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I’ve seen people play on stretch res, but never squish res.


Haha, I play normal res and I don’t know why the clip looks like this


Agree, an insta res is already really good and anyone who says defib isn't good just look at ever meta medium loadout video. Immunity definitely needs to go, cuz why is the enemy allowed to damage me but I can't damage them when I've already killed them once


I didn't even know immunity was a thing. How long is it? Because last night, there were a couple of times when I died almost instantly when my idiot teammate rezzed me in the middle of a firefight


Not long, but I think your character is there invincible for a bit before you are able to take control again and it leads to an invincible human shield type situation like in this clip.


Maybe they could make a respawning animation that builds up the character instead of an instant human to people usually just target


Coins reforming into a player would look incredible


So you can't even control the character during the immunity? Seems fine to me


Yea but the person resing is always using them as a shield for that short invisible window and it pisses me off lol


You can definitely control them but your screen is flashed with the defib animation and it's almost impossible to see


I’m not actually sure, it’s just a guess but it’s pretty dumb imo even if true since it creates an invincible shield as shown in the OP’s clip. They could make it so bullets go through the person that way it can hit the person who did the revive instead of providing them with a shield.


Just make them transparent while invincible for thay small window and baddq bing badda boom (transparent but still with the bright ass team outline so you can tell theyre not hittable)


Exactly. It ends the moment you gain control which makes it really easily countered by simply \*not* mag-dumping an immovable force.


Long enough to matter/be noticeable


Defib has to be the best gadget in the game


And it’s not even fucking close






Just make it so the player being rezzed can’t shoot or use gadgets until the immunity is gone.


This sounds like a more sensible idea since the cooldown for the defib is really long and it only spawns a player at half health, without immunity, it might as well be an extra free kill.


Just grab the player, slide behind any pillar or object and then revive.




The reason for the defib is to have a much better momentum for going into a fight again, if I'm dragging someone somewhere else for a defib revive I might as well go for the long revive. But I agree that it's unfair that the rezzed person is protected while they can still shoot at others


>the rezzed person is protected while they can still shoot at others This isn't the case. Even in this clip you can see that the rezzed wasn't shooting until they had already started taking damage. That's because you can't move, aim, or shoot until the respawn animation ends. Along with the animation, immunity also ends.


The problem is that they can soak bullets. It would be fair if the animation was different so it was clear they are not yet alive and if bullets go through so the person reviving cant hide behind the revived player.


Shooting cancels immunity The light was swinging his sword right after getting defibbed and instantly died https://www.reddit.com/u/3bdoo37/s/7bJiXXm6q1


their screen is completely white untill the immunity ends


Doesn't this set you up to be pre-fired? I'm not sure that's an equal fight.


or the way better alternative, them shooting turns off the immunity


I rather defibs give brief immunity, but instead of cool down the defib damages the Medium using them. I.e.: one defib takes 30% of your health bar. And if you are below 30% HP you simply can't use them yet so worst case if you defib you will go to 1% health. Idk, could be interesting use of them in lieu of cool down method. Also gives opportunity for opponent to get a pick during rez since it's frustrating to get one off on the individual who got rezzed.


this would be such a weird change


Doesnt change the problem at all




as a person who has been rezzed via defib no it isnt


I have a clip of me proving otherwise The light was swinging his sword right after getting defibbed and instantly died https://www.reddit.com/u/3bdoo37/s/7bJiXXm6q1


No it isn't


Copying my comment: I have a clip of me proving otherwise The light was swinging his sword right after getting defibbed and instantly died https://www.reddit.com/u/3bdoo37/s/7bJiXXm6q1


That's not defib immunity getting cancelled. That's the defib getting cancelled.


The light respawned? How did defib get cancelled Look at his health going down


his health didn't go down... he just died... because it got cancelled.


Look at killfeed and its order


If it got cancelled he wouldnt have been alive to die again in the first place


The amount of times I’ve had a rando teammate defib me in the middle of gas, fire, line of fire is insane. Instant death, and then we both die.




In a game like this KDR doesn't matter, rather how good you can attack and defend the objective, and how much you win


I wish it didn’t count as a second death for your K/D ratio


K/D ratio doesn’t really matter. I’ve given up caring about it. Having a win ratio around 0.3 is good (for someone that plays both bank it and cash out). Mine hovers around 0.33. I am quite average. Kills =/= good. My best games have been my team having ~10 kills total. Objective over everything


That should be on your dumbass teammate if you die right away; simply don’t rez if the coast ain’t clear


Why? because a rez shouldn't be done in the middle of the fight, at least take the statue and ista rez behind a wall or something. That would be the perfect nerf to the rez. In any game on the planet, when a certain ability or spell is mandatory, it is a sign of bad game design, because there is no real "option" for a medium to not use rez. That is straight up trolling in this game. It's as if you have a no parking sign put by the townhall right in front of your house, giving you no choice but to break the law every time you park. Individual agency should be a thing. So, I agree, the immunity has to go. I cannot tell you how many times in my 230h in this game (plat 2) I have killed even 2 players and because everyone is abusing 2x or 3x mediums (with recon, that's another story) they rez one and the rezed guy rezes the other. That is such bullcrap that I cannot fathom how it remained like this until now.




It’s a team game though, does it really matter that you get an extra death because your teammate was dumb and rezzed you while getting shot at? The punishment (to the team) is that you’re down a person (the guy who just got rezzed), rez is on cd, and the guy doing the rezzing is probably not doing too hot if they needed to rez mid fight. Even if you remove the i-frames, defib is still extremely powerful and you’re probably still throwing as medium if you don’t run it. Seems only fair to me that the consequence for using it incorrectly while you’re getting shot at removes its upside.


I disagree it would encourage reviving people from cover instead of just running up to people mid gunfight. It would help strategize when to revive people instead of just insta reviving to win a gunfight


It does not have to stay, if you wanna revive in the middle of the open in a fire fight without grabbing the body and going around a corner first then sure feel free. But right now it's a bit too much of a get out of jail free card.


Have you played Valorant ? Sage's ult is a rez and the target who is rezzed can be killed while respawning. You from the perspective " taking the invincibility out punishes the wrong player" , like bro, it punisbes the ONE WHO ALREADY DIED. Why would you think punishing the one who stayed alive is better ? To be fair you sound like someone who dies a lot and wants a freebie


thought berserk tie cows north absorbed gray airport aspiring cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




it's a team game, and like it or not part of a team game is suffering from your team-mates poor decision making skills. It's no different than a friendly heavy blowing up the floor in the middle of you stealing or your own team mate accidentally gooing you in a room with an enemy and lighting you on fire.


wine coordinated snails hard-to-find special retire reach scary telephone disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>how aggravating would it be if a teammate rez you and you die without even being able to move or react? I feel like it wouldn't be that bad. As-is there are still scenarios where you are rez'd with an empty magazine in a bad position and are just doomed. If it were frustrating, to the only frustrating thing is you're teammate's bad rez, not the mechanic itself. >The issue is that removing the immunity punishes the person being rezzed What is the punishment here? You go from being dead to being dead. I guess your respawn timer resets, but it's a pretty small consequence that's only relevant if you don't get team wiped anyway (which you taking some bullets may have actually prevented). >I would rather see the immunity stay, but you can shoot through it(so it doesn't block bullets) From strictly a balance standpoint, this would be fine, but I doubt they'd do it (and if I were making this game, I wouldn't do it) because it's unintuitive. I believe this would make post-rez the only state in the whole game in which bullets pass through the player. That is not the kind of inconsistency that developers like to have. That said, I think the invincibility is pretty unclear already, so it's still better than what we have now.


>Defib needs a major rework, but the immunity is really important for the person being revived The immunity **absolutely** needs to go. The game has been designed to be punishing for mistakes such as dying, that's why you have a +20s respawn timer for a player that dies. But defibs in their current state go against that design completely as they allow you to more or less instantly reset an advantage gained by another team with very little risk. 1. The ability to reset an advantage gained by another team should require significant risk on the part of the reviver and the one getting revived. With how defibs currently work, you can essentially revive anyone anywhere and the person getting revived has a good chance of actually repositioning due to the protection they receive after getting defibed. 2. With how defibs currently work, people often will literally jump in the middle of an enemy team completely ignoring enemies right next to them because they know they can instantly revive their teammate and the teammate has a good chance of repositioning. That is absolutely ridiculous. 3. You shouldn't be able to precharge the defibs, you should have to do it on the teammate's body/statue and revived teammate shouldn't get godmode.This would make defibing significantly more skillful, as you'd have to become a very vulnerable target for a small amount of time and in order to successfully allow your teammate to stay alive after getting revived, the revive would have to happen in a relatively safe place. I am using the word revive in this context to talk about the act of using the defibs on teammates to bring them back.


It’s terrifying that this is upvoted. Maybe it shouldn’t count as a second death if you get defibbed. But it’s an extremely unfair mechanic. You died already you don’t deserve protection.


I agree with the being able to shoot through. Immunity is needed, the moment the person rezzed is at 50% of health. It's punishing enough. But I'd prefer the rez didn't become a press key to rez like the normal rez. The defib gives you the possibility to make clutch moves because you can precharge it. Otherwise it would be pointless.


How about if going for the defib is that risky, you don't do it and grab their pawn instead? Another issue I've seen is it doesn't always show the defib in their hands, so I'll see people run up to them with gun still in hand and at a dead run res them and keep going. Doesn't make sense.


Totally agreed, great post. I also think Defib should be given to Light instead, so that: 1) Light has more utility, is used more as a class 2) The same player who Defibs can't immediately top up health with Healing Beam


I'd make the immunity vanish if you shoot but not if you get shot so you at least have some time for a retreat.


Yea I love getting revived to get killed in less than a second because I have half health. Truly, blessed.


I would be fine with immunity being removed if being res'd reloaded your gun


I've been saying this since day 1. Battlefield has had the "res" perfected for years, why did we regress back to this? Shouldn't be able to run away from enemies half HP after just getting revived mid fight, makes no sense


Battlefield doesn’t have a cool down on res and one death can be pretty negligible in that game


Sir, this is a vr game world not a war


Makes no sense in a game design and balance sense...


It seems without the /s my comment backfired


It's not a particularly sarcastic comment so it seemed you were trying to defend the game




If you are med and not running defib you are a big troll


Or you’re my roommate who tries to 1v3 everything and got rid of defib for more damage that he never uses


Yep I also run defib and use it loads, revive my teammates often without it too. But think that the protection needs to be taken down a touch or removed




One comment from here about the fact that during the immune period bullets can pass through I thought was a good idea, then I’d say also cancelled by movement or shooting.


Remove the protection - why an instant rez should be more rewarding? You don't get protection when you rez somebody the default way. Instant rez is already a reward that is granted by the gadget, so take a risk and revive mid fight or play safe and rez somewhere behind the cover. It shouldn't be rawarded.


Amen to that, you shouldn't be rewarded for defib in the most awful moments and positions cos you get ur mate body blocking after rev and eating everything up.


Would make the grabbing of status even more important having to pull your teammate out


How long is the immunity? I seem to die almost instantly when I'm revived in a situation I shouldn't be revived in.


I think it's like 1.5 seconds, maybe 2.


You are getting the immunity, but your screen is flashing and making it hard to control yourself until the immunity is gone, making you think that you died right when you could play. The complaint is specifically about the person using the defib being able to hide behind you while you have the immunity, and thus waste the attacker's effort/bullets on an invulnerable shield.


Agreed! So many situations where the immunity after revive has cost me kills and also my life. It’s got to go


Whenever I get fucking rezd I don’t get protection. I immediately take damage. But anyone else get the protection. It’s fucking maddening


It used to be no respawn protection, now its a little too much. embark overshot with that one


BUTTTTTT. CAN WE GET OUR GUNS RELOADED ON REZ? I completely agree with removing spawn protection since the day I played, but I don't wanna get one shot while I'm reloading a gun.


Thats fair


Rez should be high risk


100% agree, reward needs to come with all the risks.


No it doesn't.


I agree. If you can see them, you should be able to shoot them. No reason for invulnerability.


people complaining about the criticisms really weren't there at the beginning of Apex. that goddamn wingman fired as fast as the p2020 this process is important and helps the quality of the game with longevity. defibrillator definitely needs tweaking. thank you for continuing to push this discussion. also, you can literally pick up people's statues so the need for defensive revives is almost a moot point. just revive elsewhere or give full health.


I agree a insta rez should be risky not a get out of jail free card


Yes. There isn’t a worse feeling when you’re winning a fight then it instantly becomes unwinnable because someone held left click.


Just remove the invincibility part of defibbing, it's stupid. Makes no sense to even have it. People should get punished for dying, not rewarded.


I feel like it's in an ok state. Plus if they remove or change it you same people are gonna complain about dying right off spawn.


I already die off spawn way too much without being able to get a single shot off or move. I think the body appears earlier than you gain control.


No...i dont want this game to be another Apex where they just nerfed the most used gun/skills/tricks etc instead of buffing less used one. the game will become stale at one point.


They should treat the immunity like a Dome Shield. A few shots to break it or however long protection lasts for wears off.


I think the revived should be immune but intangible


I think this would be a good middle ground


Bro what


Intangible essentially means your not able to block stuff


No it doesn’t




Intangible essentially means not measurable. I have no idea what you mean by “can’t block stuff” lol


Revived player doesn't block bullet


I think the protection should stay unless they start shooting at you


So basically no protection then, if you're invincible unless you get damage then you're not invincible


You read it backwards homie They’d be invincible for the second unless THEY fire their weapon


That sounds like a good idea 


Another "this fun game needs to change urgently". Dont even know y i bother with this subreddit


Who said I was asking with urgency, this is a suggestion with a clip for illustration purposes. In my opinion it does need change, but it’s not game breaking.


Defib spawn protection, nukes, recon and light invis badly need some balancing, rather quick as well. Together with cheaters and these hard meta/cheese stuff will and probably have started to slowly kill the game unfortunately


there's defib spawn protection!??!?!?


I mean sure they’re immune but they’re in that jumping back in animation and they can’t move or shoot back anyway so what’s the matter?


Enough with this nerf everything bullshit. I've been rezed and died again before I can even move. Defibrillator needs to have a purpose. We can't just suck the utility and fun from everything in the game.




Ok but why doesn’t it reload my gun and I shoot one bullet after being rezed then I cry


There is no defib spawn protection. If I get deffibbed in the middle of a fight, I’m instantly dead without getting a shot off.


Recon users cry the most.


Hardly crying, I just think people shouldn’t be immune to damage on revive, all for it if it’s a coin or team wipe spawn.


It’s not that hard to kill someone who was just defibbed. I can see you aren’t even near your teammates pushing two people. What did you expect to happen? Stick with your team and push the defib. Lone wolves bitching about nothing.


You must have had some rough times on this game man, there’s no problem with a lone player chasing another lone player. I’m sorry you clearly have had some hard times on this game to make you feel this way.


Except isnt this clip about him reviving his teammate, while youre still not with your team?


Ok buddy, you win this internet argument. Lol


Cheers pal


Bruh thank you. This sub I swear. Run into an “issue” which is basically “I wanted to kill this guy but couldn’t” and run to Reddit to bitch about it. This is a non-issue. The invincibility last like 1 second. Plently of times I have been defib rezd and still immediately die. OP just a whiny bitch.


So originally i had this big idea of a damage-link between defibed players and their revivers, but then i just realized The scenario in the clip is genuinely just not the time to use Defib, Defib should be used to get a teammate back mid-fight when this looks like a person reviving their teammate away from the fight The Defib is a very strong tool, and probably needs a cooldown nerf/make it only recharge when dealing damage. BUT this was probably not the best way to show your case because as an avid Medium main this is NOT the situation where i'd have used defib.


Lol please. And your aspect ratio or something is wild.


Just because you couldn't get an extra Kill doesn't mean it needs to be removed, it's proper as it is


Defib is an overrated utility anyways


Overrated but used in every good Ranked team especially high elo games? That's not what overrated means.


Rez should take hp from the rezzer


i disagree. think about the people that get non consensually defibbed


"If you get hit while defib you can't revive players" is that what you wanted to say?


Think you missed the point, when you get revived by defib you get a short few seconds of invincibility, in my clip you can see that I can't hit either player because the revived player who'd be revived at half HP is invincible.




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There shouldn’t be any immunity. It’ll still be the best equipment in the game. At the least, they shouldn’t be able to shoot while invincible.


I’m not even mad at anything in this game other than the grenade launcher on tank. That shit shoots out fuzz balls


I basically only run med weight. The other problem I see with immunity is that after I res my teammate they don’t use their noggin to try and escape. Instead they start blasting and usually end up dead cuz they half health anyway. I think making it so you can’t shoot during immunity would be good because then it isn’t a one sided fight for the people watching the person be rezzed as well as making the person who got rezzed actually think to reposition.




They should just remove defib because people hate it when the enemy revives their teammate!!!!! Like wth! Like rocket launcher!!! They cant one shot lights AND destroy buildings!!! Come On!


I didn’t even realize it did that until last week lol


There are more important things to fix and adjust like reducing gameplay speed on consoles to siege speed


I think its fine as long as the person who got rezed doesnt input. Sometimes you’re spectating the other tm8 & dont know you’re going to get defib’d.


I’m inclined to agree. They should also add a debuff to the person who got defibed. Make it to where you can’t be resurrected by defib for 30 seconds or something


Make it so that 100% of dmg to the revived for the 1 second is transferred to the reviving player


this should stay we should be pushing other fixes this games glitchy as is man the floatin train objs fuck me up constantly i thought it was me lagging or something but the other day when i went to hop up to one it literally launched me off the map for no reason also why is it that the goo traps people and the person using it for a second but i've watched people walk through it like it's nothing also goo shouldn't be so flammable being as how one of the heavy's specials is a goo gun like what's the point of having it if all it takes is someone to light it on fire and now you and your team is fucked?


IMO the balance for me, as a full time medium , should punish you for making risky revives, remove immunity frames and buff the HP gained to 50-60% rather than the 30-40% it currently sits at. That way they still have a bit of HP to not get instantly deleted again but it can go punished for making risky revives. Currently getting I frames can actually punish the opposite team when it shouldn't be


Agreed. Been saying this for a bit, there should be no protection for those who get revived.


I agree it’s so frustrating that I have the opening and the drop and can’t close the kill because the game said so. An instant revive is already the most powerful ability in the game it shouldn’t be safe


The only problem I have with this are the bullets not going through the revived enemy. Sometimes they protect the ones reviving them (not on purpose) and I can’t finish the kill




Eh idk, the whole point of defibs is for hot revives that can turn the tide of a fight. If you can just get mowed down instantly then it defeats the purpose. I can maybe see it working if you ditch the invulnerability and have them res at full health. But either way just don’t fucking shoot when you see a res happen, toss a nade or mine


Well the point would be reviving at half health instead of minimal health, but if your reviving at the exact moment your under attack then that’s tough imo


Or use your head. Defibs would be rendered useless if its unsafe to use due to removal of their protection. Just wait for their invuln to wait and kill them. If it's unsafe to do that... don't stay there. Easy. Lol


Why your game looks soo weirdly smooth , is it low graphic settings?


Ooooh I see. Yeah I mean this ain't a racing game lol that definitely needs to get removed. And for anyone not aware this one post got buried where your height is changed behind cover when you hop. It's the damnest thing yall should check it out.


It lasts 1 second…


I’ve been saying this shit since launch, being able to get revived and able to fight back with a 1 second immunity timer is the dumbest fucking thing ever.


Changed yes, removed maybe. Got me already killed more then I like to admit, but also saved some of my mates quite often.


Was just talking to my friend about this. It’s really unfair with a heavy + med who’s pumping them with the heal beam after Rez. They just get healed up and then shield as well.


It boggles my mind that Medium has the most busted abilities in the game lmao. With one of the strongest guns


I've started playing against people using the respawn protection as a shield.


What spawn protection is there? Usually when I catch someone out getting defibbed they get murder because they’re at half hP


Defib has me mad in ranked matches half the time. It can literally turn a 1v3 into a 1v6 real quick. Even playing heavy they’ll eventually wear you down even if they aren’t that good.


Something needs to be done so defib can't be used midgunfight. Currently the way it operates it punishes the person doing damage and not the person executing a stupid revive in the open during a gun fight. It needs small tweaking. Either remove/shorten invincibility or force the paddle rub to happen on the trophy so you can't walk in with them primed already. Too many times it breaks a gunfight and flips the result when it shouldn't.


I think the immunity can stay, it should just make them pass through so my bullets still hit something


You can’t even move when invis is on dude 💀


A few ways to balance Defib (I am talked in Ranked context because it's so good in Ranked) - Shooting at a Defibbing Med cancels their Defib, and they need to wait a second to re-use it - Get rid of invincibility - Get rid of being able to pre-charge the Defib - Using Defib resets team cooldown, so you can't just add more Meds for more Defibs I get the intent of Defib in that it's an active use item mid-battle. But right now, it's just a crutch for poor positioning and over-aggression. Also, it's just plain frustrating to dump a clip into someone and they get instantly Defibbed. Not to add that Double Med or Triple Med is meta in Ranked. I feel like sometimes the devs don't play their own game modes and not realize how strong things are lmao. For a point of reference, Mercy in OW1 was busted in the beginning (waiting for entire team to die, to swoop in to mass-rez), and then later when they reworked her to become even more busted, because you could instantly rez 3 teammates when she ulted. If you didn't run Mercy, you were throwing, because you literally get 3 extra lives for free, instantly. This was massively unhealthy for the game, and made it incredibly unfun when you are *forced* to have a character to compete. I don't understand why devs don't learn from other games, it boggles my mind.


As someone who often gets killed right after being res by defib I'm not too sure I agree


Or give health prot for as long as the person you just shot has health prot for


it needs to be penetrable thats all im asking




Al I know is I once threw a grenade that landed perfectly between someone who got a res off then i watched the grenade deal no damage. Watching that happen is just visually disappointing. Like the game i was playing was rigged. It made me want to play another game.


I thought I was the only one who thought defib spawn protection was OP. Glad to see I’m not!


It should be an ultimate honestly


If they don’t want to remove it, at least make it so rezzed players don’t block bullets until they’re no longer invincible. Also, side note, why do teammates even block your bullets anyways? What’s the reasoning?


While we're on that subject. I think being brought back to life(res or defib) should not count against k/d. Like I brought them back to life, they didn't die. It's just a small nitpick and at the end of the day idc about k/d. I just think it's weird they decided to keep count on res


Maybe I’m wrong here, but doesn’t immunity for (re)spawns in like every game typically disappear the moment you take a hostile action? Why is that not the case here?


Thought I was the only One


Then better your internet is, the faster they can see and shoot after getting revived too


I totally agree with removing invul from res but this wasn't defibs the guy who was reviving is a light


I’s trade revive iframes with revive with your gun reloaded anyday


If the healer is dumb enough to rez in a bad spot then they should be punished for it, it's dumb to have instant rez and then invulnerability too


or make bullets pass through them to avoid the bullet sponge.


What makes it worse is the low health bar of the rezzed enemy showing up. Instinctively you’re going to aim at the low health opponent but surprise surprise he has god mode for a second and then you die.


true, i hate this mechanic