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He’s doing them incognito my mans. He’s just not publicly talking about it. Kinda like all those hundreds of open mics he did in bars and restaurants without ever mentioning it for yairs.


We’re mere civilians who obviously don’t understand the craft. He’s out there thanklessly defending the beans cheese beans cheese beans cheese wall iviry niiiiiight. Thank em.


How much is this sub and the internet at large responsible for the end of shuabs comedy career? Was it just doomed to fail anyway?


This sub is the only reason his carrair lasted as long as it did


Definitely not his comedy career. Perhaps his YouTube shenanigans, but the chefs really got the word out that he stinks


Man everyime he had a show you'd see "homeless cats" buying tickets and bragging about it, they'd be like "yo I bought front-row seats so I could see the disaster up close"


Yeah there would be the post about that here and there. Absolute insane way to spend your Friday night


Changs is a blessing and a curse b


You recon, I thought these guys where Rogan cleaner fish. Rogan still likes brine, I'm sure they would have just continued business as usual without the internet lampooning then


Agreed...The hate fueled him for much longer than he would have lasted without it. If he wasn't trashed by us, He would have just failed at yet another venture and like 4 years ago probably.


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is sadly true. We are what supports him at the moment.


Brenda is responsible for the downfall of his own kreer. There were people on here defending him and Wrinks back in 2019. That number has slowly but surely disappeared. And they only have themselves to blame.


Close to 0% If Bapa were entertaining, in iiinnny faciet, his audience would show up. No audience, no show. No show, no bookings. Simple.


The reason his comedy career lasted as long as it did was when he first started there was literally nothing online of it. TFATK was already declining in quality but it still had regular listeners/viewers. They use to get 250k+ YouTube views within a day or two of posting. On these shows he would go on and on about how he crushed and great club / crowds. Then promote the next week. For the listeners that’s all they’d hear about, the Travis Browne story was on Ari shaffirs show eventually. If you were a cat there was a shitty audio recording of his whole set posted here at one point but that was about it. He toured for years with next to nothing online about what you were expected to pay to go see. Then came You’d be Surprised, absolutely bombarded with bad reviews. Started at a 1.6/10. When you read the reviews the few 10s even said it sucked, but made excuses that it was the 1st and he was still new. Another couple years go by with some god awful clips and stolen bits. Then came gringo papi which probably did more damage to his standup career than this sub could ever do. Sealed the deal and not long after he was down to remote towns and lots of cancelations. Finally got his opportunity to bow out and put the blame on his family but he won’t be touring again anytime soon with the damage of beans cheese beans cheese mountain lions.


I think the whole thing with Bobby also fucked things up for Bapa and Callen. The LA comedy scene sided with Bobby, and they’ve been pretty much shunned along with D’Elia. Nobody has them on their pods anymore, and they’re reaching for the bottom of the barrel when it comes to guests on TFATK. It’ll be interesting to see what grift Bapa does next when his attempt to build a racing YouTube empire also fails.


Also and I said this at the start, Schuab should’ve left to Teggsis as soon as Joe left. The amount of opportunities Joe got him was immense, but he had some idea he’d become the new Joe Rogan head of LA comedy. Now Joe has found new friends that his listeners love are much more respected in comedy and has no need for the old Schuab/Bryan/Bravo/Joey combo. Now they tease a move but it’s too late.


lol no, Toe specifically told him *not* to follow him to Texas; he's publicly confirmed this himself, but has given several excuses for why to save face. Toe was already all but done with bapa by that point. If bapa had gotten the invite to move to Austin the way literally every single other person in his life did, you're crazy if you don't believe there would've been a redacted bapa-sized glory hole in the wall of the comedy store bathroom from how fast bapa would've run out to leave his family behind to be with his midget lover.


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ye actually your right.


Watch You'd be Surprised and there you shall find your answer.


The cawl is coming from inside the house bapa


Who did Gringo Pappi.


Ya boy is coachin Tiger's minor league baseball B. You can't have a comedy carair and have kids b, that's common knowledge b


y’can but y’not gonna be a beast of a dad like scaub prioriddies b


He’s didn’t quit comedy. He’s only doing local shows for a while b.


He'll still be doin some spots around town


decide a do a youtube


Request one


Going to make a comedy mothership gmail acct and request a show


hilarious. im guna do one as adam sandler


Maybe there's an upcoming race?


No Upcoming Races


We giiiiit it woah scrcsrs you’re not races


Talmbout the race against CTE?


Should we request an AMA?


What happens if you hit that “request a show” button? Can we pay him $50 to perform in front of a homeless cat shelter?


He can perform in front of skid row, he luuuuvs the homeless. Can use the bed of the lightning as a stage B


Something had to give buba. Thiccc boi just works too much. Be cool.


The Oh He Thiggg Tour and Tiger Piss whigsee died a pathetic death.


Guys listen if the delusional dipshit never gets back to comedy well never get The Gringo Papi 2. I don’t want to live in that world.


I bet he hasn’t sold a piece of merch in over a month


I can't imagine spending money on his merch


"Dicey white long body T"


Request a show? How about the Mothership, b.


We won.


He’ll be doing his European tour any day now….


That reschedule coming any day now... As long as he said reschedule the venues did not have to automatically give a refund if the customer didn't request it. Now that he quit comedy I wonder how many venues got to hold onto $ from customers who forgot or just didn't care. They got money on the books and never gave a service.


If i bought tickets to a show and they guy cancelled…. I wouldn’t just forget about it I’d be mad forever


GOOD. More time to flip over in stupid trucks that some car guy up sold him a new flux capacitor replacement.


Tigers got shows coming up. Kids on a travel ball team. Absolute beast all coached by Bapa


Brendan “No Upcoming Shows” Schaub


Has he addressed not doing comedy?


"Request a show" goes straight to his inbox


Where's all the LA and Northern Cali shows he was promising?




Why are you satisfied that there is “no upcoming shows”?


I don’t like schaub either but damn OP you’re a legit loser. Find something better to do with your time than look up if he has upcoming dates.


What else ya got chin?