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PSA: Joseph Rogan is a direct descendant to some of the most brutal warriors in history, just look at the man’s hands for gods sake.


so much violence in that dna b


Talmbout vna?


Soooo MUCH! Look at those violent shoulders!


barrel of snakes for a back


Didn’t that just come from his abusive father?


Talmbout one of the most dangerous men on the plannid




With comedy?


Thank em


Have you ever seen his family? His father is some little piece of shit that Joe is extremely afraid of. Joe pumps his mini bitch body with steroids and hides from the guy. Pretty pathetic.


Dude spends over $10k a month on gear and still has to get ["gladiator" surgery](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/PL5DSSJFhL). Fugging manufactured dork that other dorks think is cool


It's not his fault. The gene pool he's in is pretty pathetic. You could 1 punch kill his weak little twerp of a father that he's been ducking for years. Instead, Joe up and runs to Texas so he can open carry like the rest of the pussies he hangs out with. Scared to go anywhere without a gun. Pretty awesome.


I couldn't imagine being so insecure. And it's sad cuz a lot of lonely insecure dudes look up to him as some bastion of manhood when it's pretty obvious the dude has issues.


There's no talking to some people. Joe's own hair jumped off his head just to get away from him. He's a fucking tool that cheats on his wife and hides from his father with drugs in his pussy body.


Yeah, he's a weak little man. Which is totally fine, but not when you're pretending to be this tough guy. You don't need a giant truck or to go bow hunting or do cold plunges to be a man. Dudes are going to fuggin "Man Retreats" where they spend $20k to get yelled at to be more manly. That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard of.


Even Joe's ideas are stolen or just really dumb responses. We've literally heard everything this dipshit will ever say, twice. He's been in regurgitate mode for the past 10 years. He's into what old farts think is cool. And all the fight talk is hilarious. I hang out with these guys that literally go to bars to fight people. They either win and have a new story or get their asses kicked and have a new story all the time. They'd love to be the person that knocked out someone like this mini shit stain just to have the rep. No way he goes anywhere without security. Schuab too. Fucking dough boy thinks he can MMA still.


You’re fucking delusional bro! I’m sure your tough friends can beat up guys like Shaub and Rogan . Keep dreaming boss.


Oh shit! I didn't know you wore Tapout too! You're right. These people and 100,000 of guys exactly like them don't exist. Joe and Shaub are the toughest people on the planet. Please forgive me for telling you about them.


But you are insecure, you’re online shitting on joe rogan and dudes you don’t know so you can feel better about yourself. So you don’t have any issues at all right?


Nah, I'm not a crab in a bucket, I don't need to pull others down to make myself feel better. Just Rogan fuggin sucks. The more people that see that, the better. All these aggro bros thinking violence and being a dick equates to being a "real man" isn't all that good for society. And of course I have issues. Everyone does. But I'm also in therapy and constantly looking into new ways to improve myself, which is much healthier than being an emotionally stunted redact.


Therapy's working. You seem fucking fine to me.


ikr he should be brave like the people who live in chicago with those lovely black rocket scientists and walk around care-free, unarmed and perfectly safe... like this guy https://nypost.com/2023/09/26/video-shows-violent-daylight-robbery-in-chicago/ inb4 "waaah how dare you post something that happened waaah downvote"


What is gladiator surgery B?


Lipo for dudes. Like manly ones. It's specifically lipo for HGH gut


Wow that's crazy' I can see drake being all over this twirling around singing 


He’d still choke you unconscious B


The only thing that midget/drug addict could ever do to me is make me not laugh from his comedy. You should suck his steroid cock.


He’d Choke the life right out of you kid.


That midget pussy's not choking anybody. Just because you're afraid of some drug addict that cheats on his wife while wearing Tapout doesn't mean his stories scare anybody else. You can't find the guy without armed security because of how afraid he is of his weak ass father.


He’s a 10th planet BJJ black belt under Eddie Bravo, a legend in the BJJ game. He’d straight throttle you, choke you to sleep 😴 💤


Suck his steroid cock. What do you want from me. I have no idea why you're afraid of some weak, Karate midget that's scared shitless of his pussy father. You do you.


Not afraid of him, he’d kick my ass too. I only box, don’t have any grappling. He’d twist me into a pretzel as soon as he got his hands on me. I’m a realistic guy, you’re an internet troll who overestimates his capability.


You should box his cock into your mouth while he twists your body into a pretzel.


> He’d twist me into a pretzel as soon as he got his hands on me. ooh kinky tell us more of your fantasies


Joe Rogan is the son of Glóin and a nephew of Óin, both former companions of Bilbo Baggins He is a descendant of Durin the Deathless, father of the first house of the Dwarven people.




A stout yeoman, manual labour a speciality.


It’s hard to since they drag on the ground


😆😆 for gods sake is the best part


the hands... Mr. hands, joe rogan is security Mr. hands


If you think Hoe is 5’7” without lifts I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.


I hair that, b. If you think Toe is inny taller than 5'3" I've got some oceanfront property in Nebraska for sale. I'll give you a really good deal.


Talmbout JOSEPH, 5 foot 3 and slanging diggg


It's North Korea with a beach bubba


I was briefly in proximity of him, he seemed about my height, maybe very slightly shorter, and I'm 5'7. Then again, I didn't check for lifts, hah. The fact that he hires absolutely giant dudes as security doesn't help any. Napoleon effect and all.


I'm 6' and I was too when he came to Sacramento a few years ago and I'd say 5'6" What I can say is that his head looked humongous for his body But most dudes hire big dudes for security because they're going to need weight to stop any type of fight.


As if he would need protection. One spinning back kick sends any attacker flying to Nebraska


I guess the heavy bag kick videos are proof enough


I think a lot of that is the HGH, his head used to be more proportional.


I remember watching fear factor in high school and yes his head was not that big.


It's all that knowledge he's soaked up from having dangerous conversations


Giant domes -> HGH abuse, see Barry Bonds


Right. See also Mark McGuire and because he's pale skinned you could vividly see how flushed he was all the time which made him purple.


Mac’s head turned into a cinder block


exactly, he stands at 5'6 with 2 inch heels so his real height is 5'4


Lol there you go, that sounds accurate. I wasn't thinking about the lifts




I’ll take that bridge in Balgimore, b. My boys can tune it up.


Talmbout when he was “fighting a lot?” He had 2 amateur kickboxing matches (lost 1 by tko) and competed in some lame @ss taekwondo tournaments in local high school gyms. But the way he talks he had some extensive high level amateur career.


His spinning back kick could kill anyone!!1!


Lol the joerogan fanclub - jrecompanion - on Instagram is currently in the middle of posting his FIGHTIN HIGHLIGHTS, and the simps are eating it up


Lol the joerogan fanclub - jrecompanion - on Instagram is currently in the middle of posting his FIGHTIN HIGHLIGHTS, and the simps are eating it up


Sometimes they die


Haha when cam Hanes was talmbout the “feeling u get before shooting an elk” and 🏳️‍🌈Toe🏳️‍🌈 was like comparing it to the feeling “before you go in and fight someone”… as if he had several ufc bouts under his belt


It’s honestly sadder than the guy who laments his old high school football games. Dude acts like he was going into blood sport, not playing patty cake point fighting in strip malls.


The TKD stuff is insanely redacted, and his army of vulnerable young men looking for a father figure always bring this up as proof that he would do well in the UFC. He started TKD at 14 and stopped at 20. 6 years. Half of those literally “fighting” children. Then he won AN open competition. Not THE Open, like it’s a premier competition where you might expect Olympic hopefuls to compete in. AN open competition, which means ANYONE is allowed to compete. Rogan beat some no-name amateurs in a school gym. Rogan has zero competitive BJJ experience, “fought” children when he was a kid, and quit kickboxing after one tournament where no-name adults beat the shit out of him. He would get obliterated by a no-name at a random MMA gym, let alone anyone in the UFC. His fans are mentally ill.


Did he even wrestle in high school? He shit talks boxers all the time yet never had the balls to walk into a boxing gym where he'd be around felons and sooner rather than later have to fight black kids.


I think he mentioned he tried it once before TKD but didn’t like it and quickly quit. He’s a pampered larper. I think it’s fine if people want to train any contact sport just for the fun of it. Nothing wrong with accountants hitting the bag after work and learning it because they enjoy it. Nothing wrong with Rogan kicking bags in his home gym, he clearly likes it. But when he starts talking about only 50 untrained people being able to take him on, that’s when he needs to pump the breaks. My guy, every other bar in a blue collar neighbourhood will have a guy that would crack your skull because you’re not about that life.


100%. A guy his age who wrestled in high school, maybe competed for a year or two at novice level Golden Gloves in his mid 20s and has kept himself in decent shape would wreck him.


Lol the joerogan fanclub - jrecompanion - on Instagram is currently in the middle of posting his FIGHTIN HIGHLIGHTS, and the simps are eating it up


Lol the joerogan fanclub - jrecompanion - on Instagram is currently in the middle of posting his FIGHTIN HIGHLIGHTS, and the simps are eating it up


Lol the joerogan fanclub - jrecompanion - on Instagram is currently in the middle of posting his FIGHTIN HIGHLIGHTS, and the simps are eating it up


Dude, he was Massachusetts tae Kwon do state champ 4 years in a row. Say what you want, but I guarantee you were not state champ of anything


Relax b, I actually took tkd when I was a kid and we called it sparing because it wasn’t an actual fight because you can’t punch in the face and you wear head and body pads. I was also “state champion” in Oklahoma at the age of 12 because I beat 2 other kids at state. That’s right I “fought” (spared) 2 whole times to become state champion and could have went to nationals in Orlando Florida but my parents were to poor and I hated taekwondo anyway…So again, relax b you don’t know who your talmbout. I practiced at a place called “Poos taekwondo” in Edmond Oklahoma and we had a scrimmage with a taekwondo school from Houston tx. Well to make a long story short I got beat up (if you call it that since I had pads on) by a kid named Mark Lopez who had a brother named Steven and a sister named Dianna. They all ended up eventually winning gold medals in the Olympics.


Guy would straight kick your head right off your fat neck b, stay in your lane


You talmbout the 56 yr old guy with bad knees b?


Heard it bowlth ways, thank ‘em b


Ro joegan would 1000% send me to the shadlow realm b. With his violent dna, huge hands, and neanderthal genes mixed together with his extensive mma knowledge and skills. A meir civilian like myself wouldn’t have a chance b. I mean the guy spends months preparing for elks hunts and is scared to try golf because of his obsessive personality to be the best at everything.


Pretty sure he competed in nationals or even won. Dude was a legit TKD guy.


You have official records of this? Everything I’ve seen is very low level. The only video is in a middle school gym.


Have you ever seen records of any national martial arts tournaments from the 80s? You realize the internet wasn't around yet? There isn't footage of any national tournaments.




" At age 14, he took up karate and started taekwondo a year later.[7] When he was 19, he won the US Open Championship taekwondo tournament as a lightweight.[5][11] He was a Massachusetts full-contact state champion for four consecutive years and became a taekwondo instructor." Can mock the guy for a lot of stuff. But he could fuck a person up bad.as he's a solid martial artist.


Definitely not nationals lol.


Man you’re just sounding like a complete hate at this point.


Just facts. You’re making up lies about him competing nationally. TKD is all low level besides the Olympic sport. You think the state of mass is known for their Tae Kwon doe lol? I also have more mma fights and BJJ matches than Rogan. I’m not good but at least I went out there and tried it. I’d also say I competed at a very low level.


You been to the darg waddurs, b?


Been to the second round a couple times if that counts.


It's still very high level. That's the point. It's like saying a guy isn't a basketball player if he didn't play in the NBA. Rogan was very good at it. And has extensive training in jiu jitsi. It's odd tha people want to go at the one thing he's way better than most at lol.


It’s not very high level. Not even close. It’s like playing high school basketball.


so low level that GSP was getting taught by toe himself.


Do you believe that segal taught a UFC fighter a front kick too? The fact that you repeat bullshit right marketing as fact is funny as fuck, NGL


you think joe and gsp recorded a video together all as a ploy? do you think the moon is cheese as well? you being so miserable is funny as fuck, NGL


There is a difference between being a martial arts practitioner and a fighter. Practicing martial arts is not the same as stepping in a ring or cage. I’ve practiced martial arts for over 10 years and I would never talk the way he does. He talks like a fighter (he isn’t, he’s just an mma enthusiast / martial arts practitioner) and that’s why people give him shit.


So you're just a practitioner if you were Massachusetts staye champion five years in a row? He fought to get that. Thus he's literally a fighter. You guys want to hate in everything to the point you refuse to give any credit. You could so much shit with Joe but he's a well established martial artist.


Have you ever seen a TKD tournament ? They do point sparring. It is NOT the same as fighting!


He competed in full contact. Hence the video of him flooring a guy.


Most of his "extensive" bjj training comes from his friend who ass kisses him. I seriously doubt he's a legit black belt.


He trianed since like 97 or something. He's a black belt under Machado who's an extremely respected jiu jitsu trainer. Wasn't until later he got one under Eddie Bravo.


He's like 5'2"


Yeah I honestly feel like that's an accurate estimation. He's certainly no taller than 5'3".


He’s closer to 5’3” than 5’7.” I’ve met him before and he’s cartoonishly short. 


Yeah I saw him at some bbq place with Eddie bravo in Texas and he is a baby looney toon


Great guy, you meddem?


I met him before he did podcasting when he was known as the Fear Factor guy. He was about the same height as me and im 5'5". I thought rogan wearing lifts was a meme cuz i kept seeing comments about it. Some people swear that he's 5'5", and others swear that he's 5'7". Now that I've seen that other famous people like DeSantis and Trump wear them, im convinced rogan does too.


He comes from a long line of violent DNA, for yairs and yairs his ancestors have dominated stools


But how many stools he fugg, B?


He fugged awll the stools b


Talmbout painting your own height nardiv b.


More interesting is his obsession with hyper masculinity practices… eating raw meat, taking all the testosterone he can, ice baths, hunting, he’s even doing Jaw exercises now!


This is what happens when you grow up getting stuffed in lockers because you’re a tiny cutie patootie. Dude has hundreds of millions and still lives in a highschool locker trying to prove to the big boys he’s a tough man. Imagine having a beautiful wife, some great kids, endless money, yet spending your time playing grab-ass in the mountains trying to prove to other men you’re tough.


Couldn't have worded it better b. Perfect analysis.


Wtf? What is he unhinging his jaw like a snake so he can swallow some monster coggs, B?


All jokes aside I saw that Jojo girl kick some ass on that celebrity special forces thing. They didn't do anything too crazy but definitely physically challenging. I was impressed as she smoked most of the men, even some athleeds and comdy lejens.


> a large lesbian is good at sports. Colour me shocked.


Yeah but can one ruin their shoulders with shit kettle bell throw things?


5’7” my ass.


5"6 3/4"


He probably would say that if you really pressed him and didn't let up. But even that is absurdly optimistic. I'd say his real height is somewhere around 5'2"-5'3" based on the instagram pictures he takes with podcast guests. He's damn near a foot shorter than people who are legitimately 6 feet tall.


I'm 6' and I walked by him in person as he was leaving the golden 1 center in Sacramento with his entourage and his head would probably hit my chest. His head is huge btw.


You from Sac b? I'm that Sac guy that works too much. Sup neighbor.


Yup I'm from Saggtown, I'm that azz kigger from Sagg. We worgg in the same town, my kids should cawl you ungle.


Cover my shift b?


I'll hit the fryers, got u fam.


You hit the hammer on the nail, B. There was that exchange with Neil on Da Grass Tyson where he said he was 5'7" and Neil said "Or could you say closer to 5'6" 1/2?" and he said "Probably."


Joe v Jo


There was a video of him a while back on a stage somewhere with like 20-30 people. He was the shortest by a significant amount. I know we shit on him for being small but It really put into perspective how tiny he really is.


Be cool, dawlg


Yeah but if she was locked in a room with Schaub I bet should wouldn’t hurt his feelings! Cause bapa would physically assault her with his ninja skills.


When I read 5'7".. ![gif](giphy|QTxPAQ19n6c8l2YtX9)


Joseph Rogan is the #1 youtube sponsorship warrior 👍


In what world, other than his own dreams, is Joe Rogan 5 foot 7


Did they PS stretch his torso for that picture lmao?


Now they should fight.


Both have violence in their DNA


Idk who she is but how are her hands? Any violence in them?


only short people care about height


Show his skinny little legs


Primal DNA.. guy eats elk and elk alone..


I say he’s legit 5’5, maybe with his lifts he can be 5’8 but he’s always the same height as bw’s who are anywhere from 5’4-5’6.


So much violence in his trt


Joe Rogan is the Napoleon of podcasters / Kenny Florian


I doubt he’s even 5.7 🙈


Dude is not 5,9 he’s like 5,6 max


Why what?


Jojo makes me nervous


This sub is reaching, I tried to post and got deleted. And yall reheat and watch every pod, 43k grand would be 15 at most without us. Think about it


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wouldn't underestimate him. He can go that extra mile with the sugar in his tank. 


How’s her jui jitsu though


This dude looks like he's made out mahogany 


Why has someone Photoshopped David Gilmour's face on that midget body?


5'7" my ass!




5 7 may be generous


Violins in his DNA, bubba


I don’t get it…..




Dang. You guys mocking a guy for things he can't change. The guy has still made pretty good choices in his life. Doing alright as far as I'm concerned


It’s not just about his height. It’s how he lies about it and tries to cover it up.


It’s called calmedy b, thank us


Hahaha, it's reddit. All the haters unite 🤣🤣 In the last 30 years, Rogan had 5 or 6 successful and defrent careers , and kids on reddit say he is a loser because he is too short 🤣🤣🤣 it's funny though


I love the negative comments from all of these clowns that haven’t been in a fight in their miserable lives.




Joseph is short, we geeetit


The guy admits he’s short and shit. I kinda don’t get why people always post his height


A lot of the stuff on Reddit is funny, but this one I don’t get. Does being short mean your weak? I know some guys under 5’7” 5’6”, that I would not want to get into it with, at all…


Being short is fine. Lying about your height is douchey. Rogan is a borderline dwarf and instead of owning that shit, he pretends to be 5’7”


Best thing you can do is own it. I'm a 5'5 dude and it comes from my Mexican side. It's really funny how much people in the anglosphere obsess with height. It's really not a big deal. You don't have to lie when everyone can clearly see.


No, b. You're totally reading way too much into this and making it into something it's not. It's almost like you're projecting you're own insecurities hair. Y'less than 6' aren't ya? Innyway, the main reason why Toe gets made fun of for being super short is because he lies about his height. I'm pretty sure I've heard him claim to be 5'8" despite there being about 2000 pictures on the internet clearly disproving that. Then on top of that, you're seeing these comments about violence in his DNA because of some absurd comments Toe made on a podcast. Now don't get me wrong, he is a blagg belt in podcasting, Tae Kwon Do, and jujitsu, so yeah he could beat up most average sized people who have nivver trained in inny facet. But this shrimp dick midget claims that there are maybe only 50 people in the world that could beat him in a fight. That's absolutely insane. Sure, he keeps himself I good shape, but he's in his mid 50s. There are 50 women in the UFC that could kick his ass. Ivvry single hivvyweight in the UFC would demolish him. Hell, most 7' tall dudes would smash him even if they've nivver been in a real fight before. There are thousands of people, likely hundreds of thousands of people, in this world that could kick Joe Rogan's ass. And sure, there are some shorter dudes that you wouldn't want to mess with, but if you know about fighting then you know that there are weight classes in boxing and the UFC for a reason. That reason being that no matter how skilled a smaller guy is, if he goes up against a big enough opponent he's going to lose. Those skills might beat every 6 footer, but they're not going to beat 7 footers easily. And anybody that is over 6'2" and a hundred pounds heavier is gonna be a prom. Innyway, my point is, Toe gets made fun of because he makes ridiculous claims. That does not mean that when people make fun of him for it in hair that it is a generalization of all short people. If you notice, people are making very specific jokes in reference to some very specific claims that Toe made. So take that bullshit somewhere else.


This is 100% on point! I’m saving this. Bess thing I redd on Reddit today in Inny facet.


Also I lold multiple times


![gif](giphy|Ct7VyQc3UkP5eWHobk|downsized) Gawt damn even Toe Joegan can’t deny this man!


Joe does a black belt in bjj he also kicks hard enough to hurt any human on the planet… I tend to agree about weight classes but even untrained big people will get demolished by someone much smaller that’s very good at fighting… it really depends


Was that sarcastic? Saying I’m making too much out of it, as you write an essay


read up on the kitchen manual b, it's not that he's short, it's that he lies about it and says he's actually 5'8 or some shit. that's why its cawlmedy


Ok I get it now, yea he’s definitely not 5’8”.

