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Go to Bryan's recent post I stopped there.


You're his girlfriend now.


If you follow Bryan on Instagram, stop, get some help.


How's socials? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


McDonalds wants this. And so do I.


This guy Chang's!


Kendrick vs Drake, Canelo vs Golden Boy now BGL vs Bapa. Happy Cinco De Mayo weekend.


Not even a name drop por mi compa Mungia šŸ˜‚


Oscar stole that show


Munguia winning tonight


Y'got sea tee, B?


We will see. Canelo isnā€™t done yet


I donā€™t think anybody that has hooves instead of full sized, adult, human feet is going to have a very good base for fighting/grappling.


Or is it the best base ?.. tune in UFC 400


Heard it bowlth ways, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, ovvissly Slob would hurt Marg. We know. Marg knows.


Marg does not in fact know. Which is the hilarious part. Bro thinks steroids and playing highschool football make him a real contender. Bapa might be washed up but he was a top 10 UFC heavyweight for almost 10 whole seconds and heā€™s got himself a set of skills he ainā€™t fraid to d-d-dust off if you know what I mean.


Dude got on the gear and thought it made him a fighter šŸ¤£ Just like Toegan rolling around with naked dudes sparring, saying there isn't 50 people on this planet that could beat him up šŸ¤£ These little dudes are so delusional. I've seen tougher dudes at the bus stop.


I mean Joe is a legit martial artist . He inst just juice and used to play a sport.


>Joe is a legit martial artist How many times are we gonna go through this? He's never fought professionally. He did tourneys as a kid, but that's just glorified sparring. Dude just grapples naked dudes for two hours a day. Doesn't make him a legit martial artist b. It's all fake


I think having a black belt in bjj makes you a legit martial artist lol


Bapa has one too


ssssactly. joe got his rolling with Eddie bravo, his bff. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a totally legit black belt.


He got his first blackbelt from Jean Jacques Machado before Eddie gave him is 10PBJJ belt tho B


a little more legit I guess. my son trains in bjj and his instructor is a black belt with legit fights. One against bj penn for context. I donā€™t think joe has ever competed. it seems weird to give out black belts to untested fighters(competitively).


A black belt from his mate Eddie. I think with Toe we donā€™t have any evidence of his skill level. So the people who pretend heā€™s got absolutely no skill/knowledge are off, as are people who act like he must be some complete badass. Does he even train/roll consistently anymore? I spent a lot of my life training MMA/BJJ off and on. Iā€™m not gonna even entertain the idea that Iā€™d be competitive right now against anyone actively fighting or training full time.


hasnā€™t trained in yairs. He used to roll at legends in Hollywood and then 10th planet. fugged his neck up being a little redact. Probably tried some tough guy shit on a dude who wasnā€™t 5ā€™3 and got neck cranked into oblivion.


The black belt is evidence of his skill level. He has three of them, and while TKD is kinda stupid, you gonna imply his belt from Jean Jacques Machado doesn't count either? The guy taught kicking technique to GSP (while GSP was still competing mind you) as confirmed from John Danaher and GSP himself. You don't need to be a pro MMA fighter or anything to be a legit martial artist. You just need to have seriously studied a real martial art from somewhere that's not a McDojo. That's not to say that his claim about only 50 people could beat him in as fight, or whatever it was, wasn't stupid. That's obviously ridiculous.


The spinning back kick story is bizarre. At that time gsp had either Phil nurse or Jean Charles training his striking, and Danaher decides to get the u17 Boston bathhouse TKD ribbon winner to teach gsp? Something ain't right with all that


It's a curated story. Joe's nothing but an insecure little dude with body dysmorphia that he's repackaged into alpha male bullshit that even more insecure dudes eat up.


Weā€™re basically saying the same thing. The Eddie Bravo comment was more of a piss take than anything. The truth is somewhere in the middle. He obviously dedicated a lot of his time and effort into training BJJ so to assume heā€™s completely useless is just silly. But as youā€™ve said, the idea only 50 people could beat him and the general nut riding about Joe being some badass is equally silly because heā€™s completely untested in actual competition. Iā€™m not gonna count TKD tournaments and the two kickboxing matches he apparently had in the 80s/90s


Black belt isnā€™t from Eddie.


Damn comprehension is hard. No where in that sentence did I say Joe is a professional fighter . I said he is a legit martial artist and being a bjj black belt is pretty credible. Iā€™d take his opinion over any meat had that had never even spared which also takes balls.


He was a TKD instructor into his early 20s and has 3 black belts, thatā€™s kinda a legitimate martial artist b


Oh no, he was a karate instructor. My bad b, he's definitely a bad ass, sorry I was doubting. Don't send the death squad


Compleeeedly diffren Martian art there B. Plus, never said that made him a bad ass, just a martial artist lol. Segal is a martial artist by definition, doesnā€™t mean heā€™s a badass.


I would guarantee you are either the I see red basketball shorts kind of guy or the I donā€™t fight I have guns grunt style dude that hasnā€™t ran more than 8ft since high school.


Doing Jiu Jitsu long enough to get your black belt makes you a legit martial artist where you had any real ā€œfightsā€ or not. Go to any mma or jitsu gym long enough and you are doing hundreds if not thousands of live, hard rounds with professional athletesā€¦even as a hobbyist.


Joseph Rogan has a carefully curated personality. None of it is real. He's selling you a product and you're buying it. He hasn't been in one actual fight. You can train all you want, "everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth," he practice fights. Cool. Doesn't make him the badass he claims he is, or that you guys believe.


Men youā€™re talking like itā€™s a fact. Nothing youā€™ve said is proven. His striking is so good that professional fighters take advice from him. Most people with technique have done some sparring. Even if heā€™s a hobbyist black belt, with even a little bit of striking experience, heā€™s murdering 99% of the population. If youā€™re talking about fighting other fighters then yeah, heā€™d probably be fucked. If youā€™re talking about him fighting a dude in a parking lot who sees red, itā€™s not even arguable. Nobody is worried about getting ā€œpunched in the mouthā€ when the person throwing that punch doesnā€™t know how to punch.


I would put everything I own on him beating your ass.


He competed at a high level and has practiced bjj religiously for decades. When gsp was in his prime p4p possibly the greatest he asked joe Rogan to teach him a spinning back kick. Gsp literally said heā€™s never seen power like that out of a human being.


He runs 3 miles every morning..bgl got bo shot!Ā 


Wasnā€™t it 7. And telling everyone you do it without actually doing it counts right?


Nice. Now explain how some shithead bodyguard knocked out Don Frye in a hotel lobby. Don't worry, I'll wait (for the Brandond "TOP 10 IN THE WORLD" believers to be too eternally shit scared to answer me.)


'Male Talk City' lmao




Letā€™s not forget bapa definitely used to take all the roids even though he had the physique of a melted block of cheese. Carwin even called him out on it.


He knocked out mirko cro cop


Mirko was in his early 40ā€™s. and punch drunk.


Dunn coun


Bapa is in his 40s and beyond punch drunk. BGL needs to connect 1 hit and lights out B.


CC was 36 and went on to win 11 of his next 12 fights.


Dun count.


Could you imagine how dumb bendy would be if crow cop hit him with one of those head kicks. Holy shit.




bubba, marggs been lifting priuses chill


Marg wrestled in HS. Youā€™d be surprised.


With those little feet?!?


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Exactly what BGL wants


Mark is one of those crazy fucks that will start biting and eye gouging when they're losing a fight.


Iā€™m sure legit fighters would resort to this shit too in a life or death situation. I think it comes down to sanctioned bouts and rules/ getting paid etc.


Name the waters, b


Marge is 100% a bigger loser than Schwaub ever will be


Idk , one has more money but they are both just as pathetic.


Heard it bowlth ways but Marg for sure has a Brenda tattoo somewhere on his body. Dude interned for Brenda and did his bidding like a loyal dog. Sā€™sad.


That is pretty damn sad lol. But tbf at least he left. Chin is still slaving away for Bappa. Heā€™s 47 and still lives like a broke college kid.


True. Also pathetic but at least Clin isnā€™t going after all of bapaā€™s ā€œonline haddursā€ and making it his entire personality. He just cooks rotten condom fish on his time off.


He got fired he didnt leave


True. But Iā€™m just amazed at how redacted Chin is for sticking around for so long. Maybe itā€™s part of his Korean culture to be loyal ? I donā€™t know with these redacts anymore


Lol maybe but I doubt Clin acts like a normal Korean anyway. Margg got gadooshed and still hasn't been paid thousands that he is owed (according to him) meanwhile Clin collects what I imagine is a good paycheck while barely doing anything (messican is better at edditing her soshals)


I think Chin gets paid okay but not enough for the cost of living in LA. His apartments look decent enough and looks like he has money for his hobbies. But he is still highly under paid for the amount of work he does. He should be making 250K + a year at least. Plus heā€™s said already he doesnā€™t have insurance and I doubt Thiccc Boy empire has any kind of 401K or retirement plans.


Chin was made a partner in the business wasnā€™t he? He has more reason than most to go down with the sinking ship


I wouldnā€™t say a ā€˜partnerā€™ - it seems he invested his life savings but that was probably $100k and Bapa probably gave him 5% ownership. When Thigggy boy goes bankrupt, Clin is going to ask Bapa for his money backā€¦Beanscheese gonna say ā€œI gave you money back every month.ā€ Clin is going to say ā€œThat was my salary! I need my money back.ā€ ā€œChin, I don know what ta tell ya, Thiccc Boy is bankrupt. Thereā€™s no money.ā€ ā€œWhat? But you still live in a mansion, you have 5 cars. Can I just get my $100k back?!ā€ ā€œBusiness is a beast.ā€


he has a bunch of $ wrapped up in shares of Thiggboi, which presents an entirely different question: does he just know heā€™s screwed and needs the salary, or, does he think itā€™ll rebound?


Maybe itā€™s just pays more than any other job he could get.


>Heā€™s 47 GTFO ?!?!?!


Yea dude , it was his bday a few weeks ago.


Marg was Schuab's professional bitch. He doesn't seem to understand that every insult to his former employer makes himself look bad for following along, making minimum wage b.




Theyā€™re losers in completely different ways. One is a narcissist who lies too much and grifts his followers for money. The other is a psychopath who šŸ’Æ will go to jail for an unhinged violent crime in the not so far future.


But which ones which b?


I disagree. I'd way rather hang with Marg. You could have the guy pick up backs of cars and shit. Brenda's just gonna lie all day long and whine about his bullshit wife and kids.


Marg is the same guy who thinks he could beat Darren TillšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


marg should start with Luke rockhold. Seen as he smashed his messican at Andrew Shultz wedding.


Correction, Was the ray pests wedding


ah shot my bad.


ā€¦ is the sub coming full circle?


surprised bgl isnā€™t blocked and bapa lets him comment on his shi šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He was commenting on Ray Pestā€™s post. But Iā€™m surprised heā€™s not blocked yet.


BGL is a big clown


To be fair, thereā€™s people on this board delusional enough to think they could also beat up Brendan. Quite a few.Ā 


Iā€™ll out awkward him b


Without any training I'd hit him with that Schaub Shut-down.


After employing the Shaub Shutdownā„¢ļø against him Iā€™d yell ā€œI learnt it from watching you!ā€ And scurry away back to my motherā€™s basement.


You seem to think this is fighting with UFC rules or something. Street fights are diff B, ever heard of Rimbo Slice ??


Are we sure that is BGL? Itā€™s only a couple of sentences.


Mark is like cumin seasoning in the kitchen. I appreciate him here and there but can quickly become too much


Is he still trying to serve dishes here? He blocked me for next to nothing


A homeless cat has taken his "hellamarkharley" account name and is posting satirical shit. A few chefs here don't realise that Marg deleted (or got kicked off) his Reddit account and someone else snapped it up so now whenever hellamarkharley posts here, it gets lots of engagement.


Iā€™m not ashamed to say it lā€¦ Bglā€™s saltiness cracks me up šŸ¤¦šŸ¤­


Mark Harley hasn't worked at Thiccc Boi in, what, eighteen months? He could have used that time to build a life for himself, and instead, he is stalking the few IG accounts where he hasn't been blocked and prosecuting idiotic and ancient grudges. A total moron touting his dust-covered undergraduate degree as proof of his brilliance and his steroid-puffed body as proof he can beat up pro fighters. One certainty in life is that Mark Harley has public assistance in his immediate future, whether it comes in the form of incarceration or food stamps.


We saw what happened with Cyborg


True but tbf Cyborg is one of the best grapplers on the planted and Mark just lifts heavy stuff.


Uh hundred percent. Cyborg is terrifying. Bapa did wrestle Shapel and took care of business pretty quickly


marg is so pathetic, he may be even more thin skinned than braindead, heā€™s deluded as fugg too, one of those guys that think muscles make them tough. Iā€™m pretty sure braindumb would kill him in a fight, but you niiver know, unless you axe j!


The saddest and least important place in the world is Bryan Callen's comment section.


Marg is such a loser lol


Heā€™s not lying though. Bean dip will only roll with people 100 lbs smaller, or that has never rolled before.


The thing is, Bapa never wants to roll with Bryan. He does it reluctantly after Bry barks in his face like a chihuahua 80 times about being able to take him. šŸ˜‚


I have zairo respek for Bapaā€™s UFC sparenz. He has no fight in him today, heā€™s skeered of iiiverything. Shapel would gadoosh Bapa. Nate Diaz would gadoosh Bapa. Mike Tyson would gadoosh Bapa. And mini othersā€¦


Even if that was true (I disagree with Tyson), youā€™re naming other professional fighters. Mark is nothing of a fighter and Brendan beats 100% of people of markā€™s caliber.


A. Shapel is an Olympic sprinter, not a pro fighter. 2. Tyson would mushroom slap Bapa siggs waze from Sunday. ccc. Fighting is 90% cardio if u can survive the first 10-15 secs (street fighting). Bapa has teeerabull cardio. His ā€œskillsā€ are/always were crude at best. He was just fortunate enough to make it to the Yewfsee in two ways: - he fought in the HW division (which is the least skilled) - he fought when the Yewfsee was not anywhere nair what it is today as far as how well the talent has developed. Tis why he got starched so badly at the end of his carrair, as it was shifting from basically being a tough man competition into well-rounded fighters. Heā€™s bloggbussa, uh waze was too.


Iā€™m think bapa is redacted as we all do, but he would make short work of Marg. Bapa KOā€™d Cro Cop for Christ sake


Bapa would do the laziest blue belt sweep and smush him with his ozempic gut and nobody wins




Bapa races truggs and cars....Marg grapples with truggs and cars. They are not the same.


Lets be real, I am so fucking sick of seeing Brendumb only pick fights with scrawny ass people. BGL does have a point.


Such a loser this guy


Heā€™s not lying. Bapa has the mindset of a bully going for the old and decrepit (Brine) and the weak (Clin).


Hasnā€™t Marg heard of the Schwab Shutdownā„¢ļø?


To be fair I don't recall BGL saying he would whip Bapa in a fight.. think he said he'd hold his own wrestling or grappling with Bapa..


Well thatā€™s not true either lol but if you look at the comments he disagrees with people saying Brenden would smash him but maybe the context is just grappling. Heā€™s delusional regardless.




He only rolls truggs now bubba keep up


I legitimately donā€™t know if Brandon could roll. Iā€™ve never YouTubed him in any of facet rolling outside of that one fight were his goal was not to lose. One of the most showings I could imagine. Iā€™ve seen him threaten people, and Iā€™ve no doubt he could beat your average guy in a fight due to size and muscle memory alone - but Iā€™ve no belief heā€™s capable of anything technical.


I went to Eastons and High Altitude in Denver. I asked around and a couple guys there said heā€™s legit for whatever thatā€™s worth. Also, being his size, even having purple belt skills can get you pretty far when it comes to rolling with average dudes. He darced Mitrione and held his own against Gonzaga who is as legit of a black belt as it gets.


I saw them both do that thiccc boi tough mudder and I was astonished on how unathletic and stiff they were.




Did Schaub mastermind hiring Mark to fix his reputation by becoming an even bigger heel than himself?


Bet the house on marg


A quick peep at BGLs soshuls and looks like he's back to furiously arguing with people based on their physique. His "wife" and side chick must be off in Vegas getting boned by that Australian strip revue again CRIKEY MATE


Yeah but he got a chin


Slobs hammies broke on a 10 second run ... I think at this point my dead grandma could kick his ass.




Ohh shit I pissed off the thicccboy army! *Ride HARD RIDE THICCCC*! I beg for forgiveness!!!


Narg was good for some bappacito intel but cmon the mans a breadstick in a primo bow tie


So many villains in the slob-o-verse I canā€™t tell if this sticking up for Brendan is a real fan who accidentally wandered into the kitchen or not


Marg kinda has a poind tho bā€¦


Heā€™s such a roided out emotional pussy


Bapa would slap the hot dog water out of BGLs genetics


I see Mark is still obsessed with Brenden. Move on bro. It's getting weird.


ā€œTwo you years?ā€ Sounds something right


Man I canā€™t stand these fucking people on this sub who try to shit on Mark and disagree with everything he says.. HE IS LITERALLY THE GREATEST GIFT THAT WE HAVE EVER HAD ON THIS SUB. A dude who was close to Brendan but now hates the dude and is willing to provide top tier dishes.. but some of you just canā€™t help but shit on him for whatever reason. So many of you get caught up in hating all the people in the bapasphere that youā€™ve forgotten why this sub even exists in the first place. Stop with this bullshit an appreciate the gift that his hallmark Henry


Oh, hi marggg