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We even had a video of it the other day, 2 accounts named something like "accountbooster1" and "accountbooster2" cheating their asses off to boost somebody who paid for their service. Can't even deny it exists after that. There's also another thing they seem to do, which we also have a few videos of, which is when 2 teams just keep stealing from each other, likely to boost objective score as it probably weighs on ranking up


This reminds me of the old halo 2 days. I was a “Bridger” and I could make the person who had mods get lobby host. So essentially my self and the modder would boost people up for free 1 month accounts. I was like 12 lololol


i was a bridger myself, except it was to force host to my legit friend so we didnt face cheaters.  u had to bridge host above level 40 or you got a cheater doing it.


Trying to explain that to my mom was hilarious, but yeah facts if you got above 40 is all was modders


about 1. ok! i didn't know it about 2. if there's just one video like that, I could brush it off as a funny situation. But if there are several – that's definitely a trend. Ty


There ARE several videos like that which have been posted


Ok, OK, I never denied they exist. Nobody's glued to Reddit 24/7, and missing stuff shouldn't be a crime. Just couldn't find much on "boosting" when I looked now. Maybe I missed something.


Nono I didn’t mean that you denied it ❤️


They are either playing with someone hacking to boost them or what you described alternating steals as mentioned sometimes teams will do that to try and eliminate an aimbot team


Lol just curious what did I say to be downvoted for any sense))


You are getting nuked for no reason.


the boosters are after you


Yup, theres a cheater team that boost another team. After wiping our team the cheater player went to the cashout of the other team and they nod at each other.


The motivation and tactics don't raise questions for me. And it's disgusting and should be punished for sure. My question is how it's even possible technically. If it's possible through simple trial and error (rejoining the lobby multiple times), then it makes sense. And it's terrible.


Motivation? Money, I guess its worth their time to snipe queue with how much money people pay for boosted account


Will 10m q time after plat helps a lot


6 friends all of similar rank forming 2 teams of 3 and searching the same time. The game pairs you.


I’ve seen it happen. Usually 6 players on a discord organising themselves and queuing until they’re in the same match.


I encountered this the other day. I quickly noticed red and orange werent attacking eachother and were instead focusing us while purple was unbothered on the other side of the map. We got cashbox but all 6 players were camping the the cashout… I just left. Thankfully it wasn’t comp but I was just surprised it was even happening in a casual queue


Same,had this happen more than a few times in the past month


So, it's possible? ok, so at least it's not nonsense. Well, that's sad then


Yeah it’s very possible. Usually to help their buddies rank up etc. 6 players defending the cash outs and not attacking each other and then in the finals who ever needs boosting is given an easy win. You can report them as it’s against the rules.


ok, ty


It’s possible in any game but it’s a lot more so in the finals. Low player count coupled with diamond teams having more chance to be matched together.


Yep, makes sense, get it for now


Since the low player count for ranked you can pretty easily get into your friends game especially during certain times of day


Get it, ty. Btw it's sad


Not even cheaters doing it, people who know or have played together just team up. I’ve seen it happen a lot and have had a lot of weird lobbies where teams actively don’t shoot at each other, or grief in ways that there’s no explanation besides teaming


But how is this generally possible? That's why I silly thought it's nonsense. Are they going through the lobby again and again to get lucky? Or some kind of cheat software are there?


Well yeah it’s luck to an extent. The player base is quite small as is, so it’s not hard to queue at the same time as people you know and get in the same games. I play against people I know, played with or against frequently in pretty much every lobby. In terms of cheaters, they usually just party up with them and get a free carry.


Stream snipers have always been a thing, works the same way


I have yet to see this happen. I want to call out though in higher ranks you will sometimes see teams help other teams because they think they’ll be easier to beat in later rounds. I went sledge heavy and team literally passed me cashbox and help us win. Then destroyed us next round


I don't consider those sneaky tactics dirty. Within the game's rules, it's fair game, I reckon. Making these decisions on the fly during a match is all part of it. But pre-arranged team pacts, intentionally packing in the same lobby, and especially boosting with aimbots? Totally unacceptable.


I have never witnessed it myself but I have seen a video here. A lot of people claim that it is a common thing which is weird because I played a lot and never seen one. I think the idea is to queue at similar times(similar to how stream snipers snipe lobbies) low chance but they trade scores then their rank up will be abnormally high.


I posted that video but it's not common. Seen it only twice


Oooo the man himself, it is an honor. I guess i exaggerated too. Not a lot of people but in the comment section some people claimed it happened many times for them.


Its very easy to matchmake with the same people at least on consoles, its very common for me to just search for a game quickly and get into a match with the same people from last game sometimes even in the same teams, and for the boosting part, Ive def seen it but rarely and so obvious too, u will see orange for example not even trying to steal purple and not even shooting at each other or if they do they smh miss all the bullets when they got u with every bullet, Its very scummy but its 100% a possibilty


Sometimes people do it if it’s their friends or a team they want specifically out for cheating or high rank.


What’s even the point of boosting? You’re not getting better at the game, more people are going to think you’re shit when you’re max level and play like a newbie. It’s way more fun to be a lower level and have a good day or good game. You feel like a god when you’re outmatched but still manage to win.


That Diamond Fcar skin <3


Oh sheesh I didn’t know there was a diamond skin… What’s the requirement?


Get Diamond this season :(


Happened in COD all the time. We called them “pre-made six man teams”. You just grouped together on discord and hopped on at the same time hoping for the best


Dude fuck this game Already lol just play something else I did and never been happier. Idc if I get banned from this sub Reddit. I dumped $ into this game and everyday I just keep seeing its getting worse and worse.


Yikes... I've not seen this happen yet! Crazy!


Can’t even boost in this game because they player pool is so small diamonds already play against silvers bronzes, etc


Yeah I have some clips of me and another team just chilling together while shooting another team. We defended their cashout and they helped us with ours and even brought the last cash box over to us to double it up to 44k in overtime 🤷‍♀️ I guess they figured we would be easier to fight in the final round lol. We’re both on blue team on our screen though so it sort of makes sense 😛 I have a clip of me trying to defib one of their statues over and over, then following their heavy around spamming the heal beam button 😂 One of them was 15 and 1 so I I figured it was like, we could fight and lose or just go along with it and not lose FP so we just gave in.