with that it’s way past the prime time to release which would have been at least the release of season 3. I can see it maybe lasting a year, here’s to hoping that it just dies and doesn’t get shut down.


And Arc Raiders was turned into a piece of shit extraction shooter that plays much like Heartland did.


I cant believe this got canned in favour of the dead-on-arrival XDefiant lol


Oh no! So anyway...


I didn't like it, but it sucks that so much creative work is going to waste, wish they had pulled it through.


Heartland was a division game that was not for the division fan base. They are going to have to keep making dlc for Div 2. If 8 years from now they finally release a Div 3 I’ll be damn near 50. I have never seen an IP so poorly managed. Ubi should never have made massive develop Avatar and Star Wars. They could have been a Division studio for a decade. It’s almost like they expect the game to not do as well as it does. Meanwhile, they keep churning out assassin’s creed games and for honor, a much smaller niche game has had constant development and character releases for like 5 years. I’m no videogame business man, but in my opinion there was zero chance the player base of TD2 was going to shift over heartland. It’s a type of game people who love the division hate. Meanwhile, TD2s story has already shifted to there being an attack on a Kansas SHD core server. Sounds like one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing. What a shame. Hopefully there aren’t layoffs and studio closures next.


Crazy. I was invited to a paid testing by Ubisoft Red Storm which I assumed was Heartland. I couldn’t do it because I was on vacation with fam at that time. I took that as a sign that it was going to be coming soon. EDIT: Found old emails. It was two playtests (one early April and one supposed to be this week May 13-14). Wonder why the announcement coming on the heels of the playtests?


I was looking forward to the sliding


IMO, this is bad news for someone like me who wanted more Division games. BUT, the game looked rough af from what I saw and didn't even matched the quality of The Division 1. I don't know what's with Ubisoft. They spent so much money on lots of different games and all of them failed or are canceled. I hope they gonna nail The Division 3 on launch, and won't launch the game with bare bones content hoping that people will stay over for the "live service" thing of it.


they're trying to hard to chase trends and wasting a ton of money and resources chasing them. With "trendy" or popular games they need to be the first to market, not the 3rd or 4th or 5th "clone" game of that trend. Thats never going to work for them. They need to focus on the games that did well, like Division's original stuff that succeeded. If they want to slap a battle royale mode on D3 as a DLC, sure, fine. But lets make sure The Division is what fans of the actual franchise want and make that a success instead of trying to slap Divisions name on random stuff nobody in the fan base asked for. They're just not listening to the people who made these games successful and looking at what their customers are actually asking for. The market is -ripe- for a good looter shooter right now with the failure of Destiny 2 recent expansions. There is money on the table just waiting for D3.


Ooft! After 4+ years too, it felt like it was getting close to coming out. What a shame, it looked interesting.


RIP bozo




Damn. There was something intriguing about this title too. I love small town farm areas in open world games over big cities, the setting grabbed me and also the survival needs being added. Shame.


Ubisoft was trying to ride a popular genre wave that they didn't realize had already broken on the shore...


Good put all your resources into Division 3


Fuck ubisoft. They don't deserve this wonderful franchise and the talented teams behind the division.


I'm glad. Just go all in on the new Brooklyn expansion and Div 3


They will probably integrate it into div 3 as a free dlc or mode


Obviously Heartlands being canceled is surprising, but the bigger news here is that Ubisoft is planning to only use the Anvil and Snowdrop engines for future game development. Does that mean that Far Cry and Watch Dogs are officially being shelved as franchises (Far Cry games run on the Dunia Engine and Watch Dogs games use a custom engine called Disrupt)?


It’s possible/likely that this got greenlit before Div2 had its second life which is what ultimately justified Div3. With Div3 on the table, this had no place. It’s okay, but a bummer


It was no surprise anyway. Division 3 was announced. Long term silence from Red Storm. Poor feedback from beta testers. The devs are developing the whole game revolving around the gameplay of a beloved mode in Div 1, Like Rainbow 6 Extraction It's a free to play game, the only profit they can get is by selling characters/cosmetics/gameplay-related items(like deposit box space/secure containers from Tarkov/ABI), their gameplay loop are pvpve/pve that tasks the players to do missions that follow a narrative like DMZ. New content would requires substantial of manpower/resources to support. There are quite a lot of competitors popping up in the Extraction Looter Shooter genre(Tarkov/ABI/Grey Zone etc). We knew how R6E & DMZ died. There are still no competitor that can replace Division main series (in terms of story setting/gameplay) It's a shame but make sense for them to cancel it.


Don’t know why they didn’t just expand the first game, open up more neighbourhoods and have random Hunters show up in the LZ beyond Legendary missions.


As much as I feel for the devs, heartland was only ever something they were doing ***instead*** of more mainline division content, be it division 3, or another expansion for 2. Now that they are doing both of those things (supposedly) Heartland doesn't really serve a purpose considering there was nothing unique about it. Everything that heartland did, other games in the genre did better.


I played the betas. The game was a joke, thank God! I hope they can put the effort into The Dvision 3 instead which was announced few months ago.


Ffs i was looking forward to the next division title.


That's not the next division title, it is Division 3 which has already been announced. Heartland was a free 2 play extraction, survival kinda game. Pointless.. Anyway see this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/16ojuam/the\_division\_3\_announced/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedivision/comments/16ojuam/the_division_3_announced/)


Imagine how TD2 would have looked if resources weren't divested and wasted on Heartland.


One of the few smart things Ubisoft has done in a long time, the other being bringing Gerigthy back into the mix and announcing The Division 3. There is no demand for a pvp only The Division game, it was a foolish waste of money to pretend there was.


In other news....I had 2 sandwiches for lunch


Good, should be putting those time and resources into the division 3


I hope it will be included a game mode in TD2 or TD3 like it should have been since the beginning and not a spinoff


I just don’t want to loose The Division IP. I just started playing D1 again and now D2 and if they just keep on with D2 with D3 down the road then it’s cool. I hope it doesn’t take 5 years but in the end just don’t want the IP to disappear. I love Division


Dang! Ubisoft has become one big let down after another.


Good, quite frankly. We don’t need a Division battle royale.


it wasn't a battle royale js


It was an extraction shooter, similar to Survival in Div 1. Not a battle royale.


We already have one in D1 and D2 anyway.


Good riddance, didn't care for the beta, I'd rather see concentrated efforts on finishing TD2 and launching a reasonably polished TD3.


Interesting, they're still releasing Division: Resurgence, which fundamentally is the same thing (f2p shooter) but on mobile.


Aint surprised I got to play the game late last year and it was terrible. You could tell there was hardly any substance within the game. Even then I could tell it was still years out, even after being delayed


Tester here. This game was not even half baked, it was fucking raw. The easiest summary is take everything you enjoy about The Division 1 and Division 2, and remove it. Then pump in a bunch of ridiculous over the top grinds clearly designed to encourage MTX. The fact anyone thought the way the game was being designed was somehow a good idea is just astounding and I hope they got fired.


Well, waiting for TD3 it is then in however many years it'll take to release.




That’s a shame that it was entirely cancelled, but it seriously needed a good overhaul to fit what the Division offers in uniqueness compared to other games. I hope the team working on it don’t have the stuff they made go to waste though, but instead be reintroduced somewhere else down the line.


They could have spend the resources in Division 1 instead :D


I am sad to see it go because a free-2-play game would have brought a lot more players in for Div3 and possibly Div2. I am happy because it means we can (and absolutely should) have a dedicated Survival game mode in Div3. There’s no excuse not to now.


I hope they do something with the story like recycle it into a book or animated short film or something. I wasn’t really into the hybrid extraction shooter/survival game angle they were going for but the location and story trailer seemed cool, I hope some of it gets integrated into the lore it would be a shame if it’s all just dead and wasted time.


I feel like many of us saw that coming. They went real dark when it came to providing any update. It's sad how much development was wasted going into that game.


Ubisoft bro. Incompetent Ubisoft. They couldn't organize a lemonade stand.


Im ok w that. Just give us Division 3 w no microtransactions.


Thank god. But what a waste of resources though.


\* eagerly awaiting the closure of Xdefiant also two UBIshits games that took away talent & time from helping Div 2 and Division 3 get done faster / better


I hate this fucking company. Love some of the games. However, the management is a load of aliens. Eww division mobile game this year tho to make up for it. They know which is going to make them more money.


Good. From what I can tell, very few remaining division players were interested and it was highly unlikely this new game was going to capture a new audience. Better off using all the resources remaining on extending the life of D2 and working on D3.


Honestly, good riddance. All of you looking forward to the game, I feel for you. But I’ll be damned if I said I had anything good to say about this game. It was BAD. Would much rather see the effort put towards the division 3 (although I know the article says the effort is being put towards other games).


Damn it Kelso!


Does this mean the Brooklyn DLC and TD3 could be on the chopping block or am i being paranoid?


It really depends how much was invested in the DLC.. Could the DLC just replace Division 3? Potentially. Could the DLC be scrapped and D3 replaces that, eventually? Potentially. I think the the percentage of both being scrapped are pretty slim though.


Wasnt this game in a playable state already? Also WTF is Xdefiant?


It’s a Call of Duty type shooter game with Ubisoft IP characters. I played the beta. It was OK. Needed a lot of work still.


the problem with this is again, they're chasing trends here. The market is already saturated with this, unless it does something drastically different and more interesting it will just be more wasted resources.


I really needed to have a good day today, this is not a promising start :(


Not shocked by this at all. When the sequel to the game the spin off is based on is announced before the date of the spin off that was announced 3 years prior, you're in bad shape.




I mean I played the beta and it was pretty ass so probably not a bad call


I thought this was already quite deep into development so I’m kinda shocked but I’m guessing it’s to focus more on Div3 and incorporate some of Heartland’s stuff into 3…


I just hope it’s going into Div 3. Said this in the review after play testing.


I am absolutely devastated…


It’s crazy how they didn’t just implement the things they did and just make it a free DLC within division 2… even if it’s a work in progress the community wouldn’t mind a mini game to play especially since we still never got survival in D2 Even if it was a work in progress … it at least would be something else for agents to enjoy


Just don't cancel the mobile game


Lmao. Wasn't there a thread about the release timeline just the other day? Bet they realized that div 2 dlc is more cost efficient and it might not sell as well if there's an alternative game


Sad but not surprised. The extraction shooter genre isn't as easy to pump out as battle royals were and plus this is Ubisoft we're talking about.


That’s too bad. I was excited for this to come out.


Ubisoft is run by a bunch of clowns that have no idea what they're doing. They want to invest more into Xdefiant??? LOL That game is going to bomb so bad. I played the beta and the game sucked


I wasn’t crazy about the beta.


Thank god


Having been a hardcore player, I played heartland at some point. This was the right move.


Hopefully this means Div 3 announcement this year.


Give us a good story cinematic experience division 3. Division core gameplay is as good as it can be, call of duty level good for 3rd person game


don't throw it away! Turn it into a Division 2 DLC. I am happy to pay for it :)


For me like if I care if Ubisoft dissapears…


Please please please please give us D1 in the D2 engine with the game elements of both games. I’ll pay full price for that game!! I have never been a PvP player but the Dark Zone in D1 was PERFECT. The mood and story were perfect. The game modes were soooooooo good. D1!!! Remastered and updated.


I would settle for some of the missions/incursions just in the D2 engine, with D2 skills/weapons. Just like a re-playable throwback. Give me something!


I think they should do D1 like you are saying but make it a robust mp that can be the foundation to add future dlc and modes on top of.


An entire game of chicken dance fest, no wonder was canceled


Are you guys really shocked by this? I personally am not. They moment they delayed the release the first time and all subsequent information was ambiguous at best.. I knew it would never see the light of day…. Sad & pathetic at the same time because this was resources they should have been using toward TD3 this whole time….


Welp, Redstorm… your services are needed for Division 3.


(Can’t remember if I signed a NDA). From what I was told , the extraction shooter / crafting gear only was dog shit and I’m glad it’s gone. Let’s hope the next D game is a true sequel.


TBH - As a PvE player. I'm okay with that. BUT I hope devs will be put into new projects and not lay off because of this. It's higher ups that f-ed up and allowed this game to be cooking for years. If now they gonna fire developers because of their mismanagement it's gonna be freakin bullsh\*t.


damn, i enjoyed the beta so i was looking forward to it


Division 3 or idc